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File: 137 KB, 800x1337, the-forever-war1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16924817 No.16924817 [Reply] [Original]

>heard it's one of the best Mil-scifi books
>mfw the training part is one long orgy fuckfest
>every female gets treated like hentai cocksleeves
>every single one of them

Is there some kind of point about dehumanization of humanity and generational cultural shift that probably flew over my head?
Stopped reading at the green teddy bears because I need to process bootcamp erotica I've just read before that point.

>> No.16924956

I don't remember any of this, did you get the right cover? If you did, it sure as fuck didn't stand out to me, so it's not what I recall from the novel.

>> No.16924964

he accurately predicted what would happen with women in the military

>> No.16925017


Yep I did, from what I recall, the entire company pretty much share and swap the woman in one gigantic free love battle commune prior to being shipped to Charon. And there was a scene where they rendezvous with a spaceship filled with sex-starved crew. There's a throwaway line about how the women submitted to those guys like some WW2 comfort women.

>> No.16925022


>> No.16925024

Women want to be treated like hentai cocksleeves though. Talk to them and you'll see very quickly.

>> No.16925221

keep reading

>> No.16925238

Isn't that kind of self-indulgent perviness a symptom of being a boomer sci-fi writer?

>> No.16925447

This. Sci Fi from this era is full of this shit, even more modern stuff is tainted with cringey porno. Gibson can't not describe a female character's tits. I M Banks started off with his male action heroes furiously bedding aliens, but this relaxed as he got more cerebral.

Anyway, it's something worth ignoring as the books is overall iconic. The thing that amused me most from it was the boomer-mind main character being homophobic in a world where all men were gay. The Three Body problem reminded me of this when it had an era of softbois, but the main character was a slightly slutty woman who was just unaraoused as a result.

>> No.16925468

Either you're a faggot or a woman. Either way, you probably shouldn't be reading hard military sci fi you dumb fuck. What do you think you're going to get in a book about the fucking military aimed at men who actually have testosterone?

Seriously, can't wait until pathetic low T twinks like you just become sex slaves in the camps. It's what you want anyway.

>> No.16926064

>t. communal gaped anus of the barracks in his mind

I enjoy the books. I just think the horniness is cringe. Do you only like books you view as flawless?

Incidentally, do you know what happens if you give gay men testosterone? (They get gayer).

Anyway, that was your (you). You shall receive none further.

>> No.16926106

Yeah he's trying to show weird cultural shifts happening even in the far-off future of 1995. Get used to it cause weirder shit happens. He also predicted they/them pronouns.

>> No.16926437

State mandated homosexuality

>> No.16926482

We are almost there sadly.

>> No.16926550

Forever War was one of my favorite books ever. I don't really remember the casual sex between the soldiers themselves, but I do remember the changing mores of society being highlighted, like when he comes back and his mom is a dyke?

Great book though. It uses the time desynchronization issues of coordinating a war effort based on relativistic spaceflight as an allegory for the distance between the soldiers and the homefront, and the soldiers and high command. It's also just a fun and gripping scifi narrative.

This too, women in the military is only possible if it's no longer a real military but a high-tech MP operation where sloppiness is normal and esprit de corps is meaningless. Fraternization is a real and massive problem. The only way to maintain a military as broken as America's is if you have overwhelming superiority in other areas (high tech) and a high command that is totally disconnected from the actual soldiery, and spends more of its time negotiating tech development contracts in Washington for kickbacks. This rant ended up being relevant to Forever War.

Whatever problems America has with maintaining its primacy in geopolitics, these problems are unironically doubled in magnitude by the fact that all third world nations looking to unseat America begin from the premise that "the American military is a paper tiger, lmao they're all trannies and obese mestizos, a more traditional force will beat them with traditional force multipliers like morale and discipline."

>> No.16926556

Sneed mandated homosexuality

>> No.16926632

I'm now intrigued by your promises of sci-fi space hentai smutt.
Where can I download this book for free ?

>> No.16926842

Don't read the sequel. Just don't.

>> No.16927343


Part OP's talking about isn't really explicit like a smut. It's more describing degenerate acts as a completely mundane thing. In the book, you get an offhand comment about the mandated random roster for fuckbuddy rather than detailed prose about bobs and vagene. And besides, the the boot camp part is just the early chapters of the book.

>> No.16929017

kek I completely forgot about this part
FYI at the end of the road lies monogamous marriages for our brave soldiers

>> No.16929076

>tfw I fell for the meme and actually read Forever Free
Did Haldeman have a stroke or what? And why the fuck did I have to complete 20 captchas just to post this