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16934789 No.16934789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature about the symbology and significance of the Black Sun?

>> No.16934801

1st step: be older than 16
2nd step: realise that whatever political ideology you adhere to right now is cringe as fuck
3rd step: read books about symbols and mythology in general and stop being a natsoc larper

>> No.16934806

The modern larper are what you’re after.
Wrong board

>> No.16934822

james rollins "Black sun"

>> No.16934826

my bad, it's black order

>> No.16934838

I don’t know about books per se, but I’ve been reading a blog about occult/dark symbology for a while now, and it has a few entries on the black sun. Check them out, search for: “blacked.com”.

>> No.16934858
File: 172 KB, 768x1024, FE9568E6-E5F9-48DC-A276-D6A338E4E646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead Can Dance has a great one.

>> No.16934948

Bataille, "The Solar Anus"

>> No.16934956

Seconding this

>> No.16934990

Based and blackpilled

>> No.16935115
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Stay mad, bitchboys
Hail Hitler

>> No.16935127

It’s so telling how lefties rush in to attack and slander anything they don’t like or don’t understand. It’s impossible for them to leave it alone. Ted was right about leftists.

>> No.16935735

Sieg Heil, buttercunt will be purged for being a homosexual

>> No.16935787

pls b bait

>> No.16935909

you mean debating and sharing opinions?
anon, this has been going on since Socrates' time. sounds like you're the one in need a 'safe space', way more than any leftist caricature would.

>> No.16935949

>you mean spouting random, ill informed hot takes baiting for a zinger while pretending to be the rational/moral authority?

fixed, you zoomer niggers debate like women

>> No.16935968

If this was an attempt at baiting commies and trannies, congratulations, you succeeded.
If it was an actual question, try The Occult Roots of Nazism by Goodrick-Clarke. Maybe also Arktos by Godwin but I'm not sure if he discusses the black sun specifically.

>> No.16936053

First read The Black Sun Unveiled by James Pontolillo. That will dissuade you from wasting time with goofball shit, after reading that you will know what to read.

>> No.16936207

It was on Himmler’s floor design because he was a larpagan. Now chubby neets use it to larp as nazis

>> No.16936400
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just listen to this on repeat

>> No.16937014

nice, anon.

>> No.16937023


>> No.16937046

You must be an ESL
Please google next time before tell native speakers they're wrong

>> No.16937048


>> No.16937058

It's literally the same word as Heil, both in use and etymology, just with the English spelling. Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.16937199

intensive purposes...
good point

>> No.16937396
File: 53 KB, 612x811, 1a352769f833c361c1d609aac4d3c79e-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga you don't read aristotel because he tutored an imperialist,you are not well read,you are a joke,fuck off from /lit/

Here's my schizo rant.
Op read Sigmund Freud,Jung and Crowley in this order,I think the black sun is a sigil like any other symbol.
I don't think they mention it anywhere as it's not a well known symbol,I am particularly not experienced on the black sun,maybe it is meant to awaken some kind of urge to kill in europeans,don't know since that should be hereditary if it was really used by pagans(swastikas are really old for example)
>haha edgy
Nigger read more books

I also don't thinks the black sun is black,I mean why the fuck would it have rays if it ain't shining.
Honestly I just think it's a cool symbol to make niggers seethe online,very cringe in public.but that could change

>larpegan nooooo
calling yourself Christian or Pagan,and calling others larpegans or christcucks is stereotypical negro tier,come to the realisation that all religions are ''real'' (quotation marks important)already,except for atheism.
All the archetypes in these religions are real and sometimes different beings represent the same one,wanting to embrace the virtue of an angel but denying a god of the same virtue,that your ancestors worshipped,is a waste of time.

Christcucks with their bullshit jew theories have gotten old,you all look like retards,the jews of today are the succesors of the ot jews,and the ot is mostly inspired by cannanite mithology,except for the anti-cannanite parts.
>europeans are actually a lost tribe
Faggot,too many people buy this bullshit.
Saw a lad on /x/ even pont out that Baal fought Leviathan,named Lotan,and Satan,but only described as a might seven head snake(Baal has an enmity towards snakes too,jews had inspiration)

The jew god isn't only ''the creator'',he quite literally represents jewish supremacy,and obedience towards the jew,anti-semite Christians might avoid this as they think joos are le sinagogue of satan,but then again Baal fights Satan,and the archetypes contradict making it a mess.
Yhwh is also supposed to be linked with elohim since he calls himself that once,making the whole thing harder to understand.
>but muh bible
It's not OC,all religions take inspiration from neighbours,and not only to hate on them.

