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/lit/ - Literature

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16954394 No.16954394 [Reply] [Original]

What literature will give me hope in the face of nihilism and moral decline, /lit/ bros? I'm seriously considering retreating somewhere and waiting to die.

>> No.16954406

Cannery Row

>> No.16954407

Either glowniggers are astroturfing despair or there really are this many young people wanting to die. So sad man. So sad

>> No.16954450

Bruh, if you only knew the amount of anons that rope. It's a fucking epidemic

>> No.16954456

How many?

>> No.16954467

I've known three browsers of /lit/ and /mu/ that have killed themself

>> No.16954472

Existentialist literature, particularly Nietzsche. He's the essential anti-nihilist.

>> No.16954475

LARP as a normie
LARP as a reactionary
LARP as a revolutionary
LARP as a christian
it doesn't really matter, the outcome will be pretty much the same. just have fun in the meaningless or just kys. but nothing can be truly "real" anymore

>> No.16954478

>tfw I browse these two boards the most

>> No.16954482

>LARP as a revolutionary
How do I start

>> No.16954486

Literally find a loving companion (both ways) and life will unravel itself. Otherwise surrender your free will to a good cause that YOU believe in; good things will happen. Or at the very least, opportunities.

>> No.16954498
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Take the Tedpill, anon. I stopped using my computer and am working up to drop my phone and I'm way happier.

>> No.16954506

how do you know that?

>> No.16954511

Tell others to read theory (but never do it yourself)
Criticize capitalism but be a massive consoomer
Put up a million meaningless labels on your Twitter account description

>> No.16954519

Nietzche, Camus.

>> No.16954610

Its easy when your mind connects to the net

>> No.16954625


>> No.16954654

Start sabotaging transformer stations in minecraft.

>> No.16954656

Don't read and stop thinking. Retreat into your room and masturbate to perverted anime shows for 3 months then come out and interact with the world solely through your libido. Problem solved.

>> No.16954684

Yeah but I'm not anti-tech, sabotaging my own infrastructure won't be useful to me.

>> No.16954687

>nothing can be truly real anymore

Thinkers that argue this?

>> No.16954700

Try the Bhagavad Gita

>> No.16954712

Irl friends

>> No.16954724

What's your LARP, anon?

>> No.16954747

Post another frog, maybe that'll help.

>> No.16954752
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>> No.16954753

the gay science, or really nietzsche more widely

>> No.16954760

I LARP as a normie (with people) and I LARP as whatever I find it most fun at the time on the internet

>> No.16954770


>> No.16954779

Do you read?

>> No.16954799

The Gospels
Lipsius On constancy

>> No.16954802
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>> No.16954890

Oh and pray.
Just take some time in silence and talk to Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter if you think He doesn't listen nor answer because it is not the case. The sole fact that you get some time to do that is good enough. Abandon yourself in His arms, and consider how He died on the cross for yourself, how he suffered while being completely innocent. Think of your sins in contrast, and think about your despair as a cross to bear, to fight and so on.
Life is a tremendous fight, but it is always winnable so don't give up.

>> No.16955231

Does this help? Isn't just LARP?

>> No.16955244


>> No.16955261

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Listen to some JP videos

>> No.16955294

Does this work?

>> No.16955296

>tfw work in IT

>> No.16955393
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The Ethics, very much a positive philosophical work especially seeing as the grounding in a form of egoism is acceptable to a modern intellectual palate, but I guess maybe it won’t do it for you.
Moby-Dick to some extent deals with the search for meaning, purpose and living in a world of many contradicting interpretations/perspectives. The character of Bulkington, though brief in appearance is especially interesting in this regard.
I think there is some outside influence but it’s mostly sadness from how the world is now.
>enter 4chan through /mu/
>eventually migrate through several board and end up in /lit/
>throughout all my time on 4chan my life improves as the exposure to more varied worlds of art and thought increases my fulfilment
>feel more motivated than ever before
>exercise more regularly, have sex more often, and feel happier than before I came here
I wonder why it’s affected me well but for others it seems wholly negative.

