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16918047 No.16918047 [Reply] [Original]

when even Christian theologians can only offer tepid arguments at best and their contemporary Muslim scholars are thriving (even in the current year, the cream of the crop for Christian apologists are the likes of David Wood).
So why scrutinize a book that has no calls to aggression in it, while the Bible certainly does?

>> No.16918053

Stole syrian Christian stories but whatever

>> No.16918056

Just link your fucking discord already.

>> No.16918061

Abrahamic religions have stories in them that predate their first scriptures (flood, genesis, etc). That does in no way mean that their scriptures are invalid.

>> No.16918066

Debunked. Stop reading w*Stern """scholars"""

>> No.16918067

Just explain the trinity already, an act which you should have done since the concept's inception.

Here, your hero:

>> No.16918075

To someone not affiliated it just cements the idea that these works aren’t very original and divinely inspired.

>> No.16918082

Christians have been trying to figure out their book for 2000 years while Muslims had it right from the beginning. Any respected Muslim scholar wipes the floor with any other denomination - even theists and philosophers.

>> No.16918083

The Qu'ran asserts that the Bible is true. The Qu'ran contradicts the Bible in a number of places, one example being in who adopted Moses. For hundreds of years Muslims didn't realize this and happily asserted that the Bible was true until the contradictions were discovered, and now they assert without evidence that the Bible was corrupted. This is not a good argument because we have manuscripts which predate Muhammad, which means if the argument was true that Muhammad or God asserted the corrupted books as true. So even if the Muslims were correct and the Bible is corrupted, there's still a falsehood in the Qu'ran and this contradicts Gods nature, exposing the religion as false.

I've brought this up to discord trannies many different times and it's always ignored and a few days from now you'll just make another thread pretending the Qu'ran is this perfect book.

>> No.16918091

I don’t intellectually respect any Muslim who is not a quranist.

>> No.16918096

And the Bible says that there are talking donkeys and snakes, yet Christians say those aren't real.

>> No.16918099

See what I mean? No engagement with the argument.

>> No.16918109

The Bible was corrupted though. The scribes of the manuscripts literally deleted and added what they wanted.

>> No.16918116

Do you understand why it doesn't matter in the context of this argument? If the Bible was corrupted, that means Muhammad or God through him asserted a falsehood as true. This contradicts Gods nature so the Qu'ran cannot be true.

>> No.16918120

He proved a valid point in that the Bible is full of stories that Christians don't even dare believe.
How are they supposed to convince Muslims that their book is the unaltered truth when they consider parts of their book as untrue? Frankly it confirms the Muslim POV that the Bible has suffered corruption throughout the centuries, something you tactfully omitted in >>16918083

And in case any politically and religiously biased people come in here to insult and derail: I'll remind them with friendly concern that Muslims are bound to inherit Western Europe by 2050.

>> No.16918128

This is fallacious because the argument isn't that Christianity or the Bible is true. It's that Islam is false.

>> No.16918129

Is it possible to read the quran without tafisr/interpretation?

>> No.16918133

It's not fallacious because Muslims still tell Christians to hold to the gospels if they wish to remain Christian, but that Islam is the truth.

>> No.16918139

Irrelevant because we are talking about the Qur'an.

>> No.16918153

The idea that you have to read anything and rely on human language for knowledge of the divine is already a strike against you, in my opinion anyway.

>> No.16918154

I genuinely am starting to think the Muslims on here simply cannot think in a rational or truthful way. I'm not arguing that Christianity or the bible is true. The Qu'ran asserts that the Bible is true, but the Qu'ran contradicts the Bible. If the Bible is corrupted that means it's false, so why should Christians hold to books that are false? Who else but the devil would command people to hold falsehoods?

>> No.16918162

Find me a verse in the Qur'an that makes you think this and I will try to address it to the best of my ability.

>> No.16918163

It's clear then that Allah was referring to the uncorrupted manuscripts of the Bible.

>> No.16918172

I'm a christian and i say they were real

>> No.16918182

If it's so clear then why did Muslims up to Al-Ghazali believe the bible was as perfectly true as the Qu'ran?

