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16963289 No.16963289 [Reply] [Original]

I'll post some insightful quotes from this book below. It was fascinating, but from the 1980s. I want to know what's been going on since then!

>Boarding school students, we began to see, are taught that they should be moral and treat life as an exciting challenge, but what they often learn is that life is hard, and that winning is essential for survival. The "muscular Christianity" that so well describes the essence of prep pride is exactly right: speak like a man or woman of God, but act like a man or woman who knows the score and can settle a score without flinching.

>Part of the preparation for power is learning to live in a world of seeming contradictions. By learning to reconcile the difference between what the schools teach and what is learned, students discover that power and pain are inseparable and that to a large degree the price of privilege is the loss of autonomy and individuality.

>The exclusive prep school played an important role in the formation and maintenance of an American upper class because the schools enrolled both Eastern patricians and parvenus. By putting a Boston patrician under the same roof with a New York parvenu, the schools ensured that blood and money would recognize their class interests were the same and that they should act in concert. The shared ordeal of the prep rite of passage would create bonds of loyalty that differences in background could not unravel. The collective identity forged in prep schools would become the basis of upper-class solidarity and consciousness.

>To justify inequality requires the powerful to acquire a style of behavior that legitimates unequal relationships. The “habit of command,” which Randall Collins has called the essence of upper-class style, is a learned behavior. In Great Britain, public school graduates often became literal soldiers for their class, either by serving in the officer corps of the British army or by becoming civilian administrators somewhere in the British empire. Being able to command respect could mean the difference between life and death to public school boys in “Her Majesty’s service.” The aristocratic and military traditions of the British upper class, however, are quite different from those of the American upper class. The American upper class is primarily a business elite, and in the economic marketplace inherited titles and battle flags count for little. The founders of American boarding schools imitated the British in many ways, but stopped short of trying to create a military and administrative elite, even though many of the schools’ founders dreamed of an American empire to rival the British.

>> No.16963391
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I went to a top prep school that recently fielded 2 Supreme Court justices.

What did it teach? Confidence, pure and simple. More specifically—and here is what these idiots who only see money and power will miss entirely—it taught you how to most effectively distance yourself from the money and the power. I mean by this not that you stop using money and power, but that you acquire the right attitude toward it: it teaches you how to be harsh, how to not care about nice things, how to lean into owning them—and your position—in such a way that it really is “entitled” in the truest sense. It was always there for you, and it always will be—and thus enables you to casually say “yes” and “no” to things that others think they have no jurisdiction over.

While the link might seem superficial or even far fetched, i will tell you now: there is a direct line between learning how to play lacrosse in loafers and a button down, learning how to muddy a tie properly, and duking it out on the congressional floor. Of course it is behavior that is “learned,” but it’s learnedness that exists in negative, so to speak: it is the attitude of the action, the halo that gives aura to the action, rather than learning the action itself, that matters. This power is often mistaken for the “aloofness” or “coolness” of the elite, a mere peripheral frame, when really it is part of their essential aspects.

>> No.16963410

>The "muscular Christianity" that so well describes the essence of prep pride is exactly right: speak like a man or woman of God, but act like a man or woman who knows the score and can settle a score without flinching.
Is wokism the modern day version of this?

>> No.16963436

Preparation schools are great. The really simplify putting the kill list together for revolutionaries.

>> No.16963447

The people paying the revolutionaries to burn down small businesses are the prep kids who work for Amazon and Facebook you hyper chud

>> No.16963516

Can I fake being like this to become based?

>> No.16963575

Where a monocle you dumb nigger

>> No.16963577
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>dysgenic green hairs are revolutionaries

>> No.16963769

>pol posters are revolutionaries

>> No.16964025

This is actually a somewhat unique and interesting topic so its not surprise lit is ignoring it for politics threads.

Anyway, so is it better to go to a top boarding school and then a second tier college like Boston University or Tulane, or is it better to go to public school and then Dartmouth?

>> No.16964236

How do I get my kids into boarding school? Is money enough?

>> No.16964568

You ask. And yes. That was exactly the point of OPs quote.

>> No.16965193

I thought there was much more nuance but ok

>> No.16965359
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THAT's going on the TBR

>> No.16965363

Whats a tbr

>> No.16965406

to be read

>> No.16965429

Oh ok

>> No.16965445

Pretty based and accurate take.

I remember the year I took my country's equivalent of the A-level, our Latin teacher told us about the privileged A-level student he had to examine: "They were mostly students from Louis-le-Grand, all from high wealth or high education families. When it came to Latin grammar, to translation, to knowledge of Latin history, they had nothing on you -except for one remarkable student who might very well be one of my colleagues in a few years. When it came to confidence, poise and convincingly presenting themselves, however, there was no comparison. I could tell where they came from just by seeing them sitting on their chair."

Help that he was big into Foucault, Bourdieu and sociology in general, so he had an habit of noticing these things.

>> No.16965466

>the price of privilege is the loss of autonomy and individuality

>> No.16965476

the book also does a racial analysis and notes that although the Asians and whites get along, the blacks are always disappointed by the boarding experience and outcast.

>> No.16965504

*by seeing them sit
It's specifically at the moment they sit on the chair that you notice how good they are at moving without looking retarded or merely normal.

>> No.16965528

Paying them.

Kek. Filtered by reality

>> No.16965533

Amazon donated 10 million dollars to BLM.

>> No.16965555

Oh, and that was paid to protesters?

>> No.16965568


>> No.16965579

It paid their bail money, but also yes to your question on a more explicit level.

>> No.16965585

I think most people interpret that as autism, not high class.

>> No.16965596

Did you see that guy on Andy Ngo's twitter that took in 300k in donations for anarchist kitchen and then immediately closed it. Haha.

>> No.16965612

No you're right all the BLM riots were entirely organic at every level, as left wing protests in the US have always been every time. Yes that assertion is both realistic and probable.

>> No.16965645

Good. Never got my check tho.
They started a mobile food service. They were being targetted in Portland.
They were.

>> No.16965648

They teach you to namefag at Georgetown Prep? Btw DC independent school filth for trannies and mutts isn't quite on the same level as actual New England prep schools. Take it from a Hill grad... you're just not up to snuff.

(Please note: Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump both attended the Hill School, where I graduated)

>> No.16965656

>Good. Never got my check tho.
That's because you're a tool even too pathetic to get drug money like the pedos in Antifa. Not really something to brag about. While you were doing that I was making a six figure salary and spending time with my kids. Guess which one of us "wins"?

>> No.16965659

Hahahahaha look at this faggot flaunting his childhood education

>> No.16965663

I also got my bachelor's at Penn and my MBA from Dartmouth, if you cared.

>> No.16965674

Haha, winning? What is this some gay sport? I don't make six figures, close enough though and my wife and kid are happy and healthy. I'm infinitely more interesting, courageous, and intelligent than you. If we reduce our shared humanity to petty competition...then I win. Every time.

>> No.16965678

Nice, did they give you classes on pedophilia and how to suck jew dick?

>> No.16965694

>rioting for a drug addict when you have a family
No your head is so raped you can't even think straight. I feel nothing but contempt for you.

>> No.16965705

I used to always pretend to be a liberal, but I stopped doing that after school. I made a killing during the protests/covid thanks to people like this >>16965674

>> No.16965721

My head is fine. I have a refined and coherent worldview, not dictated by mainstream media or bullshit online echo chambers. You on the other hand...lmfao. bet you've got your poor family brainwashed too. Contempt for you would only denigrate my soul. If I feel anything, it's a slight somber pity. A pity that you will never become enlightened beyond your prejudice and confirmation bias. Tis a shame.

>> No.16965734

Well, desu, you sound like a pretentious little bitch boy, and money can't buy you a better personality, a more daring childhood. You'll remain the eternal spoiled brat, and one day long for that which money can't purchase. It's gonna hurt.

>> No.16965737

How does one learn this independently

>> No.16965794

>i went out and smashed windows of small businesses because a criminal overdosed on fentanyl near police
>these actions have absolutely nothing to do with the media coverage of this event
The fact that you're protesting so hard just gives the game away. Your grandiose thinking is evident from only a couple sentences, only rivaled in intensity by your insistence on what a free thinker you are. I bet you're doing a number on your kid.

My kids go to a school like the ones discussed in the OP. Where do yours go?

>> No.16965805

>a more daring childhood
4 years at boarding school is probably the best kind of adolescence a person can have.

>> No.16965818

Ahhh, but the media coverage of only the most violent aspects of a 90% peaceful movement played no role in diminishing support for BLM and creating empty-headed vessels of parroted ignorance like you?

My kid is homeschooled currently, she wants to go to public school though, I'll probably let her. School is mostly a personal responsibility, she cares alot about learning. She would be brighter than your spawn regardless. Her parents are simply better people. It's good for children.

>> No.16965824

Fuckin gross. I spent my youth in the great outdoors with my friends. Being dumb, getting in trouble, learning about life.

Your parents couldn't stand for you to be around so they shipped you off to be raised by some stranger.

