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16941894 No.16941894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ will try to refute this but won't be able to

>> No.16941898
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>> No.16941900

Absolutely based

>> No.16941910

This guy doesn't get NRx. Moldbug hates these people as much as this literally who does.

>> No.16941911

(also this is /lit/ related because it's about Mishima and Evola which are 80% of the threads on this board)

>> No.16941914

>”Why yes, I mistake intelligence for vomiting word soup on all of my followers, how could you tell?”

>> No.16941921

He seems to think all the esoteric fascists are doing it as a way to conceal their racism, or euphemistically gesture towards racism, when I'm pretty sure it's all just an added layer of larp and rationalization on top of hating niggers and wanting to kill them

>> No.16941927

This nigger don't read
Twitter posting should be bannable offence

>> No.16941932

this is obviously just a guy who really, really doesn't like anyone bringing up IQ differences, you can spot them instantaneously. A huge number of people who suck off 'science' that replicates way less than IQ studies simply can't even begin to accept what IQ tells them.

This is before political alignment, except that if you read about this subject you can only ever really laugh at progressives because they chose to worship something very clearly fucking wrong.

>> No.16941933

Lol this guy seems entertaining

>> No.16941934

Esoterics aren't fascists and fascists don't want to kill niggers, stop thinking in memes

>> No.16941941

>Fascists don't want to kill niggers
yeah they do. what is rahowa if not an extended eschatological nigger killing fantasy

>> No.16941945

>Esoterics aren't fascists and fascists don't want to kill niggers, stop thinking in memes
Lmao, you think people actually fucking believe you cretins; fascists should be necklaced

>> No.16941946
File: 12 KB, 680x275, Twatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you comb throught Twatter for hot takes that you will then regurgitate: consider suicide and, keep your filth out of our board.

>> No.16941954
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>> No.16941957

Is there even one nice place in the entire world that is majority black? Why do you think there isn't? I mean not even a city in a western country, let alone the disaster of Africa?

>> No.16941963
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>> No.16941968

What does retarded assertion have to do with anything; I don't care about your autistic obsession with race

>> No.16941969

Biggest nigger killers were democracies, and a fascist state never had literal slaves, i don't know what the fuck a rahowa is

>> No.16941972

I'm as far right as they come, and while the core of Evola's work might have a point, it's burried behind so much mystical bullshit that it ultimately loses its meaning.

>> No.16941975

Black pipo.....

>> No.16941979

>i don't know what the fuck a rahowa is
It means racial holy war anon.

>> No.16941982

Fascism is a political ideology that isn't dominated by one ethnic group, just look at Peron and Pinochet. In theory, you can have African fascism.

>> No.16941984

The biggest killers are fascist and communists regimes

>> No.16941990

>muh death tolls
You're such a fucking brainlet.

>> No.16941995 [DELETED] 

Didn't read and frankly anyone who has ever had a Twatter account should be strangled to death and have their corpse dumped in the gutter.

>> No.16941999

Why do you think that is though lol, do you have any ideas? Is it a coincidence, something only an autist could notice, or is it an incredibly fucking obvious fact that only a brainwashed retard could not notice? I'm curious what you think.

>> No.16942001
File: 101 KB, 500x558, 47tkzs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not real socialism!
>Not real fascism!
National Socialist, Marxist Socialist - there's no difference

>> No.16942002

Didn't read and frankly anyone who has ever had a Twatter account should be strangled to death and their corpse dumped in the gutter.

>> No.16942010

Brazilian Integralism. You may now apologize.

>> No.16942011

kys, you reductionist whore

>> No.16942016

Pinochet was not a fascist, he was cia plant and authoritarian capitalist
Why are non fascists better versed than neonazi lingo than me? Could it be that the latter is an unrelated meme pushed by fucking spooks?
Numbers wise they are among the lowest
National socialism isn't fascism nor marxist socialism, stop calling different things the same thing

>> No.16942017

Fucking hilarious lol, who is this guy to have such a piercing and complete insight into the /lit/ far right? and I say this as an esoteric reactionary larger myself

>> No.16942019

Fascism was a 20th century ideology and system of governance which existed predominantly in Italy. That's all it ever was.