Can't wait until the liberal atheist utopia comes,it's not like neo-liberalism existed before biden,it's not like capitalism is turning the majority into mindless schizophrenics who live to consume,noooo we are developing,we no monke,we watch anime,fap,and eat very cheap so we can buy gaystation.
Reproductive succes doesn't matter,too much effort,women don't male cute anime expressions,market simplified socializing™ anyways,praise the free market now I don't have to leave my room anymore yey so happy.
It's not like the gay rights movement is simplified and ''centralized'' for profit,noooo.
Based and english language pilled

>> No.16937408

Its about blacking out the sun so that it's rays can't make cancers out of your pasty white skin.

>> No.16937447
File: 82 KB, 541x800, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-2007-0705-500,_Guido_von_List.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's based on the interpretation of runic language by the original larper Guido Von List, who created the very foundations of the German Aryan larp, which was picked up by Himmler and painted on the floor of his secret wizard castle in the mid 30s where he would watch handsome Aryan men he selected breed young girls in magical fertility rituals

>> No.16937528

>maybe it is meant to awaken some kind of urge to kill in europeans,don't know since that should be hereditary
Why hate niggers so much if you aren't white?
Why do you defend them,or dare I say simpathize with nazis?

>> No.16937551

>It's based

>> No.16937569

Nobody in this thread appears to know anything about this subject. The black sun is related to Thule and Agartha and was popularized by the Nazis and later Nazi sympathizers.

One version of black sun mythology is presented in the works of 'esoteric hitlerist' Miguel Serrano, he frequently talks about a black sun and green lightning. NOS and Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar are his more well known books. Savitri Devi has a similar concept in The Lightning and the Sun. There is also a German novel The Black Sun of Tashi Lhunpo from the 90s that touches on it.

The symbol itself is formed from a radial pattern of an old germanic rune enclosed by a circle and containing another circle.

A guy named Goodrick who studied western esotericism wrote a book named Black Sun, Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. He says in it that
>In Austria and Germany, the former SS man
Wilhelm Landig revived the ariosophical mythology of Thule, the supposed polar homeland of the ancient Aryans. He coined the idea of the Black Sun, a substitute swastika and mystical source of energy capable of regenerating the Aryan race.
>Halik was especially excited about the contemporary postwar UFO sightings. In a series of articles published in the Austrian esoteric magazine Mensch und Schicksal between 1951 and 1955, Halik related the flying saucers to
the Black Sun myth. He identified the saucers as manifestations of the Grail, “a cultic vessel used by the supreme hierarchy of Christian Gnostics.
. Eyken explains their esoteric
mission to their new friends:
A circle of initiates within the SS bear the Black Sun as a secret insignia for Thule. It is the sol nigra of alchemy. . . . The Greek mysteries already recognized a secret sun besides the golden disk of Atlantis. This was the star Antares
in the sign of Scorpio. . . . The deep purple color of the Black Sun is not without illumination, but the pervasive splendor which illuminates the initiate. According to ancient Germanic tradition, God is omnipotent and invisible. Light perceptible to the human eye is material, a shadow of the invisible, spiritual light and fire, a tiny spark of which still glows in the Age of the Wolf around Thule and awaits rekindling. . . . The Black Sun is the sign of invisible divinity which stands above the material golden glow of daylight, once the
golden sun of the Atlanteans was usurped by the servants of Mammon and Freemasonry. The deep purple disk represents the accomplishment of divinewill and law against the presumptive power of gold, together with its masters and slaves. . . . Charged with secret knowledge, this symbol was seen on the military aircraft of the SS shortly before the end of the Second World War. The
Black Sun illuminates a Reich and will never set.

There is lots of other stuff, a good book if you're interested in the subject.

>> No.16937636
File: 141 KB, 322x325, Screenshot_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a faggot like you comes asking,I don't live in europe,but colonisation isn't fair either way.
Thanks for some actual info anon

>> No.16937653

The actually history of this symbol is more interesting than some obscurantist "muh blood" LARP.

>> No.16937672


>> No.16937704

Is there any actual evidence as to what Himmler was really doing in Wewelsburg castle? I thought it was blown up and most of the stuff destroyed on his orders so we're left with mostly guess work.

>> No.16937715
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>implying English isn't Germanic

>> No.16937900

First time posting on this board and I’ve never met anyone else who likes Dead Can Dance. Who are you? What other bands like them do you like? Can we be friends?

>> No.16938395

The Black Sun is insignificant. It's just a symbol Himmler and his SS pagan larpers shat out so that they could pretend to be knights of the round table in their castle. Stop worshiping white-people nerds from the thirties and get a real worldview.

>> No.16938637
File: 1.69 MB, 1080x810, 1604587816046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, but i do think it's a really aesthetic symbol.

>> No.16938655

Not that anon but im also a fan of DCD. My favorite songs of them are Rakim and Opium. Other (similar) bands i like are Delerium, Enigma, Conjure One, some shoegaze bands like Slowdive, Lush, and Ride.
Also im a neo-nazi.