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16949944 No.16949944 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about dream interpretation that aren't Sigmund Meme?
> record my dreams when I can remember them
> building up a backlog of dreams that make no fucking sense but I know are important because "muh subconscious"

>> No.16949970


Dreams are a meme anyway, may as well read teacups

>> No.16949974

In my experience, dreams are a lot less mysterious and abstract than they seem, no matter how weird they get. I dream I keep getting eaten by the same purple shark? There's an issue in my life I feel like I can't solve or ignore.

Of course, you can only apply the symbolic to your own life. "dream guides" or whatever are all fucking scams.

>> No.16949976

Tell us and we will interpret it for you. Other than that I think the best person to interpret your dreams is yourself, just open your mind to all kinds of explanations, don't fall into your habitual thought patterns. No, you don't need drugs to do this.

>> No.16950064

Alright here's the first one.
> I'm at a wedding, pre-ceremony
> find out its my wedding
> find out I'm getting married to the first woman I ever had sex with
> everything was above board consensual (she absolutely initiated and attempted to start a relationship after because I give pretty good dick but it went nowhere) but I always felt I made a huge mistake having sex with her because her best friend was a soul mate type from 7th grade for me but I was drunk
>having a dinner pre-ceremony
> my rage starts building up for some reason
>everyone's oo-ing and aaah-ing and telling the bride to be how beautiful she looks and I'm the handsome stud locking her down, typical marriage jargon
>rage building even more
> after the meal she goes into overdrive about all the details that are fucked up with the wedding, yelling at people to fix them
>this is pretty in line with her personality. She's a pretty chill person but would definitely be a bridezilla.
>in the real world I've developed some empathy for women like this (I mean they've been socially conditioned for years to obsess over their wedding, and they "only get" one) but in the dream my rage is building further, it's now the only thought in my head, but still no words for it
>my mom is in love with every moment. This is in line with her personality. Even if my bride to be were a bridezilla she would be understanding, and was acting this way at my older brother's wedding
>final preparations are underway
>we're all (all wedding attendees) in rural community center type thing (think a building that was made in a small town for community gatherings in the 60's, and cheaply renovated in 80's, essentially pic related) but we're in a hallway area that's like an MC Escher painting
> I've had enough
>scream to everyone that "the wedding is off because I don't love my bride. Sorry to disappoint, now get your asses out of here"
I understand why I objected to the marriage, but I don't have a name for my rage. Why wasn't I scared of throwing my life away or desperate to tell someone this wasn't what I wanted or sad that I was going to tear this woman's heart apart?

>> No.16950074
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Forgot pic

>> No.16950151

Well, I would guess that you are in your mid to late twenties, your friends getting married around you, so you feel kinda pressured about it too, but at the same time you feel like you have never been with a woman you would've gladly settled down with, and might never will, thus the rage.

>> No.16950494

Chapter 2 of A Thousand Plateaus: "One or several wolves?"
Read it and you will understand the futility of your endeavor.

>> No.16950515

Nice, this is an answer I didn't expect

>> No.16950536

The source of the stronger emotions in your dreams should be reasonably obvious if you're honest with yourself. Most of the rest is just filler nonsense that probably has nothing to do with wanting to fuck your mother.

>> No.16950550

I dreamed of giant butterlies on the beach, what does this mean

>> No.16950555
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It means you're a pedo

>> No.16950583

Rage is a completely natural high test response to situations you don't like. If I were Freud I'd say it says something about sex anxiety.

>fall asleep
>be in wheelchair after brain surgery, head wrapped completely in bandages, swollen and bruised
>nurse has to wheel me to the floor below
>no wheelchair ramp by stairs
>nurse begins wheeling me down the steps
>ceiling is low, so every time I get wheeled over a step my head hits the ceiling
>I feel the vivid pain of being hit in a sensitive, bruised area over and over again for an extended amount of time
>wake up

>> No.16950585

Ok if dreams have meaning what does this dream mean

I am a newly made powerful man in Egypt part of the 50 most powerful men in Ancient Egypt, I offer my sister to two brothers and the youngest wants her. I ride to their palace while my sister is brought in a palanquin. As soon as I enter the palace both of my guards are killed and I get impaled. When I die I change my point of view to my sister and see all my servants being killed and the eldest brother takes me out by force and shows me my impaled corpse calling it 'a pretty work of art' and he basically says I am going to be forced to marry the person responsible for killing me.
Also I don't have a sister irl.

>> No.16950594

Uhhhh this one doesn't bode very well.
>has "sister"
>gets impaled
>becomes woman
>forced to marry man
I prescribe 50mp estradiol mornings and afternoons starting immediately.

