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/lit/ - Literature

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16952337 No.16952337 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16952601

Is that supposed to be a video game version of Mt. Rainier OP?

>> No.16953071

I don't want Buddhism to be true because I refuse to believe the world is bad and that you can't find fulfillment in it despite the fact life isn't perfect, but what it says makes so much sense in a philosophical way to me it scares me the only way to enjoy the game is not to play and that everything I have ever experienced, even love towards my parents, gf, etc. is imperfect and not worth it in the end. I understand that we have very little evidence of a historical Buddha, that it's a religion like any other with all sorts of weird shit going inside it and that you can find a rational or competing metaphysical explanation for the things it says, but the basic premise is too horrible for me and just telling me to "let go" won't help. I want to make it clear that I don't want meaning in life, I think that being free from imposed rules and being able to follow your own path, whichever, as imperfect as it might be, is the only way to true, personal freedom, but then along comes this crushing 2500 year old clown telling me even freedom is a delusion and the only possible freedom is to stop wanting everything and just being. I understand there's all sorts of cruel, senseless stuff in the natural world and that life IS to a degree, suffering, but I believe part of what makes it so good, so enjoyable is to be able to find the good things in spite of the bad ones. Needless to say, reincarnation and karma make no sense to me, or I should say, I don't see how they rationally follow form the basic truths of anatta, anicca and dhukka, but I guess that's just Buddhism still being embedded in the culture and philosophical traditions that spawned it.


>> No.16953131

I just want a comfy circle of friends. The ones I currently hang out with are fun when getting drunk and all but if I am really honest they are ignorant and I don't really like them. It would be so damn nice to have someone to talk about and do stuff that I actually enjoy and someone with whom I could be honest about everything. Doesn't really matter if it is a gf or friends but I need this person in my life. I'm fine with doing solitary activities but it doesn't fulfill me.
I think I would become a different person in some ways if I were able to surround myself with different people, it would probably help me reach my full potential.
But unfortunately I don't know that kind of people and am not the best at getting to know others.

>> No.16953216

I also understand that there were very similar schools of thought back in the days it was originally developed and that Buddhism is simply the one that came on top, regardless of the existence of a historical Gautama, I've read some interesting stuff about how Buddhism doesn't "hold up" to the criticism of some of those ancient schools, particularly phenomenological stuff that I won't go into detail here but that has to do with nested awareness and memory. I won't deny the therapeutic value of meditation, but I don't think it can be taken on more than faith that the altered states of consciousness it can lead to are in some way, transcending, and not just our brains working in a different way. It seems to me, meditation could be a kind of induced dissociation, or "brain engineering" to reconstruct our awareness and parts in a different way. I know to a degree, most Buddhists will tell me it's exactly that, but under the surface of that acceptance I feel lies a dishonest "it's okay if that's what you're ready for, one day you'll come to us and we'll teach you the ultimate truth. You're less wrong, but still fundamentally wrong about the nature of reality and we, and only we have the one true explanation".
>But you can be a lay Buddhist or just take the good parts like mindfulness
See, that's something I can't agree with either. Part of what unleashed my current existential crisis is realizing that in a way I WAS already a Buddhist, my beliefs aligned rather closely (but not completely) with theirs, and suddenly finding something that's so close to what I believed in, minus this world being fundamentally wrong in some way. I've always thought that, while life might be sad or uncaring sometimes, it is beautiful, and it struggling in the face of that, that can be uplifting and that in the words of Nietzche (yes, I know he didn't like Buddhism either) "If we affirm one single moment, we thus affirm not only ourselves but all existence. For nothing is self-sufficient, neither in us ourselves nor in things; and if our soul has trembled with happiness and sounded like a harp string just once, all eternity was needed to produce this one event — and in this single moment of affirmation all eternity was called good, redeemed, justified, and affirmed."

con't again.

>> No.16953225

Getting back into books because I don't know how to pirate movies.

>> No.16953348

In times like these, one must admire Don Quixote, even if he truly was a fool and a madman.

>> No.16953351

I just realized I fucked up my writing, but I this has been eating at me for days now, and I haven't slept well.

As I was saying, I found out that Buddhist beliefs, particularly about us not being just our emotions, desires, etc. closely resembled my personal ideas, and it scared me that if started down that path then eventually I'd be converted and accept all the stuff that is antithetical to most of my other beliefs, and that isn't just a leap of faith, is brainwashing. I think a big part of the problem is that despite being raised Catholic, I've never felt close to or practiced any religion, not that I felt I needed it, but maybe I did in some way. So, when I found Buddhism and it started making sense I had a huge crisis in which I couldn't accept that one of the religions, as dubious and stifling as all others, got it right, that it got the exact truth of the universe, or something very close to it, right. While it might have been a huge relief, an end to my persona dhukka, to just embrace the revelation and start chasing Nirvana, it just feels wrong giving up on the world and the people I love and see them as nothing more than fellow prisoners of Samsara. I want them to live, I want them to be who they want to be, whatever they want to be and not think any less of them for wishing to simply exist, enjoy their lives, music, and a good meal, not think that "they'll come around to the dhamma sometime".

cont'd again.

>> No.16953408
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Level 5

>> No.16953433
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I feel nothing but hatred and disgust for myself. I fear death in my current state which only makes me hate myself more because I wish to be of those who love death and seek it, those who desire an end to this worldly life. I am lost and suffering engulfs me like a poisonous fog and desires like raging beasts prevent me from walking the path to redemption. Yet I have no right to find solace in this suffering or to pity myself for this pain, for my torture is caused only by me and in a way which is despicable and shameful in nature. There is no help in sight and I have nothing left but prayer, and yet even that has been taken from me by the filth which I have become. And because I hate myself so, I hate everyone else and because I am disgusted by myself I look at everyone and feel disgust and by doing so I have isolated myself, I am alone. I am alone and I will be until I have purified myself. But when? But how? I do not know. I do not know.

>> No.16953445

I keep seeing this statistic about millennials being the largest part of the workforce at 70 million but only having a paltry 4.5% of the total wealth. It is figures like these that destroy the myth that the system works but you just have to roll your sleeves up and work hard. Broad patterns of discrepancy like this point to underlying systematic causes unrelated to the ideology of "personal responsibility" and "work ethic" which reactionaries use to defend the system.

An analogy to childhood obesity can be made. A healthy society should not put children in a position where it is easy for them to become obese. Nor can we blame children for becoming obese. Children are not born into the world knowing that they have to be on guard about their eating habits or they could prematurely damage their health. Fat kids is a society problem. The expectation that they must be cautious about what they eat should not be placed on children, who naively trust that what is put before them is fit for consumption. It's the parent's responsibility. But more than the parent's it is society's responsibility; and the fact we have so much junk food aimed at kids is another example of "profit over people." There is a whole industry that preys on children's taste buds, marketing them sugar bomb cereal and candies and junk food which hijack the brain's reward centers. Thus children become obese before they even know what happened to them or before they had the opportunity to learn nutrition and that the food system is boobytrapped with various dietary dangers.

With young people and the workforce, a similar dynamic is in play. The entire economic system is rigged and boobytrapped to undermine them. Rather than being a frictionless process, navigating it is like tiptoeing through a mind field. Having your legs blown of for being forced marched through a mind field is not your fault, the mines should never have been planted.

>> No.16953463

>mind field
This is a typo that somehow gives what I was saying a double meaning. I like it.

>> No.16953478


>> No.16953498

>try to meditate
>question pops up in my head
>"why do you think you need to do this?"
>reply (in my head)
>"I don't know man maybe I think need to be saved or something"
>suddenly hear chorus of children, mockingly
>"he wants to be sa-aved, he wants to be sa-aved"
>burst out laughing
>meditation ruined
7/10 would try again

>> No.16953521

kek your soul is a kindergarden

>> No.16953542

So, given all that, I believe that my best chance of escape would be God. I was raised Catholic as I mentioned, and while the church as an institution has devalued itself over and over, I do believe there is something noble at its core and tradition, namely, love. Love is something that I believe in as dogmatically as Caths believe in the virgin birth of Jesus. I believe love is real, I believe it's the only thing worth striving for and the only valid motivation, be it for yourself or for others, I believe, that, if there is a God, it is love. Christianity and Catholicism have their own problems, metaphysically and as organized faiths, but if I could latch onto them I could, I think, endure everything and counter every argument with a faith as simple and healthy as can be. Is this hypocritical? Yes, I believe it is, and that's why I can't do it either, as much as I'd like to. It would be, as Camus said, philosophical suicide. I can't just defer to a God the responsibility of figuring things out for myself. I believe that I have to strive for something entirely of this world, something entirely of what I am and can experience being. Why? Because it's the only proposition that makes sense to me in the face of evidence, no matter how alluring others might seem. I'm not saying this with any conviction, I was shaking just a while ago. It's just something deep inside that refuses to let go, even if promised all suffering would cease if it did. It's not a self, call it a conviction that we can't defer to simple revelation or a set of pre made steps or a path toward proving that revelation right, and we have to live, as confusing and senseless as it might be.

So here I am, torn halfway between Absurdism with a possible Christian core (and I like Christianity, I think it offers a much better model for a moral and empathetic society than a sangha) and still tempted to accept the thesis that the world is vain and chase Nirvana, and maybe I always will be, but I can't give up just because I've always ignored my inner life and suddenly a religion seems to make sense. I know Buddhism isn't a "science of the mind" or any new age crap like that, I know it's a religious philosophy that's very varied but at its core proposes the same thing as all others, that we leave for someplace better. I cannot accept that giving up is the only option, both philosophically and empirically. I believe this world matters. I just want to finish my saying that I don't want to live fearing Buddhism (because that's what it's come to), or its postulates, I just want to be able to make sense of them as they really are, I want to be able to dismiss them as any other fundamentalism and just take what's good in them for my personal philosophy without needing to accept what I dislike. For that, in my view, is the only way I can live my life.