>> No.16965887

>Ahhh, but the media coverage of only the most violent aspects of a 90% peaceful movement played no role in diminishing support for BLM and creating empty-headed vessels of parroted ignorance like you?
Wow this sentence was word for word on CNN. Thanks for giving yourself away. I feel much more certain about things now.

>> No.16965897

This post copes hard. Real hard.

>> No.16965899

I went to a top New England prep school and posted some stuff in the last thread

Someone had asked about parvenus and their social role within boarding school. I'd guess that "new money" made up the majority of the school (though hard to gauge the status of the international kids.) The multigenerational wealth, American blue blood, "old money" types were a definite but significant minority. The poorer kids tended to be faculty brats, bright day students on merit-based financial aid, and a token handful of black boarding students funneled through some vague "feeder" non-profits

I think the outsider perspectives here really focus on the class and wealth issues with a school like this, but it hardly ever came up. Students are limited in their belongings on-campus and no one attempted to show off. Maybe the international students to some degree, but both old and new money American kids grew up rich and seemed to never consider flaunting their wealth. As a middle-class kid on financial aid, I think I was probably more aware of class disparities than my wealthy peers. I'll also note that this was a decade ago and Instagram/TikTok materialist culture wasn't nearly so entrenched yet

Still, in the context of an insular community where everyone wears the same uniform and follows the same routines, the sons and daughters of America's most powerful families are just some gawky fifteen year-old kids

>> No.16965907

I claim my victory gentleman. At least you were allowed by proxy to envision greatness, albeit for a short time.

>> No.16965928

The book talks about this aspect as well actually. By not allowing belongings and money on campus, it teaches the kids not to talk about wealth. This is why true elites tend not to flaunt their money and instead keep their finances hidden / act reserved about it.

This is both a self preservation trait and a way to distinguish elites from trash who stumbled into money and fall for the obvious temptation to flaunt it, which you would only not do if you were trained by your school.

>> No.16966036

Autism would be the opposite, clumsy unassured moves.

>> No.16966124

What's up with you guys? Are you a comedy duo or is this some schizo form of samefagging?

There is probably an element of myth-building as well, in the barthesian sense. Barthes call myth the process of collapsing a contingent history into an eternal unchanging nature by use of signs. Concretely, making a myth is erasing the history of something to give it a pretense of naturalness.

An example he gives is the Blue Guide, the reference of tourism in French in the 1950s.
The Blue Guide describes some remarkable houses in the Spanish countryside and exalts them as typical of Spanish architecture and an embodiment of Spanish culture. Turns out they were designed by an American architect in the 50s. The real history of the houses is swept under the rug so that they can serve as proxies for "Spanishness".

The same seems to be happening with that "not talking about wealth" education. Caring about wealth, flaunting possessions, shows that you care, that you are a tryhard, it is a reminder that wealth is accumulated (through work, connections, investment, larger market trends and others). Caring about wealth points to its history as the product of conscious choices, it gets in the way of the illusion of naturalness.

If you don't care about wealth, if it is to you as unnoticeable as water is to fish, then this proves your "wealthiness", the fact that you are innately wealthy and not just a random kid who was born lucky. It is in turn a proof that you deserve your wealth since you are so naturally adapted to it. Effortlessness is the clearest mark of the divine.

>> No.16966129

Also, of course, what's natural doesn't need questioning. One can't ask how you got wealthy if you never got wealthy at any specific point in time, but are just intrinsically wealthy.

>> No.16966194

Probably boarding school. Presupposing OP and the book is right, I think whatever gives you the best character matters more than university differences (quality of education is about the same; at most you can impress some suits with the name brand).
Most public schools are trash; it would be tougher to compare a private school or top public school with boarding school.
If you plan to go to grad school, BU/Tulane could be easier than Dartmouth. But if your character is right, you can still live a successful life.

Some private schools do have admission tests (SSATs). These are often preferable versus those that are just expensive (peers are smarter).

Here's a counter-point. The book presents the ideal vision of what boarding school should be like.
In reality, almost certainly, there are students who just scrape by or disciplinarians who rigidly enforce the rules while forgetting 'why' they are being enforced (just vaguely to enforce discipline).
If you do instill these great ideals and values--pain is inseparable from power, seek struggle instead of a comfortable life--that's fantastic.
But frankly, the excerpts severely discount:
>The influence of peers, with good parenting, on inspiring you to work hard
>Competition of peers to excel
>Money absolutely helps too

Maybe I'm too influenced by other kinds of American literature. But I think a competitive private school's students can give students from an elite boarding school a run from their money.
And perhaps a driven student at a public school who needs to succeed can beat them all.
I know it's not the argument the book is making, but I did wish to highlight that boarding schools are not necessarily the only solution to effective education for youth.

>> No.16966357

i went through the uk system from age 9-17, "full board" so home about 2 months out of the year. am now in my mid 30s and would be regarded as "successful".
here are some thought in no particular order;
you form very deep bonds with your peers, deep levels of trust as you live together 24 hours a day for many years. you get to know many 100s of people very well so you automatically have a deep network. you know your close friends better then your siblings, better then anyone. better then your spose.
this is a substitute for your family, not gonna lie getting punted off to boarding school would be classed as "trauma" by todays low standards; this has a tempering affect.
the only way you have any social capital amongst your peers is through winning, whatever it is you need to be able to be better then everyone else at something. sport, subjects with in academics, arts. it doesn't matter but you MUST be able to hold at least one talent over your peers or you will be be stepped on.
you become ultra competitive early, or you wash out early and accept mediocrity - this is why there are a lot of arrogant pricks once they get out amongst the general population, which lets be honest they are largely "better" than. boarding school also produces a lot of failures and broken people.
being that close socially all the time leads to constant testing amongst the peers, trying to break others and not be broken in turn. you learn that bullying has its place in correcting deviant behavior to conform to the "correct" standards i.e. performance and winning. however you also see and participate in the cruelty that is being a human with the power to fuck with other people.
the most important lesson is in subverting the system itself. you learn that you can in fact outsmart and out maneuver the adults' who are in charge (teachers). this is the most important lesson and many don't get here; it gives you the confidence to act willfully in the wider world once your out. how to lie, cheat and steal and GET AWAY WITH IT.
but it also produces a lot of mindless drones; very intelligent wrote learners who go into high level admin (banking, investing etc.), but are honestly not smart people.
you learn to work and focus and deal with stress. days are from 0700-2200. every day. on weekends you typically take class on Saturday morning, and then have a lot of activities to fill any "time off". whether its homework, sport, whatever. you are always doing something and you must do it well.

if you have any questions ask.

>> No.16966402

does homosexuality still occur like in the old days?

>> No.16966468

certainly not as common as people think. homosex has been a no no for a very long time in British society. reading Steven fry you would think everyone is at it but that is not the case at all. though that is also likely a function of mixed gendered schools (the school i went to let in women about 3 years before i started).
if you were openly gay or anyone found out you were gay you would be bullied into leaving.
that said, it was for sure a thing, and id say mostly in "pre-prep" which is younger ages 8(?) to 13/14. a lot of predatory teachers, i know 3 or 4 that went to jail as pedos (many years later). though i never saw anything from teachers beyond being creepy. there was gay "experimentation" amongst some pupils, but even at that young age we were already quite indoctrinated into gay being bad. i witnessed some, but never participated.
funnily enough we always believed the other boarding schools to be full of gays...rumors etc.
underlining everything is a bunch of strict traditions, mandatory attendance to church service etc. and women were a big fucking deal.

>> No.16966526

Maybe these will interest you
>The Old Boy - Burton Hersh
>Scientists, Business and the State - Patrick McGrath
>The Power Elite - Mills
>The Managerial Revolution - Burnham

>> No.16966535

I realized this independently, but it took me till my late 20s working my way up shitty jobs. I was a concessions supervisor at an NBA stadium, and one day I got called over to work at a stadium in a different city. I had to check on a stand, I walked in, asked for the manager, talked to her, and started telling some people what to do. It hit me, why are these people listening to me? I'm in a new city, they don't know me. It literally is just walking in like you own the place.

The lesson here is that the feeling of authority is always in you, I merely had the accoutrements of power to make me feel like I "deserved" it. I realized I could essentially walk into any shitty little business of that nature, and I could boss people around if I had a button up shirt and a radio.

>> No.16966584

>How do I get my kids into boarding school?
Middle school grades. Extracurricular involvement. SSAT scores. Teacher recommendations. Legacy ties. It's similar to college admissions in many regards

Financial aid is available and pretty generously given. I'm sure parents with deep pockets who can afford the full $50k+/yr price tag, plus an annual donation, hold some special sway though

>> No.16966713

If this isn't bait, you're retarded

>> No.16966917

i would add that the institution has some universalism even across generations. i recently chatted to a Portuguese guy (business stuff) who had been through the British public school. even though he was 20 years older then me and went to a different school we chatted for about 2 hours about our experiences. was a very easy thing to bond over. off the back of that, we had a mutual business relationship underway a few months later, all based on our perceived trust of each other.

>> No.16966931

Is there any way that this casual confidence or aloofness, as you describe, can be learned independently? Even if it is only a small amount of what would be learned at a boarding school.

