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16921592 No.16921592 [Reply] [Original]

Does mimetic theory explain the rapid spread and insidious nature of pic related? I’ve been reading about Maoism all summer and I see a lot of parallels regarding how these things spread through propagation of fear and suppression of dissent, in spite of human nature rather than because of it.
Basically I want to understand mimetic theory as it pertains to sociology. Should I start with Gerard or somewhere else?

>> No.16921614

Black Trans Lives Matter is the most bourgeoise slogan currently going around. It's hysterical and I love it.

>> No.16921626

Can't wait for Cortezism

>> No.16922298
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Its really something else. Its so arcane but beautiful at the same time. People can't live without a myth.

>> No.16922301 [DELETED] 
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Like goth shit?
Like vampires?
Like hiphop/rap
Then listen to this amazing mixtape made by ELEVEN it is fire as fuck if you don't your mother will die in her sleep tonight thanks!

>> No.16922312
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If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.16922318


appropriate name for a faggot

>> No.16922349

>pro sex work, anticapitalist
what did she mean by this exactly

>> No.16922370

Her body her choice, chud

>> No.16922381

Her supply, their demand.

>> No.16922383

>gradually and then all at once
It didn't happen rapidly or memetically. This stuff was the Communist fallback position following Soviet collapse. Its theoreticians were trained in the early 1990s college PC boom, who then experimented upon their hostage young aspirants until they found a combination that clicked. It didn't come from nowhere. It's the same message since forever.

>> No.16922391

>does the theory of how fads spread explain the spread of this particular fad
Take a wild guess, OP.

>> No.16922402

Here i translate pic related while listening to ELEVEN. The text is from a special needs student so i will try to capture the vibe.

>Everything began when four policemen killed black George Floyd in Minneapolis. Then the riots of the black population against the white police and injustice began. Gas stations and supermarkets were plundered and thrown at with stones. Cinemas, Cars, Houses and Churches were set ablaze with Molotov cocktails.

Because the black humans want to feel free. There is a lot of racism and Policebrutality and still oppression in the U.S.A.. There are many more weapons and looser gun laws in the U.S.A. then in Europe. Many more humans get shot there.

Black Lives Matter means schwarze Leben zählen in English.

>fuck emo rap

>> No.16922404

Isn't it just the social media equivalent of the slut parades (who have apparently died out, or perhaps people have stopped reporting them)?

>> No.16922415

I was wondering as much.

>> No.16922424

Human religious impulses do

>> No.16922426

It always gets alotbof hate, but Adornos The Culture Industry offerred my favorite insight into the Neoliberal phenomenon of absorbing, commodifying, and spreading social movements.

>> No.16922432

The issue is that this audience literally can't evolve. Niggers will make "music" and steal Nike tennis shoes until the sun expands into a red giant and ends their misery.

>> No.16922763

The thought occurred to me while reading about the experience of Japanese POWs in Siberian labor camps, how they were turned in a matter of months from loyal soldiers ready to die for the empire into communist youth brigades marching, yelling slogans and informing on nonconformists. I used the word insidious because what struck me the most was the serving inevitability of the progression of toxic thought, once the right seeds were planted in these social microcosms.
Inevitable in the same way the evolution of a virus is inevitable.

Cheers, I’ll look it up.

Thanks to the poltards bumping my thread; also fuck you all.

>> No.16922862

You retards don't even understand yourselves, much less "human nature"

>> No.16922959

communism means having a findom sugar daddy

>> No.16922973

yeah, clean your room

>> No.16923043

Seconding Adorno, and anyone Frankfurt School, Benjamin in particular is brilliant
You have to admit though, the same thing can occur just as easily with right-wing political philosophies

>> No.16923051

this post has microdick energy

>> No.16923059

you may be shocked to learn this but basically the entire online left thinks that prostitution (particularly microtransactional e-prostitution) is ur-communist because you are appropriating your own "labor" and controlling its distribution. i am not joking, i really fucking wish i were.

for anyone who isn't aware of how stupid this is, prostitution is the least marxist thing one could possibly do. from a marxist standpoint it is the polar opposite of what these morons think they are doing. it's like they're saying they're vegans who eat beef because 2% of the proceeds go to bettering factory farm living conditions for the cows.