Sorry for the rant, I just need to type this and I feel slightly better for it already. Thanks to anyone that reads or cares to comment.

>> No.16953548

You missed this one >>16953542

>> No.16953550

Capitalist society always blames the individual for systemic problems.
>You're poor because you make bad decisions with money, not because the system prevents you from saving by importing immigrants to keep wages low and housing prices high
>You're depressed because of chemicals in your brain, not because society has lost all sense of community and belonging
It's always a "you" problem. Disgusting display of victim-blaming.

>> No.16953882

It inexplicably hurts whenever I try to do anything

>> No.16953924
File: 106 KB, 750x462, 717678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it hurt more to be rejected by publishers without them reading it, with them reading and dropping it, or with them reviewing it?

>> No.16954530

Live, laugh, love. I've wasted so much time reading philosophy, agonising over the correct way to live, and it's really that simple.

>> No.16954591

As much as it sounds like normie garbage, this is actually rather profound imo.

>> No.16954979
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I can't really fault big companies or the state for shitting on me because I would probably do the same in their shoes.

>> No.16955742

getting major reddit vibes from you. sounds like a skit you would insert into some shitty youtube video. are you a vtuber?

>> No.16955777

It's been 3 years since I lost my actual dream job due to my bad mental health. I am still not over it, I can't deal with it.

>> No.16956274
File: 436 KB, 900x506, matrix-morpheus-intepretado-por-laurence-fishburne-1566429460223_v2_900x506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you that I can get you out of this shit hole? I escaped months ago, I'm willing to take some anons out.

>> No.16956318


Does your shithole have waifus, or... ?

>> No.16956487

Unironically read the Traditionalists.

>> No.16956519

aiight lets go bro

>> No.16956579
File: 117 KB, 1046x698, Laurie_Penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Laurie Pennie? Remember when Laurie Penny was a daily /lit/ mention?

Me neither hahahahaha she hit the wall and is irrelevant forever HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.16956743

>I've wasted so much time reading philosophy, agonising over the correct way to live
its truly a paralyzing problem to have, you think about how youre doing it wrong or not quite right and how you put all this energy into doing it right but its not quite there and then you get anxious about the future since youve been doing it wrong for so long.

Life really is simple. But to our credit I don't think it appears that way.

>> No.16956882

Shit post your way out, anon. Write non-stop, you will get sick of this board in general, people in here just aren't worth it, and sincerely they aren't that much better in other places. But I don't even bother coming back here to peek.

It is just that I came across some person who reminded me of some anons, and I felt that I can help someone out. Basically, shit post, anon. But remind yourself to get sick of it. Get sick of this latrine as you post more shit into it.

>> No.16956894

I remember, she was the queen of /lit/ and people would write fanfic about being sexually dominated and humiliated by her.
Guess the spirit of /lit/ never changes, even as great figures rise and fall.

>> No.16956990
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The longer I'm awake the heavier my heart becomes.

>> No.16957449


>> No.16957501
File: 75 KB, 600x600, 6E74555C-FB2B-4B7C-816C-975E19D689AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fall asleep next to my bf while he is still awake
>rip huge farts for the duration of my slumber
why live bros

>> No.16957505

Looks like some shit by Microsoft where they snuck in an homage to their home state mountain.

>> No.16957569

Nice trips. What happened anon?

>> No.16957905

My dick feels so much better now that I have sex more frequently. I mean like feels better to the touch, like it's softer somehow - more healthy.

>> No.16958759

Wanna cry anons, it feels good, it feels right. But I can't. And I also think its pathetic and pointless. They're both right. Who should I listen to? Need there be a dichotomy in the first place?

>> No.16958929
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I think that the widespread usage of smartphones and social media is one of the biggest tragedies of the last decade and a bit.

>'Normies' have invaded the internet. Niche spaces like forums have collapsed to give way to Facebook groups
>Socialising has dropped for 'social' media
>Most messaging apps became social media
>Advertisers have unlimited ways to bombard you. Stealing your data to market to you harder
>Everyone is now on social media pushing their highlight reel and making others feel bad. Especially damaging to teenagers
>Most people addicted to phones and the internet
>It's 'weird' if you're not on social media
>Humans are not meant for this constant stream of data and emotion
>Dating apps widely used, incredibly difficult for the average man to get results (inb4 incel, I'm not)
>Watching my family members constantly binge watching Netflix, getting exposed to whatever ideas and trashy American culture that these shows spout

I don't want to carry a smartphone anymore. When I'm at home I leave it in another room. I'm trying to transition from carrying it in my pocket to in my backpack instead, when out and about.

I'm trying to get the fuck off social media, but it's so prevalent and I need it to be able to contact some people as well as an in person club that I am a part of (organising events and meet ups is hard when they don't use anything else).

Whatever, call me a boomer or something /lit/. Pic unrelated.

>> No.16958995

Does anyone ever have a sensation before they fall asleep that their imagination simply ceases. Whenever I try to visualise something just before going to bed, the shapes lose their definition, the colours appear faded. Is this just me, or can anyone empathise with that experience?
this is a meme right? People don't actually struggle visualising fucking squares, that's retarded.

>> No.16958996

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with social media and smartphones, I just think that the jews peddle an ideology of "you should be this" so hard from the beginning, there is now an entire generation that have been indoctrinated. The ideology of love, self-worth, hedonism. Promoting the filth to the front page so everyone can see, then little kids start emulating them in hopes to be them. I believe this whole #blm #acab is proof of this. An ideology spread out so hard, people where inherently indoctrinated to believe in it. If you don't, well you're just wrong for being different.

>> No.16959141

Civilisation is a strange thing, yet it is something we can't really come back from. A lot of full fledged anarchists and anarcho-primitivists suggest a return to nature, but I find that position uncharitable to the concept of civilisation. It is important in this case to recognise the moral void that is present in nature that founds the crux of my argument. A good comparison to the immorality of nature would be that of a child: children are innocent, yet this means they are devoid of morality. This can be best evidenced when witnessing a small child torture insects for what they will admit is no reason at all. Nature is grand, and beautiful in ways that humanity could never truly replicate, but it is also unimaginably cruel and merciless. Among other things, humanity's sentimentality has been a strong seperating factor between us and other animals; we can get deeply invested in the specifics of the world, something that nature, forever concerned with the bigger picture, could never do.

For whatever reason, mankind has been given the ability to defy nature, which means that it is our obligation to therefore do our best to create something greater than nature, but that of course runs the risk of becoming worse than nature. We must create our own rules that reward those that do the right thing, and punish those who do the wrong thing. Nature is incapable of making such distinctions because survival is its utmost concern; the ends rather than the means. We are now capable of defying natural selection, and have been for some time. This shows both the good of humanity - our ability to recognise that life is sacred, and that even the weak and crippled deserve to live, and are even capable of providing for society in some ways (EG. Stephen Hawking) - and the worst side - there now lacks a necessity to maintain our fitness and health, because death is much more easily avoided, leading to increased obesity and worse general health as a result.

Though we ultimately have freed ourselves somewhat from the confines of the natural, we are still beholden to nature. Our behaviours and mannerisms are, to some extent, the products of thousands of generations of ancestors who honed their own survivability to a razor-sharp edge. Our instincts are still largely dominated in this matter. That said, I don't think this is a sign of defeat when it comes to defying nature. Imagine a garden. A garden has a very distinct nature to it: it is unnatural, as in it is created by a gardener. yet a garden is capable of a degree of coexistence and symbiosis with other lives in such a way that defies nature. With the right application of nutrients to the soil in the right balance, many crops from opposite sides of the world can live and thrive in an unnatural harmony. To me, civilisation - and all of man's efforts - can be explained in this metaphor of the garden. We use the tools of nature to create something that defies it, and is capable of being equal or greater than nature.

>> No.16959161
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I realised how scary our mortality is. How fragile we are depsite how strong we wish to be.
But what's more frightening than death is not leaving a legacy to be remembered by your friends and family. To be gone without a trace.

>> No.16959633

>caring about what other people think of you even when you’re six feet under

Let go anon. Your accomplishments are not diminished because people don’t constantly talk about them. No matter what anyone says, if a tree falls in the woods it does make a sound. Whether or not anyone is there to hear it. The love you put into your work will still be received.

>> No.16960095

I've been through some traumatic shit.
Went through high school as the fat awkward gothic chick. After I graduated lost 125lbs so by 2013 I was happy with my body and got into the EDM scene. I took a synthetic mesclun and tripped for 2 weeks straight. I thought everyone was trying to kill me and make it look like a suicide. i ran through woods half dressed and barefoot. For a few days ambulances tried to take me to the hospital but I refused. One time I even stopped breathing and had to be revived. About 4 days in I got arrested and they stripped me of my clothes and chained me in a restraint chair. I thought I had been captured by demons and believed I had the strength to bust through the chains... I still have a scar from where the cuffs around my ankle broke the skin so bad because I thought I had the power to break free. So the whole time I am tripping haven't ate since I took the drug and barely drank. I have such bad trauma that sometimes even mentioning some words give me flashbacks. Tried to an hero in my cell when I finally got out of the holding cell so they shipped me off to the loony bin. I was told I couldn't leave unless I took the meds. Then spent the next 4 years being pumped with antipsychotics

Excuse the word vomit, I am half retarded now and forming sentences is hard for me.

>> No.16960122

have you tried not doing drugs

>> No.16960168

The right says individuals are to blame for their own social standing. The left says it's systematic. The real answer is somewhere in between. But even small island nations that are isolated from global corruption experience local corruption. So it's not the global stage that is corrupting everything. It's the individual. The individual has to learn something to create a system of non-corrupt justice. The individual frees himself when he frees society. But man likes to be beholden to the system. They need something more powerful than them to depend on.

>> No.16960246

How do I get a terf gf?

>> No.16960350
File: 78 KB, 736x703, fe437f7a49c0facc8648ff0bd1ad859f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rupi Kaur and Margaret Atwood are both ideologically poisoned Canadian women, but the skill gap between the two is palpable. Atwood has actual skill compared to Kaur's awful insta-shit "poetry". An absolute disgrace to blank verse.

>> No.16960353
File: 117 KB, 800x900, Sol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is a pogchamp?

>> No.16960479

Approaching anything to win mind. Had to put down Augustine and re-read Beyond Good and Evil. I watched Nightcrawler yesterday night and it felt like a correct time and place to view it. I used to value self-improvement in itself but now its all empty if not directly related to winning.

>> No.16960499
File: 225 KB, 962x962, a9b7398a6c5468e21badcd92091c0c0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feeling kinda gay and religious lately
books for this feel?

>> No.16960517

Shadman saw cynical reviews video of him and using this video as a outlet drew his avatar. It took him roughly 50 minutes until he was done, the drawin was pure to pure he thought as he removed the pants suit and tie and replaced them with lingerie, revealing his genitalia, And grey nipples, he then added color to the GIF as Shadman grinned as cynical‘s avatar’s husky butt moved along with the animation he then drew his avatar pulling his pants down as his dick Penetrated cynical’s rectum as he made a ahegao face, the next panel shows cynical reviews covered in shadman’s avatar cum as he pulls his skeletal cum covered dick out of his rectum. Shadman grinned as he stared at the British husky wanker covered in his cum and he proceeded to fuck him for eternity.

>> No.16960524

from a grain of sand
the clam can make a pearl – but
I can ride a bike

>> No.16960545

Am I the only who thinks having a boyfriend for 30 years is insane?

>> No.16960552

I think it's pretty gay

>> No.16960573
File: 20 KB, 570x570, SUB ZERO IN OVERWATCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An emote on twitch(which is a livestreaming service). It is this in particular.

>> No.16960586

I like the idea of you being a goth chick but everything else about your story makes me sad and realize our lives are much too different.

>> No.16960632

wait are you fucking retarded budhism doesnt say the world is bad and imperfect it just says that everything makes up the whole, suffering, loving, pain, pleasure, are all part of life

>> No.16960790

Have you tried not being a naive, retarded cunt?

>> No.16960837
File: 1.34 MB, 640x472, 1607083686091.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does asian girl sweat taste/smell like? I've been told it's different.

>> No.16960967

The will to return to nature is motivated by the need to undo morality and anter once again the void. It's a similar concept to leaving samsara, but one cannot leave the structure of moral society once entered since they are defined by relating to whatever moral code is governing society they have existed in.

>> No.16961012

I fucking wish I bumped into an armed assault or something and sacrificed myself.
Best way to kms.

>> No.16961220

I literally spend my entire life in front of a computer. At this point I should just stitch my face to it. This is no way to live.

>> No.16961339

you could try reading a book

>> No.16961602

we are trying to hold on, but our hands are slipping from the ladder. it's over bros

>> No.16961784
File: 102 KB, 650x811, 051129c_014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really dumb. And I hurt others without wanting to, to then hide in drugs and games.
I managed to reach this ideal position of status and authority within my social circle and I still feel the suicidal thoughts coming in. I got addicted to tobacco this year too. Keep seeing the filter turn yellow everytime I take the smoke in.
Relationship with God keep coming in and out because I'm a degenerate.

>> No.16961936

Weekend niggers are boring.

>> No.16961947

rotten spicy cabbage

>> No.16962323

>use reddit for 5 minutes
>notice a lot of "automoderator" deleting entire posts for saying "bitch" and the like
>look it up
>censorship is apparently completely normal on reddit, all the users are used to it
>they even shadow-censor so you can see your comment but no one else can
>try to find people talking/complaining about this
>find moderators justifying it and people replying "Thank you so much for curating my experience!"

holy fuck 98% of this species really is just born slaves

>> No.16962386

I do that too, but I need computers to do everything. There's no escaping them.

>> No.16962404

>Live, laugh, love.
Isn't that just buzzwords the media feeds us. Why can't i just exist why must I Live, laigh, love.

>> No.16962414

That's it. I'm taking over the fucking world.

>> No.16962437

when are we getting this?

>> No.16962438

I can't take irony. This entire website is a Irony black hole. I hate myself.

>> No.16962475
File: 128 KB, 710x710, img1o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I people just hate the phrase because it's presented as part of a mass-produced product that shows up everywhere. There's nothing objectionable about the words themselves, but the viewer instinctively distrusts them because of the context. It's almost subversive.

>> No.16962518

I never thought of it like that. That's a good point.

>> No.16962546

My girlfriend smelled like a mix between fresh eggs and talcum. Hard to describe, not unpleasant.

>> No.16962552
File: 1022 KB, 1280x800, 2016_03b_simms_opener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you developed misanthropy after studying history

>> No.16962564

It's a totally generic and shallow motto, and yet it's all you need to know to live a good life. You can choose to simply exist if you to want of course, but my point is that if you want to live a more fulfilling life it's simple, you don't need to read tomes of philosophy before you start.

>> No.16962585

What do you want of me?

>> No.16962688

I am actually going to take over the world. I have been planning this for roughly ten years and have lost little motivation to do it. I have little wealth or connections, but in my Great Man studies I found cases that match my condition. What is my motivation, you may ask? To become wealthy? To do evil? To unify the world under a single state? In my case, I need to have unilateral power strong enough to splinter the human race into two groups: one I will lead to master the cosmos as enlightened beings, and the other I will leave to its own devices. It sounds improbable--but if there is even a nonzero probability of actualizing the right path, and I will myself down that path, I believe I can do it. At the worst, I will simply assure the survival of the human race and wait for it to collectively evolve into enlightened consciousness.

>> No.16962697

>take this senpai fuk u

>> No.16962702

two years ago I had the idea of an amazing ending to a story I haven't written

I wonder if I will ever do it

>> No.16962742
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Checked. Hope I get to be one of the ubermensch under your new world order.

>> No.16962810

Cynicism is the most based and pro-neet philosophy.

>Diocles relates how Diogenes persuaded Crates to give up his fields to sheep pasture and throw into the sea any money he had. In the home of Crates, Alexander is said to have lodged

>When asked why he gave away his fortune and refused to work for money and took up a life of begging on the streets, Crates of Thebes pointed out the absurdity of trading one's infinitely precious time for a wage.

>> No.16962830

Should I pull over or keep driving when the Check Nigger light comes on?

>> No.16962874

Its been ages since I've used the spoken language and I find my skill in such diminishing day after day. There are too many times than I would like to admit that I had to think a little to long in my head how to reply to someone in person as if I were planning a response to a post. The number of stutters are getting larger. I cannot pronounce some words now. I despise being infantilized for these impairments and yet I continue to shut myself away from society, furthering my deterioration and degeneration.

>> No.16962905

get an obd reader

>> No.16962930

what is on my mind is that I should kill myself. really don't think there's any significant risk that I will, but it is what is on my mind.

>> No.16963015

If you desire certainty, start doing math. Not being facetious. No idea where you are in life, but there a quote a few studies that require the kind of math that soothes lost truth-seekers.

>> No.16963018

If you don't have a wikipedia page then I do not give a shit about you.
If you do but the scrollbar isn't very long then buddy, nice try.
You thought I wouldn't click the wikipedia page, you thought I would stop at the search results. Apply yourself. You haven't earned my respect yet.

>> No.16963044

>I keep seeing this statistic about millennials being the largest part of the workforce at 70 million but only having a paltry 4.5% of the total wealth

Wealth accumulates exponentially. It's not surprising that older workers hold most of the wealth. Still agree there's issues though. It's in a few specific areas though, namely the price of housing, health care, and college.

>> No.16963059

>t. doesn't have a wikipedia page

>> No.16963130

Especially since most of philosophy is just cope

>> No.16963206

After reading this post, what's on my mind is that I'm a piece of shit for being glad that you're suffering despite being good in a social circle. Makes me feel better about being an outcast. Makes me think though, that with my additude, I'll be an outcast until I die. I'm sorry anon and I hope you feel better. Life is rough no matter how many friends you have.

(I'm not a tumblr user but I wanted to see if it's profitable to host a tumblr blog.)
On tumblr I saw a girl who was posting pictures of flowers next to sexualized pictures of herself. She posted a insta-filter picture of a rupi poem with a rose on the book. She was posting vain,
ideal angle-lighting-hair-etc. selfies.

My issue with this is that Rupi writes about acceptance of one's own body and flaws. This girl is posting her vain selfies right next to the poem, inflating her self worth artificially, running from her flaws. Posting innocent things like flowers, a thing that children find beauty in, next to pictures of herself half naked. It's vain of myself to imply I'm better, vain of myself to make this post in the first place. I'm stuck in a juvenile loop of fake self awareness, trying to prove to myself I have a functioning brain.

