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/lit/ - Literature

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16952440 No.16952440 [Reply] [Original]

There are several translations of the Bible: Hebrew, Protestant, Catholic and so on. Which one do you prefer?

>> No.16952453

NIV since I'm catholic

>> No.16952473

Several. ESV, NASB, NABRE, and NRSV are the ones I use most often. Also NJPS for Hebrew Bible.

>> No.16952673

Aside from a really few obviously bad translations it really doesn't matter. Most protestant bibles are missing books and parts of other books and they don't have a good reason for it. If you want to study scripture seriously it really doesn't take much effort to learn Greek and there's a lot of good free resources available. Give it a few months and you can start properly judging these translations for yourself and you might even begin to understand why there is no perfect translation, and why it's not even possible.

>> No.16952753

NIV is fucking garbage. You'll never know God's word

Great picks. I recommend a good study bible with NRSV (Harper Collins or NOAB)

>> No.16952797

The KJV is God's preserved word in the English language.

>> No.16952901

NIV isn't a Catholic bible though...

>> No.16953199

Can you recommend free resources to learn Greek?

>> No.16953240

WVBS.org has a free course that uses Alan Blacks book

>> No.16953847


>> No.16953887

There are no english translations worth a shit. The fact that ESV/NABRE are the best ones says a lot.
I pity the monolingual angloids who will never truly understand what christianity is about

>> No.16953966

NRSV Common Version. It has the widest canon.

>> No.16953981

I like NKJV

>> No.16954145

>God wen get so plenny love an aloha fo da peopo inside da world, dat he wen send me, his one an ony Boy, so dat everybody dat trus me no get cut off from God, but get da real kine life dat stay to da max foeva.

>> No.16954532

Black people are the spawn of satan

>> No.16954596


>> No.16954951

>Most protestant bibles are missing books and parts of other books and they don't have a good reason for it.
There are theological reasons.

>> No.16954973

Is it really so easy anon? I've had friends that have studied classics and I've spoken to other people on 4chan that claim both Greek and Latin are big time investments where years are required to read fluently

>> No.16954988

The Vulgate

>> No.16955048

From a secular perspective with little experience pick up a Thompson Chain Reference in NKJV format. It has scriptures in the ledger lines that assist in studying the text. The words of Christ in red help a lot for newer readers as it comes in handy to find what you are looking for. Also, when and if you finish. Move on to the pseudopigraphia and the apocrypha. A lot of wonderful text there that is very worth reading.

>> No.16955059

The Message

>> No.16955068


>> No.16955078

Not him, but Koine Greek isn't too bad from what I've heard. It's easier than other versions of the language.
You don't need this to read the Bible in its original languages. Learn Hebrew.

>> No.16955094
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You're not going to be anywhere near fluent in a few months but the basic grammar is deceptively easy and there's a lot of great apps on Google play that you can use to "cheat" with while reading. The one I got gives me free access to Strong's Concordance, Thayler's and a few other lexicons that really simplify things. I promise you that getting started is so much easier than you think.

>> No.16955100

Any English language Bibles translated from Greek OT and NT?

>> No.16955157


>> No.16955739

Why would you want a translation of a translation?

>> No.16955961

Me too

>> No.16956301

If there are no english translations worth reading, what is the alternative then?

>> No.16956304

What are these theological reasons?

>> No.16956727

Protestants believe the Deuterocanon is not of divine inspiration and cannot be considered scripture

>> No.16956800

Are the NIV and ESV even that different?

>> No.16956814

Yeah, the NIV has many glaringly bad translation issues.


>> No.16956988

Anyone here speaks Spanish? I'm using the Biblia latinoamericana which I know tries to use a more simple language but I'd like to know, apart from that, how good the translation is.

>> No.16957153

English translations are as serviceable as translations in any other less relevant modern language.

>> No.16957167

The Apostle Paul writes that the Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God.
Therefore since the Jews never considered the Apocryphal books Scripture then they are not Scripture.

