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/lit/ - Literature

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16959990 No.16959990 [Reply] [Original]

>it's almost time for another comfy winter getting lit with the boys on /lit/, reading comfy books, pretending to have read comfy books, becoming enlightened, talking smack, and doing literally, LITERALLY, N O T H I N G else.


The forecast is in. It's going to be another comfy winter and it doesn't matter what happens outside.

>> No.16960044
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Goldfinger. "I don’t drink tea. I hate it. It’s mud. Moreover it’s one of the main reasons for the downfall of the British Empire. Be a good girl and make me some coffee."



I hope I don't have to work today. I just want to exist.

Minecraft. I spawned in a Flower Forest biome surrounded by Taiga on all sides. I'm building a little fairy tale village and it's supremely cozy.

I just want to get through this next stretch of work so I can relax with my family on Christmas.

Cooking spaghetti, smoking weed.

Cheers, brothers.

>> No.16960112

Still on Gargantua and & Pantagruel. I'm thinking tho that after I finish the book of it that I'm on now, I'll spread out each book so I read like one a month instead of one every few days, I'm still enjoying it a lot, but it is definitely starting to feel a lot less fresh than it was in the very first book and there's some other stuff that I just really want to start reading already.

nothing, but I'll probably make myself a cup of coffee in a bit

happy I don't have work tomorrow, bought some Christmas presents for my family so I'm happy about that, and I almost never smoke on my own, but I'm thinking I'll treat myself to a little cigarette or two tonight

just fired up the auld fm19. Currently massively overperforming with Newcastle in my first season so that's good, even if its now been 14 league games and none of my strikers have scored more than 2 goals, so that'll have to be sorted out in January

I'm feeling alright actually

idl I might cook a little pasta dish that I like later on if I get a bit peckish

>> No.16960123
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Anna Karenina
The Unknown Soldier (1955 version)
I don't want to go back to the army
celebrating independence with my family

>> No.16960219
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just finished a 1000 page world history textbook
cream soda flavored dr. pepper
just finished HBO Max documentary on the Heaven's Gate Cult
csgo or mtgo
browsing 4chan, considering what book ill read next, going to buy some liquor for the holidays soon :)

>> No.16960226
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hey guys. reading some Remark (fuck tge gay frenchy spelling) after finishing my work with horses. took a cool pic today

>> No.16960469
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Took a cool pic the other day (from warosu).

>> No.16960621

Phaedrus by Plato
Watched Close-Up (1990). It wasn't as good as I thought it would be, although the ideas within it are interesting.
I'm meeting up with my ex later in december to discuss out relationship. Don't know how I'll go about it.
Some CS
A bit melancholic since it was my birthday two days ago, and I didn't do anything special on it.
Eating chicken and rice while watching some CS.

>> No.16960694
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>I almost never smoke on my own, but I'm thinking I'll treat myself to a little cigarette or two tonight
This is a comfy feel. I could never take up smoking tobacco as a regular hobby but every few years I'll treat myself to a cheeky clove cigarette. I've had some /comfy/ winter nights puffing on a djarum black. I generally just smoke weed, but there is something neat about the clear headed tobacco rush.

>I don't want to go back to the army
Conscript or volunteer? Do you like Storm of Steel?

>just finished HBO Max documentary on the Heaven's Gate Cult
How was it? always loved their space age look.

>I'm meeting up with my ex later in december to discuss out relationship. Don't know how I'll go about it.
How long have you two been apart? Makeup sex is usually hot but can be a risk depending on the woman. Don't get back together though.

I'm thinking about buying pic related for myself this Christmas. Any other comfy coffee table book recs?

>> No.16960743

>after finishing my work with horses.
what does this mean? any horse kino books? sounds comfy

>> No.16960757

Aristotle’s Politics
Landsharks baby, fins up
Jags game
Currently trying to make sense of the Nicomachean Ethics, finished it yesterday and I got the main points but Aristotle backtracked a lot and contradicts himself sometimes
Year 2 of no vidya
Pretty good, I’ve got finals week this week and I’m really only worried about my signals and power finals
Taking a fat dump and hittin the nic

>> No.16960788

It's a bit of a long story, but I'll try to tell it. We were together for 7 years. We decided to end things together since we were drifting apart. So we broke up about a year and a half ago. We managed to stay friends since we had a group of mutual friends. We still had sex sometimes but that has now ended. Then we kind of lost touch due to COVID, but would sometimes check in on each other.