>> No.16955404

>retreating somewhere and waiting to die.
Make it somewhere nice and that isn’t a bad plan. I’m going to do the same once I have enough money

>> No.16955427

you forgot
>LARP as enlightened

>> No.16955573


>> No.16956109


>> No.16956658

I'm so sad, bros

>> No.16956701

watch forestanons reply to javier video

>> No.16956731

yes anon, retreat somewhere and wait to die. But realize that your life will be sad because of YOUR decision. At that same moment there will be people having the time of their lives. I get it, happiness is external, people affects you, money does, time does, situation does. But you have a little say in happiness too. You have a little say in your life. Now, you can spend it in alienation, or, you can do stuff that you actually admire. It can be anything.

>> No.16956802

Doesn’t matter, you’re a stupid larper now. Get out there and sabotage yourself, tiger!

>> No.16956809

How do I lose?>>16954406

>> No.16956834


>> No.16956860

I want to sleep let me fucking lose

>> No.16956889

The only boards I browse these days...

I know it's a platitude, anons but it really does get better but only if you let it happen. Don't self destruct. Read, be creative, think, reach out to like minded individuals. I would not be here if God wasn't looking out for us. If you know someone that's struggling with depression just shoot them a text message or something every once in a while to let them know you care that they exist. It makes a huge difference.

>> No.16957146
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>> No.16957176

No book will give you hope. hope comes from within. you only have one life do not waste it.

>> No.16957189

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.16957290
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Nice guy. Good video.
Hope to help cure societies illness so we can all reconnect to life

>> No.16957438

I agree butterfly well said.

>> No.16957783
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>"The energy that it takes to make these trees grow, and this grass grow, and what it takes to make a human heart beat.. that's beautiful to me. That's why I don't really like a lot of the nihilists. Once you start seeing it for what it really is, beyond the limits of a city, beyond the outskirts of a town- you start seeing the deer, the crows, the squirrels, the quail, the changes of the scenery, and you just think about the earth wobbling as this happens, and how perfectly far away we are from the sun to allow all of this life to flourish. The perfect amount of gravity, the perfect distance from the sun, the perfect amount of water. It's amazing. Be thankful for it. It's a gift. Cherish it... life is truly worth living to its rawest form. Don't let what's going on right now in the world get you down and don't let civilization make you think that's all that exists, because there's a whole world out here, and every acre of it is worth going through"- Forest Anon

>> No.16957795

The Father Brown detective stories
they wont stop you from dying but they are very fun to read

>> No.16957901

too bad your goals are actually to destroy society and the lives of everyone around you by throwing everything into chaos

>> No.16957934

Many such cases.

>> No.16957943

Doesn't mean you have to look at retarded websites in your free time or on break. Stare out the window, watch birds, take a walk, read.

>> No.16957963
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>Bringing the woods back to townships
>Getting everyone to assume the responsibilities elitists took from them
>Rebuild durable communities and new culture

You don’t know what I stand for.
Come out of the shadows and tell me what you think Forest anon is living like?

>> No.16957964

Niice keep going

>> No.16957966

Lord of the rings

>> No.16957972

Based Butters.

>> No.16958039

All the niggers in this thread trying to talk OP out of going to somewhere secluded to wait for that as if this world was any good, meanwhile I'm here trying to find out ways to get the fuck out of this prison. This Reality with its degenerating Time and weight of Form is not our home broskies. It is a temporary place of exile. Do not love it, do not cling to it

>> No.16958042
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shilling this

>> No.16958126

>I wonder why it’s affected me well but for others it seems wholly negative.
Majority of people aren't curious or are stay in their safe spaces.

I also have a similar story though, learned programming from /g/, lifting from /fit/, traveled because of /trv/, went through a retarded MIGA phase from /pol/ then actually got into political theory because of /lit/

>> No.16958167

this is your best bet op. books won't cure you. they may help you identify certain problems but in the end it's really up to you and how you view your situation.