>> No.16957212

I think the Old Reina–Valera is generally the most accurate but cumbersome so for that reason I consider the 1960 revision the next best option and seems sufficiently easy to understand. Even Catholic commentators have admitted that the RV is better than any official Catholic translation. As for your bible in my opinion its rendition just looks more watered down and tentative.

>> No.16957236

They were still worth reading in any case and also supposedly referenced in the NT. They just might not have the same authoritative weight as the primary canon.

>> No.16958134
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Good day to you, King

>> No.16958322

There was no set canon at the time of Christ but we have good reason to believe Jesus himself used the Septuagint which included those books. Modern protestants utilize a Jewish canon created centuries after Christ which exclude them. Due to the nature of historical scholarship Luther couldn't know this at the time but we do and protestants have no excuse in continuing their error.

>> No.16958547

Help me out here please.

I've seen, on a few occasions people list out the different reasons to read a particular version of the Bible.
but when they get to KJV they leave it blank or give some annoying statement like "KJV is KJV".
Why is there this strange attitude towards talking about KJV?
And what is the reason for choosing KJV?

>> No.16958554

I've tried the German standard translation as is used in Catholic church service and I found the language to be bland desu.

>> No.16958660


>> No.16958673

For the Greek Old Testament you want A New English Translation of the Septuagint. The Orthodox Study Bible claims to translate the Septuagint but it's actually a weird frankenstein of the Hebrew and Greek, see this video (skip to 31:45) https://youtu.be/7BzYh3WskL4

>> No.16958731

It was THE English Bible for hundreds of years and is still probably the most popular. It's got a long history of influencing English literature. So it's quite unique in terms of longevity and culture. However, some people make it out to be more exceptional than it is, it was simply a revision of the earlier Bishop's Bible and was also made to replace the popular Geneva Bible so that there would be a single standard translation for all of the Church of England. Some hardline conservative Protestants insist that later translations are corrupted, for example they take issue with modern critical editions of the New Testament that recent translations use, because those critical editions heavily rely on the Alexandrian text type which scholars think generally preserves earlier readings than other text types. The KJV-only people usually have vague arguments that there were pagans and heretics in Alexandria so you can't trust their New Testament text, which is ridiculous because the text type wasn't limited to Alexandria itself and the city was a major centre of Christianity in late antiquity.

>> No.16959369

>it really doesn't take much effort to learn Greek

>> No.16959400

Jesus preached in the synagogues and the Temple. He used a Hebrew text, not Greek.

>> No.16959437
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Alter's translation is the definitive one in English as far as I'm concerned. I've read ESV, NIV, NASB, and NRSV as well as NJPS for Hebrew.

Alter's translation is the only one that actually captures the essence without losing anything (or comes as close to it as I have read so far).

>> No.16959453

It doesn't. It takes effort to become fluent but its easy to learn the basic grammar which will enable you to read the entire New Testament if you're willing to put in the work.

>> No.16959883

Thank you.

>> No.16960196

1977 RSV NOAB with Expanded Apocrypha is the GOAT

>> No.16960245

Any book you recommend to learn greek?

>> No.16960260
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>> No.16960296

NASB, KJV, ESV, Alter OT, Lattimore or Hart NT

>> No.16960305

I used David Alan Black's book since it was the cheapest and of course there's a free online class that follows it. You can't really go wrong with an introductory text though. I've seen people say Mounce's book is a little more difficult because he waits a long time before he starts introducing verbs but in the end it doesn't really matter.

>> No.16960344

why were these removed

>> No.16960357

They're translating different manuscripts. Everything will still be in the footnotes of any decent edition.

>> No.16960569



A COMPLETE explanation about the KJV and why it is superior. Its over 200 pages. Have fun.

>> No.16960683
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as many as god directs

>> No.16960980

Only the New JPS (Jewish Publishing Society) or other Jewish translations should be trusted. Christian translations generally mistranslate to force in Christological implications.

>> No.16960984

The Quran.