Fast forward to last week, a mutual friend of ours tells me that her ex-boyfriend which was also a part of our friend group was violent in their relationship which leads me to opening a discussion with my ex if she felt that I wronged her in some major way in our relationship. She thanked me for opening the discussion and said I was brave in doing it. So we'll be discussing that some time later in december.

I'm not in love with her anymore, but she use to be such a big part of my life so I still wish all the best for her. I'm not going for any makeup-sex here, and we're not getting back together.
What's troubling you about the Nicomachean Ethics? I read it a couple of years ago, and might be able to help.

>> No.16960873

ok this guy is based

>> No.16960886

Well I understand that Aristotle posits various virtues and that the good men live by the virtues, but I’m confused as to whether he believes in an objective good (similar to the form of the good). He says that men become good through virtuous actions and habituation of those actions, but he also explains in one part of Ethics that in any given situation where there is not an immediately obvious moral resolution, whatever a virtuous man does will necessarily be the correct moral choice. Does he think that there is objective good or does he think that there are only virtues which can reflect good character?

>> No.16960947

The magus and the hero with a thousand faces. Really enjoying the magus so far
Cold brew with a shot of espresso
Hoping I get the job I interviewed for this week
Nothing I played too much poker this week already
Gotta go to the grocery store soon

>> No.16960997

ty anon
It might help to contrast his virtue ethics with the action ethics of Kant and Mill. Mill and Kant would say that in each scenario there is a possible most ethical action, although sometimes the individual might not be able to see it properly. Whereas Aristotle would say that it is the virtue that matters most in those scenarios. Since a virtuous individual would through his virtue alone be able to find the most ethical action. So I think he'd believe in the existence of objective good, but only that the virtue would be able to find it. Might be wrong though haha.
good luck with the job interview anon.

>> No.16960999

brothers k
watchin my night at mauds boring af
about food
lurkin the internet

>> No.16961035

Ah I see what you’re saying, thank you man. I have yet to read any Kant or Mill yet (I’m going chronologically starting with Greeks) but I’m looking forward to making that connection someday. Good luck with your ex and have a merry Christmas

>> No.16961075

>Conscript or volunteer? Do you like Storm of Steel?
conscript. haven't read it yet.

>> No.16961101

Thank you kind anon, and good luck with Aristotle.

>> No.16961182

Crime & Punishment
Water, coffee
I should fix my lower back pain so it's easier to meditate
Deus Ex

>> No.16961269
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Flipping through Tocqueville on the Old Regime and the French Revolution. Really love the mix of legal, political, and sociological analysis. I’d really love some reccs on anything similar
Finished my morning coffee, probably just water and ginger ale until this evening
Thinking about my next move. Might try to go get my masters in a year or two, might stick with my job, might try to leverage myself to something better. I’m thinking about studying public policy, but I get middling grades at a mediocre state school for undergrad, so it’s not like I’ll ever work at a think tank.
Just cracked open Dark Souls 1 for the first time in years. Having a comfy quality build play through, I’m in the depths with a +5 halberd rn, might try to get the Server or the Falange once I get to Sen’s fortress.
Better than I have in years. I was super depressed in school bc I was worried I couldn’t find a place in society. Now I have a job and an apartment and a few friends that have stuck with me, things are going well. We’re all going to make it.
Hiking, getting hyped for some cross-country skiing this winter, lifting, and swimming. Body and mind, I’ve really never felt better.

Any reccs similar to Tocqueville? I’ve been reading Franz Neumann too, it’s pretty similar but I’m always looking for more.

>> No.16961293
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comfy Sunday reading boys
Joshua fucked everybody up

>> No.16961536

100 years of Solitude - Gabriel García Márquez, such a nice book
bout how i am going to finish the year being less depressed
sekiro and cuphead
constant sadness, but hopeful
watching the comfy /lit/ threads and listening to a podcast

cheers boys

>> No.16961606

Houllebecq's Submission and Herodotus
The Big Lez Show
How to destroy the illegitimate state of israel
Molded VTM: Bloodlines
Pretty good, I am hogh as fuck and just finished book 5 of Herodotus. Going in I thought I would dislike the Persians but Cyrus and Darius are real niggas
Reading and smoking weed, tonight I will make ossobucco for a qt

>> No.16961668
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I'm trying to think of names for a fictional gaming podcast in one of the stories I'm writing but drawing a blank, any suggestions that don't sound TOO over the top ridiculous like "The Nerd Crew"?

