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16956522 No.16956522 [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst book that you had to read for school that wasn't about the holocaust?

>> No.16956525

Did you go to a religious school or something?

>> No.16956530

Public school, but the teacher was very religious

>> No.16956542

Kite Runner, Ethan Frome, or the Great Gatsby are all absolute dogshit that made me think I didn't like any modern literature.

>> No.16956547
File: 239 KB, 861x1374, sdfkjl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being forced to read this garbage made me hate blacks for at least 5 years until I stopped being racist around a year ago for other reasons.

>> No.16956552

what's wrong with gatbsy?

>> No.16956555

The five people you meet in heaven are all Holocaust survivors.

>> No.16956559

What made you stop?

>> No.16956573

he hasn't seen any blacks for 5 years and is starting to forget his experiences

>> No.16956578

Actually talking to black people who were as intelligent as me and learning about statistics, outliers, and human development

>> No.16956759


Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho. Utter trash, required for a college class.
I feel like I hated the Color of Water, but I didn't actually read it so I don't think it counts.
Lord of the Flies is also fucking terrible. Hamfisted, contrived, and dull.

>> No.16956788

We had to read a bunch of garbage about anti racism, "black experience", etc. so probably one of those.

>> No.16956789

Senior year, my class read Lord of the Flies; at the time I enjoyed the book, but looking back, I feel the book is over-rated and more suitable for children.

>> No.16957209
File: 36 KB, 450x450, diverge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to read this YA garbage, saddest part was that the teacher took it and her job very seriously, more so than most college professors

>> No.16958449

Checked. Tony went to the bodega.
>Tony’s father left the family
>And the Long Island city projects,
>Leaving a mongrel-skinny Puertorriqueño boy
>Nine years old
>Who had to find work.
>Makengo the Cuban
>Let him work at the bodega
Who else had to read this shit?

>> No.16958600
File: 28 KB, 250x399, Daz_4_Zoe_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. A dystopia-light socialist parable, written by a CND member, which manages to reinforce the roles it tries to question by presenting the working class as inherently uneducated and violent when left to their own devices. I've since learned that children the same age in Poland were reading Goethe.

>> No.16958610

Forgot to mention that half of the book is written phonetically in what a Carnegie Medal winner imagines to be how poor people speak.

>> No.16958817

I stopped reading when they got to the test part

It's basically girl's dream about being a special slowflake

>> No.16958849

Hilarious. We read Germinal for history, and I remember being irritated that cooking with onions was presented as an intolerable mark of poverty and perplexed when people threw bricks at guys with guns and then were shocked and outraged when they got shot for it. Sounds like it's been covered, worse.
Never heard of it. Sounds ok to me, if it's short. It's funny though all I can find on google is essays about it.
A new one by me. What class was it for? What was it supposed to be an example of?

>> No.16958854

In fifth grade I had an alcoholic female teacher that made me read a horse story for girls. The thing is she forgot about the assignment and never made us do a book review.

>> No.16959378

Nothing especially wrong with horse stories for girls. On one hand it's a nice to have students of different sexes try to understand what the other half likes. On the other, at that age, it's just as likely to solidify prejudices as soften them.
Not a horse book, but Anne of Green Gables is legit beautiful and uplifting no matter who you are. It's likely to fly over a youth's head, but especially given current norms, the story of a brother and sister reaching old age childless and still living together, but finding place and purpose through caring for her is top sweet. Can't speak much for other youth girl lit though.

>> No.16960121

>What class was it for?
Just a normal high school english class
>What was it supposed to be an example of?
The teacher realized that almost everyone in the class was just using sparknotes instead of reading all of the other books, so she tried putting in a novel that was at the time trendy into the curriculum to get people to actually read it. They used sparknotes anyway

>> No.16960161

It's a mediocre book but the fact that I had write a paper on it, and look for some sort of "deeper" meaning made me hate it even more. If there are any Snow Falling on Cedars Fans out there please tell me if I missed something.

>> No.16960170
File: 16 KB, 220x349, 220px-SnowFallingOnCedars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot Image.

>> No.16960215

>They used sparknotes anyway
Lol. It's amazing how just being required to read something saps the enthusiasm. To this day I wonder whether I would have hated Gatsby if it hadn't been a chore. Can't wash that stigma off it though.

>> No.16960217

Native Son

>lets read a book about a nigger murdering a white woman and cutting her head off to show that racism is bad

The entire book is a cuck fantasy

>> No.16960232

>Can't speak much for other youth girl lit though.

Secret Garden is great.

>> No.16960252

that's every YA novel
>dystopia with bad government/corporation
>one teenage girl has some special talent
>goes through some set of tests to prove their worth and train
>love triangle
>overthrows the government at the end

>> No.16960266

My english teacher tried her hardest to make me hate the great gatsby. Before I even read the damn thing there was an assignment where we had to go through the novel, locate over 100 vocab words, and write down the sentence they were is verbatim

>> No.16960459

it was fucking retarded and I hated every second of it. Probably turned me into the incel chud I am today.

>> No.16960501

sexy black girls

>> No.16960512

I forgot about this entirely, but seeing the cover brought it all back. Terrible.

>> No.16960581
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>> No.16960615

i didn't dislike blacks until i moved to a state with lots of black people. they have issues, but should still be judged individually and given the benefit of the doubt, but they have issues

>> No.16960635

Blacks are only civilized because they are living under the net of white-created and white-run civilizations. Once whites become the minority and die off, and niggers are left to their own devices, society will basically collapse in about 8 or 9 minutes.

>> No.16960643

holohoax books are good though. I enjoy a good laugh.

>> No.16960650

The Great Gatsby is brilliant. You're just an NPC who has never been in love and never felt any true passions in life, so obviously you can't relate to Gatsby. It's understandable. Zoomers don't have a soul.

>> No.16960659

in tenth grade I had to read The Secret

>> No.16960663

jews don't go to heaven

>> No.16960669

Fuck orcs

>> No.16960673

>he hasn't seen any blacks for 5 years and is starting to forget his experiences

This is the only reason. Once you meet and orc, you will know the heart of the orc is zug zug. There are no good orcs.

>> No.16960679
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>> No.16960681

All books they make you read in high school now are literally just "It's hard being [fill in ethnic minority of your choice] in America." It's unironically a conspiracy to make kids hate learning and have an aversion to books like vampires to a crucifix.

>> No.16960693

Hunger Games

>> No.16960700

thanks bro. Do you laugh at lies of the establishment and suffering of the skaven as well?

>> No.16960727

Citation needed.

>> No.16960962

>have a group assignment where we randomly get assigned a short story or play to read
>do a group essay on it afterwards
>Kafka, Twain, Shakespeare, etc
>buddy convinces the teacher to include some Lovecraft on the list (Rats in the Walls)
>teacher agrees
>I get the Lovecraft story
>he gets some other shit
>know I'll ace the essay because I've read it like five times
>spend the next two weeks of classes just hanging out while he reads, analyzes and writes
he was so mad