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16922379 No.16922379 [Reply] [Original]

>Waaaaaaaah mommy he can't take my part of honor, tell to step daddy to kill thousands of my fellow achean to make him regret


>> No.16922397

why are you posting this again?

>> No.16922399
File: 181 KB, 730x900, hector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hector was the true hero of the Iliad.

>> No.16922410

It's Hera's fault. She should've let him gut him right then and there. As always women ruin everything

>> No.16922492

How would you know it is me that posted it the first time since we are all anonymous?

>> No.16922529

Your surprise is understandable. However, consider the following:
>1. Achilles' mother is a goddess, thus her relationship with her son is not bound by the traditional limits of mother-son relationships
In particular this explain why Achilles is not considered a bitch despite crying to his mommy. Likewise, incestuous relationship between gods aren't nearly as taboo as they are between mortals (although this particular point doesn't apply to Achilles).
>2. Agamemnon was wrong in depriving Achilles of his booty on at least six counts. One, he reacted to his personal loss (loss of his captive Chryseis) by making a public decision (depriving another lord of his captive) instead of dealing with his own problems. Second, he reacted by penalizing an innocent party (Achilles has no hand in the loss of Chryseis). Third, he acted without consulting the opinion of the Acheans lords. Fourth, by applying an unfair penalty to Achilles he broke the implicit pact of equality between the lords that bound the entire achean army together (if you look closely at the language used in the Illiad this is a big deal both politically and religiously). Fifth, in doing so he publicly humiliated Achilles, thus making the issue much worse than the matter of a single slave. Six, pragmatically, how stupid do you have to be to spit in the face of your most valuable ally during a war?

Imagine an American NATO general commanding an international force who would take on himself to slash the pay of all English commanders under him in half on the ground that the coalition as a whole was underperforming. This would be a major diplomatic incident. But at least in that case the American general could claim to be acting out of a concern for efficiency. Agamemnon can't even make such a claim.
While Achilles reaction and stubborness costed the Acheans a lot, he was entirely within his right to refuse to fight, and his refusal to accept Agamemnon's reparations also make sense. A guy like Ulysses would probably have swallowed it out of pragmatism, but not every Achean is an Ulysses, far from that.

>> No.16922541

>true hero
>run around the wall like a coward cause he's afraid to fight the giga BVLL Achilles
>can't protect Illion, get his wife raped and his son thrown from the rempart of the city

>> No.16922545

Fuck you, stupid Anglo. Every normal person loves their mom and there is no shame in being with family even later in life. Anglos are all incredibly autists and family hating. Anglo nuclear family = death of the family.

>> No.16922554

I wonder what come out of nereid tits if sucked, water or milk?

>> No.16922561


>> No.16922621

I mean he could have wished bad things to happen to Agamemnon but he literally wished for the death of his fellow achean which is a bit retarded in my opinion

>> No.16922636
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Thetis - Thitis - Titis - Tits

>> No.16922653

>literally wished for the death of his fellow achean
He didn't he doesn't care

>> No.16922659

If you're talking about the part when he wish everyone on the war grounds would be dead except for him and Patrocles, yes it's a pretty dark outburst of disgust and weariness. But that comes near the end, shortly before Patrocles' death. And indeed it is an expression of Achilles intensely brooding character, perhaps also a reflection of his status as a soldier who spent too much time waging war.
But his general complaint against Agamemnon is in itself perfectly reasonable.

>> No.16922682

>this explain why Achilles is not considered a bitch despite crying to his mommy.

I absolutely consider him a bitch for this.

>> No.16922718

I mean in my book he literally say that he want Zeus to help the Trojans and want the acheans "decimated" so he (agamemnon) can understand that he did wrong by taking his slave

>> No.16922781

He did, in that sense

>> No.16922829

My guess would be you're not an Ancient Greek, but I might be wrong.

Was it around cantos 9 when Agamemnon sends Ulysses and others to reason with him? I don't remember well.
As for wanting Acheans to die, I guess it's the classic ancient morality, the sins of the leader (or father, or ancestor) end up falling on his subordinates (or children and lineage).

>> No.16922866

No it is in cantos 1 when he cry to his mommy just after Agamemnon send 2 of his guy to take Achilles slave

>> No.16923265
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>> No.16923286

bruh that scene in the painting was something else, legit felt the power of literature on how that little moment is frozen in time, available to any reader

>> No.16923307

I had forgotten he was this angry that early. I think besides Achilles' temperament, there is the fact that Agamemnon just gave him a mortal humiliation in public. Treating a lord below his station is in a sense worst than killing him, even if the Acheans' lords customs in Homer are not as codified as, say, those of the knights of chivalry tales.

>> No.16923436

Why are her tits out?

>> No.16923460
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Cause she heard her baby crying and wanted to give him some good ol' milk

>> No.16923473

I think it's more about the whining and treason more than it is about motherly comfort

>> No.16923489

Friendly reminder: the Greeks were the villains, and the Illiad serves as the prequel to the Aeneid, nothing more.

>> No.16923499

Achilles was a Chud

>> No.16923521

>the Greeks were the villains

>> No.16923837

Debatable but the Trojans do come off as less brutal and more civilized than the Greeks.

>> No.16923853
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Based, fought to protect his people rather than prizes.

>> No.16923857

I wish my mom dressed like that lol

>> No.16923868

You don't get it because you're not Greek. Also: