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16945573 No.16945573 [Reply] [Original]

>Go on r/philosophy
>see post about Alan watts
>say that he was a charlatan and people actually need to read books
>downvoted, told I’m pretentious and on a high horse
Why is philosophy surrounded by such an anti reading culture?

>> No.16945611

It's a subreddit, of course it's shit
You should go back and stay there

>> No.16945638

Even though I just learned about the bookwheel’s existence 30 seconds ago I’ve never wanted anything more in my whole life.

>> No.16945644

Stop being an asshole, he has some use in him, but you shouldn't expect redditors to be any better.

>> No.16945652


>> No.16945656
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>Go on r/philosophy

>> No.16945657

We had a whole thread LARPing how to take care of them, check it out.

>> No.16945659

>people disagree with me
>why do people disagree with me
idk bro why don't you fucking ASK them

>> No.16945666

I listen to vaporwave mixes on YouTube and Alan Watts narration is often on the tracks. What is it about his voice and intonation? Sounds like a memory of person that never existed from a time that never happened. A dream father figure.

>> No.16945673

>>Go on r/philosophy
Go back

>> No.16945685

Point being, redditors aren't used to 4chan lingo, going in and asserting he has no value and is shit isn't going to work with them. At the least you can act differently not because they're necessarily all morons on reddit, but because they don't know better. Then learn that often they will never learn better.

However if you lack the ability to make a completely convincing argument on reddit r/philosophy so as to turn them, then you don't understand Alan Watts. You're lucky that you can type as long as you want and they have to read and process it all, and it isn't a verbal debate.

>> No.16945701

>What is it about his voice and intonation? Sounds like a memory of person that never existed from a time that never happened. A dream father figure.
That's probably because you're used to hearing his voice with music. To most of us who've just seen him talk on camera, he sounds normal though a good reciter, for his time.

>> No.16945750

You were quite aggressive in your tone relative to other reddit posts. Also r/Philosophy is for pop philosophy mostly so of course they love Watts, I agree with you, for the record.

>> No.16945781

You deserve it for being simultaneously into Zen and Left Communism. Go back.

>> No.16945824

alan watts is good.
in what way is he a charlatan? he never claims to be anything special, he just trys to talking about these ideas and philosophies that wernt common knowledge at the time, so he trys to put them across as easily understanderble as possible

>> No.16946022

>uncovered cogs
Good luck cleaning the dust out of them

>> No.16946087

where does ASK stand for

>> No.16946323

This, Op is on a fast way to ruining his book wheel.

>> No.16946356


>> No.16946374

>r/askphilosophy is better than /lit/

There, i've said it.

>> No.16946399

Feel free to stay there.

>> No.16946403

You have to go back

>> No.16946405
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>> No.16946829

Alan Watts said nothing wrong. It sounds like you might just be an asshole, or you don't understand him and eastern thought

>> No.16946838
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Why is reddit so bad? I don't know how bad it is because I've never been on there so I'd like someone to explain for me.

>> No.16946847


>> No.16947041

There is a reason all of the /r/philosophy mods lurk on /r/badphilosophy and bitch about the subreddit. I have observed that in general the more willing someone is to publicly affiliate themselves with philosophy, the less fruitful I will find discussing it with them, with the exception of doctoral candidates and such.
It's a mixed bag, just like any other social media site including 4chan. However it's format means that it heavily privileges consensus. It is also more strictly moderated than 4chan, but largely populated by socially awkward shut-in fucks, meaning it operates as the middle term of a venn diagram of nerds and pussies. 4chan of course being mostly nerds who are not pussies, and regular social media having a much higher pussy quotient.

>> No.16947049
File: 45 KB, 500x500, 089B4DF1-E040-48BE-81C3-59A382122D85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Go on r/philosophy
Please stay there in future.

>> No.16947167

The average level of discourse on reddit is extremely low. I've "used" reddit for many years now, in the sense that I regularly check certain subreddits for news, but I've never felt compelled to make an account and don't post. Reddit's structure encourages the creation of sensationalist headlines followed by a race to see who can make the wittiest comment to get upvoted to the top. The environment is generally one of a circlejerking hugbox where anything the hivemind doesn't like is buried by downvotes. Most often the content that is posted is a repost of a repost of a repost of a tired stale meme, aka content that is pre-approved by consensus. On reddit one is simply not allowed to have an opinion or an original thought, as such discussions typically consist of everyone agreeing with each other and patting each other on the back.

>> No.16947750

OP went to a site with a "Correct Opinion Button" expecting an actual discussion
OP is a faggot and has to go back

>> No.16947771

>no crank (or even better, a pedal) to turn it
not to mention your mangled fingers

>> No.16947862

Reminds me of ingsoc.

>> No.16947866

You need to go back.

>> No.16947872

It would be far cheaper to get a large lazy susan and put several book stands on it.

>> No.16947917

What is the story behind this webm?

>> No.16947925

Just like how this place has it's darling philosophers they have theirs. Though the nature of the upvote/downvote system makes it impossible to penetrate the echo chamber.

>> No.16947942


>> No.16948988

just blow them out. The smaller ones are covered
There is clearly space between the cogs and the rim and again the inner bits are covered