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/lit/ - Literature

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16955464 No.16955464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Big 5 personality traits
>Favorite book

>> No.16955478

Ah yes it's time for me to go to bed, quality of threads always drops when the burgers start posting

>> No.16955479
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Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.16955528
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Tough to say.
I relate to both Great Expectations and The Death of Ivan Ilyich heavily.

>> No.16955572
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World as will and representation

>> No.16955626
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The Waves by Virginia Woolf

>> No.16955640
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In Search of Lost Time

>> No.16955655

>Agreeableness 4
do you hate people, anon?

>> No.16955703

Yes, that's why I like Nietzsche

>> No.16955843
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I'm a huge push over, deal with extreme anxiety constantly, and hate confrontation

>> No.16955876

>helping advertisers target you even better in return for a horoscope
No thank you sir.

>> No.16955882
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The Book of Disquiet

>> No.16955892

You're a woman

>> No.16955913
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The Will to Believe

>> No.16955928
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A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.16956154


not based

>> No.16956184

Send your bot back to /pol/ retard.

>> No.16956282
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The Book of Disquiet.

>> No.16956288

Literally me

>> No.16956296

Hello my kindred spirit.

>> No.16956553
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I like “The Elementary Particles”, and the Iliad. I separate classics from modern lit in categorization.

>> No.16957447


>> No.16957460

5 factor model is 100% empiricist

>> No.16957567
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The Talmud

>> No.16957620
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>seeing ads and purchasing books Anno Domini 2020

>> No.16957662
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I don't have a favorite book just yet, I only really started reading last year. I prefer Jung's types over OCEAN.

INFP 4w5

>> No.16957671

Hello INFP fren

>> No.16957683
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Tik tok tik tok

>> No.16957693

MBTI is more useful.

>> No.16957726

Why? because you can't LARP as a troubled artist or scheming machiavellian with the big 5?

>> No.16957751

I got "empathetic idealist on this one too" I don't agree with suicide so the clock ain't for me

>> No.16957758

say again?

>> No.16957769

No because MBTI tells you a lot more while OCEAN is just a test that gives you a percentage score.
MBTI isn't decided with a test, cognitive functions have a lot of depth into them and there is more writing on it than OCEAN.

Can the aggression.

>> No.16957867
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>a room of one’s own

>> No.16957985
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>> No.16957989
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i am an unhinged empath i LARP as that character from psycho-pass 3 and can even do parkour like him (coincidentally).

hard to say a favourite, i'm not that well-read and don't want to say what lit wants to hear, but i liked the tartar steppe a lot.

>> No.16958003

i thought big 5 was the only scientifically decent one and the rest were bullshit?

>> No.16958052

O doesn't mean you're smart

>> No.16958140

Personality tests are not very good, just go to a psychiatrist if you’re actually concerned about your character.

>> No.16958199
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i don't trust psychiatrists, personality tests, or you

>> No.16958211


>> No.16958231

>go to a psychiatrist
Go to reddit

>> No.16958258
File: 56 KB, 1036x558, 8A19B369-EFD1-4293-8148-746DE5E17B80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tale of genji

>> No.16958262
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>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.16958336

Why don't you just think or introspect? Do you really need another person or a test to tell you your personality if you are a rational and sane person?
The only reason people use these tests is to have an easy marker for other people to know their personalities, something like an image or a four letter word. You don't learn anything new with a test or psychologist, all you're telling them are things you already know (and in the case of a test, a lot less accurately).

>> No.16958358
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The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.16958359
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I have no idea what this means, but my favorite fiction book is Story of the Eye.

>> No.16958386
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Crime & Punishment or Grendel

>> No.16958390
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Moby Dick

>> No.16958496
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Frequent lurker who doesn't read

>> No.16958623
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No one favourite book, but Proust and Henry James are in my default S-tier

>> No.16958629

>low neuroticism

Nice try, goy

>> No.16958684


it is interesting to see all the high openness, low to mid conscientiousness and low extraversion combined with a medium to high neuroticism.
It's interesting since this is in no way representative of the rest of society, and that may not seem like a big thing, but people here are forming the world views of eachother. And when you have abnormals forming eachother's world views, things get skewed.

>hurr durr we are smarter than the sheeple and thus our world view is more correct.

no. your high neuroticism makes you have a negative bias of things and thus you cannot interpret things other than through your negative bias. And hence we have the light circlejerk which is /lit/ and in the worse cases we have /pol/

tl; dr - go outside. Talk to people. Chances are they are more right about somethings than you.

