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16937134 No.16937134 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading

>> No.16937141

your mom's anus hairs

>> No.16937142

Current reading list:

Game theory book <- I am here
Arms and Influence
Kant x2
Deleuze x2
Fanged Noumena
Book of Thoth
Meditations on the Tarot

>> No.16937143

Bout to start Hunger by Hamsun

>> No.16937152

Just started the 4th Harry Potter book today

>> No.16937156
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I have been reading a number of Eliade's works recently, and a part of me wishes I had read him much earlier, though I wonder if I had been able to assimilate what he's saying even a few years ago. In any case, I would highly recommend Eliade to anyone looking to concern themselves with mythology and religion.
The interest of this one is of course more specific, but so far it seems like a good choice.

>> No.16937166

I get Deleuze is prep for Land, but how useful is he besides that given that his theory is so heavily influenced by Freud, debunked science LARPer

>> No.16937173

No idea, I haven't read him yet. Or Freud for that matter.

>> No.16937181

España frente a Europa
Storm of Steel
Crítica de la Razón Literaria

>> No.16937187

Never thought I'd see Eliade mentioned on this board. Connoisseur choice, anon. Have you looked into the Traditionalist school yet?

>> No.16937189

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.16937209

listening to count of monte cristo on audible for first time and reading the last continent by pratchett

really enjoying monte cristo I feel dumb not having read it before but I'm trying anons

>> No.16937223

Currently reading John Selby's book "Kundalini Awakening". Good techniques, but mixed in with lots of New Age quack. I'd either be screwed or would have dropped this shit if it wasn't for my previous background with esotericism.

>> No.16937231
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Indeed, I learned of Eliade long ago but put reading him off, aside from one of his works of fiction, which I rather enjoyed. It was reading Guenon's recommendation of his Yoga (it's in the back of one of the Sophia Perennis editions, I can't remember which one it was) that got me to return to Eliade.
I had been wanting to read Rudolf Otto's "The idea of the holy" prior to reading The Sacred and the Profane, but in the end I decided to skip it for now, though I might return to that too.
If you have any good recommendations for related works, I would be glad for them

>> No.16937436

I am still going through the Traditionalists, so I probably can't recommend you anything that you aren't already aware of. Eliade is a very interesting author, though. He's slightly more mainstream as well, which is good.

>> No.16938190

Good luck to you, in that case! What are you reading at the moment?

>> No.16938279

Anna Karenina

Chaos - the Charles Manson/CIA book

One More Iris - a friend of mine wrote and self-published her first book

>> No.16938294



>> No.16938309

I don't read

>> No.16938322

what are you sneeding

>> No.16938328


>> No.16938335


>> No.16938341

I don't sneed

>> No.16938351

I CAN’T sneed

>> No.16938360


>> No.16938373

The Zibaldone, still 700 pages to go

>> No.16938381


>> No.16938383

All zoomers getting home from school

>> No.16938406

Currently reading this >>16937223 but I'm going to be looking at Evola's "Yoga of Power" right after that.

>> No.16938413

Napoleon by Andrew Roberts

>> No.16938529

Jane Eyre

>> No.16938565

The Gulag Archipelago

>> No.16938884

The age of secularization cause someone here recommended it

>> No.16938966
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>> No.16939041

Anna Karenina is mainly what I'm working on, but I'm checking out a lot of Russian short stories too.
Just read The Bet by Chekhov and read What Men Live By by Tolstoy this morning(fucking fantastic btw. read it)

>> No.16939049

It's pretty good

>> No.16939050

Crash by Ballard
Swanns Way by Proust

>> No.16939063

also if any other wagies are looking for something to read, I highly rec Anna Karenina. It's long but each chapter is roughly 10-15 mins which makes it perfect for reading while on lunch or break

>> No.16939297

Madness and Civilization. Been struggling through this book for months now. Once I'm finished who knows. High on the list are Plato, the New Testament, and Process Metaphysics by Nicholas Rescher.

>> No.16940476

Symbol and the Symbolic by R A Schwaller de Lubicz. very good but it's slow going because it's so dense

>> No.16940506


>> No.16940997


>> No.16941028

Transcript of The Simpson’s S11E05

>> No.16941054


>> No.16941083

current reading list
>grays anatomy 10 pgs per day
>the prince still need to finish like 70 more pages
>the periodic table of elements
>marcus aurelius
>platos dialogues
>edith hamilton myhtology.

>> No.16942563
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>> No.16942658

Haven't read a proper book since I was forced to in college. Used to read all the time as a kid though.

>> No.16942851

Crime and punishment, who could've known a novel about guilt and murder could be so damn fucking comfy, I like it.
Thinking of reading Anna Karenina afterward

>> No.16942858

Leviathan and Rhythm of War

>> No.16943991

Collected Poems and Translations by Ralph Waldo Emerson

>> No.16944010

the Rigveda and the Book of the Dead