>> No.16963312

>what's on my mind is that I'm a piece of shit for being glad that you're suffering despite being good in a social circle. Makes me feel better about being an outcast.
No reason to think that. You're true to yourself, and social people tend to be snakes in many ways. Love you.

>> No.16963357

>Wealth accumulates exponentially. It's not surprising that older workers hold most of the wealth.
There's no denying that. What's alarming is the massive disparity. 4.5%? 20 or at least 30 precent seems reasonable.
And it is not about money earned through labor. Most of that wealth is tied to assets, real estate, equities, etc. Money you earn from labor accumulates linearly, not exponentially. Inflation in real estate value and stocks, when boomers own all the land and stocks, is where the problem is. It's very difficult for wage earners to break into these appreciating forms of value that are the true source of wealth.

>> No.16963712
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>> No.16964015

This place has gone to shit. It seems like theres been a steady rise in people who make broader and broader claims reaching a point of absurdity. It might be due to a new influx of people but this place is stagnating and dieng. Pretty soon it will be nothing but redditor pseuds throwing their shit at eachother much like in their own cesspit. Reddittors and newfags are sitting in the garbage heaps pretending to be something they are not.


>> No.16964081

Do you have anything particular in mind?

>> No.16964089

And what do you do when
Your man kills himself and
How do I make friends now
And where is my mom
I need to show her that
She taught me
And please let me
Die an instant death

>> No.16964312

i want a family so bad bros. i have goals that are more important to me than child-rearing but that doesn’t mean the urge to have a baby isn’t strong. every so often i start to notice babies everywhere and i find my heart melting and/or breaking every time i see a kid doing something precious and this lasts for 15 days or so. it is making me crazy.

>> No.16964416

bring her some flowers

>> No.16964499

Desu I'm proud of the paper I just wrote. Feelsgoodman

>> No.16964668

i used to, but i have to accept the fact i will never be able to afford it.

>> No.16964685

at a really stupid part of my life where all i'm doing is waiting on a yes or no to find out what direction i will take. as a result i'm restless and never want to leave the apartment, a hikkineet without even freedom from anxiety that comes with it. i can be free in 10 more days. 10 more days and I find out my fate, and until then I'm floating suspended in aimless unease torn between optimism and dread.

>> No.16964704

you act as if some crime as been perpetrated against you, but did you do the same things generations before you did to accumulate wealth? did you take out a mortgage and buy a house in an affordable suburb, or rent an expensive apartment in the hippest section of the city? do you participate in your job's 401k matching program or do you just blow your pay check on nights out on the town? do you max out your roth contributions every year? have you done what those generations before you did?

>> No.16964715

how hard is it for people to just make threads actually about books?

>> No.16964855

>done what those generations before you did?
The whole point is that it's harder to do that now, much more so than in the past. It's much harder to do what those generations were able to do because of structural changes in the economy.

It's really not hard to understand. Real estate value has inflated tremendously since 1970 while wages have stagnated and haven't kept up with inflation. In 1950 the average income would allow you to buy a home, not so any more.
Even those "affordable suburbs" are barely affordable for someone making a median income. All that is left are shacks in the everglades.

Also, companies nowadays want to take on as minimum responsibility for their employees as possible, gig economy jobs that don't have 401ks etc. It's rarer to find one company that you can work at consistently and rise up the ranks. Younger people tend to go from job to job without any security.

There's tons of data on this that you can look up.

>> No.16964880

it's the designated off topic thread?

>> No.16964956

Young people go job to job without any loyalty because they get massive increases in income every time. Do you think employers want to face massive turnover and having their most productive employees getting poached every 18 months? Why do you think places will pay for your master's degree? It's a way to make sure you stick around for at least two years, but even then some ungrateful hotshots will ditch the company the second they finish and go to their competitor, but at early stage companies with massive growth potential paying for an MBA is probably cheaper than giving stock options.

>> No.16965006

The median income is 50k. You could get a 250k mortgage with that easily. 250k will buy a decent house in most places. Sorry, you won't get to live in Brooklyn or San Francisco, but guess what, most boomers didn't live in Brooklyn or San Francisco either.

>> No.16965034

What about the modal income? You know, the one that matters

>> No.16965054 [DELETED] 

The modal income is probably whatever some block of retired boomers make on their pension.

>> No.16965070

In your post you talked about both the median and average incomes. If you find the modal income so useful, why did you not mention it until now? Trying to dodge the fact that 50k is a perfectly reasonable income?

>> No.16965182

Do you work as hard as a boomer? My boomer dad was able to buy a house and support two kids by working 40 hours a week in a noisy factory doing repetitive mind numbing labor. If someone offered you that job would you take it? Or would you cry about "wagies" and then stay in your mom's basement playing video games?

>> No.16965202

I'm not them

>> No.16965231

First time posting here in over a year. This board has always been shitty.

>> No.16965282 [DELETED] 

You know what board got wicked shitty? /mu/! I went in there today because /lit/ was averagely shitty, and holy shit, it's so bad now. Torrents of kpop viral marketing, but even worse than the commercial shit is the racist chuds have gotten a toehold.

>> No.16965394

Insufferable people. I must've spent a total of a few hours there.
>racist chuds
That's actually symptomatic of a board being worth a damn. If racism were to be banned, other things would have also been subject to a ban. This would make the board tedious and discussion would likely stagnate

>> No.16965502

Modern Mahayana and specially Zen can sometimes reach that conclusion or something close to it. Read the original scriptures and it's fucking grim.

>> No.16965685

I feel so frantic. On Tinder I met this fat black weeb mystic girl, and I'm going to fuck and feed her food tomorrow after work. My chest is so light and my mind is so erratic always going back to my expectation on this event that will play out.

>> No.16965704

Bro, I know a black weeb mystic girl. How many can there be?

>> No.16965709

I feel you, I get all whacked out when I look into Buddhism too. They have a way of really explaining things to be definite, kind of like how Nietzsche describes something. What helps me though is remembering that the whole idea of letting go is detaching mentally from the material.

>> No.16965715

feeder fetish? if so, based.

>> No.16965718

Too many to lust over.

>> No.16965726

I already got some pizza to bring her tomorrow, and gonna get some other stuff after work. What would you recommend?

>> No.16966235

Me: mom can we have the new Demon's Souls?
Mom: *checks notes*
Me: understandable. Have a nice day.

>> No.16966255
File: 221 KB, 800x500, drought-800x500_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just read a terrifying article (on Bloomberg, not Infowars) that water futures are going to start being traded on Wall Street because of concerns about water scarcity.

Two billion people on earth already experience water insecurity, and--get this--some predictions estimate that in just four years 2/3rds of the entire planet will.

Without water everything collapses, civilization ends. Earth becomes Mars.

And the sick irony of it all is of course that the earth is mostly covered in water, but it's all mixed with salt. Secondly 90% of the earth's fresh water, more than is frozen in glaciers in Antartica which are falling into the ocean in chunks the size of British isles and then melting and becoming unusable.

It is not entirely crazy to conceive freshwater ice mining operations. Huge amounts of energy and capital are invested in extracting oil in extreme parts of the world and shipping them in tankers, so it can be done with glacial ice.

Mark my words, there may come a time when glacial ice mining becomes a major industry out of necessity. Obviously it would pose unique challenges but if there is no more portable water there is no future.

>> No.16966342

Level 8 isn't superhuman or anything lol

>> No.16966384

I go to university for CS in the third world, yeah I know, maybe it's different in USA or Yurop
I came here because I liked both the math, even if basic as shit, and the "practical" stuff like cryptography and OS interest me.
The classes are a fucking meme, I can write absolutely abhorrent code and no one would give a shit. And it shows jesus christ it's the code from my peers absolute fucking garbage, I now understand why any program made in this shithole is fucking broken, people like these make that shit.
These people don't give a shit about computers, don't give a shit about programming or the math, are nothing but little sissies who namedrop "AI" and "blockchain" shit without understating a tiny bit of it. Who can't debug a fucking hello world if their lives depended on it and are scared of proofs.
>bro but it's the third world
Yeah but still, I took classes in the EE and math department and most students there were interested in what they were doing, unlink csfags
The teachers are a bunch of frauds too, almost all of them, they never, never do any meaningful criticism on their students' work.
God I really should drop out now

>> No.16966390

>) that water futures are going to start being traded on Wall Street because of concerns about water scarcity.
That's long been out there. It's one of the end titles for The Big Short movie.
>Two billion people on earth already experience water insecurity, and--get this--some predictions estimate that in just four years 2/3rds of the entire planet will.
That kind of prediction improves the market.
>And the sick irony of it all is of course that the earth is mostly covered in water, but it's all mixed with salt.
No, the sick irony is that water mismanagement is what causes this to become a market. Ask yourself why Phoenix Arizona happens to start existing when Mexico started having rivers run dry. If you want a sick irony, Phoenix is looking into desalination to improve its water supply, because that seemed reasonable after diverting three major rivers turned out to not be sustainable.
>It is not entirely crazy to conceive freshwater ice mining operations. Huge amounts of energy and capital are invested in extracting oil in extreme parts of the world and shipping them in tankers, so it can be done with glacial ice.
There used be empires built on ice. Transporting it from colder regions to warmer ones before the invention of refrigeration, or the underground production of storage of ice, literally made people gilded age rich. Frederic Tudor in Boston and Charles Morse in NY both made fortunes selling ice, internationally and to the point of monopoly. It's not hard to imagine because it was literally a gigantic scandal about 110 years ago. Bear in mind that is something so rapacious it scandalised people who were okay with the Rockefellers.
>Earth becomes Mars
Yeah and if we condense Jupiter's atmosphere to supercool the surface, it totally becomes Earth with better fjords.

>> No.16966396

Well if they are bad it means less competition for you. You can learn it all on your own anyway.

>> No.16966397
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Just finished this, what a great book. Easily in the pantheon of westerns.

>> No.16966865

I feel you anon, I'm in a similar situation except I have a circle of friends that I like and aren't ignorant but... I feel like we aren't friends. It's like you say, I feel like I can't be honest about everything with them because we just aren't at that stage of friendship, and I don't know how to bring it to that. I am charismatic and acquinated with many people, but all of those relationships were shallow and now that I feel a bigger potential with these people, and I really do, I don't know how to achieve it....

Not to mention some of those friends know each other much longer than they know me so I often feel like a third wheel - and it's difficult to initiate meaningful interactions (this online shit contributes nothing) because of the lockdown.

And also, since I'm already telling everything, it kills even more motivation to try and improve our friendship when the attempt fails because of mentioned reasons. The longer it goes on, more hurt my heart is, so much that I sometimes wonder if it was better never to have met them than to have this fruit dangled above my head like I'm Tantalus.

>> No.16966899

in a kind of limbo. can't do any more coursework until late january some time. maybe a little earlier. at the same time I feel like a bunch of things just crash onto this point in time, and all I want to do (for maybe the 7th day in a row) is lie in bed and shitpost. I have been forcing myself to take walks, that's probably good.

>> No.16966934

I am obsessed by a girl I met IRL which is a way less extreme version, but still really problematic, of this one >>16960095
Everything was going so well but after a while she became cold and distant and this is driving me crazy. Yeah she has a bf they were on the verge of breaking up, but now apparently they got close again, despite the fact that he's an ugly asshole piece of shit

>> No.16967070

oh fate
look at her trying to tempt you
with her whorish twists and curves
the way she understands how to tease you better than you understand yourself
the way she doesnt see the difference between love and rape
the way shes entirely at your mercy and you entirely at hers
looks like god's pissed i deflowered his own anima

>> No.16967110

How do I profit from being the wisest philosopher to have ever lived? I'm like Spinoza but more advanced.

>> No.16967394

youtube essays

>> No.16967475

nope. If you cant see the problem youre part of it

>> No.16967483

I feel like creating/taking over a philosophy livestreaming niche would be the better platform if I were to go down that route

>> No.16967500

>philosophy livestreaming niche
Oh god no. Imagine philosophers having to compete for viewers on "Twitch But For Philosophy". Absolutely god awful.

>> No.16967507

Condense your entire philosophy down to one sentence. Find a target demographic and make a twitter meme account pandering to them based on said sentence.

>> No.16967546

"""Philosophers""" have gotten away with pretending to be uncompetitive long enough, it's high time somebody takes the fight to them

I've unironically considered this, just becoming another one of those greyscale avatar one-sentence Oscar Wilde-tier "sounds smart because there's le funny juxtaposition in the aphorism but in reality it just reinforces a shitty mindset normies like being reaffirmed of," but if I'm already going to have to use twitter I'd at least want it to be entirely secondary to my actual internet presence somewhere else. Might still cave though.

>> No.16967572

Philosophy is in the end a competition, but it's not a competition of who makes funnier noises on camera or who shows more tits. Your "Philosophy Twitch" would end up being exactly just that.

>> No.16967590

You raise a good point.

>> No.16967757

Sometimes I see too many frauds and larpers in philosophy and arts that I start thinking maybe the mistake is on my part for taking it too seriously. It's really demotivating.

>> No.16967787

You can't take philosophy too seriously. What you might be doing though is putting it in too high esteem. Philosophy isn't holy.

>> No.16967792
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<tfw you realize you're actually the Antichrist and will soon lose control of your latent power against your will

>> No.16967813

All right, hear me out. I catch my poop in my hand with a piece of toilet paper, and so should you. There are several very logical reasons why.

Firstly, If you do it like that, nobody outside will be able to hear your shit dropping in the loo. If you think about it, there's often a fairly audible splash, or slap in the event it hits the side. Which brings me to point two; if you catch your shit, it minimizes the risk of getting stuck to the porcelain. That way you will not need to clean it up, and you minimize the risk of embarrassing yourself if someone else sees it. Lastly, and by god most importantly, if you catch your log, it virtually eliminates the risk of toilet water splashing back up inside your anus. It is a thoroughly unpleasant experience to have that happen. Putting some paper down is not necessarily a guaranteed preventative measure.

Shit-catching is the ultimate pooping technique; the final frontier of excretion.

>> No.16967913

Americans are a sickness on this planet. You ruined the Internet, you ruined politics, and now you're trying ruin the last bit of sanity we have left in this world. I hate you all.

>> No.16967944

Poopoo pee pee poop poo pee
piss poo fuck pee fart cunt poopoo peep
peeps poops pooper pooperino poo
poo bigpoo shitpoo liquid poo

>> No.16967975

The modal income does not matter lol

>> No.16968152

rent free. it's zoomers and boomers BTW

>> No.16968292

I'm so fucking mad that soijack is making a comeback. I've been on here a long time, and I've weathered a lot of truly unbearable fucking memes, but soijack is the first and only one that is truly fucking repulsive to look at.
I hate the fucking internet. If I didn't need regular human response to assure myself I exist, I wouldn't even be here, and I resent the fact that all these normie fucks swan around here thinking they're funny because they know some memes some keknation shitlord posted on their twitter feed.
Calling you a dumb fucking retard and refusing to engage with your shit doesn't mean you "won". It means that you're a dumb fucking retard, and I'm not your mother, or your special ed teacher. It's not my job to teach you shit.

>> No.16968449

Why not?

>> No.16968560
File: 40 KB, 563x428, 94e382f14f2ce6b5094ec8ecbc84e2e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you exist anon! go take a break

>> No.16968724

I wish i could choke ever single woman on the planet with a single sqeeze of my hand.

>> No.16968738

I think I might actually be going crazy. Lately I've been feeling a slow musical rhythm accompanying my thoughts. It's like they follow a fucking beat. This has never happened before; it even follows me when I type. I fear I might be losing it. What the fuck is wrong with me? What do I do? Help me, please. No I have never taken or needed pills. This just sort of started a few days back.

>> No.16969036
File: 1.29 MB, 1322x878, Hitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys determine whether what you've written is any good? Obviously, you could show it to someone else, but if they're your friend they might not be honest. They also might have no feel for what is good writing and what isn't.

>> No.16969046

We've had gross memes before. It'll go away eventually.

>> No.16969048

>tfw you realize you were bourgeois the whole time
what do I do now lads? start unironically reading the NYT? get a twitter account and start moralposting?

>> No.16969064

>you ruined politics

And yet we're the only ones who have anything approaching actual freedom of speech. Every other government in the world has gotten so assblasted at the idea that people might say what they think that they've made it illegal.

>> No.16969066

the subdued earth, a useful curve, an only body, unconscious refuse, transformed through deep perception;

sorrowful earth, alien blood, kaleidoscopic war on the unconscious

>> No.16969075

>start unironically reading the NYT?

They lie and embellish everything.

>get a twitter account and start moralposting

If you want to rot your brain, sure.

>> No.16969118

Thank you, anon. I feel better now. I guess I just had to get it off my chest.

>> No.16969436

The people of the Reach lived in that region before Ysgramor and his forces came from Atmora and conquered Skyrim.

>> No.16969468

Been reading about how unaccountable credit agencies use algorithms that collect data on everything about you to determine your worthiness as a human being. The difference between America and China is that in the former a private company, with massive and unjustified sociopolitical power but no guns, decides your fate while in China it's the government with guns.

We're ceding our agency and futures to mindless, unreasoning algorithms. Creeping algorithmic totalitarianism is a massive threat to freedom and the human spirit. Ted was right.

>> No.16969703

embrace the rhythm.

>> No.16969782

Thanks for this informative post. I actually learned something.

>> No.16970196
File: 328 KB, 270x450, Heimskr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible and Powerful Talos, we are unworthy servants, give praise. For only through your grace and benevolence can we truly reach Enlightenment! And deserve our praise, you do, for we are one.
Ere you ascended, and The Eight became Nine. You walked among us, great Talos, not as a god, but as MAN!
Talos the mighty! Talos the unerring! Talos the unassailable! To you we give praise! We are but maggots, writhing in the filth of our own corruption! While you have ascended from the dung of mortality, and now walk among the stars!

>> No.16970207 [DELETED] 
File: 704 KB, 1857x2613, Many-Headed Talos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you were once man! Aye! And as man, you said, "Let me show you the power of Talos Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter. I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you."
Aye, love. Love! Even as man, great Talos cherished us. For he saw in us, in each of us, the future of Skyrim! The future of Tamriel!
And there it is, friends! The ugly truth! We are the children of man! Talos is the true god of man! Ascended from flesh, to rule the realm of spirit!
The very idea is inconceivable to our Elven overlords! Sharing the heavens with us? With man? Ha! They can barely tolerate our presence on earth!
Today, they take away your faith. But what of tomorrow? What then? Do the elves take your homes? Your businesses? Your children? Your very lives?
And what does the Empire do? Nothing! Nay, worse than nothing! The Imperial machine enforces the will of the Thalmor! Against its own people!
So rise up! Rise up, children of the Empire! Rise up, Stormcloaks! Embrace the word of mighty Talos, he who is both man and Divine!
For we are the children of man! And we shall inherit both the heavens and the earth! And we, not the Elves or their toadies, will rule Skyrim! Forever!
Terrible and powerful Talos! We, your unworthy servants, give praise! For only through your grace and benevolence may we truly reach enlightenment!
And deserve our praise you do, for we are one! Ere you ascended and the Eight became Nine, you walked among us, great Talos, not as god, but as man!
Trust in me, Anons! Trust in the words of Heimskr! For I am the chosen of Talos! I alone have been anointed by the Ninth to spread his holy word!

