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16963257 No.16963257 [Reply] [Original]

>capitalism is bad
>communism is bad (and impossible)
>anarchism is bad (and impossible)
>religions just get replaced by other religions (science, humanism, ideology, etc.)
>life is inherently meaningless unless you make up a meaning (i.e. a cope, and you'll always know it's a cope)
>there's actually no true solution for anything
>suffering is inescapable
Are there any thinkers that call for the destruction of the human race as a whole? Schopenhauer was right about the human condition but he didn't go far enough.

>> No.16963300
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Libens, the black dragon in this picture. He doesn't exist in this Lorentz Frame but his early philosophical period saw him as a panpsychist whose ultimate eschatology was the dissolution of all consciousness back into the undifferentiated and ego less pleroma

>> No.16963334

if we lived in an utopian heaven we would kill ourselves out of boredom

>> No.16963344

if we lived in an utopian heaven boredom wouldn't exist

>> No.16963359

The more I reason about it, the more I think offing myself is the right move. Everything else gets you fucked and in the end you die anyway. I would choose hedonism but hedonism is a slavery of its own and it would not fix the existential horror. It's merely a distraction just like religion.
I would have been happy if I were allowed to do the job I wanted to do for minimum wage but no, I'm supposed to do these shitty modern jobs I hate or nothing at all. Why can't I get paid for something I am good at?

>> No.16963384

Efilism DoNotGod.com

>> No.16963443

How accessible is his work? Where should I start and whose ideas should I make myself familiar with beforehand?

>> No.16963504

The destruction of the human race wouldn't be a bad thing, but also wouldn't be worth the effort.

You're not good at anything.

I'm not good at anything either. In a 9 billion man census, there's no chance any of us would clock in as "good" at anything, esp. when every field of purpose carries a millennia-long backlog. And if you were lucky enough to be "good", you must spend your entire life catching up on the backlog for the privilege to perhaps addend a chapter--and if you opt out of that, then it turns out you weren't good to begin with. The intersubjective world is a black calcuttan hole of mammoth size and inescapable gravity, around which we must orbit or die. The only way out is to cut ourselves off from the intersubjective entirely and live in the objective, but there's no guarantee the objective world even exists, much less possessing of a roadmap.

>> No.16963509

You kant

>> No.16963552

>I'm not good at anything either. In a 9 billion man census, there's no chance any of us would clock in as "good" at anything
What do you mean? I am definitely above average at a few things, they just happen to be things that don't pay.
Industry was a mistake. Luddites were right. If every product was made by an artisan, nobody would have to deal with this stupid shit. Nothing ennobles man more than work.

>> No.16963554

He's one of the easier philosophers to read. I'd start with On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason, which will explain a lot of his ideas and kind of give an overview of Kant. World as Will and Representation is something you can read next.

>> No.16963560

>Are there any thinkers that call for the destruction of the human race as a whole?
Pretty sure Ligotti says so in Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.16963689

can you even imagine that or just semantic thinking?

>> No.16964873

Very accessible.
His essays and aphorisms are a nice sampler of his work if you don't want to jump right into his big stuff.

>> No.16964891

Not really though. There is no system building and philosophizing in his essays and aphorisms. They are best read after his philosophy.

>> No.16965277

I like the eldar in Warhammer 40k. They become so advance that they resort to hedonism to cope. The hedonistic energy proceeds to create a chaos God which destroys 90% of their species

>> No.16965289
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>> No.16965530

You should kill yourself, not because its the best option but because you're an embarrassment to the species. Shoopdawhoop was right, humans are terrible creatures, but humanity is defined as the sum of the individual. You cry and whine about your life not being handed to you and think you're a victim of modernity while wishing to do nothing to change it. On top of that, you believe religion to be a mere distraction from being alive because truth to you is terrifying. There is no existential horror, there is only understanding and misunderstanding and when faced with your misunderstanding and in the penultimate choice of fight or flight, you chose to run like the coward you are.

>> No.16965550

well said m80

>> No.16965586

You don’t need to destroy the human race as a whole. According to Schopenhauer the day your brain stops functioning not only all humanity, but the universe with its stars and planets will disappear as time and space and everything therein are merely an illusion. The Will however that gave rise to everything will never cease to exist.

>> No.16966162

Thanks for your opinion. I will keep NEETing and living on the back of the system until it is no longer viable. I hate all people and I more valuable than 100% of them exclusively because of that. Religion is cope. I will pop a champagne bottle bought with taxpayer money when WW3 starts.