>> No.16966940

I remember reading the 'young bond' books as a child, the way you describe it seems very similar to how it was described in the books. Even if they were just 'young adult' shit

>> No.16967022

yes, i think its quite simple; confidence is based on a well tested foundational belief in your own principles and competence. if you have been able to apply your own competence and principles to lots of different "problems", novel issues, etc and it consistently works for you it allows you to orient to anything very quickly and confidently.
keep in mind, you need a volume of experience to direct and evolve this.
if you have a new problem, and you solve it by bullshitting your way through it, and you do this many times (this is the essence of lie, cheat steal that i mentioned) you will begin to crystallize this process - and confidence, or at least appearing confident is part of this.
look at boyds OODA loop, it has a lot of millage.

don't forget that this boarding school process is also deeply "damaging". if you want to be above average, you by definition have to be deviant from the mean, mentally deviant. the institution does make you successful but there is a downside; things like anger issues, procrastination, substance abuse, fairly psychotic relationship with you own and others emotions etc. i'm fine with it because i know where my fucked up areas are and am quite clear about communicating it. still when you go fucking bananas in the office and start smashing shit and squaring up to people over little shit like how they chose to work an argument in some business paperwork, it can be...problematic. i run my own business so i can get away with being a petty tyrant at times, and i am quick to call myself out if only to save face for others. wishing it was any other way is a waste of time.

>> No.16967039

>the institution does make you successful but there is a downside; things like anger issues, procrastination, substance abuse, fairly psychotic relationship with you own and others emotions etc

I know plenty of people with these issues, and I was educated at a state school (comprehensive) lol

What area is your business in? And Is there anything you'd recommend reading to supplement the process you describe? Machiavelli's The Prince, perhaps?

>> No.16967108

>I know plenty of people with these issues, and I was educated at a state school (comprehensive) lol
fair point. i guess the main one for boarding school is emotional distance /aloofness, which is an upside in many ways.

>What area is your business in?
chemical engineering, mainly oil and gas. i did not go to university (didn't think i needed any more education), so i am self educated.

books wise, i do read a lot. the only important skill today is reading comprehension; being able to parse the important bits of information and how to question them to find either their veracity, reliability etc. and doing this without any bias beyond the actual aim. supporting this is actually understanding what you read and putting this towards problem solving.
what is your goal? reading Machiavelli will do fuck all if you cant comprehend him, or don't have the experience to relate to and twist any of his points into something useful for your framing of problems. otherwise its just wrote learning and that's a path to mediocrity.
cant say i hold any books in reverence at all, just read a lot of everything and for non-fiction try and get as close to the source material as you can.

>> No.16967144

>Chemical engineering, mainly oil and gas. i did not go to university (didn't think i needed any more education), so i am self educated.

How did you get into it without university education? Even with an excellent standard of education pre-university, you must surely need to prove your engineering knowledge somehow

Thanks for the information regarding reading comprehension

>> No.16967156
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Closest I can think of

>> No.16967191

started sweeping the warehouse floor and went from there. as i started work at 18, by the time i was in my 20s i knew enough to get results and so started my own division, then had an amicable split into a slightly tangential area (but not directly competitive) i had specialized in (for business - find the niche and be the leading expert and you will make good money, and if you can do so within a legal / regulatory framework) , so i could keep a mutually beneficial relationship with the old business . i did make a point of working hard, worked most weekends and did not take time off for the first 4-5 years while my mates where in uni wasting their time.
though i can see that this is very difficult to do nowadays, due to the "meritocratic" elite shutting the door on upward mobility without a bit of paper. that said i hire for work ethic and don't give a shit about education, only motivation. i will teach them what they need to learn. i have hired (and fired) plenty PhDs back in the early days and gave up on high education entirely. though i do like it when people can write well, but its not a deal breaker.

>> No.16967242

Are you UK based? I agree with your sentiments, I know lots of degree students who are studios and book smart but really quite stupid

>> No.16967261

i was, left 15 years ago. couldn't stand watching the uk go to shit.

>> No.16967362

Where do you live now?

I'm guessing you didn't like New Labour, or their successors. It's a shame how shit some of the cities, especially inner cities have gotten.

>> No.16967582

Based elite poster
Do you think that you could perform that behavior and just fake it till you make it? Or is there more?

>> No.16967599

Cringe. Your so-called revolutionaries only operate due to the permittance of state and federal authorities. They have no combat or intellectual merit, and would be crushed immediately if the political situation allowed.

Now stop Larping

>> No.16967817

This seems correct to me. Why do the Kardashians seem so relatable? Because you can easily picture them losing it all tomorrow.

>> No.16967829

Seems to me that anything that goes on at an Ivy is small peanuts compared to the psychological importance of what occurs during adolescence in a total institution.

>> No.16967837

I think the million dollar question is: Do you want to send your kids to boarding school?

>> No.16967918

I know zuccy went to Harvard but where did he study before that?

He doesn't seem to have the cunning or the look of someone who boarded. Maybe I'm wrong

>> No.16967962

He did. Went to Phillips Exeter. The top school. A Separate Peace was set there.

>> No.16968240
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This is the school Zucc attended for high school. Just like you and me!

>> No.16968254
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Damn some of these schools are A E S T H E T I C

>> No.16968259
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Dining hall of Phillips Academy, Andover, where the entire Bush family went.

>> No.16968273
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I'm a female who attended Miss Porter's School. It is perhaps best known as the school Jackie O. attended.

If you are looking for an education similar to one that you would get at Brown or UC Berkeley, Miss Porter’s School is the kind of education you are looking for. With an emphasis on exemplary writing, you will leave MPS a more polished and structured writer. The school prides itself on it’s special attention to social justice causes (specifically “protected groups”), which is representative of the new, mandatory, courses deeply interwoven into the curriculum that cover topics such as: white privilege, new sociological definitions (racism, power, justice)–and nonstop discussion surrounding the patriarchy. Their proud website motto, “Here, Girls Matter '' rightly sums up MPS’s underlying and very apparent passive aggression towards the world at large. While it is important to understand the history of oppression women have faced, it’s unfortunate that the message, along with past graduation speeches that I have witnessed are concerned with warning girls of the sexism they will inevitably face and the setbacks in life they will endure due to their sex, and, more specifically, at the hands of men. Libertarian and conservative minds are practically nonexistent, and if they are existent, they are silent. At Porter’s this is, to the greatest extent, a vindicated victory. As a proud and true libertarian, my views were neatly squared away as unsympathetic and ignorant. The blatant equating of goodness and radical leftism is inescapable, even in history classes, which I found particularly disturbing. Discussions and debates are also nonexistent as the left sees any opposition as not something worth debunking through argument and truth, but rather, dangerous and evil. Truly a vigilante school with little regard for self -reflection and instead focusing primarily on the indoctrination of a new generation of girls. If your political ideology is on the far left, you will be very comfortable here. However, if your political ideology is center or right, you will feel uncomfortable exercising your critical thinking at the risk of affecting your relations with your teachers or peers.

>> No.16968330

No uniform?

>> No.16968340

Gilmour Girls

>> No.16968342

I don't care that Zuckerberg went there, his family are rich and mine are not. That's how it is.

I don't resent the students that go there. I dislike him because he's a lefty cuckold in charge of the world's most powerful social media platform.

>> No.16968356

Most don't anymore. Even in the 80s when this book was written uniforms were being phased out. The 60s hit boarding schools pretty hard. Uniforms went and then single sex schools integrated.

>> No.16968358

Lol, Boys boarding and public schools are usually very based.

Why do lefty women have to ruin everything.

>> No.16968374

Should have asked your parents to move you

>> No.16968389

>I dislike him because he's a lefty cuckold in charge of the world's most powerful social media platform.
Thats what they're taught. These schools are aggressively progressive these days. Some more than others. Exeter has courses on how to tear down Christian religion in the public sphere. They stopped being Christian and picked up liberalism as the new smiling face to class dominance.

DNC tools like earlier in this thread don't realize that the entire reason progressivism exists and is popular is because the ruling class wants it to be

>> No.16968390

That alters the appearance of the students dramatically, especially when they're attending prestigious and hsitoric institutions and are all dressed like scruffs

>> No.16968415

I did well at MPS. Went on to Penn, which is more conservative as far as Ivies go. That is a very relative statement of course. Met my future husband in the Young Republicans. We have two kids and attend an upscale evangelical Presbyterian church in the NoVA area where we both work. My old friends would hate it. But most of them are in debt from law school, making 40K, and becoming radicalized at lefty nonprofits where they hope to use white hatred to remove baby boomers from middle management posts in corporate firms so they can finally have a real job.

>> No.16968431

I see your point. There will always be division though, especially in 'modern' America, and surely there are still many Christian students that attend these institutions, or students of conservative families? The UK seems quite different in this regard, with the Marxists being the middle and lower-upper classes, whilst the upper classes are quite conservative.

Americas Christian population makes up a notable proportion of their population yet seems to hold little power or representation in the battle for social/cultural control over the country.