>> No.16970265
File: 704 KB, 1857x2613, Many-Headed Talos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you were once man! Aye! And as man, you said, "Let me show you the power of Talos Stormcrown, born of the North, where my breath is long winter. I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this land which is mine. I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you."
Aye, love. Love! Even as man, great Talos cherished us. For he saw in us, in each of us, the future of Skyrim! The future of Tamriel!
And there it is, friends! The ugly truth! We are the children of man! Talos is the true god of man! Ascended from flesh, to rule the realm of spirit!
The very idea is inconceivable to our Elven overlords! Sharing the heavens with us? With man? Ha! They can barely tolerate our presence on earth!
Today, they take away your faith. But what of tomorrow? What then? Do the elves take your homes? Your businesses? Your children? Your very lives?
And what does the Empire do? Nothing! Nay, worse than nothing! The Imperial machine enforces the will of the Thalmor! Against its own people!
So rise up! Rise up, children of the Empire! Rise up, Stormcloaks! Embrace the word of mighty Talos, he who is both man and Divine!
For we are the children of man! And we shall inherit both the heavens and the earth! And we, not the Elves or their toadies, will rule Skyrim! Forever!
Trust in me, Anons! Trust in the words of Heimskr! For I am the chosen of Talos! I alone have been anointed by the Ninth to spread his holy word!

>> No.16970346

my god this is taking forever, could he speak any slower with more rambling?

>> No.16970586

the more likely scenario is that increased water scarcity spurs the development of practical desalination. this happens every god damn time there's some disaster on the horizon, just look at how malthus's work turned out in retrospect

>> No.16970671

I'm inna psych ward after suicide attempt and total desperation. Got Heidegger's What is Metaphysics, Céline's voyage, and poetry of Ingeborg Bechmann and Nelly Sachs. Too bad i feel to sedated to read through them fervently.

>> No.16970682

I'm surprised psych ward internet doesn't block 4chan.

>> No.16970788

Kinda want to get a full back piece of Ahab fighting moby dick

>> No.16971189

>spent $600 (sale, usually 800) on an armored hoodie
>most expensive possessions are now my laptop ($1500), armored hoodie (600), and gun ($250 + $120 for 2 holsters + ammo)
Feels cyberpunk.

>> No.16971236

I want to work in a library and be a librarian but Im a burger so college isnt an option. Might just stick to doing a trade like I always planned, I just want a job where its stress free and dont deal with people so my schizophrenia doesnt act up and make me want to quit a job again

>> No.16971453

The strength of my will has been weakened. I am a slave to avoidant vices and cowardly behavior. I often feel isolated, empty, and unfulfilled. It is quite the classic case of "I know what I should do but I do not have the strength to do it." I still want to live a noble life. This should not be discounted. This should not be discounted.

>> No.16971468

I just wrote my one-page, single spaced, reading response for class. I think it's pretty good.

>> No.16971547

It's not a good rhythm.

>> No.16971704

You should look into the 2017 Equifax data breach. Basically half the country had their most important financial data compromised because someone at this company forgot to update their computer. It's absurd that these companies are permitted to hold everyone by the balls (except the masters of the universe who benefit from the credit and debt system). Especially when they can't even guarantee transparent and secure operations.

>> No.16971737

with these posts I have a tool though. It is better for me to be active on places like this instead of passive. For passivity is what brought me to this. To consume and consume and consume the thoughts and actions of others. But to shitpost myself? An act divine. I understand now, what the anon above who "got out" meant. What he meant by shitpost your way out. Action is the key. The release of thought into something tangible, even if just a few strings of text on a yodeling forum. It is better that than to ferment within and to manifest into agitation, anxiety, self-sabotage and general torture of the spirit.

>> No.16971755

Cringe. Get one of Ishmael and Queequeg sleeping together

>> No.16971774
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Am I hired or fired?

Should I learn Italian or German?

Dark Souls 2 or Destiny 2?

Won't play or play wont.

>> No.16971813
File: 316 KB, 2048x1152, 1606990412294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a snack dear.

>> No.16971986

Are twitter, reddit, facebook, Youtube, european?

>> No.16972039 [DELETED] 

underageb& here
i have no social media (except here of course ): and never have owned a mobile phone

>> No.16972042
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I did DXM for the first time last night. I only went to the first plateau but it was pretty fun. Had a good time listening to music. Like when the guitar solo came on here around the 3 minute mark, it was way better than an orgasm. I couldn't do anything but grin like an idiot and mouth the words "OH MY GOD" to myself over and over again.
Some of the side effects are a bitch though, like the stimulant effect (hard to sleep) and sour stomach.

Based Diva nunposter, I think I'm gonna get his artbook when he releases it.

>> No.16972186

How does that help you?

>> No.16972293

Can you expand a bit on that? It sounds like it could helpe me.

>> No.16972345

the platonic realm relaxes with rigorousness

>> No.16972364

read symposium

>> No.16972383

Fired, thankfully
Dark Souls 2
play wont

>> No.16972384

>finish my bachelor's degree
>thousand requirements inside job postings

>look for jobs for my technician degree
>hey, if you're just starting out we got ya

give me the gun to end myself

>> No.16972388

wear a tie wherever you go

>> No.16972436

Join the army

>> No.16972445

I really gotta get my shit together, man. You know what, I'm out of here, I'm gonna hit the bed and try to have some good sleep. Tomorrow I'm gonna try to make a great day. I'm exercise, reading and doing a lot of productive shit, but phone usage is fucking killing me. I'm gonna try to meditate so I can reduce the amount of time I spent lollygagging on the internet. See y'all, but hopefully not so soon and for short periods of time.

>> No.16972507

>Are twitter, reddit, facebook, Youtube, european?

By freedom of speech I mean protection from being prosecuted by the government. I don't care about being banned from Twitter for saying something they like, I care about being imprisoned.

>> No.16972515


Do you guys ever get the feeling that normies who haven't read Moby Dick assume that the whale gets killed at the end of the book?

>> No.16972555
File: 608 KB, 1280x1930, 5d47a67f2719b4403df31d84eb6c6563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so lonely. i've considered getting a dating app but there's nothing romantic about dating apps. i don't know what to do. how do people find partners in corona?

>> No.16972907

I think like the sole reason I yearn for a societal collapse is to have the media stripped from humanity. 24/7 access to news from around the world has done more harm to us in these past few years than anything else and I feel like its only going to get worse. I don't care what some Arab did to some Austrians or what some Southeast Asian dictator is doing right now, I just want to know my local weather and news from my community. Just the knowledge that bad shit is happening everywhere and theres little you can do about it has ruined us mentally. The human mind struggles to cope when tragedies happen in your immediate area, just think about what the knowledge of multiple tragedies, happening daily around the world is doing to our minds? And what can we do? Isolate ourselves physically and grow distant from friends and family? Or isolate ourselves mentally and destroy our own emotions. What can be done?

>> No.16973137

I thrive off of hearing about the slaying of others because it makes me feel assured that it will lead to something hectic and important, a bedlam that will attract the world's rage.

>> No.16973552
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>> No.16973562

I'm depressed, I don't read enough, I'm hopelessly in love, I have no job. I'm lonely. I waste time on here.

On the bright side, I'm trying to lose ten pounds to get down to 150.

>> No.16973641
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There's too much philosophy posting on /lit/ and I wish the mods would reign it in a little. I don't mind most of it but there's just way too much of it, it needs to be pared back some. There needs to be more space for discussion of fiction and poetry.

>> No.16973659

>there's nothing romantic about dating apps.

People who believe this are the people who will never love. You either have the capacity to respect your connections as sacred, or you don't.

>> No.16973666

It's a free market retard.

>> No.16973687
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Submitting multiple articles for peer review by the end of the month while moving into a new apartment and mapping out my dissertation is pushing me towards a breaking point stress-wise. I don't really show stress physically so nobody can tell, though. Trying to piece together how to get through this in one piece.

>> No.16973720

what is the dissertation about

>> No.16973762
File: 87 KB, 680x600, EkdlyfeXgAMD8MT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were a Zoomer teenager, everything would be better. I would go to school, say memewords like Based and Pog a lot, would cosplay with my GF as Tokyo Ghoul or MHA characters, record cringy Tiktoks and do everything but school work.

>> No.16973768

how do I stop thinking about her
I need to meet another girl ASAP

>> No.16973787
File: 94 KB, 650x960, Gatorade_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I'm a hack who has never actually done anything in life other than the bare minimum required of me.
Is this growing up?
The actual process of growing up?
Is this the bottom, the square one and the only way is up from now on? I don't want to make an effort, though. I never wanted to do that. Doing the bare minimum gives me praise from my peers, but I still feel like I'm wasting what little potential I have. I want to disassociate from everything, but it would just be a cope. Why does my brain give me the same dopamine kick just thinking about doing something instead of actually doing it?

