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/lit/ - Literature

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16948638 No.16948638 [Reply] [Original]

>Finish writing a book after 5 years of work
>Decide to publish it
>Look up agents and publishers
>'We are looking for marginalized, BIPOC, Trans and non-traditional voices, especially in YA and middle-grade fiction'
Welp, guess I'll put it up on Amazon for 50 cents a pop so an entire three people can read it

>> No.16948658

i dont really get how that's legal

>> No.16948687

Because in theory they're still perfectly willing to accept any submission from anyone, they just 'prefer' things from certain types of people

>> No.16948698

I can guarantee nobody would want to publish it even if those preferences didn't exist at all.

Is it illegal to ask only for black actors to audition for the role of Othello?

>> No.16948710
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>Go to class
>Were discussing a book
>Give my thoughts on a particular thing we’re discussing
>Someone else puts their hand up
>”Ummm just piggybacking off from what anon said ...”

>> No.16948734
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this is what you fucking illiterate fags get for not reading contemporary literature, there's a metric fuckton of straight white males getting published
literally all you have to do is look the acknowledgements section to see who their agent is

>> No.16948741

> voices, not authors
Spend a couple weeks editing in marginalized voices for the common reader. It's easy.
> write out the angst you had in eight grade, verbatim.
> mention over and over again how the character can't get over the wall between themand society, you've had that feeling before
> btw black trans
Hit me up if you're struggling to do it. I offered my globohomoing services to another anon a couple weeks ago. My prices are reasonable

>> No.16948768
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>you were born just in time to experience the planet declining into anarcho-tyranny and "global village" favela hell, while rich people endlessly lecture you on how you should SIT DOWN, SHUT UP, and listen to STRONG BLACK WOMYN VOICES
>you were born just in time to hear the most shrill and puritanical moralizing in human history, from the mouths of the most hypocritical narcissists in human history

someone please make me feel better by convincing me this isn't the end, someone tell me there's a way out of this race to the bottom yes this is a cry for help please

>> No.16948779

>You will never be a published author

>> No.16948782
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Deep breaths and a reminder that the end is always coming, you just decide to focus on it.

>> No.16948793

Listen to >>16948734 you colossal waste. It’s not over just because you’re not well read on contemporary stuff and so you think muh trans is all that gets published. You’re giving into them, you know that, right?

>> No.16948796

Don't worry, it would've been rejected anyway. At least this way you can cope by pretending it's because you're a white male.

>> No.16949156

>I can guarantee nobody would want to publish it even if those preferences didn't exist at all.
If it was good it would get published.

>> No.16949160

Pretend you're gay.

>> No.16949227

Best advice ITT

>> No.16949239

>this is what you fucking illiterate fags get for not reading contemporary literature

>> No.16949240

Google "African female names" and pick one of the results for your pen name. Problem solved.

>> No.16949249

You won't get anywhere with that victim mentality op.

>> No.16949319

who cares. you won't get published if it's ideologically wrong (i.e. if it's dissident) anyway and the only reason white males get published is because they're 99% of decent writers so even with severe discrimination some get through.

but that's not the point, what he said is still completely true and the supposed state of publishing won't change that. it doesn't matter who gets published if the result is the exact same. indeed, that's the point of this race shit.

>> No.16949330

This only matters if your writing is mediocre or garbage. They will look at your identity in order to determine if they can sell your shit on that basis. If what you have written is actually any good, you will be able to get published.

Also, there is nothing wrong with self-publishing. It's actually the chad move. Going traditional is weak unless you actually have a good negotiating position.

>> No.16949344

>especially in YA and middle-grade fiction
Back to plebbit idiot

>> No.16949352


>> No.16949366

A white guy actually did do this but with a chinese name and got published but the backlash probably wasn't worth

>> No.16949384

It needs to be profitable. Good is not enough.

>> No.16949389


>> No.16949402

Why would I waste time reading contemporary stuff when there's not enough hours n a lifetime to read all the worthwhile stuff from before?

>> No.16949407

Listen you fat fuck, straight white men are still overreperesented in any category, any genre, any medium in the western world. The fact that you are now slightly less overreperesented doesn't mean you're oppressed. If your book is good you will sell it. The same couldn't be said if you're a (non-famous) woman or black person

>> No.16949409

a) you can actually enjoy reading it
b) you're trying to get published in the current year, not in 750 B.C.
c) you know what people writing similar stories to the things you want to write actually looks like and can discern for yourself what works and doesn't work based on your personal taste and how other people responded to those books

>> No.16949447

What's middle grade fiction

>> No.16949481

If there's backlash people are essentially admitting he wouldn't have gotten published as a white man. That's still a win.