>> No.16960998

200 pages of continual self-justified confirmation bias that overtly avoids giving genuine consideration to the stances of the opposing view, is not something worth anyone's time. Have fun finding a more substantiable explanation for your respective view.

>> No.16961262

Oh fuck while I’m here what’s the most accurate Spanish version?
Don’t give me the KJV of Spanish since the KJV has problem

>> No.16961317

based. King James (PBUH) changed the entire course of Protestant thinking.

>> No.16961441

It's an improvement over the KJV.

>> No.16961452

Geneva 1599 fascimiles are best

>> No.16961526

>have all translations be just slight edits with a Jewish slant of Christian ones

>> No.16961545
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Whatever translation you choose be sure to read alongside Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin so you can understand what you are reading.

>> No.16961594

Never heard of this before, Catholic here. Can you briefly summarize the book?

>> No.16961653
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It is a work of systematic theology written by Jehan Cauvin, a French theologian, in the 16th century.

Every Christian should read it, check digits

>> No.16961676


Not a KJV-onlist, but the majority text is vastly superior to the critical text.

>> No.16961678

What are you talking about?

>> No.16961747

Not that guy but I’m new to this shit, what’s critics text and what’s majority text?

>> No.16961840


Huge debate that is best explained through several videos. I have been personally studying this for several months now. I will send a non-biased one from Pastor Everhart. Its long about 50 minutes. He is not KJV-only.


Idea is that the majority text is some 5000 manuscripts that are pretty much all the same in wording dating from 900 AD +, while the Critical text are extremely old texts from about 200 - 300 AD. There are only about 50 such manuscripts, but have two controversial complete Bibles in very good condition. The debate comes down which is better? Older but fewer or newer but more.

>> No.16961945
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I was going to buy this one which is apparently a study bible. Anyone familiar with this?

>> No.16961949

I don’t know man, how about you explain your reasoning?

>> No.16961968


The KJV and NKJV are pretty much the only Bibles based on the Majority text, hence why we have KJV-onlyists. ALL new modern Bible translations use the critical text which has significant differences between the majority texts.

IMHO, both are the Word of God as the overall message is accessible. No key doctrines are changed, but a lot of the new translations are biased or have flaws/stigmas. Which is why I see the KJV as a standard to compare with what ever comes out.

NIV: gender neutral/inclusive; poor translations in several parts
ESV: Calvanist/reformed translation
CSB: Baptist translation Bible
The Message: Burn it
NASB: 2020 version will be controversial. Heard good things about the standard 1995 as a scholarly Bible. Harder tobreadbbeing very literal in comparison to KJV which is hard to read because of its age.

>> No.16962029


Same person. I used the 1984 NIV for years, but for a lot of key verses they are modified and the full meaning is altered. Too many little modifications THROUGHOUT the entire Bible which no one talks about (Not talking about missing verses which I believe are possibly additions). Key doctrines are there, but it feels too altered. Hence why the majority text which includes the verses and does not modify any of these changes such as Roman 9:5 is better.

>> No.16962073

Are the apocrypha canon or not? Literally no one ever answers me

>> No.16962109


For protestants: No
Catholics/orthodox: Yes.

They are mostly historical books or a lot of proverbs. No doctrines as there are no New Testament apocryphal books that are accepted by both groups

>> No.16962374
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The compilers of the Textus Receptus were only doing the same thing Alexandrian text compilers were doing just with the fewer manuscripts that were less older. No single majority text manuscript fully agrees with the TR or the KJ. You shouldn't act as if the NIV were the prime example of translations based on Alexandrian NT texts either when there are multiple better examples such as the NASB and the English Revised Version. The changes in Romans 9:5 aren't due to a difference in source text.

>> No.16962466

I'm not even seeing a difference in these

>> No.16962594

Exactly since it's due to the individual translators and not the Alexandrian text.

>World English Bible
of whom are the fathers, and from whom is Christ as concerning the flesh, who is over all, God, blessed forever. Amen.

