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16920873 No.16920873 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that critique blackness?

>> No.16920905 [DELETED] 


idk but can u believe this song came out in 1995? this is like some paranoid fever dream of /pol/ and afrocentric twitter seeing visions of 2020

>> No.16920912
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>> No.16920919

The Bible

>> No.16920926

Are you looking for a book version of the boondocks? I have no idea for ya mang.

>> No.16921062
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>> No.16922267

But this book mostly criticises our (((fellow white people))) and their associates.

>> No.16922626

We need a book that critiques Black ethnonarcissism, and how every institution bowed to it during 2020.

>> No.16922643


>> No.16922669

We need a Black Fragility, then a Jewish Fragility, then an Asian Fragility

>> No.16922677

>then a Jewish Fragility
There’s already a three volume set written in the nineties

>> No.16922730

when did all of that happen

>> No.16922765

This, but there needs to be a distinction between actual people and the ideologues who fall into that trap. Ideally written by some 21st century equivalent of Thomas Sowell.

>> No.16922798

Write it

>> No.16923561


Too low IQ

>> No.16923708
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Maybe this?

>> No.16923726

Dinesh D'souza's End of Racism is very good, its thesis is that once you correct for all the factors in black outcomes, the major problem is that they have a shitty culture of nihilism and failure justification.

You may also like the work of urban sociologists of the 1970s and 1980s before it became verboten to criticize black culture, even if it was in an attempt to help them. Patrick Moynihan, Charles Murray, Edward Banfield.

Another keyword to search with is "respectability politics." Anyone who hates respectability politics is a moron.

>> No.16923736

Has Aaron McGruder ever actually written a book, or at least an essay? I find him really interesting, due to The Boondocks and some of the other stuff he's done. He seems very pointedly aware of the struggles that black people still have to deal with in the United States, yet at the same time he's an extremely harsh critic of "black culture" as he perceives it.

>> No.16923814
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Why do nonblacks pretend to care about what happens to black people?

>> No.16923833
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I love your trolling

>> No.16923864

>Black ethnonarcissism
But this is not where this phenomenon originates. White liberals worship a religion of egalitarianism. Jews worships themselves and biologically can not turn off their paranoia and tribalism. Together these two groups use blacks as a tool. White liberals gave up trying to elevate blacks to the level of whites so now are trying to deconstruct the West so we all end up in the dirt together. Jews LOVE this idea and instigate in only ways low trust Semitic psychopaths can. It's a three way codependent / symbiotic relationship. It's going to be fun seeing how all this plays out because it is obviously not sustainable.

>> No.16923874
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they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

>> No.16923876

White liberals care because they can no longer form functioning families. They redirect their familial empathy towards blacks because they are sub consciously viewed as weak, retarded and childlike.

>> No.16923886

Black culture is fucking retarded and I am
Not afraid to say it. It has literally nothing to do with “class” or income levels like some people want you to think. This is just what black people in that position do. You’re not going to see any white guy like iceberg slim because White people do not do that shit because they know they’ll get killed in prison for it (pimping and pandering is a bad charge for a white)

>> No.16923979

Agreed. Basically we’d be doing the world a service by rounding them all up and sticking them on some ghetto island where they can all be gangsta together. Air drop food and guns once in a while to keep the humanitarians happy. The world would recoil in (feigned?) horror initially but once the shock settles everyone would realize how much nicer everything is. Fuck niggers.

>> No.16923999

>Asian fragility
Not even remotely a thing compared to the other two

>> No.16924012

It's too easy to false flag for that photo to say anything.

>> No.16925011

Even so, black problems have direct consequences on the quality of life anywhere that they are. From behavioral issues in school to soiling cities with hip hop culture and blight, it is important that they shape up so that they don't fuck with everyone else. Most ethnic groups in the US have gotten their shit together enough that there are more wholesome apples than bad apples. Black culture is like the orc forge, constantly producing wicked, stupid, self-indulgent, souls that hold onto grievance-oriented ideologies. It's the worst America has to offer. Of course everyone has an interest in fixing their shit.

>> No.16925020

I think any critique of consumerism and its effects on culture will at least be implicitly critical of blackness whether the writer knows it or not.

>> No.16925043

bix nood

>> No.16925627

such an accurate description of the state of things

>> No.16925665
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Interesting take considering signs like these.

>> No.16925907

You've obviously never heard of Elliot Rodger.

>> No.16925913

>White liberals gave up trying to elevate blacks to the level of whites
They never wanted that to begin with

>> No.16926038

That would be mutt fragility

>> No.16926126

one of those famous black authors in the mid 20th century said that blacks have no achievements of their own at all, don't remember who

>> No.16926157

>in this house we try to follow christian teachings but have been irredeemably damaged by nu-age materialism and won't even acknowledge the fact

>> No.16926182

Kant - von den Rassen der Menschen oder alle Neger stinken

>> No.16926278

YASSSSS! More grovelling, rightoid rage in the bookshelves

>> No.16926367

While I can't imagine it be written any other way, it probably is the most justified rage they could have. What we call blackness as propagated by many industries is probably the greatest force of cultural homogenization the world has ever known, and every culture to have come in contact with it ends up becoming more shallow, materialistic, and pornographic than it was before.