>> No.16923078

Because you say so right?

>> No.16923084

No problem. Adorno gets a bad reputation from being asked to author experts in every piece of critical theory known to man, but he was a fair and measured philosopher according to everything I've read by him

>> No.16923086
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Shut it, tranny.

>> No.16923112

tranny bad
gay bad
soros bad
black ppl bad
liberal nazi :)

>> No.16923113

LGBT shit is capitalism. Not that there is a difference between capitalism and communism.

>> No.16923114

No because others say so

>> No.16923119

not hating gays = capitalism
lol nice logic retard

>> No.16923120

lmao do you like george soros

>> No.16923126

He funds a lot of social justice movements.

>> No.16923129


>> No.16923136

hahaha you think not hating gays is a grand conspiracy what a faggot you are

>> No.16923137

You guys just have absolutely no principles do you lol. billionaires are fine if they promote faggotry, how are you this easily gamed

>> No.16923151

Interestingly almost every communist until 30 years ago thought this lol

>> No.16923152

Gays are a tool for capital, yes.

>> No.16923156

Communists have been using race as a tactic for longer than that. LGB stuff is newer, but of the same tactic.


>> No.16923169

If commies used race as a tactic that was a serious misstep on their part since it has now totally eclipsed any discussion of class.

>> No.16923236

The sort of social libertarianism leftists in the 60s and 70s promoted also opened the way for unlimited consumerism and vastly broadened the available workforce

>> No.16923245

No, modern leftist movements have always been prone to factionalism and small breakaway groups radicalizing into silly extreme parodies of the movements that originally spawned them. That's nothing new, look at any European revolution after the 1800s and how often leftist coalitions broke apart then shot themselves in the foot (favorite personal examples are the Paris Commune, revolutions of 1848, Situationist International, the long history of revolutionary movements in Russia before the Bolsheviks ever existed).

That said, I think the values underlying contemporary leftist identitarian politicking are better explained by economic and historical factors than anything else. Americans have always valued (in rhetoric and culture, not practice) scrappy underdogs and the common people in lieu of aristocratic or elitist sensibilities (putting aside the issue of race for the moment). There's a kind of populist egalitarianism inherent to American culture that grants social capital to the everyman, and rewards lampooning people higher on the social ladder or those perceived as pretentious, which conversely grants a sort of counterintuitive social capital to those who can present themselves as downtrodden. Ideally, that social capital will translate into legislation, attention, or something more concrete, but when you get to that stage it can get a bit vague what people are looking to get out of the dynamic other than respect as the downtrodden.

More recently, after the 2008 economic crash, a lot of millennials were denied the traditional means of maintaining the same class status as their parents, wealth, so to maintain their foothold in the middle class, they started to rely on taste, political sensibilities, and lifestyle choices as a form of substitute social capital (being woke, buying sustainable or organic products, etc.) Conveniently, to acquire those preferences, you generally need the sort of education only wealthier parents can afford, so the class barrier is maintained. The two trends morphed into a kind of fetishization of the disadvantaged where the more oppressed labels you could accumulate, and the more marginalizrd you could market yourself as, the more social capital you were granted in the new value system. If you can't be a part of an oppressed group, supporting the movement for their rights is the next best thing.

>> No.16923250

On the other side of the political spectrum, conservative Italian-Americans are a funny example of people demanding social capital based on the same logic. Plenty of Italian-Americans will argue that they experience racism, or that they're still not considered white in the US, so they can get the same sort of national attention and concessions as a demographic. Contemporary conservatives in general love to play the underdog because it plays well on the national stage, and being oppressed, by American cultural logic, means you're entitled to the associated rewards (whatever those may be- respect, a response to your grievances, beneficial legislation, whatever). Most people in the US buy into this game and play by its rules, and even if you don't share the same values, you're subject to it regardless when it comes to public opinion.