>New American Standard Bible
whose are the fathers, and from whom is the Christ according to the flesh, who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen.

>English Standard Version
To them belong the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen.

>New International Version
Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah, who is God over all, forever praised! Amen.

It's actually the KJV which makes a questionable insertion of the "came" in italics.
>Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.

>> No.16962821

>/lit/ is suddenly religious
Since when?

>> No.16962832

>reading the Bible
>being religious
pick one

>> No.16962904
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>> No.16962946
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>> No.16962971

This board used to have 24/7 Catholic threads before the tranny jannies decided to impose themselves.

>> No.16963007

Wait, seriously?

>> No.16963009

I found using KJV and the ancient faith orthodox study bible to be a really good mix but I'm also autistic about the bible.

>> No.16963038

Yes, new guy. Stop with the fedora shit.

>> No.16963041

The gospels didn't come with headings

>> No.16963063

>used to have Catholic threads until mods stepped in
Based mods, slapping the corrupted denomination down. If it was purely Christian threads it would’ve been fine. I bet you guys started worshipping your saints after being shut down.

>> No.16963074

This is some boring shit

>> No.16963105

this but unironically . Christian interpretations of the bible cannot be trusted

>> No.16963150

This is the one you want because it's secular.

>> No.16963189

What does secular mean?

>> No.16963278

It means the people writing the annotations and essays aren't trying to convert you.

>> No.16963322

Reading the bible yourself is actually the quickest way to see how ridiculous Judaism/Christianity is. The carefully filtered and interpreted meanings passed down culturally over the years are so far removed from the actual words on the page. If you read this book you will immediately have a better understanding of it than all those phony Christians who have its meaning passed down to them from someone else.

>> No.16963716

I think people like you carry a lot of preconceived notions into the text and ultimately read it in a very stupid way. Nothing you have to say about it is challenging.

>> No.16963866

Most accurate Spanish bible?
Please don’t say Reina-Valera.

>> No.16963880

I agree!

>> No.16963893

Hatred against homosexuality only exists because KJ was in the closet. No really.

>> No.16963939

KJV cucks explain yourselves

>> No.16964030

what's the appeal of esv? i'm reading nrsv study bible

>> No.16964060

No he didn't you fucking idiot, he spoke Aramaic.

>> No.16964062

Even the KJV translators admitted they weren't confident in it being 100% accurate

>> No.16964318

any tips or guide on how to read the kjv bible?
English is not my mother tongue although my level of English is advance, I still struggle reading the kjv.

>> No.16964358

Read the NKJV instead if you're ESL

>> No.16964368

Well you could start by not reading KJV. It uses really old English that’s not spoken anymore so it would be much harder than it already is. Isn’t there a Bible in your native language?

>> No.16964622

well yes, in my country they use "biblia latinoamericana" but I prefer to read in English rather than spanish.

>> No.16964829

Oh were you the guy earlier in the thread who mentioned that bible? I was going to tell you to read the Nueva Biblia de las Americas (NBLA) and for English read the New American Standard Bible (NASB)

>> No.16964830
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>> No.16964950


Spoke Aramaic. Read Hebrew. 'Jot and tittle shall not pass away'. Read your Bible please.

>> No.16964999


The ESV's translation of Genesis 3:16 and then using it to push the doctrine of eternal subordination of the Son is what makes it complete trash. That is a huge gaping flaw. I have no respect for the ESV which is tainted with a Calvinist translation of the Pauline gospels.

>> No.16965011


Complete slander from a single man.

James adopted a severe stance towards sodomy using English law. His book on kingship, Basilikón Dōron, (Greek for "Royal Gift") lists sodomy among those "horrible crimes which ye are bound in conscience never to forgive". He also singled out sodomy in a letter to Lord Burleigh giving directives that Judges were to interpret the law broadly and were not to issue any pardons, saying that "no more colour may be left to judges to work upon their wits in that point."[4]

>> No.16965030

What do Calvanits believe?

