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16938385 No.16938385 [Reply] [Original]

Why does every pseud has a copy of Infinite Jest on their bookshelf?

>> No.16938394

Look unread. Also fuck off with your gay thread.

>> No.16938408

Hahaha, I don't!

>> No.16938422

Is it legit bad for a book collection to not have Infinite Jest?

>> No.16938433

>a book beloved by critics and the technocratic elite of these modern times

idk, you tell me.

>> No.16938443

Literally nobody cares about this shit but Americans. I really wish Americans would stop trying to force their retarder burger literature down everyone’s throats. No one cares. Nothing of value was ever produced in America. Nobody has heard of this book outside the US, it is and will always be completely irrelevant in the history of literature. Constantly spamming local burger literature should be against the rules

>> No.16938446

Also I had to google this faggot. Fuck off with your stupid eceleb drama bullshit, incel.

>> No.16938454

t. butthurt female who knows deep down she isn't smart enough to produce anything of value

Seethe harder and keep LARPing as a european. You probably post on IG, you cultural blackhole.

>> No.16938465

>this amount of unrelated projecting

>> No.16938473


>> No.16938605

(boy)pussy pass
in the same vein as debord
nobody who displays these reads them

>> No.16938647

That guy is literally a pedo

>> No.16938667

well shit, he had a copy of IJ that he didn't read, I guess IJ is cancelled now.

>> No.16938708

and how exactly does my life benefit from hearing about some pervert youtuber chink?
God, you mouthbreathers annoy me so much. Go to Reddit to get your dose of eceleb shit.

>> No.16938715
File: 32 KB, 400x486, charles_sanders_peirce[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing of value was ever produced in America
*blocks your path*

>> No.16938776

Why does every retard think that 'pseud' is a valid insult? Yes, call me a pseud and amass hoards of retards to follow you and go "jajaja pseud jajaja", but you have no argument. You're slapping a label on me, nothing more. It's the internet forum equivalent of downvoting. It takes no time, no effort, and only 'persuades' people to your side via quantity of people espousing that so and so is a pseud. But there is no argument, you are just saying "X is bad thing". What does it mean to be a pseud? What are you trying to say about people who read IJ? What are you trying to say about the book itself? It's pure ad hominem, proof by intimidation. It contributes nothing worth discussing and only hinders progress.

Saged btw.

>> No.16938948

For those who do not know, he made a video after Singapore's dictator died, mocking him. He was charged in court, and he flew over to America and got political asylum.

Now he's a literal pedophile though, and the lawyer who helped him get citizenship wants him deported back to Singapore.

>> No.16938956

cuz i got it for 1 euro lol

>> No.16939755

unimaginably based
holy fucking cringe

>> No.16940066

Kys burger

>> No.16940076

Anonymous told them to get one

>> No.16940104


>> No.16940112

It's an interesting book. It's wildly popular, and it's reasonably accessible. Why are you so upset?

>> No.16940123

nobody cares about anybody elses book shelf.

>> No.16940128

Imagine owning a bookshelf. All my books are scattered across the floor and on broken furniture.

>> No.16940189
File: 624 KB, 1280x606, women_infinite_jest_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women really do have a weird antipathy for Infinite Jest though. I sort of understand why they'd be sick of litbro pseuds going on about it, but still

>> No.16940200

fucking love KFC

>> No.16940237

>t. Hasn't read the shootist

>> No.16940246

Women simply cannot fathom writing something as big and complex as IJ. It just reminds them of how truly inferior they are. That's why they despise it.

>> No.16940265

There is something really off when corporates start to shill aggressively.

>> No.16940267

UNABomber is only thing of value

>> No.16940362

It's the big book of reddit. Having this means you're such an erudite nerd! An outcast so to speak. An unconventional mind with boundary pushing taste.

>> No.16940379

Bruh, Accasio Cortez and now him. Brb going to throw my copy in the trash

>> No.16940429

Also it just looks nuts. It's a mega-tome with a million retarded injokes and citations and what have you. It's tempting to try that for the challenge. Unfortunately it eventually becomes something of a slog because the book is so hopelessly overcomplicated. Then it sits on your shelf for a decade, the spine cracked but only to the halfway point, forever.

