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File: 187 KB, 1088x998, Europe_under_Nazi_domination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16950529 No.16950529 [Reply] [Original]

best books about nazi germany?

>> No.16950547

Shirer and Evans are your best bets. Try to avoid personal bias when reading about history.

>> No.16950560

Looking at this map, it's insane they weren't able to take out the anglos. The soviets were scary though.

>> No.16950572

>Shirer and Evans
>avoid personal bias
Pick one.
They're not unbiased by any measure. It's fine to read them, so long as you understand you're getting one side of the story, so better to read someone like Irving along with it.

>> No.16950582

The sheer amount of panic in Britain during the first half of the war is easily my favorite thing to read about related to WW2. Germany could absolutely have won the tonnage war and utterly fucked Britain during a short window.

>> No.16950693

The ones written by Jews and other people that are against it.

>> No.16951038

damn imagine if they had of won all of europe would have been hardcore racial fascists to this date think of how different the world would have been

>> No.16951125
File: 37 KB, 500x494, 1599041090189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we could have had a world without russians

>> No.16951133

I've enjoyed Joachim Fest, John Lukacs, etc.

Speer and Hoess are nice first hand accounts.

>> No.16951139

Germania by Anon

>> No.16951145

Fatherland (novel).

>> No.16951238

That’s what happens when you let an obese drug addict run your airforce because he was a great pilot 20 years ago

>> No.16951700
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The State of Psychotherapy Today (1934)

>> No.16951718

They had no war plans on how to invade Britain at the start of the war, so they just sort of lazed about until the war with the Soviet Union. Absolutely threw their victory away.
I'd prefer a world with Nazi Russians instead.

>> No.16952014
File: 178 KB, 377x335, Screenshot_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more moderate nazi russians that are competent and don't end up raping and genociding the countries they conquer and instead install puppet fascist regimes,that make sure each country is homogenous in it's own way
Count me in,but it's pretty unrealistic,maybe possible today if some collective unconscious shit happens,but who knows :^),Russia is just a corrupt oligrachy at the moment,the west is probably still worse since it's going suicide mode

>> No.16952096

>more moderate nazi russians that are competent and don't end up raping and genociding the countries they conquer and instead install puppet fascist regimes,that make sure each country is homogenous in it's own way
Sans the raping part, Stalinist commies actually come pretty close to that. Unfortunately they still had tons of ML baggage.
Honestly, I'm just hoping for a comfy Pan-European rightoid superstate soon, ruskies included. With some luck, maybe we'll get our utopia.

>> No.16952195

Some shit is gonna have to go DOWN if you are gonna get your wish.

>> No.16952354

I'm okay with that desu, just hoping for a good end where euros live in peace and harmony with each other in a healthy culture.

>> No.16952429

Germany's entire war strategy involved blitzkrieg , using mechanized ground forces, to rapidly overrun and bypass enemy defenses, push deep into poorly defended territory, destroy supply lines , seize strategic locations and cut off and surround the front lines.

The fact Britain is an island saved it. Germany's navy could not compete with the British, so they could never get launch a beachhead for a marine assault. And there were numerous factors that meant the air war for Britain always favored it, including England's cloudy weather making air bombardment ineffective.

>> No.16952492

>the anglo strikes from the dank mists of his ocean fortress

>> No.16952538

Germany had a huge air advantage immediately after the Fall of France, they just never thought to press that advantage and stage an immediate invasion of Britain. There were no war plans for that. Hitler thought that by letting the Allies escape at Dunkirk he'd get all the necessary diplomatic leverage for a negotiated peace with Britain, but that was naive. Capturing the Allied troops to generate a manpower and materiel crisis, then invading with air support, would have been the winning move. You can't really blame him for failing to see that though, since the German staff themselves didn't bother to figure out an alternative course of action in the first place.

>> No.16952594

Recommend me military campaigns and Wehrmacht books as well

>> No.16952696

my question is, is there anything about the actual day to day life of average people in nazi germany?

>> No.16952764

Probably not much, all of it likely dishonest. It'd be very difficult to publish a balanced and straightforward account of life in Nazi Germany without upsetting someone.

>> No.16952805

yea thats kind of what i figured. I imagine the closest you could find is commies crying about how hard and oppressive it was

>> No.16952912

I remember reading some queer whining about how Italy instituted "child labour" (probably referring to something dumb and ineffectual, like work schemes for minors that were also available in the postwar Eastern bloc). It's all really stale and unless you already have the facts everyone is just looking for ways to dupe you.

>> No.16952937

yea it indeed seems like the only content available is always from the perspectives of jews and commies and such who were obviously catastrophically shit on by the regime which paints a pretty clearly biased picture that i really dont care about. I want to hear about the normal people just trying to build families and live their lives

>> No.16952971

You might be interested in what Evola wrote about the Nazi regime, though he talks more about the perspective of young men with traditionalist inclination rather than common folks. Notes on the Third Reich is a good place to start. If you can hunt down his other articles on the Germans, those are also very worthwhile. He maintains a sense of distance from the subject matter unlike Nazi propagandists, though he does focus on the constructive elements a lot.

>> No.16953001

Scratch Nazi Germany, recommend books about Fascist Italy. Way less on them. Preferably about economics and daily life for people, I've already read general histories about their diplomacy and later Ww2 as they're included in those types of books.

>> No.16953012

interesting, i'll check it out

>> No.16953058

Scratch fascist Italy, I want to read about the Italian Regency of Carnaro, seems like the most based thing fascists ever did

>> No.16953283

Lothrop Stoddard - Into the Darkness: Nazi Germany Today