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/lit/ - Literature

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16936190 No.16936190 [Reply] [Original]

I really hate Stephen King. He is the quintessential boomer. Ignorant, uneducated and proud. He writes trash, looks like trash and is White trash. Fuck him.

>> No.16936200

He spent a decade snorting coke and getting rich off of horror novels
pretty based if you ask me

>> No.16936291

King is a good yard stick by which to measure the sort of writing that still appeals to people at least. Unfortunate but true.

>> No.16936305

His work certainly isn't high literature or anything, but it's entertaining. Some of his stuff turned out to be duds, but there are some pretty decent works like the Dark Tower, The Shining, Shawshank, Green Mile, that have all at least been entertaining enough to stick around in the public imagination. Not a fan of his attitude, but art and the author arent the same

>> No.16936369
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>> No.16936387

I really hate OP. He is the quintessential faggot. Homosexual, promiscuous, and proud. He fucks gay men, gets fucked by gay men, and is a gay man. Fuck him.

>> No.16936423
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>first half of the the Stand is good
>Pet Sematary is alright
>Misery is good
>Salem's Lot is good if you're under 20
>It is meh
>The Shining is probably his most overrated work
>Dead Zone is alright
>Full Dark, No Stars is his only work I would call "great"
>Bag of Bones is possibly the worst book I've ever read
>skip the last 200 pages of The Stand

>> No.16936447


>> No.16936454

>wasting your time reading this shit

>> No.16936473

I liked 1408.

>> No.16936537

I used to defend the guy, because I genuinely like some of his books. Anymore though, he's so ignorant in his dumb twitter opinions, and admitibly even the stuff of his that I like is really badly written, but it's got a good concept. And plus, as I've bought more and more books of his over the years, a lot of his books are just total trash with no redeeming qualities at all. I mean, read The Dead Zone. Fuck is that a terrible book in about every conceivable way. So yeah, fuck him. Hope he gets hit by a bus next time.

>> No.16936540

I dont like the excuse that it is just cheap entertainment. There is a lot of great and entertaining novels out there.

>> No.16936551

I thought Full Dark No Stars was pretty good and that's recent. Quit reading Under The Dome when it went into detail about an old man taking a rock solid shit though

>> No.16936557

Are they men too? I mean...COULD SOMEBODY JUST ANSWER THAT!?!? So I at least get it straight.

>> No.16936573


Yeah, they're men too. They're men, and women, and plant, and fungus, and god, and devil, and fat, and skinny, and big, and small, they're just everything. They're really just the transcendent being, and all we have to do is act insane for it happen.

>> No.16936589

>It is meh
What is?

>> No.16936703

His books are fun to read, clear, and imaginative. There's a reason lots of people like his stuff, and it's not just that most people are dumb.

>> No.16936719

agreed and also most of the authors that /lit/ venerates simply couldn't do what he does as a storyteller

>> No.16936762


Well, what do you know, the man can write true horror after all.

>> No.16937875

When Stephen King dies people are going to realise he was a genius. Basically a 20th Century Dickens.

Also since we're discussing him, this analysis of Pet Semetary is worth reading. http://www.public.coe.edu/~theller/essays/petsem.htm

>> No.16937881

Sorry he never wrote a Fortnight cheatbook kid

>> No.16937888


>> No.16937892
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>wasting your time complaining about how people you have never met read (and enjoy) stuff you hate

>> No.16937903

I just dont like his politics or how he expresses them. Major TDS case. His book are fine.

>> No.16937958

Agreed. It is pathetic and sad honestly to see how popular this hack really is. He is a great example of very unremarkable writing and storytelling. His novels lack depth and breadth, thus ideally leading his legacy to be soon forgotten, as he does not deserve fame.
He doesn't know how to finish any of his stories, he doesn't know how to tame his wildly inflated ego, he doesn't know how to set a scene, and worst of all: he is a crypto jew

>> No.16938003
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>page after page of children getting BTFO
>on one page a little girl gets sodomized with a stick
>in the ending almost all the bad guys get away with it

based pedophile

>> No.16938011

I've seen the shit you fags post in the writing generals

>> No.16938040



>> No.16938089
File: 69 KB, 222x169, Capture d’écran 2020-12-04 à 00.09.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude literally has a ballsack under his chin

>> No.16938183

that's where he puts his ideas

>> No.16938228

I like the movie adaptations

>> No.16938235

The Dead Zone was a decent movie tho

>> No.16938247

The movie remake was total trash

>> No.16938742

The only good posts in this thread. Irrational hatred for popular authors is just dumb. Especially coming from 4chan contrarians. Also his Twitter persona which is what most of the fags itt are complaining about has no bearing on his ability to write. He's a public figure and a celebrity, he has to act like a libtard online or else he'll be cancelled, I don't blame him for taking the easy way out and agreeing with the mob. Even if he's genuinely a libtard that doesn't immediately invalidate his work. I think stephen king is good for a popular author, I like most of his novels that I've read but yeah they aren't perfect and the losers on this board don't have any ground to stand on criticizing him

>> No.16938765

For me, its Stephen (Haw)King

>> No.16939065
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>book starts with a character that doesn't show up again until halfway through
>main character is Jimmy Neutron

it was ok

>> No.16939087

Thanks for sharing that essay anon :)
It was a really interesting and insightful read, pet sematary is my favorite novel by king. The works cited in that article offer some interesting books that I'll definitely need to check out

>> No.16939271


>> No.16939708
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>> No.16939717

How do boomers manage to be so pathetic? It takes real effort to sink that low, but they somehow manage it naturally.

>> No.16939817

I think the biggest mistake pseuds make is assuming that anything that isn’t philosophy or ‘high’ literature has no value. When in reality popular literature like King, Bradbury, etc. are great introductions into concepts that are explored in the former. And even if it’s just fun, who cares? Fun is a positive quality of its own. If it’s not hindering your enjoyment or otherwise detrimental, have at it and read King.

>> No.16939874

It's a goiter.

>> No.16940838

Glad you enjoyed it

>> No.16940844

>The the only book of his I read is full dark, no stars.
Feels good.

>> No.16940858

does anybody know why mediocre books make good movies but high literature doesn't?

>> No.16940863
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>> No.16940942


>> No.16940948

>Ignorant, uneducated and proud
Look in the mirror sometime, twerp
You could have made a good, intelligent thread, if you had been able

>> No.16940954

this dude literally just admitted he became a troon to cope with getting cucked by his gf but simultaneously breaks down like he has
dysphoria when 4channers shitpost about him being a man. is he somehow therefore claiming that getting cucked can give a man tranny dysphoria? what the fuck is wrong with americans?

>> No.16940961


>> No.16940985


yes YES