>> No.16940508

>nothing of value was ever produced in America
>Bobby Fischer
>Ted Kaczynski

>> No.16940637

>the spine cracked only at the half way point
Don’t most books only ever do that? Any cracked spines that I have are at the half way point because that’s the only point when I’m opening a book in a way that would crack the spine. I’m not particularly careful either. Whatever. I read it though, it’s not that challenging, it’s just long, and it’s not even that complicated after a certain point. Also I wouldn’t say that there are “injokes” in the book so much as references to fictional stuff in the world, but its not like that’s weird for a work of fiction and they’re certainly not in jokes that only certain people would get. I don’t know though, seems like you’re projecting a wee bit.

>> No.16940644

Based, Assmerica is low brow. Nothing exalted can ever come from that pig troph of a country. It's just a shame they have so much global influence; the American century has done potentially irreparable damage to world culture.

>> No.16940670
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What am I projecting? You know what I mean, the dating system, the fake filmography, the tennis autism, etc. After you lean into it a bit, it certainly seems like a form of intimate humor. Unfortunately the plot didn't seem to go anywhere that really interested me.

Weirdly I did read the Pale King cover to cover years ago though I'd struggle to tell you what happened in it .It did seem more purposeful somehow and I preferred it overall.

>> No.16940767

Warning-sign physiognomy.

>> No.16940917

This stuff got me too read it, good book, I've moved on but it's funny how these women can't. You see this lit bro they met/dated at college have probs grown up and are now working as a 24 hour clerk (on that lit diploma lol) or some shit and have moved on too new pussy but they still effect the woman they intimidated by being 20 year old psudes thinking/saying there smart (like all male lit fans do) but the woman (naturally prone to resentment in our not sexist ideology but still super sexist both socially and biologically environment) constantly remember how these guys made them feel. Stupid probs cause they are, the book a perfect symbol. They fail like the man to do anything with there degree confirming there stupidity and now sit seething over a book, a book. Best part is the dude probably lied about finishing it.

>> No.16940920

Based pedo gook

>> No.16941020

You couldn’t be more obsessed if you tried. Plenty of American authors have produced works far beyond your skill level or intelligence. You will die a nobody and no one will remember you

>> No.16941024

it's an american thing i suppose. the book is almost unknown in the rest of the world. i mean, i have seen it in a few shops, i'm sure there are some people who have read it, but it is not widely known.
americans always seem to have such homogenised taste in books. look at any random bookshelf tour on youtube. it's always the same shit over and over. robin hobbs, brandon sanderson, sarah j maas. that kind of stuff.
i mean there are good american authors but modern americans don't seem to read them very much

>> No.16941026

Rent free

>> No.16941030

>Plenty of American authors have produced works far beyond your skill level or intelligence
ok name a few. since there are "plenty", i'm sure you could come up with a list of, say, 10-15.

>> No.16941031

You don’t know Americans

>> No.16941040

maybe not all 300+ million of them, no. but i've spend a fair amount of time in the US, so i have a pretty good idea. still waiting for you to name those authors who are "beyond your skill level or intelligence".

>> No.16941041

I’m not going to spoonfeed you, faggot. Pynchon and McCarthy alone are better authors than you will ever be in your life time. I could provide a list naming Hemingway and Melville and so on but someone as ignorant as you would just dismiss anyone I name without any real arguments. Go ahead and dispute me but you’ll just make yourself look even worse

>> No.16941044

Show me your novel and I’ll show you how ass it is in comparison to the American greats. Go ahead, pussy

>> No.16941055

>Pynchon and McCarthy alone are better authors than you will ever be in your life time
what a stupid thing to say. i'm not a fiction author, nor do i claim to be, so yes i'm sure they are better fiction authors than i will ever be. i'm sure pynchon wouldn't be able to do my job, either. so what? does that mean that i am not allowed to criticise their work? i'm also not a professional sports person or actor, but i still have opinions about sport, movies etc. i'm willing to bet that you are none of those things either, and yet you seem to feel qualified to spout your ignorant bullshit on here.
>Go ahead and dispute me but you’ll just make yourself look even worse
woo mr basement warrior. how come americans are so fucking touchy all the time? have you been eating too much sugar again?

>> No.16941063

Way to move the goalposts, retard. You claimed there were no good American authors and I provided you some. Then you try to bring up the argument, “Well I’m not a fiction author,” which wasn’t part of the discussion at all. I can’t believe I even thought about arguing with a midwit

>> No.16941079

I also provided you authors outside of your skill level and intelligence and when I did, you jump on the defense and backtracked by claiming you don’t write in the genre they do which I never brought up. How pathetic

>> No.16941238

You triggered the burgerbros lol.