>> No.16926393

Rightists belong in camps.

>> No.16926417


>> No.16926440

Leftist materialists are closer to robots that they are human beings. In a just world they would used for organ harvesting or forced into slavery.

>> No.16926446


>> No.16926459 [DELETED] 

Leftists have the only intellectual merit in the world. Rightists are brainless and tasteless and the void inside there head will suck everything up and sabotage and destroy everything with them bringing everything down to their brain dead level. Rightists belong in camps.

>> No.16926464

Leftists have the only intellectual merit in the world. Rightists are brainless and tasteless and the void inside their head will suck everything up and sabotage and destroy everything with them bringing everything down to their brain dead level. Rightists belong in camps.

>> No.16926485

>Leftists have the only intellectual merit in the world.
Yeah, that's why they just skip the argument stage and cancel academics that challenge liberal orthodoxy, it's not necessary when we already know what's true.

>> No.16926499

Are there any good positive books on blackness, that aren't black twitter faggotry or total schizo black pantherism? What's some good robust third worldism for American blacks? Not uncle tom conservativism-lite "blacks should become REPUBLICANS bet you weren't expecting me to say that huh?? i'm a BASED black man" shit, but also not butthurt victim complex. I want to read about how the black community can overcome its troubles and put itself on a firm foundation.


>> No.16926522
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Here you go bro

>> No.16926537
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>> No.16926615

“The majestic inauguration of the ‘post-Christian era’ is a joke. We are living through a caricatural ‘ultra-Christianity’ that tries to escape from the Judaeo-Christian orbit by ‘radicalizing’ the concern for victims in an anti-Christian manner.
Rene Girard 1999

>> No.16926639

Losing the Race by John McWhorter (who is black himself)

Please Stop Helping Us by Jason Riley (who is also black himself)

>> No.16926645

Read the work of Glenn Loury, Shelby Steele, John McWhorter, Jason Riley, Coleman Hughes, Inaya Folarin Iman, etc

>> No.16926686

Intellectual merit isn't the quality which determine value. Those willing to declare the supremacy of of the material world are ultimately violent nihilist, and if they are allowed any autonomy they will inevitably drag all those capable of living a meaningful existence (i.e., those capable of intuiting ideas) into an empty void
There is no reason to give them any sort of ethical consideration, and there's good reason to use them entirely as a means to an end, which given our current state of technology would best be done through organ harvesting or slavery.
It is also interesting that you bring up matters of taste. It's obvious to anyone paying attention that the period since the left gained a total hegemony over the world of artistic creation is that of the greatest and most drastic period of decline in the arts the human race has ever seen. What is more interesting is these intellectual and educated masters of culture have done more to facilitate the process in which all culture has been subsumed by pop culture and have come up with new paradigms for trying to convince people that consuming the right kind of popular media will really make you free. It's interesting to see the individual leftist consumer have the audacity to believe that the pop music or mcarthouse films they proudly shovel down are more than the applebee's l of culture while bashing suburbanites for eating at shitty chain restaurants. For a group of people who consider themselves so smart to be lacking even the most basic sense of self awareness is probably a good enough reason to justify harvesting their organs.

>> No.16926694

Redpill me on Loury, I recently saw someone saying that he said cancel culture is valid? The fuck is that about?

What about Adolph Reed?

I read Riley and enjoyed it for what it was, but to be honest I found it a little "......and that's why blacks are better off as Republicans!"

>> No.16926754

narcissism, i find, tends to be a response from insecurity
i'm not blaming those whom harbor it, but that's just what i see
there's still merit in narcissism, though. it can still be a developmental tool in some ways. affording a faux confidence to act through.

but yeah at some point high ego, especially empty and unearned ego really destroys meaningful development.
openness is really beneficial for development in many ways too, but imagine there's reasons, conscious or unconscious, they haven't completely adhered to the eurocentric condition

>> No.16926778

>material and temporality=meaningless
>spirit and eternality=meaningful

>> No.16926805

Yes. Your peeper feeling good just can't be as meaningful as ideas capable of transcending the material world.

>> No.16926806

>false flag
hello chudcel

>> No.16926840

He hates cancel culture, not sure where you heard that from.

Adolph Reed Jr is also good, and he’s left wing. If you’d prefer left-wing critiques of contemporary racial discourse, look to him and Chloé Valdary.

>> No.16926851

Also read some of Thomas Chatterton Williams’s work