>> No.16965344

It appears that it mentions the more traditional interpretation in a footnote and also indicates that its interpretation of Genesis 4:7 is influenced by or related to that interpretation.

>Genesis 3:16
To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.”

>Genesis 4:7
If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it.”

>> No.16965410


>> No.16965460

Hey guys my neck hurt the other day and I screamed at the sky and told God I wouldnt be "some battered woman for God" and that "I wont be Job, and this treatment was bullshit" and that "a low tier alcoholic treats people better" and then I proclaimed my allegiance to Satan

My neck doesnt hurt as bad now

>> No.16965728

Based and blasphemouspilled

>> No.16965876

RSV with apocrypha is what many scholars from several different denoms use. Oxford press prints one

>> No.16966202


Ah yes the footnotes. Problem is that if you buy any ESV reader Bible -- poof! -- there is no more footnotes. Showing that the translation that they put in the main text is the one they consider real.

Like I said before, I have been studying this for about a year. I have about 10 different translations of the Bible. I have been studying the hundreds of verses where the translations do not agree. Some are in complete opposition. All of the translations have flaws, just that some are much better (NKJV), or honest (NIV does not claim to be literal), or antiquated (KJV) and we now know the flaws due to time.

>> No.16966296

Just get the bible gateway app and read/compare translations on your phone.

>> No.16966405

Best study bible? That’s Unbiased and not leaning to any denomination

>> No.16966745

There's nothing more Reddit than seeking something that's "unbiased". There's no such thing. If you think something is unbiased you're being fooled. Seek the truth instead. The answer is the Ignatius Study Bible.

>> No.16966825


The Holy Spirit... get a wide margin Bible and make your own study Bible.

Do not get a study Bible based on one mans work. It will be biased to his opinions. However there may be insights.

I use the NIV study Bible. There is some slight biases in the commentary on a few verses on reformed theology, but overall on controversial verses it explains several positions on that topic. It is pretty good for casual reading and getting a basic knowledge.

>> No.16966840
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Robert Alter.

>> No.16968082

My personal bible is douay-rheims

>> No.16968107

Armenian translation is referred to as the queen of translations. It's beautiful.

>> No.16968889

New Oxford Annotated Bible is not aimed at a particular denomination. The notes are from a historical perspective so it's not for devotional reading.

>> No.16968916

That's just the 2016 edition, thankfully. The 2001, 2007, 2011 and UK editions have the more usual translation. It's a shame such a theologically biased rendering was made for those passages, I generally like the ESV and I'm not even a Protestant.

>> No.16968946

That verse is written in Greek lmao. He could easily have been referring to the Septuagint (which is what the New Testament authors used when quoting the Old Testament)

>> No.16969135
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Why yes I do only read bibles that have NIHIL OBSTAT AND IMPRIMATUR on them.

>> No.16969256

Question for well-read Christians here. Is there a point of praying for someone else's salvation? Or praying for them to overcome sin? Since we all have free-will to do whatever we want. Will God really help them or is it pointless?

>> No.16969374
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I try to ἀγάπη all of them but primarily English and Hebrew at the moment.

>> No.16969428

James 5:15-16: And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. 16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

>> No.16969455
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Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:16

>> No.16969508

gee i wonder

>> No.16969533


New testament authors yes, but Jesus using the septuagint is unlikely. Even Paul does not exclusively use the Septuagint in his epistles.

>> No.16969544

You retards really believe in magic huh

>> No.16969564

Yeah, we do. Get fucked.

>> No.16969657
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And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. Job 42:10

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 1 Timothy 2:1

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. John 15:7

>> No.16969687

>You retards really believe in magic huh
I don't see prayer as some kind of fortune giver, but I see it as a way to ask God to give others and myself spiritual strength. I don't believe in prosperity theology basically.

>> No.16969728



>> No.16969733

Nigga do you mean NAB? NIV is trash Prot.
Douay or Knox.