If you could explain further that would be good. I understand your points, but why would the most elitist, upper class individuals concern themselves with matters of egalitarianism, equity, equality etc etc?

>> No.16968437

That is good to hear. It's odd but understandable what an effect such radical teaching has on young people and how their futures almost always reflect their zealotry.

>> No.16968544

Some progressives go on to do well but the elite need well educated foot soldiers too. Progressivism and the social justice classes are for the kids who will only ever be mediocre and it teaches them to act as a mouthpiece for low pay. You aren't supposed to actually buy into progressivism but many do. Those aren't the ones who actually succeed.

Its a shit test, in 4chan terminology.

>> No.16968552
File: 134 KB, 750x948, p57x4ymnt5741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why would the most elitist, upper class individuals concern themselves with matters of egalitarianism, equity, equality etc etc?
I could write an essay about it, or just post this image.

>> No.16968593

Is this thread low key trying to make me a communist?
Cause right now I’d like to make the rich check their privilege. Permanently, if you catch my drift.

>> No.16968602

Yes 100%. Have already discussed this with the missus and she is horrified but I'm adamant. Though I dont need to send my kids to pre-prep. Scandi schools are very good. Probably send them for the last 4 years.
It's also getting increasingly expensive, and also suffers from wokeism and globohomo. I guess I will have to see how soft my old school has got. Tradition, etc.

>> No.16968630

Based lmao. Look at all of those pretentious walls of text. Nothing good has ever come from elitist scum. Take it easy on them though, it's probably cope for the fact that their materialistic parents would rather vacation and larp as child free than raise their spawn.

>> No.16968637

Referred to as champagne socialists, often inherited a lot of wealth, dodge taxes and virtue signal for the poor and oppressed while doing fuck all.

>> No.16968652

Thank you for furthering my privilege:

See, we win regardless. "Oh no not the revolution ok well you win we like gays now"

And before you talk about the "real" revolution coming: No its not larper you will always be poor lol.

>> No.16968674

The entire history of mankind is one big case study of elites running every form of social construction that has ever been. If you cant see that then your head is up your arse.

>> No.16968676


>> No.16968697

The wokeism is my main hesitancy about boarding. I think you just have to get a feel for which schools are all in with it in a Berkley kind of way and which are in it more like Tulane or Penn.

My kids will board as well but I'm doing my research first. Luckily the country day school my kids attend now is pretty conservative so the parents there seem to know which schools are too woke and which aren't.

>> No.16968788

Umm ok my boarding school was 46 percent students of color. Your talk is fascist because you are directly threatening black and brown bodies. What college do you go to we need to get your removed for your hate speech. Luckily I know people on the boards of most colleges. They are also people of color. You need to be more tolerant of diversity. Maybe being expelled will help you learn.

>> No.16968830

Based. Lefties really don't get it, and they deserve to have their shit turned on them, as happens every time. I love to see them suffer like this.

>> No.16968922

This is unironically the template of elite control for the next 20 years and the guy you responded to will eat it up willingly as will 99 percent of liberals leftists etc. But they'll larp otherwise on 4chan.

>> No.16968954

Hey shit heads, I really want to know how you respond to this : >>16968602
I mean I know irl this makes you cave, but we're anonynous now. How do you cope with this rebuttal in private?

>> No.16968958

They may have the credit, but indeed everything upon this cursed rock exists solely due to the blood and work of the common man, spending his lofe in drudgery in hopes that a brighter future may be left in his wake. That the elite usurp and lay claim to his toil makes no difference.

>> No.16968987

Working people are white racists. Fragile much?

>> No.16969003

Concepts like toil and work and what your "deserve" are dog whistles for white supremacy. I'd like to bash your fash face in.

>> No.16969008

My point and yours are not mutually exclusive. In fact cant have one without the other. I'm not saying it is good or bad, simply that it IS. Everything else is mental masturbation.

>> No.16969015

Lol I wouldn’t have my dog piss on you, you are such contaminated filth

How’s it knowing your little “le epic” fantasy of violence is just a LARP cope and you will forever be a useless nothing getting mad at “elites” over the internet?

You are utter trash and forever will be. Know your place.

>> No.16969016

Working people are working people. Race is a pointless distinction.
Top kek anon.
It's more complex in my mind, but I will admit to general agreement.

>> No.16969021
File: 778 KB, 1122x748, st-I4khRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck St. George's School is aesthetic. That coast line is the school's btw. They have sailing classes. Tucker Carlson went here.

>> No.16969047

Absolutely S U B V E R T E D

>> No.16969058
File: 109 KB, 719x472, 67BF4F35-B63E-495B-BFFD-069142774963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prep looks nice. Is that a fucking golf course around the campus?
Wtf is it with these high schools that look like colleges? Is the funding similar? Huge donors trying to get legacies in shilling out a building at a time?

>> No.16969067

>Working people are working people. Race is a pointless distinction.
ah yes a talking point no one gives a shit about. face it, idpol crushes you, you have no response to it, and despite what you might larp about here, in real life you bow down to shit like this.
>kill boarding school students!
>we're 50 percent students of color
>uh nevermind sorry ill go after white working class Republicans instead sorry

>> No.16969096

All DC independents are cancer in the truest sense. They are seriously the fucking worst of the worst. Even Baltimore schools are better.

Real prep schools don't start until you hit PA though.

>> No.16969100

What do you mean about DC independents, say more. I’m not from that area.

>> No.16969104

The big ones have larger endowments than most colleges. Some have existed before America was even a country. They are so old they will outlive the US as institutions.

>> No.16969115

It seems that you've been duped into supporting fantastical delusions. Outside of your preconceived notions and online echo-chambers there exists an entire universe of thought based on individual perceptions of reality. You continue to fail yourself and place limits upon your thought. Pity that.

>> No.16969127

I mean they are hyper pozzed shitholes. Aside from their politics being obnoxious, they are full of nouveau riche mid Atlantic trash. Think about what a piece of shit a lawyer near capitol Hill is. Now imagine that two of them get married and want their kid to larp as old money. That is the main constituency of DC privates. New money, dual income professional, but so up their own ass they don't have any of the earthiness or in touch with the real world quality of people who have to work for a living. And all lawyers kids. Every one.

Lest you think my politics are making me biased, check this shit out. This was where Obama sent his kids


DC is trash.

>> No.16969148

So you can't explain how you'd counter the idpol defense if the elite. As I thought.

>> No.16969169

Do you actually have a response to something like this or no >>16968788

Because I don't see one.

>> No.16969189

I ignore it and offer solidarity and organization where necessary.
I'm not aware of what that post has to do with my dispassion for elitism and pretentiousness. It's nice that historically oppressed people have an opportunity to seek an "elite" education if they so desire. Though, I would argue that it doesn't enrich ones life.

>> No.16969206

Absolutely neutered. Fucking based. This is why even though I'm technically a far right extremist I vote a straight DNC ticket. No one puts commie pieces of shit in their place better than liberals. More people should learn from this. The stormcels on pol are helpless but for the average person who just wants lefties to be shot in the streets, people like Kamala are the way to go.

>> No.16969214

Dilate tranny

>> No.16969235

Fuck Kamala, Biden, Trump, and stormfags. My position is the common one of Socialism. If you see the opposite of my sentiment within Socialist movements, it's because you lack the ability to separate truth from propaganda. Identity politics is a disunity tactic, whether it be Rebloodicans or the Democrips.

>> No.16969244

>Nothing good has ever come from elitist scum

Ok communist

>> No.16969257

More like how would someone rightwing respond to the two posts you linked

>> No.16969288

Your position is the one that doesnt exist in the real world. There is not a single socialist organization in the world that doesn't shill for idpol of the exact and specific variety propagated by corporate America down to the very last detail. Not one. The only place I've ever even seen such sentiments is on 4chan by weird isolated tankie autists like yourself who obviously don't matter irl.

Meanwhile, I don't actually care about your shitty posts. My point was that Tmthe progressive consensus in the US is a great way to marginalize and actively harm people like you. I don't want a debate with you. I want to label you a fascist and have the government hurt you. And guess what? I get my way. I hope you lose an eye or something the next time you protest. I'll be the guy encouraging you with the BLM sign on my lawn.

>> No.16969289


>> No.16969291

I guess i should try to change your view with the following. Humans cant do anything without elites; tribal chief to CEO or president. Elitism is a function of humanity.
Now do you want your elites to be as elite as humanly possible, or just kinda okay? It's best for humanity that elites are the best they can be.
These structures are symbiotic, or else we would still be chasing gazelles. The quality of life has improved thanks to the existence of elites.
If you disagree with the above, I'd like to hear your argument.
I'm guessing what your really angry at is inequality and corruption and for that you can easily place the blame on globalhomo and neoliberal individualism.

>> No.16969305

>I mean they are hyper pozzed shitholes

So very woke and gay?

>> No.16969327

Thats just a symptom. Like I said the real issue is lawyers with terrible personalities. Them being woke and gay would change tomorrow if those things stopped being popular.