>> No.16942023

>I get all my politics from kaisereich starter pack
Kill yourself

>> No.16942035

>than neonazi lingo
these posts TRIGGDRED me so I shat out replies as quickly as I can arghh
>the only way people can possibly have heard about this ideological movement is a video game mod
U r the one who plays kasiereich dumb faggot, not anyone else

>> No.16942036

there is no fucking ''''socialism'''' lmfao, there is never going to be a stateless, classless society, you are just being manipulated by terrible people to give them control of your country, literally making them the state they pretend will eventually go away.

Communists are the most naive fucking retards I have ever seen, like they perpetually have the emotional intelligence and situational awareness of a fucking 3 year old

>> No.16942037

I'd agree if this was any board other than /lit/, this place seems to love obscure ideologies.

>> No.16942045

You're assuming everyone is as shallow as yourself. You probably think people like von Ungern because of your shitty videogames too.

>> No.16942048

Are you implying there's no difference between national socialism and fascism or that neonazis don't exist?

>> No.16942049

yeah except Dugin and Mishima are much more compatible with the African spirit than whatever Marxist internationalist ideology this guy probably follows

>> No.16942053

I had no idea the far right was so cosmopolitan and multicultural.

>> No.16942060

Based as fuck. These esoteric larpers are super annoying and I say that as someone far right.

>> No.16942066

Dugin's political philosophy is functionally indistinguishable from basic bitch conservatism. I wish Westerns would stop fellating him, guy was taking part in literal shit eating satanic orgies in the 90s, he's a fucking retard.

>> No.16942067

>stateless, classless society
That's communism, not socialism. There are also different socialisms, nazi germany was an offshoot of prussian socialism. Private enterprise was absolutely a thing in nazi germany. Fascist italy was corporatist (syndicalist) in nature, but fascism does not have a prescribed economic doctrine and is an organic part of the state
>Are you implying there's no difference between national socialism and fascism
No i just said they're different things
>neonazis don't exist?
As per urbaj dictionary
1. Government intelligence agents, see G-men.

>> No.16942071

Except that no fascists want to kill blacks

>> No.16942077

Oh no not the heckin twitter nigger my whole worldview has been thrown into disarray

>> No.16942078

I’m not far right but I prefer the esoteric slant. Maybe I just like complexity for complexity’s sake. Give me some connection with identity on an esoteric level over the yokel shit any day of the week.

>> No.16942079

Wrong. Mussolini's regime killed less than a fraction compared to Churchill.

>> No.16942086

This is really retarded historical revisionism; and you faggot are not fooling anyone with this obviously thread raid

>> No.16942091

Who gives a shit, there is always class stratification and a governmental elite. Ever since agriculture developed. You have to be a fucking dreaming idiot to not see that and think it will ever go away, just because you really want it to and you read some book that tells you everything is going to get really nice in the future, go get a hug from mommy you ridiculously stupid fuck

>> No.16942093

how many victims were killed by Mussolini's regime? I will give you hint, it's not more than 4 digits

>> No.16942098

How is that revisionism? It checks out number-wise.

>> No.16942100

Except it's not though? "Democracies" have killed far more than Fascist Italy and Spain. And no Hitler was not a fascist nor did he consider himself to be one. He and Mussolini were allied over realpolitik and not ideology. Their regimes were even unfriendly until later in the 30s.

>> No.16942103

That's not what socialism is, you don't know what you are talking about, whatever.

>> No.16942109

>Bomb Ethiopia
>Provoke World War II
Mussolini deserved it, you cretins

>> No.16942118

Now you're shifting the subject.

>> No.16942121

Nobody said it was his fault. Stop moving the goalposts.

>> No.16942122
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>Criticizing fascism for rush for Africa

>> No.16942127

Stop venerating mass murderers before you try to take the moral high ground.

>> No.16942136

>anglo trying to criticize literally anyone else for colonial violence

>> No.16942139
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Comes down to it, it was all pic related's fault.

>> No.16942140

desu the anglo has more blood on his hands than any other regime
You can't ignore the similar circumstances which led to the rise of both the nazis in germany and the fascists in italy, and a similar spirit that motivated them.
The real question is why nobody ever mentions Franco. Probably because he didn't play the part of an aggressor in ww2.

