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1695776 No.1695776 [Reply] [Original]

Name favorite author's who are best at injecting their writing with their own personality.

>> No.1695783
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>> No.1695786

HST is probably the obvious choice.

So I'm naming him.


>> No.1695795


Darn, now I'll never win that Academy of Esteemed Image Board's Writers Award of Distinction Involving Tact, Skill, and Dickness.

There's always next year.

>> No.1695804

I didn't even bother to remember what you wrote

>> No.1695812

You're both super cool.

>> No.1695820

But you bothered to post about it because it just feels so good to complain. Oh, and you forgot a period. Classless.

But anyways back to op's topic, I'll have to say Hemingway. Not necessarily to the same degree but when he talks about drinking you know it's a big part of the author.

>> No.1695824

Dave Eggers, obviously. Notoriously egocentric and all that.

>> No.1695826

Bukowski is the cream of the crop when it comes to injecting personality when writing..

>> No.1695830
File: 54 KB, 350x535, dyer_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when he talks about drinking you know it's a big part of the author.

Which brings us to Bukowski. His writing is effectively his personality - he hardly even fictionalises. And you either love it or you hate it.

Geoff Dyer is another author who basically writes loosely-ficionalised, or ostensibly fictionalised, versions of himself. Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi: A Novel is a pretty good example.

>> No.1695831

is dave eggers really supposed to be an ego case, or are we just assuming because LOL HIPSTERS? i never want to read another one of his books, but he seems like an alright guy to me

>> No.1695833

Stephen King

>> No.1695836
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cuz it makes OP mad

>> No.1695837


>> No.1695847

DH Lawrence. Every single book of his was "eee, bloody hell, I'm from oop north me". Even the ones set in Mexico. It's a kind of genius.

lawrence's only genius

>> No.1695920

Walt Whitman does it best.