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16931999 No.16931999 [Reply] [Original]

Are all great writers critical of their home countries?

Melville is critical of the United States. Joyce is critical of Ireland. Nietzsche is critical of Germany. It almost feels like if you're a great genius you can't help but hate your native land.

>> No.16932020

Authors tend to write about the problems facing their local society, it makes sense for that to lead to criticism. Nobody except propagandists want to write about how great everything is

>> No.16932024

"In continual rebellion against my ancestry, I have spent my whole life wanting to be something else: Spanish, Russian, cannibal—anything, except what I was." – Emil Cioran

>> No.16932030

Blind patriotism is retarded; no country is flawless; thus, who can see and experience and understand the flaws of their country better than its own citizens?

>> No.16932032

You can hate aspects of something without hating the whole thing.

>> No.16932033

America's greatest poet loved America so much he wanted to fuck it.

>> No.16932040

OWC has the best Moby-Dick cover, very classy and nice.

>> No.16932047

the country you know most about is your own. that means knowing everything that makes it ugly

>> No.16932052

for the most part, yes

nationalism is for intellectually underdeveloped man-children

add bernhard, marx, platonov, houellebecq, and adorno to that list

>> No.16932113

I know lots of man-children, and all of them are standoffish about nationalism.

>> No.16932224

if you love your people and nation the most important thing you can do is to pick out its flaws to you can address them and become stronger

>> No.16932237


You can criticize those things you love the most. It's why you're allowed to speak critically of your brother, but if someone else does, you step in to defend him.

>> No.16932281

why is it that all the anti nationalists i know are emasculated numales

>> No.16932298

tru lol