>> No.16949499

>Finish writing a book after 5 years of work
>Decide to publish it
Probably won't get published because most people don't speak Finish.

>> No.16949521
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If it took five years because of its length, then not many publishers will be willing take such a risk on an unknown writer. Put that work on the backburner for now and maybe write some interesting short stories before starting your literary career on a novel. Then it'll be easier to justify a longer work. Even if it's not that long, it's still probably a decent length if it took you five years to complete.

>> No.16949526

Finally, something they don't teach in dummy school.

>> No.16949530

>it's still probably a decent length if it took you five years to complete
>he doesn't spend a week rewriting the same paragraph until it sounds right before deciding it's garbage and starting over completely

>> No.16949563 [DELETED] 

>And yeah of course, neonazis in general are mediocre blockheads who have never produced a single beautiful or intellectual work. It's an ideology for crude dipshits that don't even understand what capitalism is (or how they are inadvertently serving it for that matter)
Maybe that's because the overwhelming majority of people in the western world are white? Retard.
>The fact that you are now slightly less overreperesented doesn't mean you're oppressed.
Why do you people always think in terms of oppression? Why are you such slaves?
>If your book is good you will sell it.
This must be bait.
>The same couldn't be said if you're a (non-famous) woman or black person

>> No.16949567 [DELETED] 

>straight white men are still overreperesented in any category, any genre, any medium in the western world.Maybe that's because the overwhelming majority of people in the western world are white? Retard.
>The fact that you are now slightly less overreperesented doesn't mean you're oppressed.
Why do you people always think in terms of oppression? Why are you such slaves?
>If your book is good you will sell it.
This must be bait.
>The same couldn't be said if you're a (non-famous) woman or black person

>> No.16949573

>straight white men are still overreperesented in any category, any genre, any medium in the western world.
Maybe that's because the overwhelming majority of people in the western world are white? Retard.
>The fact that you are now slightly less overreperesented doesn't mean you're oppressed.
Why do you people always think in terms of oppression? Why are you such slaves?
>If your book is good you will sell it.
This must be bait.
>The same couldn't be said if you're a (non-famous) woman or black person

>> No.16949580

Faggots, stop killing good anon's creativity. There have been plenty of great writers who have struggled to publish their works, especially against the currents of popularity and "what sells," or "what we want" of the today.

>> No.16949586

In all seriousness, this. Insulting people on the internet is fun, but don't start shit shitting on dreams.

>> No.16949591

>non-traditional voices

sounds like you just got pleb filtered for having shitty derivative prose

>> No.16949607

Post excerpts here.
If it's good people will read it and gift it to other people. Doesn't matter if it's self published.
Or go to a right wing publisher.

>> No.16949941

i must be in luck then. i'm a turk, we're marginalized by pretty much everyone. so they will publish my book???

>> No.16949982

>Hit me up if you're struggling to do it. I offered my globohomoing services to another anon a couple weeks ago. My prices are reasonable
Based system-gamer-anon

>> No.16949990

Have you tried pitching your book to an actual publisher and not a jewish propaganda organization?

>> No.16949999

If you're that easily discouraged, your book is probably shit anyway

>> No.16950013

We live in a time when literally anyone can self-publish eBooks on the Internet, and where big names like Amazon, B&N, Rakuten, Apple, etc all offer massive eBook marketplaces that require none of the social justice hoops in order to toss your works up for sale on them. Literally who the fuck cares about legacy paper publishers and their globohomo hypocrisy.

>> No.16950023

You don't get minority points by default and won't be counted as BIPOC. So no.
They will expect you to come out as gay and hate Erdogan.

>> No.16950028
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I own a small publishing company as a side project. Very small, like 1-2 books/year. But it's the real deal, you get an ISBN, bound hardcovers, etc. Mostly I publish things with a particular niche interest/demand and have initial print runs of 100-500 copies.

Summarize your book in 1-2 sentences, OP, and I will consider it.

>> No.16950076

I'll take things that never happened for 20, dumb frogposter

>> No.16950135

>Put that work on the backburner for now and maybe write some interesting short stories before starting your literary career on a novel.
And what about poetry?

>> No.16950158

>Maybe that's because the overwhelming majority of people in the western world are white?
Do spaniards count???

>> No.16950192

Yes. (Ethnic) Europeans are white by definition. A spaniard is much whiter than a mutt will ever be, burgerboy.

>> No.16950204

>haha meds aren't white
Yes very funny

>> No.16950211

>A spaniard is much whiter than a mut
Moorish hands typed this

>> No.16950222

Spaniards are whiter than mutts though, I don't know what you're trying to say here, burger

>> No.16950243

Ride the wave anon

Pretend you are some super politically correct guy who loves trans rights etc.