>> No.16970306


>> No.16970753

You don't need the perfect translation. This is what theologians will tell you to shill their beliefs knowing most people won't learn Greek to read. Read a decent translation like NKJV and pray for understanding. It's really that simple.

>> No.16970811

This is some retarded protestant shit and it's leading people to hell because the truth is not up to the individual. When people get doctrines wrong, they die in the most literal sense and Jesus is not the God of the dead. When you disrespect the Eucharist by viewing it symbolically, for example, you are rejecting Jesus Christ. This is why he established a Church to guide his people and tell them what the truth is.

>> No.16970896

The Eucharist is symbolic though

>> No.16970945
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>Sorry my child, you misinterpreted an obscure verse so straight to hell you go!
This is a stupid way of thinking. God is rational and wise.
>unironically following the doctrine of the most corrupt church in history
When will catholics learn?

>> No.16970964

what is the requisite number of believers to promote your faith from /x/ tier tinfoiltry to a legitimate religion? asking for a friend

>> No.16971032
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>> No.16971057

God is rational and wise, but you aren't. The Muslims and Mormons both pray to God and consequently feel like their doctrines are true. Does that make them both true? There's nothing more irrational and unwise than a protestant.

>> No.16971070

Mine is the Crampon Catholic Bible. If any other francophones are ITT I'd be interested in hearing what you think of its translation.

>> No.16971136

>Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. - James 3:10
Hypocrites, the lot of you.

>> No.16971149

>There's nothing more irrational and unwise than a protestant.
>believes doctrine that used to sell passes to heaven
Stay cucked with your false doctrine.

>> No.16971155

What about orthodoxy?

>> No.16971173


>> No.16971239

You're so stupid, you don't even know what you're criticizing. When you sin, it's not enough to simply say "I repent". You have to actually mean it, and one way of doing that is by saying prayers, serving the poor, and giving to charity among other things. An indulgence is an act of charity for remission of sins. It's not a ticket to heaven, that's retarded.

I don't even know why I bother because you have nothing to say on the subject at hand, you just try to throw out this red herring about indulgences to change the subject. I'm sure you already have a post written up about how we worship idols and Mary, you walking cliche of a human being.

>> No.16971284

>an act of charity
building the pope a better house is not an act of charity anon. This is a LARP, not even the RC's refend indulgences any more

>> No.16971295

If the Catholics don't defend indulgences then why do they still offer them? Idiot.

>> No.16971365

>When you sin, it's not enough to simply say "I repent".
Except it is
>If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. - 1 John 1:9
Good works dont give you brownie points towards salvation.

>> No.16971388
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The Catholic Church has never sold indulgences contrary to protestant propaganda. What Luther was against was the popes authority to give them out without sufficient "biblical evidence." The usual example given was simply an alms giving of money to restore a basilica. This was considered a donation not simony.

>> No.16971425
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>history is actually a made up conspiracy against the one true doctrine
The amount of cope is unreal.

>> No.16971475

>nobody ever lies about their enemies
>I get my memes from knowyourmeme like a newfag

>> No.16971495
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>5 thousand years of history of the separation from the Catholic Church is totally correct and not biased at all.
For example most protestants during the enlightenment cast a bad light on the dark ages even though most modern historians don't recognize the dark ages to be exactly "dark" anymore.

>> No.16971522
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"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 7:21).

Thy will be done

>> No.16971622


>> No.16971633

What good is "confessing your sins" if you don't actually mean it?

>> No.16971658

Not him but, Orthodox and Catholics are more similar than protestants and Catholics. We just disagree on some theological ideas and the Petrine doctrine.

t. Catholic

>> No.16971940

>The KJV-only people usually have vague arguments that there were pagans and heretics in Alexandria so you can't trust their New Testament text
I've never seen this argument from kjv only people, just "new version leaves out things kjv has. therefore it is a busted sword" even though they are there just left as foot notes for how there was added later for the kjv

>> No.16972980

big if true

>> No.16973142

Literally reading this exact one right now. Received it when I was confirmed.

