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16935730 No.16935730 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16935750

Who is the guy on the left (I genuinely have no clue)

>> No.16935755

*whispers* sam harris

>> No.16935764

You haven’t seen Zoolander?

>> No.16935769

A quick trip to the wiki tells me:
>Samuel Benjamin Harris (born April 9, 1967[3]) is an American author, philosopher, neuroscientist, and podcast host. His work touches on a wide range of topics, including rationality, religion, ethics, free will, neuroscience, meditation, psychedelics, philosophy of mind, politics, terrorism, and artificial intelligence. Harris came to prominence for his criticism of religion, and Islam in particular, and is described as one of the "Four Horsemen of Atheism", along with Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Daniel Dennett.
I dunno bro, seems pretty cringe to me.

>> No.16935773

You right

>> No.16935794

Congratulations OP, you got what you wanted - your attempt at trolling has me foaming at the mouth. I'm not coping, I'm not cringing, not seething nor even dilating - I am fuming on an entirely nonphysical plane of existence, indescribable with mere language. Enjoy your spoils.

>> No.16935802
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>disavows IDW faggotry
Is Sam based now?

>> No.16935825

idk who won but the West definitely lost

>> No.16935833

>JBP says truth is whatever produces the best outcomes and doesn't have to be literally true on the podcast
>Says in his book to tell the truth at all times


>> No.16935849

Sam Harris doesn't seem like your typical horseman of fedoras. He actually tries to engage in good faith philosophical debates. Richard Dawkins screems at kids that their degrees he doesn't like are useless and supports eating human flesh, Hitch didn't have a fucking clue about philosophy and Daniel Dennett... I'm not gonna talk about it.

>> No.16935860

Hitchens was best boy and the others are gay

>> No.16935869

They are literally all retarded, anons. Sorry.

>> No.16935871

Based. Americans consider this two to be intellectuals and act as they are wrestlers and clap like they are mentally ill, but the fact is that they are neither. In fact, both are pop-philosophers.

>> No.16935880

I mean, I honestly haven't bothered to read Harris. What's up with him?

>> No.16935896

He's literally racist and prejudiced against people of faith

>> No.16935917

I'm the anon you responded to. The real answer is that he's a total brainlet. Back when I was still a normie I watched his debate with Peterson and he couldn't at all comprehend the idea that people can choose to be immoral or amoral. He's a rationalist through and through and he seems to think that every human being on the planet subscribes to the rationalist prejudice, whereas there are plenty of people who would eagerly destroy themselves and society for the sake of pleasure, emotion, sheer wilfulness etc.

>> No.16935925

>intellectual discussions
Atheist logic.

>> No.16935963

>You don’t leave the IDW by being civil, focusing on ideas, forgoing the ability to stick it to others, holding to your true convictions, or getting things right. I'm sorry, but that’s just not how this works at all. I shouldn't have to explain this, but you do it instead by being publicly dismissive of members of your group rather than their ideas, trolling, not paying attention to shifting situations like the election, getting captured by your audience, or getting it wrong and not noticing. If the IDW is a protocol as much as it is a group of humans, Sam continued to behave as a gentleman, while others were far closer to trying to leave the group, by at least testing the above boundaries.
>Eric Weinstein
Looks like the ring leader said he can't leave.

>> No.16935971

>Peterson complains about trying to force equality of outcome instead of providing equal opportunity in society
>Says we must enforce monogamy so that incels can have relationships
Peterson is just an Incel Justice Warrior

>> No.16935981

Back to plebbit. Clearly one of them had to be correct.

>> No.16935993


>> No.16935999 [DELETED] 

I'm copy and paste this comment in my homework file

>> No.16936001

I wonder why people keep posting this given that he made a follow-up clarification only a week after the incident.

It couldn't be malicious, could it?

>> No.16936045

Can you as an expert in the field, present us with theory of an "atheist logic" ? I assume this is the first logic that cares about its content and not the form, as (you) presented us with 2 names instead of any "atheist logical" law/principle that builds connection between those two. Really interested on hearing clarification on this new step for modern logic.

>> No.16936048

I didn't even mention "the state" being involved and your trained dog response still found its way out
You are a good little puppy aren't you?

>> No.16936062
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Correct and winning aren't the same thing, retard.
If someone is exposed to new information and is able to better and reform their ideas, they benefit.
Only an atheist would think of intellectual discussions as a competition.


>> No.16936071

It seems you've fallen for your own trick, you will notice that I too did not mention the state.

>> No.16936080

The Weinsteins are such cringelords holy shit

>> No.16936107

That was the whole point of his clarification, there is no content to your comment now that you've been forced to backtrack
This would be a good time for you to pretend you were trolling, pseud

>> No.16936155
File: 29 KB, 512x502, BEB1C1F2-FA91-4EFE-8563-BF21BEA0A5F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making low effort threads about pseud e-celebs rather than books
Is there a more certain indication that somebody doesn’t actually read and only comes to /lit/ to larp whilst they stew in their own failures?

>> No.16936318

There is no point in finding middle ground and trying to reason with a bugman who unironically shits on 'sky daddy' on Twitter.

>> No.16936332
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>> No.16936372

Who cares?

>> No.16936374
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Nice photo of the average fans of midwits like Peterson and Harris you have there

>> No.16936563

Yes, they do look like this.

>> No.16936655
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what does monogamy in relationships have to do with people who can't get relationships in the first place?

>> No.16936676

Thank you

>> No.16936687

>unironically believing there's a winning side in philosophy
When will you guys leave?