>> No.16950250

lol, relax, you're living in an echo chamber.
for all you know tommorow china and USA start a war and half the world gets put into war mode, locking up media to be government controlled only and using all the cyber tools developed.
not to mention the complete breakdown of globalist finance if that happens. china can literally decide tommorrow to stop lending USA money and it's war.
or in a decade all the trans kid that were forcibly changed wake up and start crying abuse.
or it just falls out of favor.
do like the hippies and chillax, turning your efforts to what you like. engaging in the screech war online is a foot soldier's job, don't be the idiot.

>> No.16950254

contemporary rec?

>> No.16950258

>don't think goy, just consoom!

>> No.16950267

Any self respecting Euro other than a Spaniard/Portugese wouldn't agree with your conclusion. They're not white, generations of fucking North African traders have made them naturally brownish and they're considered distinct from French/German/Scando people. As a Northern European it's immediately obvious who's Spanish based on their complexion, hair colour etc.

>> No.16950275

>haha meds aren't white
It's getting stale now, mr. Noseberg

>> No.16950277

you can think, but if you were to think you'd realize engaging in the screech wars is a waste of time and effort. There are dumber people out there to screech for you.
There should also be people like you because the screech armies needs recruiters.

>> No.16950292

But you said
>do like the hippies and chillax, turning your efforts to what you like.
Which is definitely not the way forward. I'll agree with you on the "screech wars" though.

>> No.16950313

if you chill and still find that what you like is being part of this ideology struggle, slowly affecting your close friends and creating bubbles will be 999x more effective. You'll also create your own personal area which is filled with what you like so you'll be happier in the process instead of engaging with the screech which is just exhausting.
i personally am a complete hippie and don't care so i just completely ignore ideology and choose a job that can't be harmed by it.

>> No.16950356

>if you chill and still find that what you like is being part of this ideology struggle,
I don't have a choice, everything I like is being attacked by destructive ideology.
>slowly affecting your close friends and creating bubbles will be 999x more effective. You'll also create your own personal area which is filled with what you like so you'll be happier in the process instead of engaging with the screech which is just exhausting.
Yes, agreed.
>i personally am a complete hippie and don't care so i just completely ignore ideology and choose a job that can't be harmed by it.
Good for you but I can't, and it's not a long term strategy anyway. It's just another form of escapism.

>> No.16950382


Self publishing is lit

Anyway, you're making things because they're art and you want to make them, not for money, right?

>> No.16950390

show some living writers who do it just for the sake of art

>> No.16950392


As a british white man living in Portugal this is 100% true. This is the land of race mixing mud people.

>> No.16950409

>how do you do, ((fellow whites))?

>> No.16950419

that book blows desu

>> No.16950426

he didn't say meds, he said spanish and portuguese

>> No.16950429

But those specific "ethnic Europeans" are the literal mutts of europe.

>> No.16950436

Recommend me a health, well being, mindfulness book anons.

>> No.16950437

So? Italians and Greeks aren't any "whiter" than Iberians. They're all meds and all white, whatever mr. Noseberg wants to believe.

>> No.16950438

But I don’t care about other people’s books I want people to read MY book

>> No.16950443

They're relative mutts if you want to frame it that way, but they're still ethnic Ethnic Europeans whether you like it or not. Now what do you have to gain by doing this?

>> No.16950449
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The race mixing is why these countries have shit economies, if you look at it on a long term level.They'll always be bottom tier countries because the people are lower tier than those who run and operate better countries.

>> No.16950456

Yes, they used to be whiter. You're still going to have to cooperate with them if you want to stop the rest of Europe from becoming like that. What advantage do you think you have by this purity spiraling?

>> No.16950468


I agree actually. I think we have to be realistic about what's here, but, I do agree that ultra-purity testing is a dead end.

Though of course, if you've got a glass of water, how much of it has to be urine before you won't drink it?

But ultimately, you're right.

>> No.16950487

I majored in literature because I'm stupid and expected classes full of anons memeing about DFW and shit. Hated it all because it was all stupid women who wanted to be elementary school teachers.
>one chick says something
>another says the exact same idea with marginally different language
>I'm the only one who bothers saying anything unique
I hate speaking in class, but I felt compelled to carry all my classes unless there were other dudes to speak in my stead.

>> No.16950489

aw hell yeah i'm an injun

>> No.16950534

As a POC I find your rhetoric gross and demoralising

>> No.16950566

Name 5 poc authors

>> No.16950568

I'm pretty sure your book is just shit, bro.

>> No.16950573

You're stupid.
Stupid enough that it should hurt you. You smug faggot.

>> No.16950634

There is no difference

>> No.16950655

t. never published

>> No.16950672

Try the Bhagavad Gita