>> No.16942147
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>We don't want to kill blacks, we just want colonize them, kill them and take their stuff
>Worked with Stalin, Hitler to divide up Eastern Europe between the Soviet Union and the Axis
Kill yourselves

>> No.16942151

As a bonus, you guys didn't even fight to stop the holocaust. There's no Allied propaganda that even mentions it until shortly before the war's end.

>> No.16942155

>Der Anglo trying to get moral high ground on colonization

>> No.16942165

This doesn't refute any ideology

>> No.16942176

Is this just a thread full of fascist apologists vs rabid anti-fascists playing a game of who is the least worst?

>> No.16942185

Really? I thought socialism is where the workers own the means of production instead of some class/government elite. Of course you have to invent very complex leaps of delusion to explain why this literally never fucking happens lmao so I"m sure you guys have all sorts of theories about how things that are clearly unequal totalitarian dictatorships will EVOLVE into this happy state of being. Half of you just like the idea of being on top in such a society, and the other half are so fucking stupid you actually believe the promises the first half tell you. Unbelievably retarded and naive people

>> No.16942189

I am an apologist for noone, but when the term 'fascism' is thrown around willy-nilly it genuinely triggers me.

>> No.16942192

The word fascism is lost, it means too much and too little at once

>> No.16942199

>Really? I thought socialism is where the workers own the means of production instead of some class/government elite.
Yes that's a type of socialism
I don't want to respond to the rest, you're arguing against yourseld, i don't care for changing your mind

>> No.16942205

I'm just mocking communists, they really need it since they ban all dissent on their own sites and never get any criticism there. It's for their own good honestly

>> No.16942208

It might be lost to you. I personally don't intend on letting the intellectual manlets of this world get away with their bullshit.

>> No.16942211

There has never been and will never a complex post-agrarian civilization where the workers own the means of production. You can't even begin to describe how such a society would function, I've talked to you fucking retards before, you start mumbling about voting and 'central councils' that are indistinguishable from a state.

You're a fucking joke

>> No.16942214

Are you sympathetic to fascism?

>> No.16942217

What do you mean by 'sympathetic'?

>> No.16942226

Would you describe your ideology as similar or adjacent to fascism?

>> No.16942229


>> No.16942248

What is your ideology if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.16942259

I wouldn't describe myself as having one, but probably something approaching Stirnerian Egoism, with caveats.

>> No.16942266

Try writing an actual sentence

>> No.16942272

Except we're very pro state so your criticism doesn't apply

>> No.16942279

>we're very pro state
Then you're just bootlickers, and not real communists at all, have fun sucking off your governmental overlords.

>> No.16942285

Fair enough, I'm interested in those caveats if you don't mind elaborating. Sorry for all the questions I'm just curious.

>> No.16942291

This is a shill thread on a very slow board

>> No.16942297

State isn't the government

>> No.16942301

>We don't want to kill blacks, we just want colonize them, kill them and take their stuff
Why not, are they doing anything worthwhile with it today? Euros ruling Blacks is a service to them and history.
>Worked with Stalin, Hitler to divide up Eastern Europe between the Soviet Union and the Axis
Didn't know anglos cared about Eastern Europeans. Why all the polish plumbers, rosbiff? Getting out of EU because you don't want to give them money to develop? Churchill himself was indifferent to their fate after WW2, they didn't do anything to free them from soviet occupation.

>> No.16942310

"no we aren't exactly the same as the powerful people who used to oppress you, we call ourselves by a different name bro''

You are the stupidest faggots that have ever existed

>> No.16942317

Well, I mean I don't subscribe to most of his views besides his Egoism essentially. I don't consider his politics to be particularly relevant for example.

>> No.16942320

We never claimed to be communists. You're attacking a strawman.

>> No.16942330

So you like authoritarian class structures then, you don't want a classless, stateless society? Pretty based, maybe you'd be interested in monarchy or fascism

>> No.16942335

If there was literally no government it would still be a state

>> No.16942337

Now that's a based nigger

>> No.16942344

Yeah I'm fascist like this whole thread has been arguing about

>> No.16942347

grow up dude, ever been to dublin california?

>> No.16942352
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He’s clearly been here

>> No.16942354

Do you really think smudging the definitions of two words together is going to let you escape from the fact that every single complex society in history since agriculture began had an oppressive elite you can call a state or a government, I don't give a shit, and there is absolutely no indication that this will stop since nobody has ever explained how a society without that aspect could exist let alone recreated it on a scale larger than a farming commune?

