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File: 15 KB, 480x360, generalincel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16930529 No.16930529 [Reply] [Original]

(Incel uprising)
Hold, normies!
Before your crypto-communist-feminazi league proceeds against our wills to Fed us all
Just bear in mind that we're immune to cancelling
And our leader is a major incel

We'd better fall, for danger may befall,
Their leader is a major incel!

(Incel uprising)
Yes, yes, he is a major incel!

(Major incel)
Yes, yes, I am a major incel!

[Verse 1]
I am the very model of involuntary celibate
I long for sex and romance, but I'll never get to tell of it
The meed-ya says I'm violent, misogynist and full of hate
But really all it is, is that I simply cannot get a date
What makes an incel? Well you see, the causes are infinity
It could be that we're ugly, shy or suffer disability
No matter the shortcoming, there's the common trait of self-pity
On forums where we mourn our chronic sexual inactivity
(On forums where we mourn our chronic sexual inactivity
On forums where we mourn our chronic sexual inactivity
On forums where we mourn our chronic sexual inactive activity)
The Internet is teeming with incels of all variety
We vent and we lament online, and stew in our society
Where non-consensual lack of love and sex makes sense to ruminate
I am the very model of involuntary celibate

>> No.16930535
File: 287 KB, 1105x1199, generalincel2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Verse 2]
"Just be yourself", the normies whine in predictable unity
But they aren't destined to face such rejection from community
It's by design incels resign at every opportunity
And wallow as they swallow whole blackpills with importunity
A true incel knows well the reason for their life's abnormity
A resolute lack in the self or physical deformity
Or maybe their behaviour breaks societal conformity
In short, it's anything anathema to what the normies see
(In short, it's anything anathema to what the normies see
In short, it's anything anathema to what the normies see
In short, it's anything anathema to what the normies want to see)
A thing you cannot change about yourself is hard to tolerate
The cards that we've been dealt in life are ours, we cannot change our fate
We cannot be accepted so all we can do is masturbate
It's why I speak with pride that I'm involuntary celibate

>> No.16930548
File: 112 KB, 512x341, generalincel3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Last Verse]

And what of those incels, the chosen ones without virginities?
They cannot find a partner who's inclined to share proclivities
Would you swim in a dating pool that skews towards hypergamy
And risk divorce or child support from games of sexual perjury?
The stakes are ever higher to attract a mate of pedigree
With status, wealth, charisma, looks and size being prized instead of me
When everyone you meet bears all the markers of degeneracy
Is it any wonder incels believe in their supremacy?
(Is it any wonder incels believe in their supremacy?
Is it any wonder incels believe in their supremacy?
Is it any wonder incels believe in their super supremacy?)
It's not enough to leave us to our own unwanted chastity
We're vilified as terrorists, our views are lampooned nastily
I've been this way before it got this name picked for the hell of it
So fuck all of you normies! I'm involuntary celibate!

>> No.16930569

Extremely good post if you came up with this, OP. Unfortunately most people here won't know who those guys were

>> No.16930573

Extremely based thread

>> No.16930576

i listened to a lot of operas but i tend to stick to the 18th century mostly, I heard of these guys though.

>> No.16930577

I know who they were, Anon. And I'm glad you do, too.

>> No.16930682

Thank you

>> No.16931260


>> No.16931315
File: 34 KB, 400x386, 156234378923798432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek, posting in epic bread

>> No.16932576

bumping this masterpiece

>> No.16932855


>> No.16932880

Thought this would be cringe but it's great. Gets better with each verse.

>> No.16932910

They used to be rather popular among the Brits, but not anymore I think.

t. not an Anglo

>> No.16932945

Dangerously based

>> No.16932989

Three years late, but vurry good.

>> No.16933008

Wonderful, OP. Very kind to share, almost embarrassed to receive such unmerited largess; would be pay to see performed!

>> No.16933559

about 70% good, a mere 30% cringe, congrats op

>> No.16934172

Bumping for effort posting

>> No.16934680

wonderful redpill finale

>> No.16935002

Someone vocaroo

>> No.16935023

Damn. How did you get ahold of my diary desu

>> No.16935128

If this thread has less posts than obvious /pol/ baits I'm going to destroy this shitshow of a board

>> No.16935187

Finally some good fucking content

>> No.16935195

go back