>> No.16958229
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Read Evola, he talks specifically about the topics that concern you

>> No.16958299

STEM will set u free my fren,let the black pill guide u and don't be a free agent in life

>> No.16958331

Even this could start the blackpill thoughts man.,just looking at how cruel and complicated nature is and my inability to comprehend it in all of its totality.It only makes me more curious, frustrated and suicidal to see how meaningless everything is.To make matters worse,the culture we live in (even in the past) always seems to behave in the most crooked way.Its either cope or rope anons.Change da world,not my final message,good luck

>> No.16958374

This book is fucking shit

>> No.16958494

I have no idea why so many people would kill themselves when it seems like everyone is a hardcore consumer and completely satisfied with the state of things. I am appalled by the amount of pornography, materialism, hedonism, lack of ethics, poor arguing, LARPing and lemming syndrome that I see everywhere. I always get called a prude or a christian or a political spook, I constantly get berated for everything I say or ignored by people who seem to unanimously disagree with everything I value or believe in. I have given up on all my dreams because they are incompatible with the world and what I wanted to give people was totally unwanted. I have stopped seeking online communities because all I see there is porn, memes, consumerism, talk about products, trends, politics. Everyone seems to love being adrift in the sea of propaganda and consumerism that the internet has become. If these people kill themselves because they are unhappy then why do they hate every criticism I put forward of these things? If there are people like me who hate the state of things, why don't they speak up? Why don't they reach out to me or let them reach out to them so we can build something? Why is everyone so fucking meek and pathetic yet so defensive of their mindset and hostile toward people who act different?

>> No.16958514

>It only makes me more curious, frustrated and suicidal to see how meaningless everything is.
Anon if that's all you get from >>16957783
then I think it's more of a You problem and not a culture problem. The fact you get blackpilled from that tells me you aren't actually trying to find meaning in life and you are not even curious or willing to try changing. If someone points out the beauty of life with it's strange fate & opportunity and you get blackpilled from it then I really don't know what kind of literature you're hoping to find that will help but in that case goodluck finding anything that will give you hope in the face of nihilism and moral decline. You are the nihilism and moral decline. Defeatism, demoralization, victimhood. You have to actually want out of the loop you're in to get out of it.

>> No.16958569

Also you say:
>To make matters worse,the culture we live in (even in the past) always seems to behave in the most crooked way.Its either cope or rope
How you get that out of:
>Don't let what's going on right now in the world get you down and don't let civilization make you think that's all that exists, because there's a whole world out here, and every acre of it is worth going through

Forest anon literally says there's more to life than society and you go on about wanting to kill yourself because society's culture is shit. He's right when he says people's problems are because of the fact that society itself is all they represent. If you're suicidal because of culture then maybe you're making culture too important to what defines your life.

>> No.16958646

Not him, but this is some suicide fuel from my diary desu, hence the sloppy writing.
>I had a haircut and a shave so I wouldn't look too terrible tomorrow. On the way, in different spots, I saw two dead cats. They were laying down on the side of the street. Earlier today I've seen two dead wasps at home. Why am I seeing all these dead animals? [...] I took a few photos of the wasp I've found dead on the balcony. Nature gives these creatures such a beautiful form only so it can be destroyed. There is such a profound sadness in the beauty of these lives. Behind the stillness of death there was a time of agony, maybe hours, maybe days. It's imprinted on the faces of these creatures, in the gesture of the body. People walk by with indifference, as does the rest of this creation. The lonely deaths of animals will always drive me to tears. I will never get used to it. On the contrary it only gets more unbearable. What a horrible world, this is nothing but Hell.

>I came across a dead mouse in the grass. I don't know how he died but he was intact. Belly up with its mouth open I could see its tiny front teeth. The paws like little hands were frozen as if trying to clutch something. This creature was miserable when he died. There was no peace in that body after death. I never see peace in the corpses of dead animals. I always look at their faces and I see Nature made this small animal with such love and care and then sent it to war. This whole life is a terrible trench, there is nothing but suffering in it, the tree quietly endures the worm that carves its way into its body.