>> No.16942361

i like this guy

>> No.16942375

I am not smudging the definition of anything, and you're arguing against points i am not making
I'm going to leave you alone now

>> No.16942398 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1280x725, 291CC964-4FD7-481E-8442-F7F39A702C47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are missing the point. He’s telling white esotercists to reject conservatism and embrace true third positionist racial politics. And as a National Socialist i agree with the nigger. The GOP is a bigger threat to whites than the Democratic party.

>> No.16942401

you're a pathetic fucking retard who is avoiding the laughably retarded nature of your political inclinations because you are unused to people being rude about them

You couldn't even begin to explain what your ideology's preferred state would look like without saying completely idiotic bullshit

>> No.16942412

I don’t think /lit/ had ever been so BTFO before
Jesus christ

>> No.16942414

Oof, this sure triggered just the kind of people that his tweet was talking about. Not the best way to change people's minds, but I do love to see fascists seethe.

>> No.16942415

I never even stated my politics, all I did was respond to your posts while you are arguing against things I'm not saying

>> No.16942418 [DELETED] 
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12/04/20(Fri)06:55:31 No.16942398
131 KB
131 KB JPG
You are missing the point. He’s telling white esotercists to reject conservatism and embrace true third positionist racial politics. And as a National Socialist i agree with the nigger. The GOP is a bigger threat to whites than the Democratic party.

>> No.16942422

You responded to defend socialism, so I mocked socialism. By all means explain what else you think I'll mock that too, I can tell you are utterly incapable of presenting anything resembling an argument

>> No.16942428
File: 267 KB, 1274x649, 131177C1-263F-45D1-BC1D-0A348F481752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are missing the point. He’s telling white esotercists to reject conservatism and embrace true third positionist racial politics. And as a National Socialist i agree with the nigger. The GOP is a bigger threat to whites than the Democratic party

>> No.16942429

Esoterics aren't fascists, ebola wasn't a fascist, mishima was a literal homosexual and dugin is basically a pan euarasian conservative

>> No.16942433

Yes, you are correct, I have no argument. Have a nice day

>> No.16942438

lol fucking pussy

>> No.16942444

He's right but I still hate leftist and liberals and like Mishima and Slav waifu larpers. Leftists are just as annoying and psychotic as the right, and they're also wrong.

>> No.16942451

You're the pussy for not engaging him in good faith.

>> No.16942462

>nooo you have to debate me on my own terms and not ever say anything that make me feel bad or it's not good faith
you're a complete faggot. the guy wouldn't even explain what he believed or say anything straightforward, how is that 'good faith'

>> No.16942475
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But here's a man with an IQ of 160+. You wouldn't be here shitposting without him.

>> No.16942477

m8 he pointed you to an explanation of what he meant.

>> No.16942478
File: 1.40 MB, 1497x1778, 18FFFE2E-4D3C-4CF2-9081-2C65A9ACAF27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just making words up

>> No.16942482

he said there are different socialisms and the words you are using don't think what you think they mean and you just had an autistic fit about how anon is a commie and such

>> No.16942485

Posting a link is not making an argument, I know this point is really hard for you guys to understand so I'll be patient

>> No.16942487

Sounds based and intelligence pilled.

>> No.16942489
File: 48 KB, 800x580, fcs06s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The colonisation of Ethiopia was barbarism, not only because of what happened there but because Ethiopia should never have been colonised in the first place as it was almost a modern State and could've become one without occupation of the ground. French and anglo colonisation took place in part of the world where said state was non-existent or severely lacking (such as India). The French and Anglo colonisation was a natural consequence of a too big technological advantage of said countries, it was inevitable and every other country would have done the same. The Italian conquest of Ethiopia was a murderous act fuelled by disillusion of grandeur and the ego of homicidal maniacs who could only give meaning to life by killing. Italy acted like a little children who sees teenagers being stupid and who does the same so it can be "part of the club" and it can believe he's a grown-up too. Usually these little children get dismissed by teenagers, just like Italy in WWII.

>> No.16942494

IQ isn't a real scientific metric of intelligence.

>> No.16942498

Lmao evolafags may never recover

>> No.16942500

>there are different socialism and such
lol. Does your type of socialism happen to be almost identical to how things already work and have absolutely nothing to do with the common conception of socialism as being stateless and classless, but you dishonestly conflate the two by calling them the same thing? Is it possible you're that much of a faggot?