>> No.16936698


>> No.16936700

the winning side is the one who is correct and somebody has to be correct otherwise it's all just bs

>> No.16936841

the claim is that the chad fucking 5 girls is satisfying those 5 girls too much, so they dont seek and settle for the incel with the recessed chin who likes playing paradox games

>> No.16936903
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maybe I watch it on the weekend but listening 8 hours to atheists might kill me
already off to a good start, look how boring and incomplete that symbol looks

>> No.16936909

sounds stupid considering that the chad will not provide for all of them and most of them wouldn't be willing to share chad anyway thus they will eventually search for a loser down the road

>> No.16936922

Peterson also thinks a polygamous society could never work and never work in the past/or where it was attempted resulted in violence
how does that make sense when the Christian world is an idealistic imagined one where monogamy is practiced

>> No.16936929

Peterson did.

That said, Peterson then got killed in the Zizek debate.

>> No.16936954

>so that incels can have relationships
if we are talking about the hardcore incels who wish death upon women, that's not something society can fix for them
Peterson is a brainlet

>> No.16936988

IIRC he made the enforced monogamy remarks in reference to the incel who killed 10 people with a van, so yes

>> No.16937051

Women can have jobs and if not the state provides. Women are fine with sharing Chad, or multiple Chads. They might not even be in relationships, just having sex with a handfull of Chads.

>> No.16937069

It looks like they would have the least interesting conversation that any two windbags could have.

>> No.16937200

>it's all just bs
sound about right. philosophy is not about being right

>> No.16937288

>chad and incels, incels and chads
it's never ending shitshow with you freaks

>> No.16937434
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They and the people lost

>> No.16937827

This. He's pretty smart for a dude who doesn't read or try to question his fundamental world view. He keeps up with research, listens to podcasts and audiobooks, and debates with people who have miniscule differences of opinion from his own, and he thinks this puts him on the level of "intellectual."
He's a step above Joe Rogan, just as Hitchens was a step above him. They're all what a dumb person thinks a smart person is.

They can be entertaining tho.

>> No.16937877
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>> No.16937918
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>> No.16937955
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>> No.16937970

Hi r*ddit

>> No.16937979

shut up shut up shut the fuck up

>> No.16939076
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JBP won with his sick diagrams that are coherent

>> No.16939110
File: 173 KB, 1280x840, jordan-peterson-slavoj-zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Zizek (or Peterson) ever talked about the debate afterwards?

Has Zizek admitted to playing nice with Peterson so not to further alienate his auduence away from the left?

>> No.16939793

That debate is three hours long, is it worth sitting through?

>> No.16940636

Change the speed to 1.25 and save up to half an hour, then do something as you listen

>> No.16940673

>They can be entertaining tho.

>> No.16940720

exhaled loudly

>> No.16940753

When I think about it, it is insane how popular and well-known Jordan Peterson is. Anyone who cares the slightest about politics seems to know him, yet his beliefs are just standard traditional stuff

>> No.16940777

You care too much faggot just STFU and go simp IRL

>> No.16940779


>> No.16940785

I highly doubt that he said to 'enforce' monogamy, but pseudo have to make shit up to stuff in the holes in their arguments/coathanger perforations from mommy's failure

>> No.16940796

he wouldnt have been nearly as popular if it werent for the antagonistic reaction to him early on. they made him, in a way

>> No.16941332

He was walking about culturally enforced monogamy (i.e. what we more or less have right now in the west) and that we shouldn’t be encouraging polygamy. On Joe Rogan he mentioned that this was most beneficial for children, since children grow up best with two parents. I don’t see how this is controversial.

But ofc Peterson haters will leave all of this info out in some bungled attempt to make him look bad.

>> No.16941343

No one won. They’re both con artists who just tell people what they want to hear. Harris fans will think Harris won, while Peterson fans will think Peterson won.

>> No.16941344

all of people read the NYT article that alleged that

>> No.16941359

>The no-no people made fun of my sky daddy
The caricatures are true on both sides

>> No.16941383

Theyre both retards, but peterson is a bit less of a retard

>> No.16941463


>> No.16941492

I honestly couldn't believe checking in on sam to see what he was up to right in the thick of the election and trump not leaving office and he was STILL posting vids with titles like, "the problem with leftists" and shit. Fucking read the room dude.

>> No.16941855

No. Zizek uses a number of logical fallacies and Peterson doesn't deal with them well.

>> No.16942430

>there are plenty of people who would eagerly destroy themselves and society for the sake of pleasure, emotion, sheer wilfulness etc
Wow, this is literally me.

>> No.16942476
File: 94 KB, 1024x576, Richard-Dawkins-on-Creationism-with-Richard-Dawkins-on-God-Richard-Dawkins-on-Jesus-Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dawkins screems at kids that their degrees he doesn't like are useless and supports eating human flesh

>> No.16942484

Harris loves jews though

>> No.16943838

Yes, Zizek talks about how Peterson is the real post-modern figure.

>> No.16943885


Your Lobster Daddy was owned

>> No.16944269
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The people who didn't watch it.

>> No.16944605

No one did, but I'd say the YouTube atheist/agnostic/theist community has shifted significantly further from Sam's and significantly closer to Peterson's position (just look at atheists Rationality Rules, Sargon of Akkad, etc, now all of a sudden agree with Peterson's arguments where they roasted them a few years ago).

For instance, this video blew up at the time though it's been deleted since:
https://archive.org/details/issamharrislosinghisaudiencetojordanpeterson "Is Sam Harris losing his audience to Jordan Peterson?"

>> No.16944615
