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File: 90 KB, 630x1008, Lolita-jamie-keenan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16940017 No.16940017 [Reply] [Original]

why do so many female readers love humbert?

>> No.16940082

the coolest girl i knew in HS said she got molested a lot as a kid

>> No.16940088

They do? I had to return the book after trying to make it half the way in. Why this pedoshit is even celebrated is beyond me.

>> No.16940140

I didn't enjoy it until I was 27. Regardless of its content, it's a very enjoyable book simply for the prowess of its writing. I can open it up to any page and simply bask in the language, similar to Ulysses.

>> No.16940152

I found the whole novel to be incredibly sad. I can't help but imagine 'what if this was my daughter that some creepy eurofag was seducing?'

>> No.16940315

fantasies of getting seduced by some dashing European

>> No.16940321


Dang she must of been hot

>> No.16940368

Because they never actually read the book

>> No.16940447

"omg that's so me. all men want me, sick freaks cannot control themselves around my 1-in-4 billion vagina. i am so hot! I'll be 19 forever! haha! I'm so deep and smart and sexy i read a book!"

>> No.16941218

Because he is a low-inhib chad

>> No.16941229

if he was it wouldn't have taken him this long to actually fuck the child

>> No.16941670

How is she now?

>> No.16941681

Because most women read this in their teens while they can still empathise with the thrill of fucking an older man.

>> No.16941778

fine going by social media, but thats not really a reliable metric. you never know what people are really dealing with.

>> No.16941785

they're unironically mentally retarded. bitches be 35 being like "omg i'm lolita" bitch you have a dozen eggs left

>> No.16943066
File: 167 KB, 255x391, D6FE155A-3454-4E43-94AF-D1C53BB73774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They do? I had to return the book after trying to make it half the way in. Why this murder shit is even celebrated is beyond me.

>> No.16943084

No idea. But I fucked a girl once while we were watching the movie and she got horny.

>> No.16943112

Because more than anything women want to be desired, the taboo nature of their relationship amplifies the sexual tension, and the entire novel is Humbert describing his desire for Lo

It’s a medieval chivalric tale but with sightly more pedophilia

>> No.16944138

true. I was dating an older woman (30) and she was heavily into the lolita role.

>> No.16944421

Hope you smashed her. That genre of girl can and will suck you dry.

>> No.16944441

>sightly more pedophilia
Marrying 12 year old girls wasn't out of the norm in medieval times.

>> No.16944465

Yes it was

>> No.16944468


Yes it was

>> No.16944483

Women are disgusting.

>> No.16944484
File: 202 KB, 582x527, 1598774634892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it literally wasn't, first age of consent law passed in medival england put it at 12 for girls. You can marry them even younger with parental consent.
Heroines in ancient myths, such as Helen of Troy was under the age of 12. For girls, woman reach womanhood at 12.

>>16944444 (checked)

>> No.16944493

>For girls, woman reach womanhood at 12.
For Jews, girls reach womanhood*

>> No.16944499

Better question: why do the publishers have so much fun making covers of a book dealing with pedophilia, and with such little subtlety? These covers are like putting a big retarded person in blackface on a Faulkner book

>> No.16944641


Age of consent laws have absolutely nothing to do with what was and wasn't the norm. At no point in history has it ever been the norm to marry at 12.

>Heroines in ancient myths, such as Helen of Troy was under the age of 12.

You made this up.

>> No.16944683

The Jeremy Irons or the old James Mason?

>> No.16944692

>Age of consent laws have absolutely nothing to do with what was and wasn't the norm. At no point in history has it ever been the norm to marry at 12.
You are deluded, girls were considered to be woman when they started menstruating which on average is the age of twelve. I can go by and make you a list of historical figures who had brides who were quite young. Charlemagne is the first to come into mind, whose first wife gave birth at age 13.
>you made this up
In most accounts of this event, Helen was quite young; Hellanicus of Lesbos said she was seven years old and Diodorus makes her ten years old.
>Hellanicus 4F134; Diodorus 4.63.1–3
On the other hand, Stesichorus said that Iphigenia was the daughter of Theseus and Helen, which obviously implies that Helen was of childbearing age.
>Stesichorus, fr. 191 PMG.
Being at least 10 would put her at the possibility of childbbearing age.

I think you're just brainwashed by the social purity movement.

>> No.16944723

Not him, Helen wasn't 12 at the time of the siege of Troy, but there are legends relating to her being courted when she was 12 or possibly younger.

>Two Athenians, Theseus and Pirithous, thought that since they were sons of gods, they should have divine wives; they thus pledged to help each other abduct two daughters of Zeus. Theseus chose Helen
>In most accounts of this event, Helen was quite young; Hellanicus of Lesbos said she was seven years old and Diodorus makes her ten years old.[

Of course there are variations depending on sources, but Helen being seriously underage (by our standards) when someone first try to marry her is a common take.

Likewise, Juliet is around 14 in the eponymous Shakespeare play. Keep in mind marriages were often financial and political agreements between family, so they could be decided and even take place before the spouse's puberty (or not, depending on local culture).

>> No.16944726

>Age of consent laws have absolutely nothing to do with what was and wasn't the norm. At no point in history has it ever been the norm to marry at 12.
Unironically retarded.

>> No.16944758
File: 702 KB, 2562x1517, 1584307262785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking lolis hurts my feefees so nobody can do it
Hate people like this

>> No.16944767

is everybody on this board actually this stupid or are they just pretending?

>> No.16945236

Got filtered hard, pleblet.

>> No.16946262

i'm a girl. i was answering OP why i read lolita. i really looked up to her so when she told me that i wondered if that was her secret or something lol. kinda fucked up thinking about it

>> No.16946387

the cover is meant to look like a girl's legs


>> No.16946414

Women like to be treated like they’re sexy babies

>> No.16946511

Because the idea of getting diddled makes their holes slippery.

>> No.16946776

8/10 b8 without even trying

>> No.16947067

White girls finger bang themselves to a few paragraphs they skimmed in the first few chapters. Real intellectual Chad’s know part 2 and the overall second half is the novels best part. Humbert Humbert cat and mouse game with inspector trapp aka quilt my was riotously funny. Lolita really is mostly a autistic man chronicling his love of Americana really