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16943287 No.16943287 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Thomas Bernhard? What are his best works?

>> No.16943303

Looks like a fag.
Fags wear scarfs.
Like Verlaine.

>> No.16943339

Why did he hate Austria so much?

>> No.16943350

Typical northern euro edgelord

>> No.16943380

>northern Europe

>> No.16944345


>> No.16945167

Whiny bitch

>> No.16945224

I love him. He is my brother in misery. I feel the need to read everything he has written. Here is my ranking of what I have read so far:

Extinction (5/5)>Gathering Evidence (5/5)>Woodcutters (5/5)>Correction (5/5)>Frost (4.5/5)>Wittgenstein's Nephew (4.5/5)>The Limeworks (4/5)>The Loser (4/5)>My Prizes (3/5)

>> No.16945255

Great writer, hypnotic prose

Correction>Yes>Concrete>The Loser (currently reading)>Extinction

>> No.16945863


>> No.16945891

>The Loser that low

>> No.16945990 [DELETED] 

le epic ice cream man!

>> No.16946021


>> No.16946088

never met an austrian?

>> No.16946133


>> No.16946197

No. What is wrong with them?

>> No.16946263

I like him. His writing style is like a parody of itself. What would be the difference between a Bernhard pastiche and the real thing?

>> No.16946315

Austrians are Germans. Germans are pigs. Voilá.

>> No.16946417

As it should be

>> No.16946808

He's a 15 year old edgelord in a 50 year old's body.

>> No.16947734

havent read his works but he seems based

>> No.16947757
File: 102 KB, 500x500, bernhard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16947763

I do not care for walks either, and have been a reluctant walker all my life. I have always disliked walking, but I am prepared to go for walks with friends, and this makes them think I am a keen walker, for there is an amazing theatricality about the way I walk. I am certainly not a keen walker, nor am I a nature lover or a nature expert. But when I am with friends I walk in such a way as to convince them I am a keen walker, a nature lover, and a nature expert. I know nothing about nature. I hate nature, because it is killing me. I live in the country only because the doctors have told me that I must live in the country if I want to survive—for no other reason. In fact I love everything except nature, which I find sinister; I have become familiar with the malignity and implacability of nature through the way it has dealt with my own body and soul, and being unable to contemplate the beauties of nature without at the same time contemplating its malignity and implacability, I fear it and avoid it whenever I can. The truth is that I am a city dweller who can at best tolerate nature. It is only with reluctance that I live in the country, which on the whole I find hostile.

>> No.16948699


>> No.16948960


>> No.16949506

which book?

>> No.16950044

He looks so stupid.

>> No.16950066

god damn, this fuck tard.

>> No.16951152

What the fuck is this guy's problem?

>> No.16951255


>> No.16951284


>> No.16951384

No wonder Gaddis looked up to him. Seething monkeys both.

>> No.16951399

that's based
where should I start Gaddis, bros?

>> No.16951433

Based Gaddis
The Recognitions probably. He doesn't write like Bernhard that much though. Only his last book is Bernhardian but that's not a good start.

>> No.16951440

>where should I start Gaddis, bros?
bumping for an answer

>> No.16952162

The Recognitions or J R