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16926918 No.16926918 [Reply] [Original]

how can such an old and populous country have contributed so little of value to the field of philosophy?

>> No.16926924

There's only two countries that have contributed more, what are you talking about?

>> No.16926929

i have yet to see any proof or evidence of a country called """france""" existing

>> No.16926931
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*bloque ton chemin

>> No.16926932

Go away >>>/int/

>> No.16926968


>> No.16927018


What's wrong with you OP?

>> No.16927025

Kant literally got the concept of autonomy directly from Rousseau, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.16927038

Rousseau wasn't French, but you are correct.

>> No.16927040

He wasn't French

>> No.16927101

you are pedantic autists, but, fair enough desu.

>> No.16927104

India and England?

>> No.16927135

Spain and Greece

>> No.16927163

Name one modern country that has made a bigger contribution to philosophy than France, apart from Germany

>> No.16927200

Germany and Greece

>> No.16927253

None of those count. Back to /v/, r*tard.

>> No.16927276

Unironically Scotland

>> No.16927351

German swiss are german, french swiss are french and italian swiss are italian. Swiss is a non-country. Should be split between France, Germany and Italie.

>> No.16927391

aren't you supposed to be dead, Colonel Gaddafi?

>> No.16927636


>contributing to anything positiv

>> No.16927687

Everything from france gets ignored by anglos because it forces them to face their own contradiction
>we libertarian n shieeeet
>nooooo what do you mean abolish the age of consent??? noo the state must define and enforce sexual practices

>> No.16927698

Pascal is so little to you? The guy who was the forerunner of existencialism?

>> No.16927765

>Some math nerd who was also a Christian apologist
Try again pierre

>> No.16927785

literally who?

>> No.16927795

>Pascal is so little to you?
how pascalian of you

>> No.16927844

Frances contributions don’t count because what it did to philosophy in the 20th century was so heinous that it counteracts all positive behaviour

>> No.16927857


>> No.16927865


>> No.16927866


>> No.16927878


l'helvete is speaking the truth, we be so based

>> No.16927923

Besides the obvious bait, who is the greatest French philosopher of all time and why is it Derrida?

>> No.16927941

How's freshman year going?

>> No.16929083

Frogs have the most overrated lit of all time that Swiss faggot is probably just a mountain frog.

>> No.16929099

ah yes a trilingual swiss who happens to speak the only three relevant languages in the world, and who has read all the classics in their original language knows less than a monolingual anglo reading translations. get a grip

>> No.16929396

French is pretty much the language of philosophy, after German.

>> No.16929428

The only things of relevance from there are Duns Scot and David Hume. The first moved to France and mostly worked there (may even be relevant to the thread), the second was an English larper and a caricature of self hating inferiority complex Scotsman.

>> No.16929475

The only field the French seem to have contributed above their weight is sexual degeneracy and pedophilia.

I blame the French Revolution for ruining them. (Not a coincidence that their national holiday celebrates the day de Sade got out of jail free.)

>> No.16929489

> trilingual swiss
These unironically do not exist.

>> No.16929559

Cope harder Fr*goid.

>> No.16929566

That's something to say about England. France has contributed. Abelard, Descartes, Bergson, the Lumieres, etc

>> No.16929576 [DELETED] 


>> No.16929609


>> No.16929798

Most scholastics of importance were Italian or French. Duns Scot is the main exception and he worked in Paris. Albert Magnus is less important but represent Germans, I guess. That's not counting late scholasticism which was largely Spanish and is based as fuck.
Isolating the scholastics is cope to not put France one step above and Italy not far behind. Italy isn't even on the list. If you count antique Latin writers as proto-Italian, I'd put France-Germany-Italy as a trio hard to rank. I'd also put Austria above Scotland but discussion would reach high autism levels.

>> No.16930113

I isolate the scholastics because its somewhat absurd to pretend Ockham was meaningfully English. Maybe Aquinas was really Italian, but for other countries its more doubtful.
Italy is omitted because this isn’t a complete list, and because Rome is included.

>> No.16930165

t. Amerifatt nationalist-brains

>> No.16930180

Now THIS is based

>> No.16930205
File: 25 KB, 300x357, merleau-ponty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not even close.
Or Emmanuel Mounier

>> No.16930211

>not Bataille
One job

>> No.16930212


>> No.16930254

Sorry, France leads the world in philosophy. Germany might have had a slight lead in the 19th century, but overall France surpasses everyone. They're clearly the best at abstract thinking, which is why the best mathematicians are French (German mathematicians tend to be tinkerers, other countries aren't even worth mentioning).

>> No.16930263

Switzerland was already a nation in a sense. Of course most eurotards dont know what it means to have a nation since theirs were cobbled together five minutes ago lmao

>> No.16930271


What country are you from, just so that we can dig up the worst academic atrocities against Nature it produced and compare?
Please say Burgerland.

>> No.16930283


>> No.16930296
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>> No.16930298

>send your shitty philosophy to america
>blame america

>> No.16930314

A film? That's the best you could came up with?

>> No.16930337

I don't really have time to discuss in length your shitty point. This was just to point out with one exemple that Italy too can wallow in shit when it wants to.

>> No.16930344

If you want an Italian abomination from the last century, Gramsci makes a fine choice.

>> No.16930392

nice bait

>> No.16930503

>the field of philosophy
Typical anglo sentence.
Go somewhere else William the rosbif.
People are producing philosophy when their society is collapsing.
During 1000 years France produced only nobility and highest culture.

>> No.16930519


>> No.16930619

Seethe baguette

>> No.16930638

I'm Anglo, ergo revendicating David Hume.
Scottish cope.

>> No.16930642

burgoid cope

>> No.16930660

yes burgers definitely care about your shithole and not bongs u stupid obsessed frogtard

>> No.16930663

>anglo talking about philosophy
scotland is literally a monument to how bad england is at it. a tiny northern plain contributed more than your entire country

>> No.16930679

>so put Austria above Scotland but discussion would reach high autism levels.
I can see that, I think Austria was more sophisticated in things like epistemology. But on the other hand guys like Carlyle were more influential than the top Austrians combined. Directly or indirectly, he shaped the thought of everyone from Emerson to Hitler.

>> No.16930687

>proceeds to seethe cry about it in dedicated thread
not even french btw. woman behavior

>> No.16930694

There is no point denying English philosophy is disappointing compared to what Englishmen have accomplished in other domains, but you are delusional thinking Scotland is significantly better.

>> No.16930695


>> No.16930723

lurk moar fgt

>> No.16930729

>compared to what Englishmen have accomplished in other domains
Compared to literally anything.

>> No.16930734

What about adam smith?

>> No.16930758

Economics isn't philosophy

>> No.16930761
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Purge the Anglo.
Do it for her.

>> No.16930793

Are you saying there wad nothing philosophical about the creation of capitalism

>> No.16930822

Material changes comes before philosophical ones. Capitalist phylosophy was built after the economic system was basically outlined after Adams work

>> No.16930865

>France leads the world in producing shit philosophy

>> No.16932379

This should suffice enough for OP..This man put the seed to German Philosophy to florish.

>> No.16932387

Based and Scholasticpilled.

>> No.16932474

This must be bate