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16956398 No.16956398 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck postmodernism and fuck postmodernists.

>> No.16956406

t. Anon that can’t define postmodernism

>> No.16956410

Spoiler: you already are a postmodernist. You don't have a choice in the matter.

>> No.16956422

Postmodern is an epoch not an ideology. The fact that you want to go back to some pre-modern medieval larp is actual post-modern because you have lost your belief in progress.

>> No.16956433

Postmodernism is just any assertion that maps to graph that isn't tree. Absolute brainlet tier screeching.

>> No.16956446

What comes after post modernism? I mean we're already more than half a century after it.
I want a new art movement as based as futurism.

>> No.16956448

Graph that is sometimes tree

>> No.16956460

Nothing more pomo than pepe posters

>> No.16956470

Metamodernism. We’re already there.
Nothing more pomo than someone imitating a tripfag on /lit/ with the wrong tripcode for yet another night

>> No.16956485
File: 893 KB, 607x455, B1694B80-CBE5-42B7-BA70-DA87AA7318F0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the new trip

>> No.16956499

Probably post humanism

>> No.16956511

>when you post long enough for your trip to be in the public domain

>> No.16956527

Post face with you and the new trip then faggot
Lel this always goes this way

>> No.16956676

oI3er5KKetj is butterfly's new trip
mxvabIoSIE is the non secure one that was hacked

>> No.16956682

Okay cool, where’s the pic proving that’s actually butters on the new trip? The fact that this is even a conversation we’re having is postmodernism par excellence

>> No.16956696

>source: bro just trust me

>> No.16956715

I’m not your camhoe. I don’t care to impress you with how well I’m holding up for my age. All anonymous can’t be trusted. Etc.

>> No.16956737

So again you spend yet another night larping away what little time you have in life as a woman on 4chan.

>> No.16956831
File: 350 KB, 1155x1186, 4F763D23-0A6C-42E8-A3B9-C520B42ED339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. My whole years plans have been ruined by a certain global incident.

>> No.16957017

Revivalism and the destruction of humanity shortly thereafter

>> No.16957074

She gave out her old password from the new trip after the previous one was hacked, which confirmed it was butterfly. Everyone but you knows this already. If you actually browsed here instead of doing an occasional drive-by schizopost you would know that.

>> No.16957099
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Fuck centaur ladies

>> No.16957107

>Post-primitive is what's coming next
>you heard it here first

>> No.16957117


>> No.16957132

She didn't give it out, hackerman posted it. I'm thinking of adopting her trip and becoming anti-butters.

>> No.16957175
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>> No.16957214

Sorry i should've tagged you guys to

>> No.16957232

Came here to say this.

>> No.16957408

Do you even work?

>> No.16957412

She works at Target. That's why she's so bitter all the time.