>> No.16958718

It works. Your negativity was caused to begin with by the societal induced compulsive tendency of introspection. You haven't proved anything so far by being this way, it doesn't seem to work at all and most other people are in the same boat as you yet zero leads or results have accumulated. You survived well enough before coming into contact with these ideas so just throw them away and revert to an almost beastlike state when only your libido dictates your actions. You're going to stop feeling heavy chested and oppressed completely after this and every day will be paradise, just like when you were a child.

>> No.16958773 [DELETED] 
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I was thinking the same thing. Consider this very site, the epitome of counter culture just a few years ago, now just another nest of normies and redditors.

>> No.16958780

Report youtube videos for breaking the ToS.

>> No.16958974
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>What literature will give me hope
Not literature, but emotion. Hate. Learn to hate. Hate so much you want violence, hate so much you pound your fist in anger, hate so much it clouds your mind of rational thought. When you are overcome with hate, all feelings subside. Hate niggers, hate faggots, hate liberals, hate conservatives, hate jews, hate and do not stop hating? Why do you think Twitter-sjw's have such a tight community of "anti-non liberals"? Because they hate. They hate so much, they gain purpose. Send hate messages, humiliate them, defamation, send email to their work, all this in the name of hate and worse. Become bitter to the point of being on edge, do not stop living in fear. You will find purpose in hate, because hate cannot be stopped.

>> No.16958980

I've been through this, hatred does nothing but consume you. You don't get purpose from hate, you become a servant of it. It's no different from giving to hedonism and jerking off all day.

>> No.16959007

t. seething sith

>> No.16959069

>everyone is a hardcore consumer
This is the thing the really bothers me lately. I'm so sick of being bombarded with marketing wherever I am. Everyone I know is glued to fucking Netflix. People buying useless products just to consume. 'Collecting' is not a fucking hobby.

>> No.16959082
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>> No.16959096

I can't shake the feeling that people simply don't process things the same way they did some 10 years ago. I cannot prove it, or express exactly in what way things have changed, but something is way off about the way people enjoy music books, comics, movies, games, and activities in general. There's some sort of spiritual curtain between people and the things they do. Maybe it's all in my head.

>> No.16959113

Read baudrilliard

>> No.16959164

I think I might get an eye opener from Simulacra and Simulation, ty

>> No.16959554

The ones you expect least, folktales. (aka fairy tales)

>> No.16960330

>Why don't they reach out to me or let them reach out to them so we can build something?
Build what? What are you trying to achieve here? Just rot like the rest of us and die. There is nothing here to achieve.

>> No.16960462

The Samarai's Garden

>> No.16960464

you're overcomplicating it, it's just illiteracy. people consume more fiction but understand less of it and all these extra activities are invented to supplement the very unfulfilling act of illiterate consumption.

>> No.16960475
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Frenly reminder that nihilism is the path away from despair, not towards it.

>> No.16960559

But this is not true, I see this problem even in people who are absolutely obsessed with analysis of what they consume. If I saw this only in surface level, casual consumption I would justify this but I see something missing even when people are "passionate" or analytical about these products. It feels like they care more about the process of deconstruction than the media itself, which they probably know in some way is very superficial or dumb.

>> No.16960797
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You're so edgy and mysterious.
Pure cringe.

>> No.16960815

based forestanon

>> No.16961831

Ok nihilistic 14 year old

>> No.16961926

Start by reading this:

>> No.16961955

>Live, Laugh, Leskov

>> No.16963593

The Bible

>> No.16963610

Read Camus then Kierkegaard

>> No.16963678

In that order?

>> No.16963683

Literature is not fucking self-help, anglos have lied to you.

Take the Jesus G Maestro pill

>> No.16963714

What's the point of reading any of those if you are a NEET who hasn't lived?

