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/lit/ - Literature

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16938230 No.16938230 [Reply] [Original]

How could you lie to /lit/? This was the most boring 600+ pages I've read in a long time. The story goes nowhere after kvothe arrives at the university, endless pages that could've been edited down and not repeating itself. And the chandrian and lord haliax are only seen and referred to once or twice in the whole book Its like a coming of age story except the hero decides to do nothing. I was expecting something more.

>> No.16938397

I'm confused... Where you under the impression that /lit/ had been praising this book?

Also, for reference, and because it always gives a smile :

The lion's share of old-school literature IS fantasy, they just pretend it isn't. The Odyssey is full of gods and spells. Oedipus Rex has a sphinx and a prophecy. There are witches in Macbeth, faeries in Midsummer Night's Dream, and a ghost in Hamlet. Dante's Inferno? Beowulf? All looks like fantasy to me....

I think a lot of people read and respect fantasy storytelling. A lot of the more forward-thinking colleges offer classes studying it, though they usually call it speculative fiction or magical realism to make themselves feel better. We all know the truth though: it's fantasy.

As far as having my book recognized as literature? [Pat shrugs] Why would I want that? I mean, have you read Great Expectations? Gech. Why would I want to invited into their little club? Give me Tim Powers and Phillip K Dick. Give me
Le Guin, Gaiman, and Pratchett. Give me McKillip and Whedon. These are the storytellers. These are our modern mythmakers. Our oracles. Our dreamers. I want to be on that team."

>> No.16938441

Your problem is that you had high expectations. I read it thinking it was going to be shit and I ended up enjoying it.

>> No.16938460

If you need nonstop action then stick to >>>/tv/. Most of the book is comfy storytelling and worldbuilding. It's not a fantastic book but it is good and doesn't try to be something it's not.

>> No.16938585

I really liked the beginning of the book, and the whole concept of Kvothe being this epic hero retelling his life. But it felt like the book lost its focus halfway through and went nowhere after that. The story has potential, but I wasn't impressed by the first book's ending. Haven't read the second one.

>> No.16938627

this book is trash and anyone who told you otherwise here is a damn liar

>> No.16938639

congrats you fell for the 21st century genre fiction meme

>> No.16938646

This. I liked it, but I might also be biased because it’s my mom’s favorite books so it’s one of the few times I got to discuss books with her

>> No.16938752

/lit/ shits on this book non stop. And rightly so. It is the distillation of a cringe cuck neckbeard's power fantasy. He rips off better authors like Rowling and LeGuin, and - while some say his prose is his strength - all he really brings to the table aside from that is an aimless plot, subpar world building, and a twee magic system. The frame narrative could have been amazing but it ultimately comes across like a missed opportunity because there's no real reason to question Kvothe's retelling... so it ends up feeling unironic.

>> No.16938836

In the second book he gets the shit kicked out of him by a couple of thugs, but other than that yeah I pretty much have no reason to doubt his retelling since everyone else also thinks Kvothe is some ultra badass. There might be some kind of twist that literally the whole story is bullshit, but it seems unlikely since presumably Bast new him at some point during his peak years. I disagree that the book is bad, but I will agree that the framing narrative seems a little undercooked and I usually just want to get back to the real story unless he added something to make it interesting

>> No.16938868

Did someone on /lit/ recommend this to you? It's a harem anime about student loans.

>> No.16938886

patrick rothfuss, besides being a shitty writer, is also a scam artist. look into his worldbuilders charity scam.

>> No.16939729

serves you right for buying a book from a self described cuck

>> No.16939749

The sequel is even worse. No plot progression, he's still at the university at the end.

>> No.16940225

>Still at the university at the end

You're shitting me?

>> No.16940648

I heard his prose is actually decent. Is it worth it reading for just htat?