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16931415 No.16931415 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about why mainstream Protestant faiths in the US are such useless, spiritually dead institutions that believe in nothing and have no dogma regarding anything of substance?

>> No.16931426
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> this oughta do it

>> No.16931444

>(Furniture breaking, Scuffling noises)

I lost

>> No.16931445
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>> No.16931447

It's a protest religion against the Catholic Church, which still refuses to clean itself.

>> No.16931481

You cannot go into a, say, Methodist church today and tell me that the people there actually believe in anything

>> No.16931546

Don't they follow the Articles of Religion?

>> No.16931747

Protestantism seems to lend itself to atheism and spiritual death across the world so you should probably ask about Protestantism generally and not mainstream Protestantism in the US exclusively.

>> No.16931768

Why is Catholicism so much better at enduring? Do humans need a pope to stay religious?

>> No.16931787

If by enduring, you mean simply not resulting in openly espousing confused atheism then I genuinely don’t know but it’s not exactly like mainstream US Catholicism is all that devout and traditional either. Catholicism has a more complete theology and more robust tradition via the Church and it’s history so I think it has a greater degree of validity to it than Protestantism. That’s why it doesn’t immediately lend itself towards virulent atheism or spiritual death to the same degree.

>> No.16932119
File: 117 KB, 1920x1080, Logos_Rising_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logos is the key. Read pic related
Also read his book Libido Dominandi if you need more info on Martin Luther

>> No.16932140

I attended my step-father-in-law's rural church and it was something in between Fox News and InfoWars. Some passages were read from Revelation that explained how coronavirus was leading to one world government.

>> No.16932253
File: 779 KB, 1280x1254, 1280px-Descent_of_the_Modernists,_E._J._Pace,_Christian_Cartoons,_1922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is literally what happened. 100 years later the Fundie had been vindicated

>> No.16932359

Remove all theurgic and contemplative aspects from Christianity and you're left with a choir group

It's a fundamental misunderstanding of what Christianity is

>> No.16932396

sounds kinda based teebee-h

>> No.16932720

all us catholics support abortion

>> No.16932723

joe biden is a catholic

>> No.16932764
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Daily reminder, you fags broke off of roman papary, which itself broke off from the one true church.
>uhhhhhggggg y we not belive in nothing no more ughhhhhhhh
Stay assmad heretics.

>> No.16932785

The Recognitions, chapter 1

>> No.16932810

Protestantism went all in on heterodoxy, leading to heresy. When basing religious beliefs on man's views, interpretations, and put their desires on how their religion "should" be, you see the constant schisms and rise of countless denominations as they each come up with their own interpretations, feel-good practices, and in doing so remove all the inconvenient aspects of the religion that should force them to confront difficult spiritual truths and, ultimately, God's will. A church that isn't guided by the Holy Spirit is just theater - and poor theater, at that.

I cannot say that Protestant churches are always without the Holy Spirit, but do believe they lack the fullness of a true church. Left wanting for that fullness, and lacking the guidance to know what they seek or where to find it, such people tend to go from one institution to another, hop between denominations or other faiths or humanism, and may ultimately abandon religion altogether.

>> No.16933468
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no Catholics support abortion

>> No.16933478

>He forgets the puritans will always endure

>> No.16933482

Puritan? Baptist?

>> No.16934594

Holy based

>> No.16934885

Hierarchy. Order. Tradition.

>> No.16934916

Because the churches in America are the crippled incest babies born of a crop of the special kind of religious fanatics that fled to the Americas because they thought the 1700s were getting "too liberal".

>> No.16935315

The SJWs in Harvard/Yale etc are 'literally' the puritans. They abstracted themselves into atheism.

>> No.16935505

*American Puritans

>> No.16935680

Can't think of any good books, but there's a good essay called "Hot Dogs in Zion" where the author visits the Holy Land Experience theme park in Orlando. Doesn't do much broader analysis, but it's a great snapshot of how religious substance was gutted and replaced with market logic.

>> No.16935697

>and in doing so remove all the inconvenient aspects of the religion that should force them to confront difficult spiritual truths
The Catholic church is doing a bit of this too nowadays aren't they?

>> No.16935740

Love your comment.

Got to wonder if that doesn't go a long way toward explaining why crackpot christian rehashes Mormonism and Jehova's Witnesses started in the USA.

>> No.16935801

Maybe the catholic church could get rid of the cannibalism B.S. ... you know, drinking transsubstantiated blood and eating transsubstantiated flesh ritualistically.

Or add the transsubstantiated jizz; the sip of wine is fine but that dry flavourless wafer really needs a dollop of mayo.

>> No.16935820

>Just take the first step down the stairs bro >>16932253


>> No.16935838

The puritans are the fundamentalists and anabaptists.

>> No.16935953

That's the other half of them. In the 20s and 30s mainstream Protestant religions had schisms between liberal and fundamentalists factions. The liberals eventually became atheists (as the fundies said they would) but they took over mainstream protestantism anyway. The fundies were exiled from polite society in the Northeast.

>> No.16936085

The prots are just following in the footsteps of their heretical mother, the Vatican

>> No.16936211

>how religious substance was gutted and replaced with market logic
starting to think capitalism is the great satan

>> No.16936235

Protestantism is "mild" heresy. It had its heyday due purely to the historical situation, but those motives are long gone. The fact they keep barking about the pope shows how little they understand what they were suposed to protest. When seriously considering those questions, people tend towards the real deal, ie Catholicism, become plain irreligious, or go all in on the heresy (full gnostic or something of the kind).
There is barely any protestant theology, and of a dubious value. Picture Karl Barth talking to Hans Urs von Balthazar.
The pope is a nice touch, he's secondary. A well trained clergy organized as a separate order goes a long way against some heresies though. The upper echelons of the Church may have been infiltrated by (literal) faggots but it beats Samantha the soccermom pastor.

>> No.16936337

>It looks like it has lasted for a while... that's why I think it is more valid

Matthews Chapter 23 and 6:7 refutes Catholics and their beads

Also, I Corinthians 11:24-26, in my view was only to be conducted in that scenario only because, why did Christ not preach the same message everywhere he went? Because it was exclusive to the people there.

Was this ceremony conducted by the apostles? Who is righteous enough to replicate the possible property changes in the food?

>> No.16936352
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I got you senpai