>> No.16969340

You are full of the resent of the petty bourgeoisie
I don’t buy for a moment you are any better or any more elite than those “lawyers” you hate so much

>> No.16969354

>Fuck Kamala, Biden, Trump, and stormfags
*votes for Biden anyway because Trump is a fascist*
I see your game, pseud.

>> No.16969372

ok? are we even having a conversation? I don't know what you're talking about, schizo.

>> No.16969398
File: 2.15 MB, 2142x908, Hitlerino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted for Hitler.

>> No.16969411

You are wrong. Many reject idpol. That they support social justice movements does not mean that they wield identity politics. Liberation of the oppressed has always been a Socialist position. Underlining that is our acknowledgement that the working class has no color and that their shared experience should unite workers and oppressed of all type. That you misinterpret it speaks only to your lack of open-minded observational skills.
>Humans cant do anything without elites; tribal chief to CEO or president.
This betrays factual history. Many of the greatest revolutionaries, intellectuals, and inventors come from humble beginnings. The CEOs initial investment could be group funded by like minded workers and produce the same results. To consider a tribal leader an elite seems like quite a stretch. Presidents can, and often have been of the people, that we see an increase in "elite" statemen and an increase in severe inequality and corruption only works toward my favor. Elitism isn't indivualism. It's classism, individuality would imply that one earns his way.

I don't have a problem with regular rich assholes, only thier pretentiousness. The glo bal elite however, have proven themselves irredeemably irresponsible with such a massive concentration of power.
I stayed home. I understand the Biden voters that hate him however. Trump was a shit president. Dropped more bombs than even Obomba and appointed loyalist corporate trash to every important national board. Removed worker protections and destroyed years of progress in environmental regulation. While doing so, he entertained harmful conspiracies and whipped his base into a frothing mass who only believed the words of their leader. Completeky unamerican.

>> No.16969419

Hahahaha Hill isn't even in New England you country bumpkin fuck
t. Groton

>> No.16969449 [DELETED] 

Kek how was Boston University for college? Thats a uh good school. I went to Penn after Hill.

>> No.16969530

You don’t seem very educated or elite
I believe you went to those places but you seem like a really good example of the nouveau riche that just resents actual elites
It’s clear you’re not a very valid spokesperson or critic of that world

>> No.16969557 [DELETED] 

Yawn. You're the larper, "Groton alum". Sorry I hurt your feels by calling DC schools trash. Although one wonders why a Groton grad would care? Oh right because you are actually just some commie neckbeard who should kill himself.

>> No.16969566

Dude what? Do you know anything about prep schools?

>> No.16969569

>Effortlessness is the clearest mark of the divine.
nice quote friend

>> No.16969573

>t. living proof that wealth isn't virtue

>> No.16969596 [DELETED] 

Did they teach you to be a passive aggressive choad who gets in the last word with low content posts at school? No more replies from me, filth.

>> No.16969602

I’m not the Groton grad. But that you have to think that I am to cope is pretty good indication how pathetic and inbred you actually are.
Choate then Harvard here, if you need to have names associated with your critics
You really are just a loser, pure and simple

>> No.16969605
File: 527 KB, 625x338, Choate-photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choate has a nice campus

>> No.16969611

Lmfao I'm not him either butthurt small man. I can envision your entire life through your shitty posts. I understand that you were universally hated everywhere you go. What's your last name kid? You're irrelevant. Utterly

>> No.16969619

Dilate tranny

>> No.16969620
File: 336 KB, 497x499, Pepe SOCIETA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the Ivies. Imagine being proud of attending a diploma mill/indoctrination center. The Anglo/Pajeet/Jew/Chink obsession with higher education is cringe beyond belief.
Fuck rich people.
Fuck Jews.
Fuck niggers.
And most of all, FUCK JANNIES!

>> No.16969626

New poster here. This shtick is really bad. Knock it off and stop shitting up the thread. I doubt anyone believes you or cares. You just sound triggered about something and I don't care what. I just want someone to post more pics of campuses.

>> No.16969629

t. Commie

>> No.16969642

Imagine making a post like this and calling others mad.

>> No.16969650


>> No.16969658

Ahh. There's the concession I was waiting for. Thanks for playing.

>> No.16969662

Look at all the "I'm not mad you're mad" posting ITT. Whats that about lol?

>> No.16969678

Your sad walls of text haven't won you anything. I see you coping on lit about your lame world view 24/7. Its obviously the only personality trait you have. And no I'm not the same person, just letting you know you're so pathetic that I'm starting to recognize your awful walls of text at this point.

>> No.16969682

Wow. This thread made me feel great about sending my kids to public school. They already have better character than what's on display here.

>> No.16969695

Oh holy shit fuck off you retard. Your posts were more believable before you had to start outright larping to mask your asshurt. Dilate.

>> No.16969697


>> No.16969706


>> No.16969707


>Anglo/Pajeet/Jew/Chink obsession with >higher education is cringe beyond belief.
>Fuck rich people.
>Fuck Jews.
>Fuck niggers.
>And most of all, FUCK JANNIES!

What does that make you then? Mutt?

>> No.16969708

literally 100% of the people in this thread are grumpy socialists living with mom and larping trannies. if you can't see that you probably shouldn't post here.

>> No.16969717

Yea, we are talking past each other on the definition of elite. I guess your talking more about institutionalized power structures with high barriers to entry.

I'm using the definition of the word elite when I say elite. There are many elites groups which are not necessarily related, intellectual elite, meritocratic elite, political elite etc...

>> No.16969720

Idk. Cope?

>> No.16969732

What exactly would I be coping about? I would love for you to prove you're not a redditor retard by carefully explaining why you posted a low content meme buzzword at me. Ill wait.

>> No.16969749

>Choate then Harvard
Choate has about 1 to 3 students per year matriculate to Harvard. So even over a ten year period we're talking about 10 to 30 people in the world you could be.

Do you understand why this is a retarded larp? You selected a comically improbable persona based on your ignorance.

>> No.16969751

Why 100 pc?

>> No.16969753

Well, I was talking about it according to the context of this thread and the question you asked me....lol. Yeah, I'm specifically referring to the financial elite. The wealthy.


>> No.16969754
File: 142 KB, 660x871, 9FA92339-10F2-4C23-AE67-D356D8582D2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to hear more insights, like rapture’s here >>16963391 or this poster’s here >>16965899 and another here >>16966357

Getting the experience of actual elites is way more valuable then watching this pleb trash just LARP itself to death

Any other actual elites care to share interesting insights that you wouldn’t necessarily read about in OP’s book?

>> No.16969758

Continental European Chad

>> No.16969762

Oh. Sure, you're coping because your pretentious behavior is proving to even the most casual of observers that nothing of substance exists within the "elite" social circles and their boarding school snobbery.

So. Cope.

>> No.16969785

Christ this thread is embarrasing. Barely any book discussion anymore.
Do your job and nuke it trannies.

>> No.16969803

When the thread got popular all the trannies and lefties came here and diluted it with shit

>> No.16969805
File: 14 KB, 263x400, 41c+ltHksYL._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'll find this interesting, the financial elite is not who you think it is.

>> No.16969816

Nah, as a poster mentioned there are public schools everywhere in Europe. He mentioned Portugal as an example

>> No.16969817

That was actually my first post in the thread. So what actually happened here is that you thought everyone in the thread was the same person because you're reddit. As I suspected.

>> No.16969834

Yet the number of posters didn't increase. Funny thing that.

>> No.16969841

I'm the OP and while I appreciate your post, don't refer to namefags by name you piece of shit. How dare you fucking feed their attention whoring

>> No.16969853

No he said in his post>>16966917
>i recently chatted to a Portuguese guy (business stuff) who had been through the British public school.
We continentals don't operate that way (anymore). England still has a sharp divide between classes. They're still a monarchy, after all.

>> No.16969869

Who, rapture? I’ll call out whoever the fuck i want to call out you pleb retard filth
Also comparing yourself to rapture is a fucking joke. I don’t even like the fag but he is 100% and objectively more elite than you will ever be.
Fucking pseud, go cope some more

>> No.16969876

Well it actually sounds interesting to say the least. I do feel sorry, espescially for children who have to live up to fairly unreasonable expectations. Our meritocracy never was in my opinion though. There is little "merit" that can't be bought under a Capitalism like ours.

>> No.16969877

Oh look. Now who's coping. Are you the poster who samefagged the entire thread with hastily Googled prep credentials to own the chuds?
>uh I'm from Choate and you're a pleb
>yeah I'm from Groton and you're low class
>me too I went to Harvard and....
No one except creepy trannies watch the poster count just in case they want to bring it up later. This means you either are a samefagging shitposter who desperately needs a ban, or you're a lying redditor coping everywhere.

Which is it?

>> No.16969886

Oh yeah. I know, I'm English

They closed all grammar schools and they were free for all those who were smart enough to attend

>> No.16969887

To be fair, anybody posting on 4chan who went to these schools obviously didn't have life pan out quite the way they wanted (including me).

>> No.16969895


How about you take your low iq lack of reading comprehension back to pol or something?