Long story short, everyone loves to bitch about how they're getting fucked because it entitles them to attention or a correction of that injustice.

>> No.16923297

>hang the bourgeoise with the rope he hands you
>turns out they're using that rope to tie their own restraints

>> No.16923299

you are looking for excuses to be homophobic. if someone goes to a gay parade it doesn't mean they're brainwashed by soros. it simply means they believe gays shouldn't be harmed.

>> No.16923322

I don't give a shit about gays, their parades are disgusting though

>> No.16923326

>most bourgeoise slogan
explain this to a retard, please

>> No.16923332

yeah they are i'm not pro gay but im not actively against it or make up silly conspiracies about the joos

>> No.16923337

I am sorry your lifestyle is a capitalist invention.

>> No.16923344

Why do you literally all spell it like 'joos', you're like fucking bots

>> No.16923347

An interesting perspective. Seems spot on to me but I'm an Europoor so my vision of American culture is not exactly well-informed.

>> No.16923367

>muh joos
Rent free. No one except you even implied anything like that

>> No.16923388

I liked how everyone didn't give a shit about the meme virus during this and libz going BUT EVERYONE AT THE PROTESTS ARE WEARING MASKS!!! and you can clearly see in this photo many aren't lmao

>> No.16923404

it produced this absolutely hilarious paragraph at least:

However, as public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people in the United States. We can show that support by facilitating safest protesting practices without detracting from demonstrators’ ability to gather and demand change. This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders

>> No.16923453

> However, as public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people in the United States. We can show that support by facilitating safest protesting practices without detracting from demonstrators’ ability to gather and demand change. This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders
What the fuck

>> No.16923470

The rationalization is I guess these protests will for sure lead to long term solutions (in their minds at least) so a short term increase in chinkflu is fine

>> No.16923500

keep blaming the joos

>> No.16923538

guilty conscience?

>> No.16923539

Like the masks even work that well. The chinks had everyone stay in their homes and closed everything down for weeks with trained government employees delivering food to them. The amerimorons think a piece of cloth is going to bring about their salvation. The lockdowns in the rest of the world compared to china seemed like monkeys imitating the behavior of civilized humans.

>> No.16923560

I love this so much. Civilization is a fucking joke

>> No.16923577

Yes. Notice how every e-thot, blue checkmark, and internet personality lost their shit and fanatically supported it for social credit. Like you pointed out, for common people a lot of it is driven by fear of the consequences of not going along with the dominant ideology (which is actualizing with those who dissent being “canceled” and fired from their jobs, having their social credit destroyed, feeling guilty for not supporting these movements).

>> No.16923610

Of course it could be that everyone is just fed up with all the bad management on both sides, and are sick of being manipulated in general and so they reeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.16923627

There's only like 12 of them in America and yet we approach it as if its a national crisis

>> No.16923656

>In the end, the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable—what then?

'How many fingers, Winston?'

'Five! Five! Five!'

'No, Winston, that is no use. You are lying. You still think there are four. How many fingers, please?'

'Four! five! Four! Anything you like. Only stop it, stop the pain!'

Abruptly he was sitting up with O'Brien's arm round his shoulders. He had perhaps lost consciousness for a few seconds. The bonds that had held his body down were loosened. He felt very cold, he was shaking uncontrollably, his teeth were chattering, the tears were rolling down his cheeks. For a moment he clung to O'Brien like a baby, curiously comforted by the heavy arm round his shoulders. He had the feeling that O'Brien was his protector, that the pain was something that came from outside, from some other source, and that it was O'Brien who would save him from it.

'You are a slow learner, Winston,' said O'Brien gently.

'How can I help it?' he blubbered. 'How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? Two and two are four.'

'Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane.'