>> No.16961905

well well well good to be back on /comfylit/

finishing up Anna Karenina. The Corsican: A Diary of Napoleon Bonaparte, audiobook narrated by a guy with a French accent, sounds tough, not like most audiobook narrators. Very comfy listening to one of the great leaders and conquerors own words and thoughts.

hot chocolate with the missus, but also my usual double-bag of chamomile as i read

holiday movies, kdrama "start-up", and some youtube playlists of videos that teach me things iwant to learn (nonfiction/business book summaries). I find 90% of the nonfiction/business books written in the last 20 years can be accurately summarized in a 15 min youtube video, so i've been doing that and implementing it in my life and it's been a much more efficient way to learn and improve my life.

want to rebuild my relationship with my family. my relationship is good, but their relationships with each other are not good, so my brother and i are working on bringing the family closer. we are both having children soon and we grew up with almost no other family, meanwhile many of our friends have big families with cousins who are lifelong strong friends with each other and we always envied that, and we want that for our kids. this all happened in the last few days, and ive been reading Anna Karenina last few months, so now Anna Karenina is hitting so much harder, it's my favorite book ever and im not done with it yet.

halo MCC. i don't have xbox live though as i'm afraid it will consume my entire life, but i might pull the trigger some day soon as it seems like it would be more fun. i watch ispiteful's videos on youtube and his halo custom MCC games look so comfy to play together with friends. even just 30 min a week of that would be a delight

feelan pretty good tbqh. a little nervous about being a father in the next year, but i have to rise to the occasion. i have no regrets as to other things i wanted to pursue in my life, and i'm so thankful that someone like my wife will be the mother of my child.

busting up inside my wife to get her pregnant. work. trying to start my own business, making progress but procrastinating on it too much. im at the brink of a potentially earth-shattering discovery within it, it will rock the industry i'm in. i just can't get myself to move forward. i don't wnt to fall into my old habits of procrastinating until it's too late. i've blocked out time this week to execute on it, and blocked out separate times to do the things i normally do to procrastinate.

>> No.16962671

Nice one anon, just ate a tremendous little pasta dish that would have top billing in an Italian grandmother's recipe book. Smoked the ugliest roll up cigarette to ever grace the earth, oh it was gorgeous though, I think since this is basically the only night in the week that I can stay up late I'll potter about for twenty minutes, maybe read some poetry or summat, have another fag and then tuck meself into bed.

>> No.16962720
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lattimore odyssey, i know its bland but i figured i ought to read it or im worse off
water, coffee makes it hard to sleep
Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai
im unsure if time continues to dilate in such a manner, i am coming of age and every day feels bizarre, i feel like im losing contact with actual reality, i constantly make people nervous because they suspect i am crazy in some capacity. i also am constantly suspicious of others.
giving up vidya is the best choice i ever made
really shit, most depressed ive been in a while, but not the lowest so im doing better
studying for a greek 2 test in
very nervous

>> No.16962898

you do realize that marijauna and christianity are relatively mutually exclusive?
whenever He speaks on wine it applies to all drugs, so if it causes you to forget the Law or transgress against such, then you ought not
and if you can make a case even still, which you perhaps could, then you should know what he speaks in proverbs 31, that wine and strong drink are for him who is ready to perish and are in anguish, that they may forget their poverty and remember not their misery

>> No.16962947

Confessions of a Mask. Was Mishima gay?
Nothing. I think a Christmas movie is on in the living room.
I’m as lost as always.
Played the new Assassin’s Creed a few weeks ago. I thought it was bad.
See thinkan
Reading and posting

>> No.16962961

That is a cool pic

>> No.16963139
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Went to the local bookstore today and picked up a fantasy novel called The Name of the Wind. Just finished the first chapter, seems pretty alright I'm pretty interested in it so far.

Decided I'm not meant for the "classics" and will stick to enjoying my fantasy novels.
Random youtube homepage recs and twitch streams I'm not really interested in
Today went by really fast. Seemed like yesterday lasted forever but now here it is already almost 6 pm
Clash tonight so league with the bros
Pretty good. Once I stopped trying to read stuff I didn't have an interest in I've been doing it a lot more and its really enjoyable.