>> No.16969908

I'm neither of those nor the seething brainlet bragging about his education. How childish a thing to do. I'm only here because someone made a comment about this thread turning them into a communist. I said "haha, aren't they a bunch of pretentious little bitches." And from then on I've been taking the piss on you foold because I'm fucking bored. COPE

>> No.16969913

Well, not totally true. Switzerland is up there with elite boarding schools. There are some in europe and also Latin america and some protectorates. At least there was when I went because we played them at rugby and cricket.

>> No.16969922


Dude what the fuck kind of dickriding fangirl shit is this?

>> No.16969925

Right so no you haven't been taking the piss because I've only made like 3 posts. But as I suspected you are a desperate shitposter in need of a ban. Thanks for pointing out which post was your specifically so I can report it and the following ones.

>> No.16969931

We can both agree that the status quo is fucked.

>> No.16969934

Dilate trannies

>> No.16969940

Haha be my guest? Seething brainlet

>> No.16969945

worst post in this thread.

>> No.16969950

I went to Emerson Prep when I was stuck down there as a kid, and wholeheartedly agree. I'm also from Baltimore and have relatives and friends who went to places like Gilman. Much better schools that produce way more productive people than anything Sidwell Friends can belch out.

>> No.16969958

Stop derailing the thread faggots, there was some good discussion here before u trannies came here

>> No.16969961

No doubt. I really shouldn't be here just being an asshole though. Tis the way of the chans I suppose. I just detest snobbery and it was snobbery that derailed an otherwise interesting thread, of course, my and others reaction didn't help at all.

>> No.16969998

Gay commie dilate nigger

>> No.16970003

Actually, OP here, you needing to narcissism all over the thread was probably the worst offender for off topic shit along with the larpers. You don't need to shit up every thread talking about what an enlightened socialist you are. I reported your posts and I will do so in the future. Get a fucking life. Also, saying "tis" unironically deserves a bullet.

>> No.16970020

>Tis the way of the chans I suppose
fuck off and never talk to me again, queer

>> No.16970033

Based based based Op

>> No.16970041

Yeah, I actually agree. Tis a shame. If you look though, I was only responding to questions asked of me because I asserted that nothing good has come of elitism. Then me and I'm assuming this anon
Had a reasonable conversation while faggots jerked off all around it.
Tis your fault. Mutt

>> No.16970043

>Tis the way of the chans I suppose

Go back to r*ddit please

>> No.16970045

To get back on track, most truly elite people are not snobs.
In the pub it's the lord chatting to the gamekeeper, hands etc while the middle class try to butt in and end up getting fucked off.
At the top end the wealthy are down to earth humans who imo are very good people. It's the new money that doesn't know how to behave.
Kipling said it well; walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch.

You will find much more snobbery in left wing intellectuals.

>> No.16970052

>Tis a shame
>Tis your fault


>> No.16970062

>In the pub it's the lord chatting to the gamekeeper, hands etc while the middle class try to butt in and end up getting fucked off.

Nigger do you go outside or are you a larping yank?

>> No.16970086

Lmao, you shills could not be more obvious. Nouveau riche types are obnoxious but relatively harmless since they’ll probably become broke wasting all their cash on tacky luxury items.
It’s the old money families that are truly reptilian lévels of evil.

>> No.16970094

Thats the point. It was a good thread until the larping and that one LOOK AT ME I'M A SOCIALIST piece of shit.

>> No.16970121

I'm not too sure I agree. I've worked with those whom you may consider elite. CEOs of Aerospace corporations mostly. They're insufferable. The topics that concern them are so shallow and meaningless, there's no life in them, no vitality.Now, maybe that's not true pipe-smoking gentlemenly "old wealth" but their behavior and mannerisms were more than predictable, and almost childish in their narcissism. I grew up in a timber baron town and worked the country club in my teens. It was largely the same, those old bastards were anything but down to earth. Pompous assholes who somehow had the most boring of conversations. I quit that comfy job because they were so full of themselves.

Of course this is anecdotal, but anecdote is powerful to the one who experiences it.

I doubt your last statement, never been around any named "leftist" intellectuals, but those who's content I engage with seem far more down to earth.

>> No.16970130

IDpol has been used to stifle class struggle forever. The whole George Floyd thing did just that. The news anchors turn the volume up on race relations or lgbt or whatever, you know there’s a labor strike going on somewhere

>> No.16970131

I told you to fuck off out of my thread

>> No.16970133

Wtf, the socialist was my favorite part. Before there was no discussion just wanking off of credentials and rootless boasting.

>> No.16970134


>> No.16970162

No he's an off topic shit poster and a narcissist. And so are you. He does this in 10 threads a day. Somehow always turning the thread into a discussion about himself. I'm serious. Every time I see that freak it's the report button from now on. Nothing else will chill him out, clearly.

>> No.16970179

if anything it should make you less of a communist. I am fascinated by it. In a way it confirms my thought that knowledge really is worthless without a foundation in character.

>> No.16970182

Summ0ning back the elite fags and holy based rapture for further insights
This thread doesn’t have to die just cause resentful plebs need to vent

>> No.16970186

I agree

>> No.16970201

same. never was any book discussion anyway. at least their argument produced a book rec.

>> No.16970217

Shut up socialist

>> No.16970246


>> No.16970255

OP here. Now you're being annoying.

>> No.16970269

Op here. Now you're being annoying

>> No.16970312

>Summ0ning back the elite fags and holy based rapture for further insights
How mentally ill do you have to be to fangirl for a namefag on fucking /lit/ of all places? Like holy fucking shit imagine what you smell like.

>> No.16970329

You're so transparent, socialist narcissist. Wouldn't expect anything less given your particular personality disorder though.

>> No.16970341

Youre mad at me because I’d rather hear about the elite experience from actual elites instead of filth like you? Yeah, makes sense.

>> No.16970348

Rapture went to Georgetown Prep. That's not elite. Thats a DC shithouse for nouveau riche mediocrity.

>> No.16970362

>more wild accusations that I'm some other poster in the thread who's "after him"
Take your fucking meds, simpleton.

>> No.16970373

Who are you talking to schizo bitch? Fuck off

>> No.16970377

Are you arguing rapture is not elite? I don’t think you know much about rapture, or do and are just trying your hardest to cope

>> No.16970388

This post is extremely low quality

>> No.16970406

He said he went to Georgetown Prep. That school has an acceptance rate of 25%. That's not elite. That's not even particularly competitive. Even for other DC schools it has the lowest standards.

I also don't have to explain myself for some namefags fanclub because you are a psychotic who probably has killed children. No one else defends lit namefags. There is no way you have even remotely decent mental health.

>> No.16970442

Not the other poster, but that’s just one dimension to a whole profile. I would definitely list rapture as “elite” given what I’ve seen of him on this board.
You also seem really touchy about tripfags. You don’t come across as very stable.
Still, I’d be curious: What’s your definition of elite?

>> No.16970462

you actually ARE the other poster. less thread makey more med takey

>> No.16970466

What's pathetic is sucking off ecelebs.

>> No.16970502
File: 70 KB, 907x1360, rossdouthat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ross Douthat is good on this score

>> No.16970514

kill me

>> No.16970535

Rapture’s just a good poster and a good example of an elite, I’m not sure why basic appreciation or defense amounts to “sucking off” an eceleb. Everything is just so over the top with you.

>> No.16970591

Trips are for fags. You are not welcome here. If you want to suck off ecelebs I suggest you go back to Twatter or Plebbit

>> No.16970615

I’m going to straight up say that you are a worm compared to someone like rapture, or any other true elite. Just the way you talk puts you in a lesser category of person.
It’s ok, knowing no one will ever talk about you, care about you, or even acknowledge you outside of when you are just trolling sorta seals the deal for me.

>> No.16970647

Please be quiet. Why has the thread been derailed this much

>> No.16970687 [DELETED] 


>> No.16970711 [DELETED] 


>> No.16970730

You fell for my trap. Like a puppet on a string.

>> No.16970732 [DELETED] 


>> No.16970851

At least it teaches you how to operate behind enemy lines. I am quite good at this as well, but one will always get less out of such an education than one could have.

I have many friends on the libertarian and right-wing side and especially the latter ones have a hard time adapting to the system and underperform, become depressed, flee into fantasy and become very bitter.

At my work (multinational corporation that everyone here heard of) upper management is casually discussing nu-politics, makes fun of the opposition and, besides politics, they badmouth collegues in a subtle way. I am quite disturbed by the way they compromise their position with such talk- but it's the result of never having had to "operate behind enemy lines". They always feel safe, even when they aren't.

As bad as schools nowadays are- if you came to your own conclusions they will also give you good social adaptation skills. You know when to keep your mouth shut. An extremely valuable skill.

>> No.16970906

It's funny seeing the differences between UK and US public boarding schools, but then there are large differences between every aspect of our society. However they are now rapidly converging

I imagine you find a lot of hatred for Marxists at UK public schools and boarding schools.

>> No.16970931

>I have many friends on the libertarian and right-wing side

A rarity surely?

>> No.16971048
File: 380 KB, 1209x907, 38F91AB8-11B0-41ED-A417-89270D618F06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it that you want to know? I’ll happily answer any question as honestly as I can

At this point, most of my friends are conservative; even in liberal bastions there are niche groups.