Then why bother to torture me? thought Winston, with a momentary bitterness. O'Brien checked his step as though Winston had uttered the thought aloud. His large ugly face came nearer, with the eyes a little narrowed.

'You are thinking,' he said, 'that since we intend to destroy you utterly, so that nothing that you say or do can make the smallest difference -- in that case, why do we go to the trouble of interrogating you first? That is what you were thinking, was it not?'

'Yes,' said Winston.

>> No.16923662

ah, I thought it meant black and trans as two different and independent groups. sucks being esl!

>> No.16923664
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>> No.16923669

O'Brien smiled slightly. 'You are a flaw in the pattern, Winston. You are a stain that must be wiped out. Did I not tell you just now that we are different from the persecutors of the past? We are not content with negative obedience, nor even with the most abject submission. When finally you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will. We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us: so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him. We burn all evil and all illusion out of him; we bring him over to our side, not in appearance, but genuinely, heart and soul. We make him one of ourselves before we kill him.


O'Brien held up the fingers of his left hand, with the thumb concealed.

'There are five fingers there. Do you see five fingers?'


And he did see them, for a fleeting instant, before the scenery of his mind changed. He saw five fingers, and there was no deformity. Then everything was normal again, and the old fear, the hatred, and the bewilderment came crowding back again. But there had been a moment -- he did not know how long, thirty seconds, perhaps -- of luminous certainty, when each new suggestion of O'Brien's had filled up a patch of emptiness and become absolute truth, and when two and two could have been three as easily as five, if that were what was needed. It had faded but before O'Brien had dropped his hand; but though he could not recapture it, he could remember it, as one remembers a vivid experience at some period of one's life when one was in effect a different person.

>> No.16923728

it's both. The blacks that get shot by police (gangsters) hate trannies, so throwing them together is laughable. No one is killing black trannies other than other blacks who got trapped, like that one tranny who got beat by 20 nigs at a BLM rally. I'm sure they were carrying BTLM signs too.

>> No.16923735

For me, it was the CHAZ the best part of the 2020 riots

>> No.16923748

>the little garden
>their own commie cops killing two black teenagers
>the crazy homeless guy that took over the garden
it was pure kino

>> No.16923757

first sentence should be
>getöttet hatten

>> No.16923796
File: 97 KB, 500x500, chop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peak 2020

>> No.16923860

>This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders
fucking kek

>> No.16923878

Good times. The joys of anarchism.

>> No.16923885

> the little garden
> where they never took the plants out of the pots
> just put the pots on top of black dirt

>> No.16923975

>first sentence should be
>>getöttet hatten

>> No.16924489

BLM is a Black nationalist movement supported by white liberals, no need to draw parallels with Maoism. White liberals have negative in-group preference, that's why they're liberals.
The only weird part is fag pride being the crucial part of American civil religion now.

>> No.16924513

this but unironically

>> No.16924598
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this could make a good cover for S&S

>> No.16924622

>tfw wanna be anticapitalist but born 2 be a pimp

>> No.16924633

It's not, though. They're looking for a coalition large enough to lever them into power. They don't care if it's the workers, the negroes or the bankers. Since they will bring about heaven on earth once they have total control, it doesn't matter what they do to get that control

>> No.16924634

Was this written for kids? I know in the Netherlands they write articles with the exact same phrasing-style for kids to influence their opinion about things like this. Not sure about Germany but I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.16924644

the bankers smile on them more than even capitalists do

if a Marxist like a banker well...he's clearly not up t date on what capital means, since the bankers manipulate it much more than any store-owner could.

>> No.16924707

I assumed this was written by a German learner for a German class

>> No.16924778

>soros bad

>> No.16924860

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.
Back to /pol/ il/lit/erate pigs

>> No.16924932

>Basically I want to understand mimetic theory as it pertains to sociology. Should I start with Gerard or somewhere else?

>> No.16924971

Great example of Anarcho-tyranny

>> No.16924988

Do you guys think it's still possible to live a few decades away from these people in quiet solitude without dying in a war? How long does the rural West have left? How long till everything goes completely to shit?