I feel like my mind is deteriorating slowly, but also increasing in sheer power. I feel less intelligent, but also smarter. It's a strange feeling. English is not my first language, but my native language's vocabulary and grammar are so similar to English that I keep making mistakes when writing English. Or is that just something I'm telling myself? It's weird that I only recently started being insecure about my English skills.
I want to be the gatorade man, just for a while.

>> No.16973788

Looking at interactions between politicians and social movements on both sides of the political spectrum - i.e. how did the militia movement, tea partiers, Q, etc. impact the Republican establishment and how was it coopted/how do climate activists, BLM, etc. impact or get coopted by the Dems. Early stages right now, but I'm planning interviews with protestors and stuff, collecting archival data, etc. so I can publish a few articles out of it with different methodologies.

>> No.16973821

It feels like I'm always reading too little or too much

>> No.16974025

And google forgot google. Well when the entire internet gets censored including 4chan. Remember i did warn you. Which means nothing cause no one cares.

>> No.16974418

I deeply and earnestly wish they would free Julian Assange.
This guy is a hero and a secular martyr. If I ever have the money to do so I'm commissioning a statue in his honor.

>> No.16974455

It's called code switching, it's a totally normal part of psychology especially among bilingual people, relax yourself

Also, you think about yourself in too extreme terms - learn to identify your emotions and actions and call them by name, you'll be happier for it.

>> No.16974631

The capacity for human beings so see with novelty, to take a brutish, primordial pleasure in perception itself and work it as a potter into rational contemplation and discovery can be encapsulated as follows. I have had many shits in my life but the one slithering from my loosened bowels as I type this has been particularly pleasant. A relief, a reassuring texture and consistency. Good. And perceiving it so, it spurs me to write this shit post. I had never thought of shitting in this way, but yet in this very moment I am enlightened.

>> No.16974937

this is like picking the interpretation of christianity as if it is exclusively the old testament, which can go fuck itself, jesus is king

>> No.16975180

Get a cult like following that funds all your endeavours .

>> No.16975522

I'm kind of lazy to look up any authors I haven't read for now, so I looked for some more obscure works of Maurice Leblanc again.
Le Prince de Jéricho is rather mediocre, it looked promising, but the end failed to deliver properly.
Le Chapelet rouge is much better. Sure, you can maybe guess who the killer is rather soon, but the scenery and the emotions behind it all still hit quite hard. I'd highly recommend it.

>> No.16975680

if I told you I was considering moving to japan for a woman, even though I know no japanese and have no college degree and she's the only person in the country I know, what would you say?

>> No.16975689

That her pussy game is damn strong and that you should learn Japanese language asap.

>> No.16975982
File: 29 KB, 699x699, 1471287708940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys ever see yourself looking at something and feel this odd sense of deja vu? As soon as I do, I always try to predict the 'future'.

>> No.16975993

Unless by "for a woman" you mean to get as far away as possible from a certain woman I would say you should stop watching anime

>> No.16976031

philosophers die poor

>> No.16976137

post it here

>> No.16976227 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 1960x1568, apple_airpods.large_2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next level shit

>> No.16976688 [DELETED] 

Wow, Biden appointed a member of the Raytheon board as secretary of defense! Before any of you chud-cucks complain, he's black, so that would make you racist.

>> No.16976764 [DELETED] 

Since schools are an integral part of the school-to-prison pipeline, why isn't defunding the schools part of the national conversation right now?

>> No.16976786

Just woke up terribly hungover and shoveled down cold brown rice with a dirty fork.

>> No.16976831
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>> No.16976854

One time a guy who was being investigated for his friend dying of a heroin overdose gave me some muscle relaxers for free and I was convinced he was going to throw me in the river and say I fell in accidentally. Of course nothing of the sort happened, but damn I was so paranoid realizing I could be killed so easily. I never got into any of these bullshit pill drugs that are hot now because of that experience. Fuck that.

>> No.16976886

Feeling very optimistic. Have been reading more and my attention span is starting to return. Feeling like a person for the first time in a while.

>> No.16977103

is there a happy anon who works a job with no future?

>> No.16977126

what do you mean a job with no future? a job with no path to advancement to higher pay and cooler sounding titles? or no future meaning it's going to be obsolete in a decade?

>> No.16977172

Sometimes I think my idols are stupider than I see them. The art of many other people gets its substance by my own projections I often mistake for the artists intent. Not even in terms of ideas, but in terms of specific feelings

>> No.16977182

I mean the first, but either would help

>> No.16977219

You can have fun jobs without having to advance. There are so many programmers who just want to keep writing code because it's fun and not have to transition to management to make more money. That's why Bell Labs, and later IBM, had dual career tracks that allowed engineers to keep doing their technical work but get raises and important sounding titles without having to become managers.

>> No.16977331

I started reading this post at "I took a synthetic mesclun and tripped for 2 weeks straight." and read to the very end, having enjoyed it greatly. I was genuinely curious as to how you are doing now and how you transitioned from being locked up and drugged up to whatever situation you are in now.
But then I started over again, this time reading it from the very beginning only to learn that you're female.
And now I couldn't give a fuck less.

>> No.16977346

it isn't really what I ask

>> No.16977854
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>post it here

>> No.16978083

wish I knew where to get it, the drugstores around here only sell products with other garbage and dangerous additives

>> No.16978182
File: 82 KB, 616x800, 20201208_134039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to order a book to read
>gave my book wishlist to friends
I don't want to take a chance.

>> No.16978219

I do remember those days lol. remember when David Starkey made fun of her? Remember when she was trying to reclaim Lovecraft? Feels so long ago now

>> No.16978243

Good luck mate.

>> No.16978454
File: 38 KB, 430x629, 1607380478067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a good soul. Thanks.

>> No.16978591

I ignore whether it is me or humanity as a whole, but we may have never been meant to be happy. Not truly happy, at least. There are forces outside our control dedicated to ensure that our stay on this Earth will not leave us unscathed.
I have no room to complain, I truly don't. I have never been abused or neglected, I have never gone to bed hungry, nor have I feared for my life. I haven't even been accosted with shame or distress because of the actions of others. I have absolutely everything in my favor to be happy, and still I can't quite reach that state of being.
My brain conspires against me, throws intrusive thoughts my way that keep me awake at night and restless during the day. Whenever I take enjoyment in something, be it writing, reading, to watching fucking anime, there's something out there trying to ruin my experience.
I have never experienced serious health issues; it is all in my mind. My mind torments me when it doesn't need to; all of my misery is self inflicted. It is as though I recognized I should be carefree and happy, but I cannot be because my mind won't let me.
All I wanted was some peace of mind, to wrap myself in my own thoughts and be left alone, but even my own meditations have turned against me.
Why does this need to happen? Why did I have to be born this way?

>> No.16978678

I had a dream that my grandpa, who died a few months back, came to my parents' house for some gathering and started talking about how he started shitposting on /lit/. I remember him working as a professor at some university and a teacher in his home country, the strangest part of that dream was that he was speaking English.

>> No.16978909
File: 231 KB, 1200x1044, 1607046490319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after much tossing and turning, I think I've landed in being too religious to go after a non-believing woman
>at the same time I do not feel religious enough to accept all doctrine whole-heartedly
>suspect this will land me in-between, where no one will want to marry me

>> No.16978992

Sounds like you have depression

>> No.16979062

It's not even that; that'd be understandable. I think it's closer to OCD, but without the rituals. I have intrusive thoughts that are a nuisance at best and anxiety inducing at worst. I cannot talk about this shit with anyone without sounding crazy, because it is fucking crazy, but I don't know how much.
The fact that it's not as severe as a recognizable mental illness makes it feel much worse.

>> No.16979129

lmao sick costume

>> No.16979168

It comforts me in some odd way that I am not the only one but I hope that there is a way out of this.
Other anons please help us

>> No.16979177

Have you talked to a therapist about this? Thoughts like that happen to me sometimes, e.g. I started shitting on myself out of the blue while playing a videogame in my spare time and it sent me into a depression for like a week or two. Your post reminded me of that. Hell, I recently read in a novel a character describing pretty much this exact phenomenon.

I don't think you have something bizarre going on.

>> No.16979219

I mentioned it to a therapist once, she told me to keep it from interfering with my life and just push through it. It worked for a while. However some days are much harder than others. I believe that the stress that exams is bringing on me is making it even worse.
I remember reading "Berenice", by Edgar Allan Poe, and the way he described his main character's path into obsession felt eerily familiar.
Anyway, thanks for reading me; I needed to vent and have someone listen to me. I hope you are right in that it's not that bizarre. I just want to feel less alone whenever I confront this.

>> No.16980046

I have become confused to the point I have virtually no idea what I am doing. i see no remedy but to rest, but it feels very much like if I do I will miss some important opportunity.

>> No.16980060

>but it feels very much like if I do I will miss some important opportunity.
this is probably the reason for my continued confusion

>> No.16980130

I am from a lower middle class brown family and my gf is white. I get along with her upper middle class, very well off white family - but it's just so culturally shocking to be around them.

>> No.16980351

just dont act like a nigger and you will be fine.

