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16962574 No.16962574 [Reply] [Original]

Does the price of the Kindle Oasis seem absurd to you?

250€ 8Gb - 303 USD
340€ 32Gb - 412 USD

Does this thread go here or in /g/?

>> No.16962733

yes. absolutely ridiculous. the only one worth buying is the first model which had no backlight and went for something like 50-70euros. you can probably still find it. however, it's quite small.

>> No.16962751

it's supposed to be the rolls royce of e-readers. there are many cheaper options

>> No.16962760

bezos gonna bez

>> No.16962794

Get the Kobo libra h2o. Same form factor and features, just slightly cheaper construction, but for a significantly cheaper price.

>> No.16962839
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>> No.16962858


so is that adjusted for inflation or....

>> No.16962865

Jeff BESOS :$ :$ :$

>> No.16962879

No that’s not true. The backlight is a must. Kindle paper white is the best model.

>> No.16962908

If it doesn't have light warmth options, it's not good either. The Kobo Clara HD has that option.

>> No.16962918


I'm not broke so I've never regretted it. Reading is my main hobby and I steal all my books off libgen. Worth the cash drop.

>> No.16962933

Different ergonomics though. You can't lay the Oasis flat on a table on its backside because it has that chunk you're supposed to hold, so a cover would be necessary.

>> No.16962938

my mom has one and loves it

>> No.16962995

My Kindle keyboard is pretty fragile and the buttons don't work right a lot of the time. It incorrectly inputs the wrong text letters sometimes. In general is hard and very uncomfortable to try to read PDFs on it.

For these reasons I can never recommend any kindle at all to anyone. Just read on a computer screen. Though I admit my Kindle is easy on the eyes.

>> No.16963033

I like to think of it like this... Jeff is a fucking billionaire and he can't even fix my Kindle to work correctly. Support better products, not these assholes that are trying to make as much money as possible and skimping on the quality. Hopefully the newer Editions aren't as shity as the old ones. Have fun paying three times the price.

>> No.16963088

Reading on a computer screen is degenerate behavior. You will experience lifelong posture issues. Self destruction is not a personality.

>> No.16963096

>In general is hard and very uncomfortable to try to read PDFs on it.


>> No.16963132

>My Kindle keyboard
Peak boomer mentality bro. That's a 10+ year old device.
Pdfs are shit on all big brand ereaders (slightly improved with the Koreader OS) due to screen size and file format limitations. Just get one of those Boox or a regular tablet for PDFs or get on with the times and, if you're just reading fiction for entertainment, download the ebook in a modern file format.

>> No.16963248

it's overpriced. the software isn't any better than a paperwhite, and software is the real stumbling block of ereaders.

>> No.16963270

I used my Trumpbux to buy one and I love it. If you're concerned about price then get a paperweight.

>> No.16963411

>using 12 year old tech and expecting it to work properly
What's it like being a retard?

>> No.16963879
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I have a paperwhite and love it but I want something a big larger. I don't like how "one page" is actually two or three pages on the kindle. What's the best ereader that isn't like $500?

>> No.16963899

just make the ext size smaller

>> No.16963909

It's already on the second smallest, don't want to go smaller.

>> No.16964274

It's the iPhone of Kindles. The price has a premium over what a lesser-name brand price would charge for similar quality.
But build-wise, it's the best you can get, so people are willing to pay more for the best. It also lasts a long time.

No recs but i went from Paperwhite to Oasis. I was foolish with my money at the time, but it's great and I have no complaints (except that the screen could be even larger). It just reminds me that I paid too much to buy it.

>> No.16964289

this, and to add, books are cheap for kindle.

>> No.16964306

Remarkable 2, aura one, lots more others. What’s a 7” reader doing being that expensive

>> No.16964664

Do you really own a Remarkable 2? I've heard it's great for notetaking (though I'd still prefer real paper), but it falls short at actually displaying media.

>> No.16964675

How does a Kindle cost more than an iPad?
Apple is supposed to be overpriced, and iPads can do more than just read books.

>> No.16966034

You guys would really spend 800 for an eReader?

>> No.16966058

Almost bought a Kobo but I found out that it doesn't have a landscape option. It used to and they removed it. WTF?

>> No.16966174

I've had two different kindles (orig. and paperwhite) over ten years and I've never filled one to limit. I have something like 500 books on my paperwhite right now. There's absolutely no reason to spend that much on an ereader.

>> No.16966188
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I've been thinking of buying this Kobo Libra H20, anyone have any experience with it? Is it worth it?

>> No.16966193

It's early market. You'd need to wait a few years for them to actually make it worth the price. If it's new tech, never buy it early. In a couple years, you'll be able to buy a remarkable copycat for ~150

>> No.16966205

buttons are so nice to have i can't go back

>> No.16966214

Remarkable 2 is in that price range. Since I have the RM2 I've stopped using the Kindle. Taking notes on academic papers on the RM2 feels comfy, and the big screen makes rendering A4 PDFs not look shit.

Also I sometimes draw animals and email them to people.

>> No.16966225

I only read paperbooks but that's because I only started reading last year and I want to build up a good sized library before switching to a kindle

>> No.16966266

I half-believe this is an unconventional marketing campaign by Remarkable, after their aggressive Instagram sponsored post ad campaign got flamed in the comments, before Insta let companies disable the comment section.
Really, this is the first place on the internet where I've seen most people with positive experiences about Remarkable.

>> No.16966329

Yeah except the Paperwhite is 10x stronger. I had mine for 4 years, dropped it multiple times, and dropped heavy things on the screen in a drawer. It chipped the screen but still worked. 9 months with the Oasis, and the e-ink screen (inside) broke on a tiny impact, rendering the whole thing unusable. Amazon replaced it for free, as it's still in warranty, but that doesn't change the difference in build.
Also my Paperwhite battery lasted for weeks. Oasis for about 5 days.
If I was buying again, would get the Paperwhite for sure.

>> No.16966431

People are actually buying Max Boox for 1000 dollars so yeah

>> No.16966658

shoulda done something worthwhile with all that time, like inventing fire, insteada just being a million-year wagie
then you might have fat stacks like the bez

>> No.16966674

I want to buy a RM2. Is it worth it? Is the marker cursive? I have a surface pro 6 as my main machine and the stylus works flawlessly on it, but I do prefer something more lightweight to bring to uni and take notes.

>> No.16966710
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>Self destruction is not a personality

>> No.16968164

No one takes Bukowski seriously after the age of 24.