>> No.16925000

women=left wing for anything but sex
women= capitalist for sex [making men compete for a reward and the reward is providing for a woman at least sexually]

men = right wing for anything but sex = autism = clinging to pathetic power fantasies of leading other people and killing people who do not think like them, craving to be alphas when all they do is supporting women at best
men like to be told what to do
and it is distraction from orbiting roasties.
So that men feel like strong and powerful about something not related to women. However, the only thing that men do when they create a society is in fact to give an easy life to women, because
-men never ever stop competing for women
-society according to men is jsut to get comfortable, which women benefit a lot from , and create rules and being upset when they think that other tribes do things differently

this is why women always push for more society and men gladly work for them free of charge.
men = left wing for sex

>> No.16925018

>How long does the rural West have left?
Considering Californians have almost taken over Texas I'd say a few more years.

>> No.16925278

this picture always seems surreal to me. there is no way something like this took place its insane. i refuse to believe america is that degenerate

>> No.16925420

it's over dude. just claim a gender now before you get necklaced for being a cis male

>> No.16925534

That's not what they believe. They want to absolutely never be criticized for anything. For example you can't criticize them for HIV. Pride parade are also against any kind of shaming of degeneracy. It's not against being harmed, its against the slightest criticism of what they are doing. The slightest criticism of any practice makes you the target of the lgbt mob and the state which they control.

>> No.16925550


>> No.16925623
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>> No.16925664

>gegen die weiße Polizei
one of the officer of the geroge floyd incident was black the other was asian

>> No.16926668

>You have to admit though, the same thing can occur just as easily with right-wing political philosophies
Can it? I’ve read about the spread of classical fascism through Koestler, Orwell and others and it doesn’t seem the same at all. Not to mention contemporary rightism, which relies on reactionism to propagate.

>> No.16927052

This is what happens when zoomers listen to sissy and bimbofication hypno.

>> No.16927073

This is what leftism is now. Keep up incel.

>> No.16927233

It's Germany, most likely hamburg. The signs give it away, absolutes Halteverbot and craft beir signs.
The more amazing thing to me is how quickly this bullshit spreads to other countries. It's pathetic really

>> No.16927245

It's your brain on bell hooks and Camille Paglia.

>> No.16927268

>pro-sex work

>> No.16927280
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>Does mimetic theory explain the rapid spread and insidious nature of pic related?
>does scapegoating explain scapegoating
You're free to read Girard, but the praxis of using mimetic desire as rhetoric to dismiss the motivations of a movement as evil (or 'insidious', as you put it) may itself fall under scapegoating.

>> No.16927300

>reading about Maoism
>spread through propagation of fear and suppression of dissent
sounds like you haven't actually read any maoism or you'd know that on combatting liberalism. but go off on your half formed views of the insidious nature of pic related, you worthless retard.

>> No.16927398
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>> No.16927551

Did it not? All movements spread through propagation of fear and suppression of dissent. If we’re looking at something like struggle sessions there are some parallels to be drawn between wokeism and maoism

>> No.16928949

OP here; I’d like to understand your meaning better. Care to expand on that?
My half-formed views are derived from reading Fanshen, a couple other of Hinton’s works, and the essays of Liu Xiaobo and Simon Leys (which are venomously anti-Maoist of course).

>> No.16929052

Quality content? On my /lit/?

>> No.16929074

Darkness at Noon expresses this same principle in more real-world terms. The truth is only the truth insofar as it intersects with the needs of society.

>> No.16929131

> proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects
I get what you’re saying, but what I’m getting at is that these social movements are rooted in dishonesty; the soul of these protests is hollow. Otherwise I’d be marching with them.
A similitude of the contemporary social justice movement is that of the ‘grey goo’ apocalypse scenario. The goo spreads not because it wants to but because it must.

>> No.16929580

Nietzschean perspectivism