>> No.16963744

Yes. Camus is accessible to nihilists while opening the door to escape. Kierkegaard will free you.
read Peterson, wash your dick, then read Camus and then Kierkegaard.

>> No.16963772

NEETs who have not lived life are much better off than someone with life experience who is in the same spot. NEETs can have a bunch of idealistic views they can nurture into meaning.

>> No.16963782

Go outside

>> No.16963822

I want my outside years back

>> No.16963830

>I have no idea why so many people would kill themselves when it seems like everyone is a hardcore consumer and completely satisfied with the state of things.

People who want to kill themselves are exactly the people who are for one reason or another incompatible with the herd, and are thus unable to participate in the Great Orgyporgy of consumption. It is them who are hit with the soul-devouring nihilism of modernity with practically no way to cope with it like normies do with casual sex, consumption, and pseudopolitics.

>> No.16963868

That is me, but these people who kill themselves seem to all pursue the Orgyporgy until they off themselves. Why?

>> No.16963915

I suppose with outcasts there's a hard division between those who off themselves and those who are able to harden themselves enough to live in such a solitary manner with more or less success without killing themselves. That is to say, outcasts either learn to swim or they die. With normies, they never had to learn how to swim, and therefore they are much more vulnerable to just suddenly killing themselves when the vacuity of their existence hits them particularly hard at an untimely moment.

>> No.16963970

I always thought that giving in to consumerism made things easier. Are we even sure that these many people actually kill themselves for purely existential reasons and not factors like economy?

>> No.16963992

>Are we even sure that these many people actually kill themselves for purely existential reasons and not factors like economy?

The two are interconnected, I'd say. Falling on hard times economically makes you much less able to participate in the Orgyporgy - you can't consume as much, women are less attracted to you when you're poor, etc.

So when their way of coping is made impossible or only possible on a much smaller scale than before their nerves can't take the mounting pressure the nihilism inside them and around them exerts on their being, and they kill themselves.

>> No.16964048

Seconding this, and expanding it to Chesterton more generally.

>> No.16965046

>unironic Peterson shill
Surely we can wash our penises without him telling us how, right?

>> No.16965090

People who self identifying as a "NEET who's never lived" are brainlets, autists, or both, and brainlet autists do seem to benefit from Peterson which is why i recommended him.
You should still probably wash your dick.

>> No.16965117

>I have no idea why so many people would kill themselves when it seems like everyone is a hardcore consumer and completely satisfied with the state of things.
thats the problem though my guy, consoming is produces instant gratification but in the end of the day there isn't anything truly fulfilling about it. the shallow lifestyle of the modern man/woman is soul crushing and getting the newest Iphone will never magically change that

>> No.16965194


The issue nowadays is the lack of real hierarchies. When one tries to strengthen and actualize himself through quality, he finds himself being restrained and limited to another quantity within the masses.

>> No.16965206

Fuck off Marx

>> No.16965304

Im not a marxist, faggot, I bet you are though

>> No.16965319

wahhhhh modern life is so unfulfilling waaaahhh

>> No.16965349

hahaha I knew you were a faggot

>> No.16965375

You don't even know how to live your own life in a fulfilling way, you don't know shit

>> No.16965384


>> No.16965385


cringe non-realist

>> No.16965395

I’m too busy trying to figure out how to clean my room

>> No.16965399

Junie B Jones

>> No.16965435

No u

>> No.16965800

Once, I knew a guy who bought a bunch of shitty clothes at Armani Exchange. His credit card thought it was a fraudulent purchase or something, so it got locked and he couldn't get his stupid t-shirts that night. The guy really started tearing up over the whole ordeal. So, there's your modern man.

>> No.16965809
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>> No.16966231

I know that feel. I think the Web 2.0 and the 24/7 connectivity of smartphones have made it much harder to concentrate and think critically, everyone is in a constant state of distraction, no one knows how to differentiate the good from the bad. People really need to stop, but they're addicted.