>> No.16950627
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I had one that was more vivid than any other dream I've had.
>I'm in the future
>I'm in the side yard of my childhood home (my parents bought the empty corner lot next to our house so we could have a big yard, it was fantastic)
>I'm looking in the sky, and I see a massive spaceship
> it's a mostly rectangular prism with all angular edges
>main color is white with red and blue accents, but it never crossed my mind that it was an American government vessel, just that it was piloted by humans
>it was massive, as in it took up probably an eighth of the sky overhead
>my overwhelming thought was "all privacy is gone, freedom has lost if they can do this"
> also remember thinking "this isn't too far in the future"
>the spaceship departs from a hub, flies over to a visible corner of the sky, and connects to another.
>like I said it took up a sizeable portion of the sky so the flight didn't take long
>"Your attention, Mr. anon?"
>I'm sitting on a chair in my yard with other people that I feel are my family, as in wife, kids, and I speculated some might be grandkids
>the person who called my name is a man up front. I don't remember anything about what he looks like, but is tone suggested I was more important than him, that his request was more of a gentle joke than a reprimand
>"sorry, I get distracted" I laughed it off because I knew I had to hide my horror
>a screen up front starts playing a video, and once it does my perspective is immersed in the video
>it's a propoganda video against homosexuality, and everyone around me was perfectly comfortable watching it
> video talks about how it's "dirty" and the acts "spread disease"
> then it goes on to a two-part fear inducing argument that it's both incurable and violent
>begins to show videos of attempts to "cure" gay people until they go insane and lash out
>now I'm standing outside of a lab room as the test subject violently breaks out
>turn to run
>I'm running through a university, but there's no hallways between rooms
>there is a stairwell at one point that goes directly from something like a classroom directly into a cafeteria
>I wake up
I am not gay. I had read the first chapter of Brave New World during the afternoon the day before, but it was far more real than some dream that was influenced by what happened that day.

>> No.16950650

i have plenty of sex with my current girlfriend, so if you were Freud you'd be wrong, but I tink you make a good point.
Im going to find myself in that situation (getting married to someone I don't really care about that started from a mistake) if I don't learn to constructively access my rage and aggression in social situations.
And the dream was my brain showing me that I do have a potential for rage, but it's going to fuck up my life if I let it sit until the 11th hour.
Might need to break up with the girlfriend.

>> No.16950656

If your problem is that dreams are not objectively meaningful, you have been memed. What matters is the subjective meaning a person attributes to the dream. Dreams are a mirror against which we project our search for meaning.

>> No.16950684

oh shit

>> No.16950694

I feel like that basic plotline would make for a fantastic "modern Greek myth" though

>> No.16950698

Jung is just a mystic version of Sigmeme

>> No.16950787

I'm writing a book about dreams. Can you wait?

>> No.16951134

Yeah just make sure you post it here

>> No.16951304

>Dreams are a meme anyway, may as well read teacups

beyond based, they can be really cool but they're nothing more than that

>> No.16951337
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JFL at all the unconscious plebs in this thread. never gonna make it if you don't individuate.

>> No.16951430

Then read Bergson "Dreams"

>> No.16951454


>> No.16951591

10/10 chance you haven't actually read "the interpretation of dreams" and you just fancy you know what it's about based on memes

>> No.16951630

itt: w*men

>> No.16951716

This looks much more impersonal than the previous one, I often have similar dreams too, highly influenced by popular culture, I wouldn't read too much into it, it seems to be made up of media you have consumed and places that you have spent a lot of time at. The part where you merge into the tv show you are watching is a recurring theme for me too, it's interesting how deep of a connection our brains have with screens these days.

>> No.16951838

Fair. Will do, senpai.

>> No.16951865

To me it seems obvious that dreams must have SOME meaning. For example if you have nightmares every day thats not good.

>> No.16951882

Oh I haven't read it. Never said I did. Just knew I'd get it recommended 1000 times if I didn't specify I was already aware of it

>> No.16951894

Interesting. Is there a reason it was so much more realistic though? And that it such out so much?

>> No.16952607

Read Mark Solms, the science is in there's nothing mystical about it

>> No.16952662

This seems to be about your fears of watching the world degrade around you, and the fruitlessness of success and family if they're both consumed by (or subject to) the decay. Something about it the decay being (or becoming) inevitable, given that you're an old man witnessing monstrous demonstrations of governmental power. I don't agree with the other anon about your dream being meaningless (if that's what he meant), even if it was heavily influenced by a piece of media. My take is a pretty obvious one, I think.

The two things I dream about the most seem to be my childhood friend who killed himself a couple years ago, and my recently estranged crackhead father. The friend just shows up as if nothing as wrong, though I sometimes realize that he's dead toward the end of the dream. My father either shows up as if he's normal (i.e. pre-crackhead-downfall), or in some way that either turns the dream uncomfortable or into a nightmare. I think there's a lot of significance to dreams in terms of reflecting your subconscious, but those thoughts are no different from your conscious thoughts in that they can include ideas that don't reflect the "truth" of what you feel or think.