What the hell are you asking for? There's no verse that exists which states that if the Bible is corrupt that means it's false. You shouldn't need a verse to know that's the truth of that statement. This is what I mean when I say you people cannot think. The devil took that away from you.

>> No.16918185

david wood btfo islam.

>O you who have believed, do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when you are permitted for a meal, without awaiting its readiness. But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, disperse without seeking to remain for conversation. Indeed, that [behavior] was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of [dismissing] you. But Allah is not shy of the truth. And when you ask [his wives] for something, ask them from behind a partition. That is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And it is not [conceivable or lawful] for you to harm the Messenger of Allah or to marry his wives after him, ever. Indeed, that would be in the sight of Allah an enormity.

KEK, this is so obviously muhammed talking and not allah

>> No.16918186

>The Qu'ran asserts that the Bible is true
No it fucking doesn't, christcuck.

>> No.16918191

>allah says muslims can only have (4?) wives
>a few years later,muhammed wants another wife

"oh guys i got a new revelation, allah says I can have more than you guys.

not only is that obivously muhammed speaking , if allah is omnisicent he would have said "muslims can only have 4 wives except muhammed he can have more"

also the quran says obviously fake shit like king solomon was secretely a muslim and so were adam and eve

>> No.16918193

Dishonest bastards.


>> No.16918194

What else were they? Christcucks? LOL

>> No.16918195

Deflecting like a faggot, I see.

could be/would be etc...
The point stands that there's no internal errors in the Qur'an, whereas the Bible does have them.

Well spoken, that retard couldn't even find sources, he just regurgitated his youtube preacher.

>> No.16918197
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Muhammad said that the Bible was corrupted, too. You're already BTFO.

>> No.16918209

Funniest thing: now they're going to derail or change the goalposts in an attempt to cover up their sloppiness.
I'll pray for all of their health, they are obviously not doing well.

>> No.16918220

stop appealing to the audience christshit

>> No.16918230

I am on your side, read again
they are trying to shift the narrative somewhere else, away from their original attempt at assaulting the Qur'an.

>> No.16918252

oh, my bad
the post was ambiguous

>> No.16918267

It's not really Muslim behavior to derail except maybe on youtube comments.

>> No.16918280

>why scrutinize a book that has no calls to aggression in it
>slay the idolators wherever you find them

>> No.16918285


>> No.16918361

I knew you were going to say that.
I'll give you ONE chance at redemption: post the verse in its full context.
If not, I'll do it and make you look like a proper fool.

>> No.16918394

why do you talk like a youtube debate? this is hylic behaviour, not befitting a religious man.

>> No.16918398

keep subhuman, you literally have no arguments.

>> No.16918404

retarded muzzdog reading comprehension.

>> No.16918481

>david wood

>> No.16918530

You've gone silent. I thought the proper context was about to absolutely BTFO me.

>> No.16918650

Prepare to get swatted like flies.

"Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not been deficient toward you in anything or supported anyone against you; so complete for them their treaty until their term [has ended]. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him].

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know."

And of course you'll cry taqiyya now, or anything else that makes Muslims look disingenuous, whereas you have been doing nothing else but omitting context and misquoting. Lmao.

>> No.16918655

>The Qu'ran asserts that the Bible is true, but the Qu'ran contradicts the Bible
it asserts that the Bible came from the divine, yes. It highly respects the people who follows the Bible because the moral message still remains.
It has a bone to pick with the doctrine of Christianity.

>Muslims didn't realize this and happily asserted that the Bible was true until the contradictions were discovered
This line of thinking is totally bereft of any intellectual mulling, I have no idea how this gets passed around. The Quran has stated in multiple verses claiming the Bible has been tempered with, I do not get what this exposes..

>> No.16918657
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>> No.16918666
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>> No.16918675
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>> No.16918684
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>> No.16918687

The sign of a lost argument.

>> No.16918691
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>> No.16918702
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>> No.16918726
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Not gonna bother posting more.. desu
Too stupid to argue with these ''ppl''

>> No.16918739

Nothing in that imagine actually addresses the Qur'an's content, only the wrongdoings of humans, which are not perfect.