>> No.16941252

>t. has no real arguments

>> No.16941254

With the exception of Uncle Ted, who was second generation Polish, the muttoid contribution to the world has only been death, destruction and consumerism.
I'd wish them a pleasant trip to hell, but they're already there.

>> No.16941357

Rent free

>> No.16941523

Hot take: IJ and DFW's fiction in general is overrated, his essays are what's worth reading.

>> No.16941530

It's easy to read it on an ereader the footnotes and endnotes can be read just by clikcing on them instead of skipping to the bottom of the page.


>> No.16941540

Bloom hated it

>> No.16942453

>Amos Yee

>> No.16943460

I truly don't understand why you would like one and not the other, they're basically the same thing. A lot of his essays contain lies and massive exaggerations, his one on the Vegas porn expo is a good example

>> No.16943542
File: 451 KB, 2439x1371, 01-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-vogue-november-2018-issue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ocasio-Cortez understands the value of performance in today’s politics. “Have you read Infinite Jest?” she asks, referencing the David Foster Wallace novel about entertainment and corporatism run amok. “We are living in the ‘Year of Perdue Chicken.’ We’re looking at our phones until we literally lose consciousness. If our leaders don’t learn to communicate in an engaging manner, our entertainers will become politicians. That’s what we have now.”

>> No.16943621


Infinite Jest is a great book though.

>> No.16943692

> AOC isn’t a pse-

>> No.16943693

It's because DFW made fun of Bloom in IJ and called his work "turgid."

>> No.16943708

based booktuber blows the fuck out of infinite chud jest

>> No.16943765
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>> No.16943779

What a turgid post.

>> No.16945139

Destroy your toaster right now or Ted will be in your room tonight.

>> No.16945150

No need, your reactions are very revealing.

>> No.16945163


>> No.16945192

You can't think. You can't write.

>> No.16945209

imagine being of the american persuasion KEK there has never been anything more pathetic than the schizophrenic tribal shithole of america

>> No.16945225
File: 53 KB, 1106x830, 55ba87b9dd0895c81c8b4582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I start reading it today? I've had an unread copy for 5+ years. The last book I finished was The Catcher in the Rye, over a year ago. I also have Brief Interviews with Hideous Men, should I read that first?

>> No.16945237

t. buttblasted intellectual who is never challenged in the day-to-day

>> No.16945435 [SPOILER] 
File: 5 KB, 168x91, 1607117924756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt that the pedo guy?

>> No.16945929

he's a map you biggot

>> No.16945970

These bitches are missing out. It's such a good book

>> No.16946016

Bloom is only decent critic

>> No.16946272

cry more

>> No.16946349

there are a lot of amazing books that are classics in their respective countries but less known in the rest of the world
i like os sertões as much as any american classic but few outside of brazil will ever read it despite having a good translation
another example is the ingenious adventures of alfanhui, which i'm pretty sure is well known and considered a classic in spain but barely read elsewhere
point is, i think that's an unfair criticism of a book

>> No.16946579

waaah waah little baby

>> No.16946941

Well, you're not wrong tho.
Burgers only write good technical books.

>> No.16947062

Seeth more, keep watching our movies and envying us. Also it's time for you to praise Allah, get to it faggot.

>> No.16947074

Kek, anyone who watches American movies is literally borderline retarded

>> No.16947168

Hollywood is fucking deranged. Worst than Soviet propaganda.

>> No.16947235

Holy shit it's real

>> No.16947714
File: 48 KB, 640x360, aoc tech actual quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you really surprised?

>> No.16947797

Extraordinarily based

>> No.16948255
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>> No.16948259


>> No.16948367

Sneeding europoor>>16938443

>> No.16948498

Girl got mansplained.

>> No.16949006

Already proven wrong

>> No.16949232

>burger literature

Is that 'burger' as in bourgeoisie? Or as in Peter Burger?

>> No.16949610

What the fuck why did this trigger Americans so much? It's a random shitpost and you have the yankees flinging shit at it like mad.

>> No.16949987
File: 128 KB, 378x415, 1596218563085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.16950274

Yee look at me, I'm so smart!