>> No.16958925


>> No.16959178

>tl; dr - go outside. Talk to people. Chances are they are more right about somethings than you.
No, I don't think I will

>> No.16959305
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THE book

>> No.16959324

Not everyone fits that.

Don't fit.

>> No.16959329

i guess it might help for prompting introspection but the approach most people have to it is hostility or surrender (they see themselves as a hopeless victim to be saved though probably don't actually want to become not-victim) so maybe it's not so good.

>> No.16959352

most of them were going to bed when you posted that though, now they're waking up

t. burger at 9 am that never went to sleep

>> No.16959389

MBTI has more SOUL

>> No.16959424
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>>unlock to see full report
I knew I dropped the 'ocean is better than myer's' shit for a reason.

>> No.16959504

This chart isn't so useful because it's not weighed depending on the population. For example INTJ are only 2.56% of suicides but they are also the third rarest personality type at 2% of the population.

>> No.16959526

None of them are scientifically good. However, big 5 was preferred by marketing departments to target demographics as it can be easily quantified and is cheaper to establish. That's what caused it to become more popular among corporations. MBTI is still preferred by entities who need qualitative assessments and are not overly considered with cost considerations, such as intelligence agencies evaluating human sources.

>> No.16959588
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Oh I'm infp as well


INFP is the hardest to obtain money with. It's the least friend having one, the most unsatisfied career wise and such. As a male with that you're fucked, with how men are 75 percent of all suicides and all. That and me personally by elementary school i was wishing to go to heaven RIGHT THEN and was forced to stay alive with fear of hell. By 16 I decided it was time to die soon, and am agnostic and a drunkard that lives as a forever neet instead of dying now at age 31. I was going to make a deadline of 25 to die if still unhappy by age 16, but by 22 I started heavily drinking. Now my health is wrecked though, so tick tock indeed. It just ain't snappy.

>> No.16959594

>intj is rare
>the judge persona personality
>very rare
I doubt it. Doubt the shit out of it.

>> No.16959630




>> No.16959635

Big 5 isn't a proprietary thing, there's many versions
Some are free

>> No.16959640
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>>larp yiikes oof ooof yiiiikes

>> No.16959660

Big 5 is the only one actually used in psychological research

>> No.16959742
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Moby Dick

>> No.16959760

I’m not going to this again, but I remember I got neuroticism as the main one on the big 5, always INFP on MBTI and a tie between 4, 5 and 9 on enneagram

my favorite book is probably brothers karamazov

>> No.16959783
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Ok, I did it. Yea, same shit
Also apparently I’m the only person who scored 0% on something

>> No.16959850

Also, it says I probably have only a very moderate interest in art and probably have conventional hobbies due to my moderate score in openness, which couldn’t be farther from the truth. I just hate it when they ask me to say whether or not I’m an abstract person — I always leave it on neutral because I find it pretentious as fuck to say I am, though I do enjoy philosophy and art. Who the fuck says that about themselves without thinking they’re being at least somewhat ridiculous?

>> No.16959873
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I unironically like reading newspapers and periodicals

>> No.16959922
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The Book of Disquiet

>> No.16959931
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The Holy Bible, Kino James Version

>> No.16959997

Not really, big five is more useful, the reason being that there's a lot of research published in relation to the big five and near zero research published related to MBTI

>> No.16960019

>there's a lot of research published in relation to the big five
Only because it is more metrically tractable. No relation to usefulness.

>> No.16960030

jesus anon, you're perfect

>> No.16960046

You can't compare thousands of innovative articles published to hundreds of forum threads among users in personality cafés that believe they have a very special introspective idea about who they are, but little do they know, that it has been mentioned in many other threads, and it's mentioned yet again because of it's the comfy fun that they're already accustomed to. Never even reaching the depths because unlike the researchers they'll probably never meaningfully question their own approaches.

>> No.16960062

Take your meds.

>> No.16960068

He agrees with you

>> No.16960085

Excuse me, but how is that an argument?

>> No.16960102
File: 640 KB, 1125x2436, 93F3313D-47FB-4613-B66F-CCBAA6080B75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plato and Aristotle’s complete works

>> No.16960783
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Le Docteur Pascal

>> No.16961576

personality flows like water, a personality "test" that is less than 1000 questions is retarded

>> No.16961686

Too close to home?

>> No.16961768
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First Dark Tower book

>inb4 that doesn't mean I'm in fucking love with the rest of the series

>> No.16962421

Oh yours is similar to mine n.n >>16955626