>> No.16918751

TEST [let's see if this post gets vanished... only happens in Islam related threads]

>> No.16918755

Nice spam.

>> No.16918761

lmao, okay, let's try:
in response to >>16918650
i've read it before, it's still a "call to aggression"

>> No.16918769
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Yes it does,
Besides, anyone with IQ over room 80 can see your shits retarded.
Thats why you ''ppl'' did nothing of value in this world. And even those rare few who did, were called apostates becouse in islam its illegal to use your brain.

>> No.16918775

It's a call to defend themselves as a religion against those who wish to kill them (and shown willingness to do so through betrayal and warfare).
Self-defense is not aggression, okay maybe in the cucked West.

Now take a well deserved rest my friend, you obviously need some time to recover.

>> No.16918783

>because Muslims this Muslims that


>> No.16918797

Hinduism btfo.

>> No.16918800

>kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush

>> No.16918815

In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie. [Quran, 2:10]

>> No.16918830
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Why the quran is retarded i explained in the previus post.
Pages of your shit were eaten by an actual fucking sheep. Verse were forgoten becouse you were weither too stupid to remember them or died in a battle.
Your ''book'' is litelary compiled from writtings found on bones and skin on animals and was compiled year after Muhamad had died.

Even your most respected apologists droped the ball on this with Yasir Qadhi admiting the Quran was not preserved.

Meanwhile you ppl cry about ''Bible being corupted'', while in reality we have manuscripts who are dated to 30 years after the original. We have so many manuscrips we can be 100 % certain that all the things you find in the bible was actually written by the Apostles.

>> No.16918845
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The mental gymanstics.
With shit like this you can justify anthing. And it does explain why everywhere you are is a shithole.

>> No.16918848

You’re a dumbass, then.

>> No.16918853

What is it with this recent influx of seething Mohammedans? Did a telecoms company just wire up some podunk Middle East country recently?

>> No.16918868

>Why the quran is retarded i explained in the "previus" post.
Not so fast. You "explained" very weakly, as if stuttering almost, with an attempt to link the failings of humans to the Qur'an. A false argument as the book is perfect according to Muslims and you haven't done anything to show them why it isn't. So if you want to think like that, then admit also that Christianity is wrong because Christians can do bad things and that Judaism is the true religion since you love to suck off Nobel prize winners so much.

>Pages of your shit were eaten by an actual fucking sheep. Verse were forgoten becouse you were weither too stupid to remember them or died in a battle.
That's also untrue and you know it. Post a historical account of it and I'll debate you. Do that for once: look it up for yourself and maybe you'll discover the actual truth. I'm not going to spoonfeed it to you as you are quite unwilling to accept that you were wrong on certain occasions, see my previous post.

>Your ''book'' is litelary compiled from writtings found on bones and skin on animals and was compiled year after Muhamad had died.
Okay, very cool.

>Even your most respected apologists droped the ball on this with Yasir Qadhi admiting the Quran was not preserved.
The WORD OF ALLAH is preserved.

>> No.16918931

>Not so fast. You "explained" very weakly, as if stuttering almost
Typical mudshit thing with shit like: ''Really embarasing'' ''Your career is over'' etc.
I listed a number of things which point at Prophet giving himself special privileges in his ''revelations'', that is enough for me - which priviliges did Jesus give himself?

Also other stuff like: You can kill Infidels, you can kill apostated, you can lie to infindels.. Alah is the great deciever etc.

>That's also untrue and you know it. Post a historical account of it and I'll debate you. Do that for once: look it up for yourself and maybe you'll discover the actual truth.
Sahih al-Muslim 2286
Sunna Ibn Majah 1944
Utham also had all other Qurans burnt, werent those preserved too?

>The WORD OF ALLAH is preserved.

Yasih Quadhi had an interview and he accidentaly revealed there are ''holes in the narative''. I cant link you the direct video becouse he deleted it (obviusly).