>> No.16971164

I always make this mistake. In my defense: English isn't my first language.
isn't it curious how well they go so hand-in-hand? And it goes beyond having a common enemy.

>> No.16971196

I meant that most people are normies and or lefties

>> No.16971288

It’s ‘rote learning’ not ‘wrote learning’.

>> No.16971331

If you look at the boarding schools many still have chapel time but they discuss social issues. Progressivism has literally replaced Christianity as the feel good gloss to protect their class and look like good guys.

Before it was Episcopalianism. Now its social justice.

>> No.16971432

I was indeed in one that had a chapel. We used to go there every morning.

I really wonder how they'd get the old man to preach social justice now. Maybe through replacement. I don't care all too much for the church, but it's stunning how compliant the clergy is to the globohomo. If conservative thought is suppressed one could still just keep quiet and preach neutral themes. Nobody forces them to go all out and praise social justice.

>> No.16971536

i live in a very liberal area and i definitely agree. it's fascinating watching all the local curches cycle through rainbow and now transgender flags as they get captured and converted into beacons of wokeism.

>> No.16971641

There is a paper on historic (English) civil war associates and modern day politics. Sjw politics basically replaces Bible bashing puritanism, I imagine it's the same across the pond in the us

>> No.16971666

True. I imagine it's different in the US to Europe tho

>> No.16971724

They do it because they are trying to keep up and impress the upper class. "I'm still valuable for your agenda, I swear." The Catholic Church made a play at this very hard in 2016 when the pope bashed Trump and they got caught taking money from Peter's Pence to donate to Clinton's campaign.

There is constant talk about why churches make appeals to leftism when it goes against Christian tradition and moreover empties churches. This is why. They'd rather have empty churches and impress the wealthy as a propaganda tool than have a large middle class constituency like in evangelicalism.

The problem is that the churches proved to be poor tools in the 60s when they made these dramatic leftward shifts only to find their membership collapse. Christianity tends to attract the middle class, lower middle class, and conservative elements. Any other formula is unstable. So the elite kicked it to the curb.

>> No.16971809

Any Elite posters or anyone else have any book recommendations for achieving the disciplined work ethic or a boarding schooled individual? Or any of the other desirable characteristics? Thanks

>> No.16971873

Which do you think was more valuable, your early education or ivy/college education?
Any more insights that the regular power critiques would miss? Thought your first post above was interesting, want to hear more

>> No.16972026

>is there a book I can read in 2 days that will replace 4 years of rigorous expensive schooling in a total institution during my most formative years
Uh probably no, American poster

>> No.16972073

Yes kid. Don't even have to read. Just fake it. No one actually cares and the education is useless amongst regular humans

>> No.16972088

>Mario not makes you gay
But it does. If you're right and I'm wrong, why did I become gay shortly after playing sunshine?

>> No.16972104

Sorry wrong thread

>> No.16972369

Die nigger

>> No.16973472

You must not have learned everything because I don't hate you as much as your peers for whatever reason.

>> No.16973850

its clear to me now that rapture and his weird little tranny posse shitposted this thread to death methodically and on purpose. Thanks for clearing this up.

>> No.16974797

I hope this question gets answered.
I think it might be the latter, but let's hear it from the source.

>> No.16974934

it was a while ago so not totally accurate, but here is what i remember - UK boarding school.

there is a strict age/year group hierarchy.
14/15 years olds live in the same corridor, this consists of "horse Boxes" so its basically a cubical with no roof - totally open.
the middle two rooms (closed in rooms) are occupied by "prefects" who are boys in their last year (17/18), there job is to keep everyone in line.
first year (3rd form) is closes to the doors, as this is generally the coldest, nosiest, smelliest (near the toilets and shower room), with 4th floor at the other end.
it is very fucking noisy. i guess around 30 to the corridor, snorring, night terrors, sleep talking, not so quite stealth wanking etc. and the heating system. the rooms were last refurbished about 200 years ago, heating is a large 6" pipe running against the wall on either side of the corridor and it bangs like fuck when it heats up and cools down. if you touch it you will get burned.
in winter you can get ice in the sinks if the heating breaks (it does often).
day starts at 0700, a loud bell rings (like a fire station). then you get ready and go to breakfast which is in the dining hall.

Note: everyone is split into houses, named after all sorts of old dead famous people. these houses are run by a "head of house" (pupil in upper 6th form-17/18) and house master (usually a married teacher with his own house attached to the building). in our case the building was an old monastery, so think quadrangle / castle.

anyhow, breakfast followed by lessons - typically 8-12. 12-1300 lunch. then 1300-1500 sports, varying by time of year - summer (cricket / tennis), fall / winter (rugby), spring (hockey or more rugby). mixed in other sports such as squash, golf, basketball, cross country, swimming. a lot of it mandatory regardless of talent (unless you were injured).

more lessons from 1530-1730. church from 1730-1800. dinner at 1800-1900. then free time until 2200. normally outside playing sport or studying / homework. lights out at 2300.
half days on Saturday. Sunday would be 2 hours of church in full dress (in our case kilt etc(church of England) followed by free time (more sport).
back to hierarchy. a house is largely self regulating. there is contraband (porn, booze, not much drugs but some) and there will be inspections/raids lead by the house master (teacher) but coordinated by the upper 6th (pupils). head of house and his team of prefects. if you paid your taxes to the older lads, you would be fine, if you were a prick or did not cut in the older boys to whatever scheme you had going, you would get busted, and it could be very bad (suspended or expelled).

if you fuck up by pissing off one of the older boys (normally a prefect or head of house or the head of the school) then you might get a beating there and then, if they are feeling particularly vexed, you will get a "phys" short for "physical punishment". this was limited only by imagination, mostly cruel and darkly funny

>> No.16975020

here are some phys' that i got in my time. O&Xs. the houses were far apart, so sometime prefects would play early morning O&Xs with each-other, with you running as the go between. the difference is they would write what dress you have to be in; we had many uniforms/dresses. from kilt dress, to school uniform (suit and tie), rugby kit, cricket whites, cross country etc etc
sometimes it was as basics as doing hill sprints until everyone threw up - this was normally a collective punishment. if you got caught inducing vomiting then this might happen every morning for a while; this was a traditional punishment for losing inter-house sports or poor performance in general at sport.
one of my favorites was called "egg". a stone of varying size (the larger the more you pissed them off) had to be carried at ALL TIMES other then mandatory sports, and kept at body temperature. any prefect could ask to touch the "egg" and if it was not warm to the touch you were fucked - more punishments. this was especially brutal when going between classes as you had a lot of paperwork to carry as well as a large stone.
sometimes punishments was just given out because you didn't fit in. we had a guy in my year forced to dance on the table singing "im a dildo" at the top of his lungs, and whenever he stopped he would be shot with a bb gun. he left after going a bit nuts two years later.
the most violent was the gauntlet. this involved running from one end of the 6th form corridor (17/18 year - lower sixth and upper sixth form respectively, live in their own corridor with closed in rooms of 2 man (lower sixth) and one man (upper sixth). they would have pillow cases normally not with pillows (more likely rugby boots), whips (cords off dressing gowns), fire hose (mounted on the corridor wall), good all fists etc. getting this punishment varied from being a proper cunt, to them being board, to being a celebration (sometimes as an initiation).
whatever the older boys asked, especially in upper sixth (and especially prefect and head of house) you did. this varied from ironing shirts (we all wore shirts and they had be be immaculately ironed or more punishments), helping with work (some of them were quite thick), warming up the toilets in the winter (go and sit on the toilet for 20min before the older lads got up), polishing shoes, cleaning stuff, cooking etc etc. anything you can think off.

we were all ultra competitive, and extremely proud of being good at sport and beating other schools. the most intense rivalry was inter-house. this was by far the most vicious and violent it ever got, and winning was a big fucking deal, because losing was heavily punished internally.

winning was always highlighted, constantly and in every aspect. everyone would be collected together as the roll call of accolades went out. we had unofficial inter-house competitions. one was "the book". in the evening (around 2155) roll call was read out by the head of house to account for everyone.

>> No.16975028

Not a yank

>> No.16975035

Can tell this thread has gone to shit, I had some actual decent answers before

>> No.16975056



>> No.16975061

during this time guys would submit "points". it was a mixed school (the girls house were about a mile away from the boys houses and heavily alarmed / secured). points varied from kissing a girl, to finger banging, getting wanked off etc.
the book we would compared with other houses sporadically to see how "gay" (low scoring) the other houses were, and ridiculed accordingly.
sometimes the inter house rivalry got extreme. we had large fire doors separating the houses, and on occasion these would be smashed open and the other houses raised. rotten eggs, old milk, cricket bats, sock with rock etc. just fuck up there shit and try to find and steal their contraband while trashing the place. no one ever reported anything ever, so they would have to explain away what had happened to their own house master.

the first two years were rough. firstly there is no pecking order among your peers, so as you push each-other to breaking point a lot of fights in those first few months. but you eventually learn to get along, and you quickly learn to lie to authority, or at least what to say "no sir, we were just play fighting and we got carried away, wont happen again sir" etc.

as you progress you are handed more responsibility. by the time you get to upper sixth you might be running the house (head of house), and you can have a big impact on the quality of life of your fellows. you are brought into meetings with the staff (normally they are trying to find out who cause the most recent shit storm and we are there to give them palatable excuses or throw someone we don't like under the bus).