>> No.16942501

no one has to worry about meeting me

>> No.16942503

Japanese are so based

>> No.16942507

>socialism as being stateless and classless
Not socialism

>> No.16942509

>stateless and classless
You're looking for communism.

>> No.16942511

You're absolutely right, that's why in reality all the black countries and cities are so functional, unlike what the racist IQ would imply, and East Asians are just dumb, they do so badly at school here and their countries have so much crime and can't even build railways.

>> No.16942517

What's socialism then buddies, it surely couldn't be something where there is an oppressive state that the workers have no control over right

>> No.16942526

So you're not willing to consider arguments unless they're posted here and now? Makes no sense.

>> No.16942529

It's not an argukent you dumb retard i'm telling you the state and the government are not the same thing, but you have literally no idea what i mean when i say this and i'm not going to bother explaining idealist philosophy to you because you're right, it's NOT an argument, i'll just be lecturing you.

>> No.16942530

>guy was taking part in literal shit eating satanic orgies in the 90s
ummm source?

>> No.16942533

Can someone define fascism for me real quick?

>> No.16942538

lol you literally cannot even explain what your point is and you consider this to be in your favor somehow. You are so, so bad at making your case it's almost like you are trying to sabotage your own side

>> No.16942540

>justifying colonialism to own the chuds

>> No.16942545

Pretty sure the Brits colonized Egypt, MidEast, India, China, Boer statss etc all of which were functional states too. Keep coping Anglo scum.

>> No.16942552


Unfortunately it's in Russian.


>> No.16942557

No, but Authoritarianism is a near necessity during massive revolution in a world owned by Capitalists. Socialism is worker ownership of the means of construction. There is still cash. Still competition, and thus, still classes.

>> No.16942567

Replace the people and the geography and would things turn out the same? There was a point when Africa was at the height of civilization while the Asians were making pots at best. I would like to see an experiment where a bunch of white babies are replaced with black ones in Africa and see how their IQ fair in tests independently.

>> No.16942569

I am actually far more sympathetic to your side. Perhaps I was unclear before. If the person you're talking to links you to something that explains their views better in response to your demands to do so, and you reject it, you're not arguing in good faith. And that's my only point by the way.

>> No.16942570

>we have to be oppressive tyrants it's for you own good, the world is just so cruel we need to be that way
did your daddy hit you?
>Socialism is worker ownership of the means of construction.
So how does that work exactly, can the state tell the workers what to do with whatever industry they have or can the workers tell the state what to do, and do they vote on it or what.

>> No.16942578

Ahahahaha read it and weep. The "Traditionalists" and all other reactionary esoterics are an embarrassement. Go do some "egyptian" magic in your basement or something, you old hags.

>> No.16942582

If you say the N-word, you might not be a fascist but you're sure as hell using the language of fascism. His tweet is about fascists finding "theory" and lifestyles that suit their worldview, but at the bottom of it, you're just a racist idiot that's looking for justification for views which can never be justified rationally.

>> No.16942584

No linking something is literally not an argument, the guy can either present his idea in summary and link to a text if he wants to give a broader survey, or he can fuck off. Imagine a thread in which people do nothing but link posts at each other, you think that explains anything?

And you don't know what my side is

>> No.16942590

In my interpretation the fascist party is the ultimate decision maker but it's a large party that fully represents all the people and not a small vanguard party like the Bolsheviks had. But the economy will be made up of syndicates.

>> No.16942593

>you might not be a fascist but you're sure as hell using the language of fascism

This literally means nothing.

>> No.16942595

You are looking for the Transracial Adoption study, but it unfortunately shows the opposite of what you want.

>> No.16942596

failed state
not colonisation, protectorates to help them gain independence from the Ottomans
alliances were made with local prince that wilfully submitted to the anglo power to own their neighbours, it was pure politic
decadent central state which the European barely colonised anyway and without much violence other than symbolic
>Boer stat
that's a fair war against other europeans

>> No.16942597

I'm not racist I'm not even white and I'm a fascist, keep projecting, scum. Fascism is Marxism applied to reality.

>> No.16942602

Any idiot can say the n-word, but it takes a particularly deluded type of idiot to call himself a fascist.