>> No.16966237
File: 89 KB, 278x252, cVY2SufHA7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>life is inherently meaningless unless you make up a meaning
>>(i.e. a cope, and you'll always know it's a cope)
How would you know the difference between a cope and a non-cope if there's nothing but cope? Kill yourself

>> No.16966288


>> No.16966297

You aren't cosmically important, but I think you're great. :^)

>> No.16966936

While I have never tried it, I don't believe those on opium ever feel the pain of boredom. That's what I imagine heaven as, your brain full of serotonin and dopamine.

>> No.16966987

Mainlander, the true successor to Schoppy

>> No.16967054

>we have made society so good and luxurious that our peasants live better than Kings did 100 years ago
>our poor people are fat
>people on average, if not degenerates or unlucky, grow really old before dying
>society has prospered so much that our young men (those who should be supporting it) are able to sit around online, not working, and just getting free money and tendies
>people have so little to worry about they have turned to inventing problems, see: SJWs
>we are so far from oppression that people think Donald fucking Trump is Hitler
>"capitalism doesn't work reeee"

>> No.16967125

>Nothing ennobles man more than work.
and then you say religion is a distraction.

>> No.16967180

Maybe I just need to read him to understand, but I don't see why it matters if one mitigates the meaninglessness of life through coping (your term). Ultimately it could be argued that anything is pointless and all things are dust in the wind, but that doesn't change the fact that striving brings a sense of purpose that aides in finding happiness and achieving things, ie. progress. By this gleaned Schopenhauer logic we should have stayed primitive because "lol why try in the face of the void?"

>> No.16967228

if you're older than 25 it's over for you.

>> No.16967271

None of the greentext in OP is from Schopenhauer. The only part that relates to him is "Schopenhauer was right about human condition", presumably alluding to the famous words "life is suffering". Other than that, OP is a pseud who is using Schopenhauer's picture as a front to make his own points. Schopenhauer himself was deeply into spirituality as well as empirical science and managed to make sense of the two in his philosophy. He also found plenty of meaning in life.

>> No.16967285

i'm at school right now doing an argument on why socialism is good. what should i say?

>> No.16967289

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.16967299

Socialism reduces inequality and that's good

>> No.16967305

how do they reduce inequality? specifically during the industrial revolution

>> No.16967309

Socialism will lead to all basic needs being filled for everyone, allowing them to no longer be distracted by the struggle for existence and its illusory meaning and realize that suicide is the best option

>> No.16967336

funny that you mention schopenhauer now i am at this moment literally looking for his books to get into reading his stuff

>> No.16967356

You should consider "The Philosophy of Schopenhauer" by Bryan Magee. It's a very good secondary lit

>> No.16967358

Name nice nordic countries and remember to bash America

>> No.16967386


I am considering this reading order what do you think? Downloaded all his books and biographies in a collection from the sticky link

>> No.16967416

It's not good imo. His essays and aphorisms are best read after his philosophy because he's always assuming you already know it. I suggest starting with Magee's book to get the overall context, then reading WWR vol 1. This gives you the core of his work, after this you can read anything you want.

>> No.16967446

>learning a craft from your father and having something to teach your son
>making things your community needs, filling a role, having a purpose
versus literal cope in the service of religious institutions

>> No.16967458

>everyone turned completely fucking insane
>this is not a problem

>> No.16967461

>Conspiracy Against the Human Race
literally a schopenhauer ripoff

>> No.16967700

Read The World as Will and see/listen to Wagner’s Tristan and Isolda (World as Will in music) for the maximum, full and proper kino.

>> No.16967729
File: 105 KB, 1200x1600, Steven-Pinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ass man made this post

>> No.16968491

non-cope is the underlying hell

>> No.16969035

>suffering is inescapable
Wrong. Schopenhauer says denial of the Will and aesthetic contemplation can accomplish moments of peace.
>destruction of the human race
Schopenhauer considered suicide to be the ultimate act of affirmation of the Will. The individual can escape his individuality through suicide but the Will cannot be escaped through suicide.

>> No.16969044

Stirner loved people though.

>> No.16969063

>>our poor people are fat
maybe in murrica

>> No.16969939

such a low hanging apple

>> No.16970270

>Are there any thinkers that call for the destruction of the human race as a whole
agenda 2030 by accident, linkola intentionally

>> No.16970288

nice meaning you've just made up you coper

>> No.16970392

Interesting take but I'm still going to have to tell you to go back to /pol/