I really love the Christmas time. The music is great and comfy, how cold it is and bundling up is great. I just wish things would be open and we didn't have a pandemic so I could go and do some Christmas events with family. We have always gone to an arboretum near us that decorates the nature walk with Christmas lights and sells hot chocolate along the way and its max comfy to walk with family while its gently snowing.
Bout to make some dinner, roasting some asparagus and peppers and heating up some chicken I cooked previously.

>> No.16963174

I like your picture anon.

The first name that came to my mind is "The Arcade", idk it doesn't sound too bad in my head

>> No.16963183
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Fellow comfies, I hope you capitalized off of bath and body works' candle day. Under the Christmas tree, black tie, and marshmallow fireside are by far the greatest scents for reading during the winter.

>> No.16963250

Studying feudalism as an economic system, technology in the Middle Ages and more casually reading about early modern Europe, along with some Southeast Asian history.
Water and coffee.
I haven't watched any anime recently but I watched a documentary called "Century of the Self" a few days ago. Really interesting and also alarming. If you haven't seen it, you should watch it now..
About what I'll write about.
Nothing right now.
I'm pretty happy right now.
I've been taking more hikes recently. It's comfy to get outside.

>> No.16963679

Love in the Time of Cholera
Local Gin
Demy movies
When will I tell her?
Nothing. Maybe Silent Hill. Listening to a lot of The Cure.
The strain of love
Waiting until I can leave the house again. Writing.

>> No.16963761

Just finished Zarathustra, don’t know if I feel like starting Wuthering Heights or Monte Cristo next

Cheap ol’ pinot noir

Probably How the Grinch Stole Christmas when wife gets home

About the plot for my next short story

Exhausted. Several co-workers out from covid so work has been extra stressful lately

Cooking din-don

Get comfy and in the holiday spirit friends. We’ve all earned it this year

>> No.16963765

my interest in the bible is strictly secular

>> No.16963922

explain jesus' love of wine to me, a bible reading weed smoking pagan

>> No.16964052
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the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord
you will walk in vain conceit your whole life
your disrespect of the name of the Lord is telling enough of your lack of fear and therefore knowledge
Jesus puts forth in his work, in his life as art, a concept called "deisseitigkeit" by Bonhoeffer
but know that he in no way abolished any of the old testaments opinions on substance abuse
know that if there be any apparent contradictions or paradoxes, they are the fontus sapientiae, verum, and they are truly only apparent

>> No.16964076
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I miss my NEET winters, drinking neat whisky, chatting with neat NEETs. It's all over now.

>> No.16964077
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>Dude weed lmao

>> No.16964118
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Poetry of Vachel Lindsay


wanna be pen pals with somebody
kinda wishin this board wasn't so hostile towards jews all the time, I know I shouldn't care, but it feels a bit much sometimes

pretty great and free

reorganizing my bookshelf

>> No.16964150

my history textbook, i have an exam tomorrow
g&t my man
chess games analysis
the realationship between mathematics and the Forms
online chess brother
really, really tired. i came back from a dark time and i am still deeply depressive when i drink.
studying for my history exam

>> No.16964156

cool pic

>> No.16964165

Good luck based anon

>> No.16964171

thanks fren

>> No.16964180

>gargantua & pantagruel
can you redpill me on this?
Happy Birthday fren
>rebuild family
Good luck friend. There is no greater calling than family. I hope you can bring everyone together, even if Covid presents more of a challenge now.
Went to some local bookstores today too anon, picked up some new poetry, saw a beautiful girl there too, if only if only

>> No.16964188
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Anna Karenina. Love it, I'm near the end of comfy Levin mowing chapters that an anon told me he liked.
Cheap chardonnay
Might catch up with Gochiusa later for stress relief. Something about that stuff just chills me out.
That I am overworking myself trying to work + go to school full time. I love school so far but my job is so exhausting that I barely have the energy to complete my assignments at the end of the day, and I end up procrastinating.
nothing. haven't touched vidya in 2 years. i'd rather spend that limited free time on 4chan
Worn out. Work, school, COVID, responsibilities... I'm trying to love life but I'm starting to feel like something has to give. I need to take less classes or reduce my hours at work. I have no many things I'd like to focus on, but I have no time. I was supposed to be a trilingual rockstar by now.
listening to these two things at the same time. would recommend. almost everything i do at home now is some sort of stress relief

>> No.16964206
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oh yeah also its my b-day tomorrow. gonna spend it at work but i guess that's okay.

>tfw born on Pearl Harbor Day