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/lit/ - Literature

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1695896 No.1695896 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts, /lit/?

>> No.1695914


>> No.1695929
File: 170 KB, 400x400, what_the_fuck_am_i_reading_copy_142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to the index and I need to ask...
Does the author have Tourette's syndrome or something?

>> No.1695942

twilight for men

>> No.1695956

I've read about 20 pages of this crap. I could have honestly wrote it in 2nd grade. The sentences are too simple with no real purpose except to fit in words that may cause chuckling if you are completely immature. The storyline is crap too. He only wrote this garbage to try and be edgy or some crap, but it ends up sounding like a 2nd grader in detention would write.

>> No.1695964


Shocking review based on the title. I would have expected it it to be deep, mature and full of literary merit.

>> No.1695979

I greatly prefered Robocunt and the Rugniggers of Afrofaggotstan

>> No.1696405

I thought it was a lovely epic. Though he forgot to provoke a muse in the opening.

>> No.1696419

It's a pretty decent retelling of The Aeneid imo. It's a very well-done modernization of a classic story, tastefully adapted to modern sensibilities.

>> No.1696484

finally, an author who's not afraid to write what we all feel

>> No.1696501


This. It's funny, when I read that book I really felt like I could kind of relate to it.

>> No.1696513

so basically every post ever made by D&E?

>> No.1696530

There are two types of reader in this world. Those who see the title 'The Vagina Ass of Lucifer Niggerbastard', and know this is trash they will never read, and those who see that title and know that they must own the book.

>> No.1696720

I just read it, and while i enjoyed it, it was kind of easy. Could be a lot more extreme if you ask me.

>> No.1696725

Can someone please post a link to it? I can't find it or another one I'm looking for tonight. Maybe it's an off night. Oh well.

>> No.1696865

bump so i don't have to spend money buying this garbage

>> No.1696905

good site i found www.google.com you just type in wat your looking for works good i tped in vagina ass of lucifer did the trick

>> No.1697016


>provoke a muse

>> No.1697237
File: 33 KB, 336x480, gary_busey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you weren't kidding

>> No.1697625


>> No.1697644

Just read the first two chapters online after seeing this thread and well......... it has merit simply in being a mockery of profanity and literature, a brief experiment in the extreme regions of the former. Ultimately it has little value outside of a few chuckles.

>> No.1697673

Because someone posted this title here, I did a little poking around and was eventually led to this related place:
which I previously had not known about. So, thanks /lit/, I guess I owe you one.

>> No.1697676

ok so i read a few more chapters and this shit honestly reads like a mad libs page filled out by 13 year olds who just learned about profanity

>> No.1698118
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I prefered this fine tome.

>> No.1698542

Taken from page 16 after consulting Google:

"My vagina-ass?" Lucifer gulped. "But why?"

"Because it's the only vagina-ass in the world." The Ass Fairy said. "It's the fabled vagina-ass that is destined to give birth to an entire nation of fuckers that will take over Italy and have a big fucking empire and shit."

"Holy fuck!" The sack of babyshit burbled. "Lucifer Niggerbastard's vagina-ass?"


You guys were not fucking kidding, this is based off of The Aeneid.
Here's another excerpt a few pages later:

"Hey fucker! What in the holy shitting goddamn name of Christ riding a cross-shaped dildo are you doing? Lets [sic] move, fucktard!"

"The Ass Fairy is fucking dead." The sack of babyshit burbled. "Someone has to teabag his fucking corpse."

"Good point, but fucking hurry up." Lucifer scanned the horizon, [sic again] held the shotgun closer. "Those fucking evil alien cunt scrotums could show up any minute and I will totally leave your burbing ass behind if you slow me the fuck down."

One more, just because I don't want to make it feel like a waste of time when I searched for a pdf of the book.
Shaped like a giant ass, the boat seemed to sparkle with all the gay wonder of faggot vampires and teenage angsty movies. The magic dick in the center of the ass-shaped boat was already hard, and as the sack of shit wrapped his fist around it, the whole vessel shook like a toothless old retard on the edge of cumming buckets while watching midget porn.


I must ask, why? Why was this created?

>> No.1698550
File: 77 KB, 521x521, grape mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what happens when people publish their own stuff

this is what happens thanks to digital distribution

I'll be over here reading my copy of "The Golden Ass," while you plebeians waste your time reading smut, thank you very much.

>> No.1698590

Goddamn, this is the first time I've read a sample. It's disappointing, it's like the guy wants to sound like Seanbaby or Maddox and fails miserably.