I wanna read other dreams from anons, so I'll bump with my own.
>four-fifths-sleeping on the couch
>dream of living in my dad's house with assortment of roommates (and no dad)
>one roommate is my schizophrenic uncle
>another is some random dude
>last roommate is a close friend I have feelings for
>uncle is out on the lawn talking about going back to university with my deceased grandpa
>dude roommate pulls up in a car that I realize now looks like the one I put in a ditch a few years back
>friend is out on the lawn making friends with an intelligent dolphin through her DS
>friend tries introducing me to the dolphin while I contemplate the thought of it partially understanding human speech
Then I moved to my bed properly and dreamt about an assortment of kids in some Hansel and Gretel-type scenario, as well as about something that felt influenced by Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
Recently I dreamt the following:
>see my deceased friend in a restaurant
>we're both small children
>he's going to move away immediately after he leaves the establishment
>we exchange mementos and I see him off as he gets into his parents' car

>> No.16952810

Your analysis makes a truckload of good sense. My grandparents are in very late and mid-late stage dementia in a nursing home, and the lockdown destroyed their mental faculties.
It's probably an indication that I need to come to terms with their unraveling if I want to process these emotions before they get lost down below. Thank you for the feedback.
I'll read your dreams through a couple times and see what I come up with

>> No.16952850

Dreams - A Very Short Introduction
>What matters is the subjective meaning a person attributes to the dream.
Like the other anon said, you might as well attribute your subjective meaning to tea-leaves, then. Or to the flight of birds, or the entrails of animals, or the passage of trains. It will all undoubtedly help you cope with your autism.

>> No.16952853


>> No.16952907

Checkout the work of Patrick McNamara. Dreams are a kind of pre-linguistic, imagistic form of thought.

>> No.16953009
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>mfw I recently had a dream where a girl I like confirmed me in what I think about some stuff and told me I will have a gf soon
What does this mean? It's been about a month and nothing has happened, that dream wasn't a lie r-right???

>> No.16953053

As a reflection of your subconscious thoughts I think they have meaning. All dreams can reveal is the way that your brain processes thoughts in the background, which I think holds concrete value. It's a realm of your mind which you can use to notice patterns of thought that are otherwise locked off to you. Plus dreams can be fun as hell.

Ah, that's a really interesting take. I had been thinking it came from worries about societal decay, but the lens of dementia also makes a lot of sense.

I'll throw in what I felt like was a fairly blatant dream I had involving my dad.
>I'm in my old neighbourhood's small grocery store
>I've dreamt of the place a handful of times, and it's always in the old location it had when I was a kid
>not many lights are on inside
>sky is dark, turbulent orange outside
>dim out
>can't quite remember what exactly I did in there, but I was essentially checking for essentials to grab for an oncoming apocalypse
>head out and go back to my dad's house
>inside the house is true to life (normally structures and places are really distorted in my dreams), but empty of furnishings
>meet my sister there
>brief segment about how we measure our legs and find out hers are somehow the same length as mine
That bit was pretty absurd, given that I'm 6'3" and even still have longer legs than normal proportions would dictate, while my sister is about 5'6" at best.
>talk to her about our dad showing up to help out with plundering the local grocery for supplies
>dad turns up with deceased grandpa
>dad is obviously intoxicated
>I stop my grandpa to ask him something I don't remember
>replies briefly, a bit despondent
>looks disappointed and goes upstairs
Since my dad's "downfall", as I put it earlier, I've thought a lot about how my grandpa would view the situation. My own feelings about my dad are leagues different from most of my family, largely because I lived with him while his situation degraded. I worry about expressing my feelings to family, since I think they'll view it as abandoning my duty as a son. My grandpa died within the last couple years, really just before I could ever talk to him as an adult, and I regret that. The dream just seemed to reflect the comradery with my sister over our situation with my dad, the regret I feel about not being able to express my situation to my grandpa, and the frustration I felt in dealing with my dad.

>> No.16953067

Adorno: Dream Notes

>> No.16953183

Well, it is more based in reality because your brain just threw together a bunch of stuff you experienced in real life either directly or indirectly through a screen instead of coming up with a story of its own like in the wedding dream

>> No.16953374

Dreams don't have meanings.

>> No.16953873

Sorry to tell you but it sounds like your subconscious is an incel :/

>> No.16954099

You're trying to come to terms with the idea that your pining for said girl is a passing fad or won't come to fruition, but that your ambitions and romantic hopes overall aren't in vain. Your subconscious is telling you to cope.