>> No.16973313
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Should I read the Bible in Latin? Does reading the Vulgate provide a better understanding of the text than DR as a Catholic?

>> No.16973324

if you already know latin, sure go for it
otherwise I would refrain from learning a dead language for the purpose of reading a handful of books

>> No.16973439

Hey fuck you Esperanto isn’t a dead language

>> No.16973495

Get the NOAB RSV with Expanded Apocrypha instead, includes full canon for all mainstream denominations

>> No.16973910

I thought the apocrypha wasn’t canon?w de

>> No.16974041

I like the CSB.

>> No.16974830

What’s that

>> No.16974917

Christian Super Bible

>> No.16974949
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>> No.16975104

>dynamic equivalence
No meme answers please.

>> No.16975318

Do earlier dated manuscripts not include these passages? If so, the right thing to do is remove them as some scribe had adlibbed when copying a manuscript.

>> No.16975337

You know nothing about the Bible. Leave

>> No.16975445

Explain to me why we should include the extra words included in Luke 9:55-56 when both the extant Papyrus texts (P45 (250AD) and P75 (200 AD) and the four oldest full bibles (Vaticanus, Sanaiticus, Alexandrinus, Ephraemi Rescriptus around 400AD) don't include them?

>> No.16975451


>> No.16975527

Am Armenian, can confirm.

>> No.16975782


Because the majority of manuscripts include them. Also these manuscripts were actually used unlike Vaticanus and Sanaiticus (which was basically found in a dumpster, and is the most heavily edited and corrected manuscript that exists). Also Sanaiticus doesn't even agree with Vaticanus.

>> No.16975785


In addition, Erasmus knew of the existence of Vaticanus, which was basically kept in storage for hundreds of years, but did not use it as it differed greatly from the manuscripts used for the received text.

>> No.16975790

NIV censors some parts.

>> No.16977402
File: 24 KB, 366x499, Bible Oxford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't already have any sort of denominational commitment, this is the best one you can get.

It includes all the books which are canonical for catholic, protestant, and orthodox churches, and specifics who adheres to which. It's also a clear translation in contemporary English, with an incredible amount of annotation to clarify and give context. Each book is also prefaced by a page explaining what the book is, and the role it plays in the bible overall.

The translation (NRSV) is the translation most commonly used in academic biblical scholarship today.

The KJV is arguably the most literary and beautiful translation in English, and was the standard for hundreds of years, but it will be extremely opaque to the modern reader. If you actually want to try to understand the contents of the bible, you'll have a far more productive time relying on more modern and annotated editions.

>> No.16978562

I agree. Probably, a good idea would be to read NRSV Oxford and then read KJV just for its literacy and beauty.

This seems to be the most approachable way.

>> No.16978925

>and then read KJV just for its literacy and beauty
You motherfuckers are basic

>> No.16979835

how so?

>> No.16980292


>> No.16980336


>> No.16980354

i fail to see the beauty in archaic language like "thou" and "shalt" instead of "you" and "shall". NKJV is better

>> No.16980454

Probably KJV is relevant to other texts of English literature.

>> No.16980541

it's the same book except with modern pronouns.

>> No.16980654

You just don’t understand.

>> No.16980672

if you were really concerned about purity of language you wouldn't be reading it in english at all

>> No.16980702

>ctl-f jerusalem bible
>0 results
cmon guys jfc

>> No.16981043

Don’t use the lords name in vain

>> No.16981062

KJV is the most poetic

>> No.16981086
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>> No.16981784

Yeap, that seems to be the overall opinion.

>> No.16982190

no translator would admit that

>> No.16982220

KJV and Geneva are the only acceptable translations

>> No.16982506
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no its not, all these new translations are desperately modified, why?



>> No.16982512
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>> No.16982513

Jehovah is a mistranslation

>> No.16982529

NKJV is literally more accurate. Cope

>> No.16982968

>literally proven wrong multiple times
Whatever you say NKJV apologist.