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16961093 No.16961093 [Reply] [Original]

Plato was a feminist?!

>> No.16961115

Yes, also a communist.

>> No.16961144
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>> No.16961151

The Republic is a metaphor for inner life you fucking brainlet.

>> No.16961177

>Ancient Greece
>The nuclear family
>Gender equality
What's the deal, guys? Why are people so eager to read their favorite nineteenth and twentieth century ideologies onto Plato and Aristotle?

>> No.16961209

>To what extent the communism of the ideal city is problematic is a more complicated question. The critics claim that communism is either undesirable or impossible. The charge of impossibility essentially extends one of Plato’s insights: while Plato believes that most people are incapable of living without private property and private families, the critics argue that all people are incapable of living without private property. This criticism fails if there is clear evidence of people who live communally. But the critic can fall back on the charge of undesirability. Here the critic needs to identify what is lost by giving up on private property and private families, and the critic needs to show that this is more valuable than any unity and extended sense of family the communal arrangements offer. It is not clear how this debate should go. Plato’s position on this question is a stubbornly persistent ideal, despite the equally stubborn persistence of criticism.
I'm not sure what to make of this. What does this tell us about the production of philosophical knowledge in our societies?

>> No.16961232

He was pro-Trans too

>> No.16962471

I interpreted his shout-out to Aspasia in Menoxenes as a sign that he respected women

>> No.16962750

That's ironically a brainlet take, totally ignorant of many of Plato's other works and the personal history of him and several of his students, notably Dion.

>> No.16962762

wow it's almost like women are fucking humans too

>> No.16962767

That's an unpopular opinion on this board though

>> No.16962784

Yeah, too many incels.

>> No.16962808

Women are intellectually inferior and physically weak trash. Twink are the true mates for patricians.

>> No.16964166

Kek, the Republic itself says the point isn't the foundation of the city they discuss

>> No.16964175

t. twink who's also an incel