>> No.16980382

I fell madly in love with this woman a year and a half ago during a trip. we spent a week together, I thought she was very special. then things petered out. then she wrote me like 2 months ago, and we talked some, and all my feelings came back and I was madly in love with her again. Now talking has kind of petered out again, and I've been considering making a gesture, to show my interest. I've thought about it for a couple of days. All of a sudden, now it's like the feeling I had for her is gone. Just vanished. I don't remember why I'm doing any of this anymore. I looked through photos of our time together and I felt nothing.
I am also >>16980046
on top of this confusion pretty much all my religious beliefs have been ran through one of these, and I'm still dizzy as hell and thoroughly unclear on what is going on

>> No.16980391
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>> No.16980653
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i believe the physical affects the mental more so than anything else. Your diet and physical exertion is more important than anything else for your mental well being. when your food intake is clean your gut functions as it should, and your mind is on a leash to your stomach. Physical exertion is the best way to remove the bad thoughts, and you must exert yourself harder and harder because your mind will grow accustomed to the exertion and will not release endorphins for the same effort that you put in a year ago.

Embrace monke unironically

>> No.16980934

I would happily do this if not for obligations keeping me tied down where I am. If it goes wrong it goes wrong, but you're not moving to Mogadishu - you'll be fine without the language or friends.

>> No.16980963

Sexuality is really confusing me. I cant tell if im sexually attracted to people or fetishes, and just use people as the medium for the fetish. I cant tell the extent to which I genuinely feel sexual attraction to anyone because of that schism. I dont even like watching pornography, or even really like masturbating. I also cant tell if i want someone to beat me and spit on me or just hold me and tell me everything will be ok. Yet wierdly, wierdly, wierdly I dont even really care that this schism exists. Im glad Im at this point in my life, having left home, left my previous place of existence and thus, my previous life behind to begin anew. I have such a small, close-knit group of loving friends around me. I really love living right now. Godspeed anons, because it gets better out there for you. You just have to learn to love the vast nothing of the cosmos, and find comfort in the thought that maybe, maybe, you dont exist for a reason but you still exist, and thats the important thing You exist and because you do you can make other peoples lives better. I love you all (no homo) and godspeed.

>> No.16981182

in the coming 5 days i have so much to do that it is making me ill. i have to grade a bunch of papers, write two papers, and tidy up some interview transcriptions for a third paper. i just need to put my head down and focus on my work. i am COLD SWEATING because of how FUCKED i feel but i know i can do this. i have a supportive partner and decent enough colleagues but this still blows and it blows because i procrastinated. to all of my anons in a similar hell right now my heart goes out to you and also do your fucking work and close the 4channel tab.

>> No.16981186

>I ignore whether it is me or humanity as a whole, but we may have never been meant to be happy. Not truly happy, at least. There are forces outside our control dedicated to ensure that our stay on this Earth will not leave us unscathed.

This looks something the poet/philosopher Leopardi would wrote, I would suggest it to you but I don't want to worse your situation

>> No.16981213

lmao I am tempted to post distractions
I won't tho. Good luck with your work anon!

>> No.16981244

You can buy it no problem on Amazon (if you're American at least). Just make sure whatever you get has ONLY DXM as the active ingredient. Other ingredients, notably acetaminophen, can seriously fuck you up. Also, I'd highly suggest reading this before tripping.


>> No.16981409
File: 90 KB, 500x401, apu menagerie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm depressed


>> No.16981641
File: 101 KB, 350x350, R-15743870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The search on Apple Music pisses me off sometimes. I searched for this and got pages of classical music compilations, so I figured they didn't have it. Then I searched for one artist off it, and it immediately came up as the first result. Tim Cook fix your shit!

>> No.16981880
File: 312 KB, 1200x1200, 1607443464095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a scale of 1-10, how bad is it being a cuckold? Like fetish cuckolding, the willing kind.

>> No.16981885

Consciousness is merely a witness to our predetermined lives.

>> No.16981904

you will get a lot of flack for this post but daily reminder that deer in the savannah (as an example) keep breeding because that's their (our) programming, even though half their litter will die before adolescence and almost all will die by being eaten.

what people don't understand that alongside "survival of the fittest" they have to understand that at the same time there's also a "survival of suffering"

>> No.16981906

god I hate niggers

>> No.16981932

What do you think they feel about you? That you're perfect for them? You make do with what you have if you're willing, while trying to improve yourself. But it's harder to make good friends the older you get.

>> No.16982228

I think I might be on the same boat. Can you expand a bit more?

>> No.16982245

I could maybe, maybe accept that if I could be certain that you and I exist.

>> No.16982248

Stop trying to bait/test me woman before I strike you

>> No.16982267

Also you ain't gonna get any info I don't want you to get

>> No.16982501

I only had time to get the one scotch pie afore the stream started again

>> No.16982551
File: 14 KB, 633x758, fat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel an intense compulsion to eat something but I know I shouldnt

>> No.16982592

you "could maybe" what, baby

>> No.16982597

you need or crave salt, go for savory, sweets are usually the wrong answer

>> No.16982610

I could maybe make my peace with the horror of the natural world, which is completely amoral and can't be judged by human standards if I could be certain I am an independent agent. I don't care if it's just the spark of consciousness, a soul, a kind of meta awareness (being aware that you're aware) whatever. If I can believe or be convinced of this somehow, that human lives are in a sense, real, I feel like I can take on the world and live, despite all the suffering.

>> No.16982615

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, tubbyanon

>> No.16982618

good for you, my gazelle incarnate child, but fuck you to hell for all the suffering you will be responsible for if/when you have childs. progeny tree in flames whew.

>> No.16982624

relax mr heston, it's just the meds

>> No.16982630

>Kate Moss

>> No.16982656

I disdain the people of rateyourmusic.com

>> No.16982683

>philosophy is self-help

>> No.16982692

you can just "exist" though, you dont have to do any of those things. its just that chances are you will e a miserable faggot

>> No.16982715

This is what happens when you let yourself get brainwashed by the hippy-scene. IT'S TOTALLY HARMLESS BRO MUST HAVE BEEN NBOMe BRO

>> No.16982748 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, did you guys read that article about TERFs in The Atlantic?

>> No.16982768

10. Fake fetish no one actually has except old swingers and lifestyle single cookers. Turn back. Do not indulge at all. Willpower man. Nothing will ever ever ever be what the fantasy tells you it could be. Even if it was real you wouldn’t want the reality for a hundred reasons. It’s like you’re considering getting addicted to a form of meth that is just as destructive but more addictive and only gives you the high of cigarettes. Even within the world of drug use that’s a deal no one would take.

>> No.16982779


>> No.16982828

I’ve literally had zero friends since elementary school and have never formed a substantial connection with anyone outside of my immediate family. I’m pretty sure because I spent my formative years completely in isolation my sense of loneliness literally broke. I felt lonely throughout middle school but by the time I got to high school the emotion was literally gone. Now, when I talk to people I can enjoy it, and even if I find a person interesting and we “click”, when I go home I feel as though I wouldn’t care if I ever saw them again. The desire to socialize is absent in me, but I guess if it’s presented right in front of me it’s sort of fun.
I remember doing shrooms and I “remembered” what loneliness felt like, and this lasted for a few weeks before dispersing, so I know I’m not just overthinking it.
But yeah, if you had meaningful relationships during your adolescence and suddenly lack any at all in adult, you’re essentially fucked. I’m sort of glad I went through my entire puberty and teenage years so that I’m completely comfortable in isolation.

>> No.16982984

i dont think its really a matter of taste, its more like a compulsive cigarette craving or something

>> No.16982987

>I think that the widespread usage of smartphones and social media is one of the biggest tragedies of the last decade and a bit.
I think them existing in the first place is a bigger tragedy. The internet has killed true identity.

>> No.16983160

I can't stop shitting water. Withdrawal is a bitch, bros.

>> No.16983657

Finally bought a foldable chair, could finally sit by the window. Feels good

>> No.16983745

I love Dire Straits and I love the soul of America

>> No.16984064


>> No.16984080

I wanna fuck my retarded ex and then kill her

>> No.16984081
File: 132 KB, 677x887, unnamed6~4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man has a dire craving for Semen. Are you man enough to give him whatbhe craves?

>> No.16984082
File: 229 KB, 878x878, 1571325481578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this how chads are created?

>> No.16984084

This one isn't at bump limit, and even if it were, it's still on the catalog. If you ever want to know why the front page of /lit/ is shit, you're part of the reason why. You're also most likely to refresh at a rate which is both pointless and self frustrating. Maybe work on that by reading a book and posting about books, instead of engaging in compulsive behaviour designed to dig the social void you're in deeper while pretending it's getting shallower.

>> No.16984092
File: 131 KB, 677x887, unnamed6~7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down and enjoy the semen, friend.

>> No.16984102

the proper way would be to post a new thread once you hit page 10 so I've stopped caring also I forget sometimes because 310 is such a random number

>> No.16984115

Remember this conversation when you're wondering why the people who (you) you seem to be undesirable and ephemeral social contacts, and why both your reading and associates seem to be stuck in a shallow feedback loop.

>> No.16984119

I know my life sucks you don't need to remind me holy shit get off my dick it was a tiny mistake

>> No.16984125

Oh I don't know about that. I just think the guy is very homely and Fanny would get a kick out of pee wees drawn on his face.

>> No.16984128

>Nooooooo, making my life better would involve changing my habits

>> No.16984141

>Anon thought I was commenting on the picture
>Anon figures I'd focus on the dicks not the fire houses book
Well, I think I'm an impediment to the conversation you want to have. Try >>16984119
I'll be reading.

>> No.16984146

wtf are you even talking about

>> No.16984168
File: 34 KB, 101x149, img192~5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy should be Fanny's boyfriend. Imagine her locked in a room alone, with a guy like this.

>> No.16984975

10. even worse than cropopholia, cos at least crap wants to be turned into fetilizer for cycle of nature. even worse than necrophilia, cos corpses dont feel a thing.