6th form entitles you to booze, which is a big deal. but uk you are already drinking by 14 regardless.

anyhow, there are some things that came to mind.

>> No.16975082

While a lot of this parallels my experience, it also shows the difference between boarding schools for the moneyed families and those that are more affordable.

>infrastructure differences
>protection/tax paid to upper form.

I didn't go to a very "elite" boarding school either, but basic comfort goes a long way for effectiveness. I thought boarding school already had enough psychological pressure, but a solidified hierarchical order and no proper heating would surely drive me insane.

>> No.16975085

I went to a good prep school but only to a top 50 college. Prep school was much more important, and this seems to have been the case with my peers who did get elsewhere, better or worse. Those years are more formative, and honestly, prep school is just university 4 years early. The culture and expected responsibility is roughly the same.

College nowadays is a joke: there's nothing formative to it other than if you're immature enough to be a partygoer who needs to be taught to keep a deadline and to not drink themselves into oblivion. It's not all that entertaining the second time over. Adults always thought I was at least 21 by my appearance and mannerisms, starting freshman year. It helped in procuring alcohol.

>> No.16975109

yes it was harsh. when the parents came they would always chuckle about how we lived liked monks, but as most had been through the system them self they found it "character building". spartan lifestyle was certainly a key part back then, things like going on runs during snow storms etc, playing rugby when the pitch was frozen (brutal).

in terms of vivid memories my strongest is breaking down crying due to the pressure at 13/14 taking my scholarship exams, as it was a big fucking deal. my mom took me to macdonalds. i was in bits.
it was extremely hard for my parents, we still talk about it every once in a while, but they felt they had no choice (my state school was a joke).
its sad really, as the state and grammar schools in the UK used to be outstanding, easily competing with public/private/boarding schools in terms of quality of students produced. uk has fucked itself, and it started when they decided competition and winning was bad.

strange to talk about it to randoms , normally only ever talk about it with guys i went to school with, or others who have been through the system.

>> No.16975154 [DELETED] 

This is the worst thread on /lit/ right now. Totally off topic and full of retards posturing. Reported and saged.

>> No.16975191

Sounds like good fun

>> No.16975206

Did you attend a boarding school in the UK then? Or US?

You've said mom and fall so you're a yank surely

>> No.16975208

If retards didn't derail the thread we might have had some suggestions or book recs

>> No.16975214

So you report me, the OP, because of trolls shitting up the thread? Enjoy your timeout, reddit.

>> No.16975450


>> No.16976162

>getting punted off to boarding school would be classed as "trauma" by todays low standards; this has a tempering affect.

It's not even that low a standard. I'm a therapist and plenty of my pretty fucked up patients went to boarding schools.

>> No.16976167

>I'm a therapist and plenty of my pretty fucked up patients went to boarding schools.
oh boy ladies and fags, we got ourselves yet another larper itt

>> No.16976475

Meh, Forged in the refiners fire

>> No.16976507

>Thinks someone having a job has to be a larp
hahaha, never change /lit/

>> No.16976631

Stop Larping as something you're not. Contribute to the thread with a rec or leave

>> No.16976665

On what basis are you arguing that he is LARPing? Do you know how fucking insane you look?

>> No.16976712

Fuck off to r*ddit samefag, or post a rec. Please

>> No.16976724


No basis at all for either. Here’s a rec: The Hungry Caterpillar. Right at your level, will really open your eyes I think.

Leave the big boy books to the big boys, filth.

>> No.16976765

Ok now post a rec relevent to the thread. I thought you had been banned already for derailing the thread?

>> No.16976835

You act like a fucking lunatic making unsubstantiated claims against random anons—and then you pretend like all you want is some legit recs? You don’t see how no one would ever take you seriously?

Go fuck yourself you pleb trash

>> No.16976855

>fucking lunatic

Bit of an overstatement unless you're confusing me for someone else. Take your meds and give us a rec relevent to the OP

>> No.16976921

>fucking lunatic
>fucking insane
>Go fuck yourself

10-4 yerrrrppp we got a schizo

>> No.16977046

ooooooooof. hahahahahahahaha

>> No.16977097

>No its not larper you will always be poor lol.
Coping future guillotine victim

>> No.16977171

Commie copeposter

>> No.16977283

Lol I'm so fucked. Raised by two super neurotic career academics in a socially isolated environment. At least my philosophy profs think I'm smart.

>> No.16977526

Boarding school, public school?

>> No.16977665

literal retard, the guy I replied to was a commie. Learn to differentiate me from the guy pretending he''s gonna guillotine you, trash.

>> No.16978159

:(, Boo hoo

>> No.16978201

No, I think you specifically are a larping commie, derailing the thread again. Are you part of the rapture fangirl club too?

>> No.16978278

You’re weirdly obsessed with rapture
Maybe get his cock out your mouth

>> No.16978398

First post in the thread schizo. Stop larping. You're still larping.

>> No.16978446
File: 325 KB, 811x1200, DvPB2jWWwAAKLca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents spent ~20k a year to send me to private catholic schools from ages 8-18

>lived right next to a great books SLAC

>could have literally hired four adjuncts a semester to personally tutor me in everything from attic greek to engineering, like a child of the 18th century English gentry.

>instead i rot in normie meme prison like everyone else.

kill me tbqhf

>> No.16978596

>Great books slac?


>> No.16978931

selective liberal arts college built around the western canon

>> No.16978942

>the essential coolness of the elites
There's very little more to the "elite" than money and power, the coolness comes as a result. I too went to fancy schools (plural, I've seen the youth of the elite in Europe, China, and the Middle East), but I aint got a rich daddy, it was the company that paid out 50 grand a year. The difference between kids like me and the sons of the elite in those schools wasn't class and confidence, it was the fact that they didn't have to give a shit. You don't need a top school to teach a kid that they're going to get a job as a useless consultant earning 6 figures regardless of how well they perform, I would integrate not caring too if I didn't have to from a young age. Lots of these kids would have their parents shell out 10k so they can go to some African country, build schools, and enjoy the weather, so their CVs tend to just be a series of cutesy volunteering experiences. Confidence is a neat trick I've learnt well, but it aint that that gets most of these kids cushy jobs straight out of college, it's daddy's connections. The kids that were clueless of harsh reality weren't so bad, it was the ones that knew the world was harsh for everyone else but they didn't have to care that were the worst

>> No.16979305


Ok parvenus

>> No.16979338

>There's very little more to the "elite" than money and power, the coolness comes as a result.
Absolutely wrong. The difference between new money and old money is massive.

>> No.16979352

New money is actually more harmless. Old money are people who actively consider killing you if you get in their way or they could make a buck. Just because they're more cultured doesn't make them nicer

>> No.16979507

> Just because they're more cultured doesn't make them nicer


>> No.16981000

> I want to know what's been going on since then!
Forgot to answer the thread request. Lasch's Revolt of the Elites might be your speed.

Fun thing, I studied in a French prépa (classes préparatoire) and what you said about arrogance and failure, and about work and stress applies very much to that kind of institution as well. Not so much on the network side as a prépa is at most three years. The outmaneuvering the adults aspect is totally absent however, perhaps due to the technical nature of the teaching.

Yeah the Kardashians are mock-rich despite their real money. A series into the life of a really dedicated industrialist would probably be in equal parts inspiring and chilling, but you're never going to have that on TV.

Heh. I'm no communist but after only 3 years of wagecucking I sometimes feel pretty revolution-minded. But that's just mood shifts, the reality is that the elites are also trapped in their own environment.
My dad work with some of them, and those ones are utterly conformistic and devoid of curiosity under their veneer of sophistication, they have no real passion for culture, they only use it as a tool for intimidating their lesser and rivals and for advancing themselves. Passionate high-class people do exist, but are they really more prevalent than passionate low-class people in their respective milieu? At the very least the lower-class are not engaged in pissing contestswith real stakes and against their friends and coworkers all the time.

Thank anon. Made it myself, but from a translator's note in the translation of Illiad I read recently: "Everything, or almost, is easy to the olympian gods of Homer. This is perhaps what characterizes them best."

>> No.16981033

Makes sense, the Church has a long history of cooperating closely with ruling elites (and taking most of their upper cadre from their ranks).

>> No.16981123

Very interesting and shows how a certain spirit is engineered early on. Not telling on classmate is also a big no-no in lower-class schools, but in this environment the lying seems to be also institutionally validated in a way.

>> No.16981220

A blanket statement. Some people get out of it stronger, others become drecks. Having a sense of what fits you best is paramount, unfortunately that often comes too late in life.

>> No.16981230

It is massive from the point of view of an insider mostly. I don't entirely agree with >>16978942 but he has a point.