>> No.16918940

Islam and Hinduism are the most complex religions. All religions are dumbed down for the masses

>> No.16918964

>shitbrown cults bickering over local petty godlets and interpretations of irreconcilable texts and edicts
Yeah, for a given definition of "complex" that's certainly true

>> No.16918971
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You do have to do a massive ammount of lying and mental gymnastics in order to sell it to anyone with a brain. Born muslims are not allowed to question it or its expulsion or death.

>> No.16919005

holy shit christoids are getting btfo in here

>> No.16919011

>poster count didn't increase
Silence, Machmood.

>> No.16919049
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i literally, unironically, knew you were going to try that cope

>> No.16919061

Which privileges? Can you name them? Being a prophet is a daunting task. Jesus had privileges too, so had all other prophets.

>Also other stuff like: You can kill Infidels, you can kill apostated, you can lie to infindels.. Alah is the great deciever etc.
Show me the Qur'an verses which say that.
(you can't and won't, and will try to lie about something else while being called out on your prior lies).

>> No.16919070

Oh right it's the nigga posting hadith like a frenzied dog.

>> No.16919072

nobody who starts/baits islam vs christianity arguments online is going to heaven

>> No.16919097

>I literally, unironically, inspect elemented just now
Did you not hear me when I told you to be silent, gene-trash?

>> No.16919100

It really is only online where it's this shit, I've had nice discussions with Christians in real life

>> No.16919107
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>Did you not hear me when I told you to be silent, gene-trash?

>> No.16919110

>christoids constantly lying to try to "win"
just another day of 4channel

>> No.16919118

>n-no u
Cool and based post Achmed

>> No.16919142
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>discordxtian raids high-minded discussion of the Quran
this isn't going to convert anyone, preacher

>> No.16919164

Lmao, Christcucks trembling so hard right now.

>> No.16919394



>> No.16919447

>hoping to read about child marriage in the bible
>get never-ending quotes from people guessing that marriage was usually young two thousand years ago
lame and obvious

>> No.16919468

What are you talking about, Mohammedan?
"If X is your enemy, every enemy you face is X" is a frankly deranged mode of thought.

>> No.16919478

Ironic that you're using that term. Obviusly your mindset about Islam is still stuck in the Middle ages

>> No.16919480

youre not fooling anyone

>> No.16919489


>> No.16919504

>o-obviously it happened, just listen to this modern kike Epstein's slanderous allegations and sweeping assumptions
>no evidence anywhere
>unlike Mohammed's documented habit of thighfucking his toddler bride until she turned 9
You embarrass yourself and your newfound faith, you Mohammedan converso.
>n-no everyone who argues with me is a Discorder! Nobody would agree with my cultist threadspamming organically!

>> No.16919514

shut up libcuck
islam should be "stuck" in the iron age

>> No.16919521

Your cuck friend David Wood got btfo by Mohammad Hijab.


Here's another one in which Christian claims about Islam get btfo.

>> No.16919523

I'm a Muslim, bro
>islam should be "stuck" in the iron age
Sounds like you'd fit right in

>> No.16919542

>noooooooo you can't fuck little girls it's wroooooooooong
"b-but it traumatizes them" who cares? it's your fucking wife bro

>> No.16919552

You must be falseflagging, not even Muslim apologists are this open about pedo shit.

>> No.16919553

1. There is no god
2. You're a Muslim trying to convert people, otherwise you wouldn't even know who David Wood is.
3. Your religion is abhorrent.
4. There are certainly calls to violence the the Qur'an -- a book worth spitting on.
5. You've never read the Qur'an.

>> No.16919556

>Mohammedan converso is a western pedophile attempting to legitimize his mental defect
Were you ever a member of the "incel" movement? Getting that vibe.

>> No.16919561

you don't know what apologist means

>> No.16919564

Exactly. No anti-Islamist would dare attack the Qur'an internally. They'd always cry about muh morality (from a w*stern pov).

>> No.16919574

A person who offers an argument in defence of something controversial.

Is noncery controversial? It is in the West.

>> No.16919580

Suffer the little children. Lead them not into sin.
When the time comes, you will be lashed to a stone and drowned in the sea, as per the edict of Christ.

>> No.16919587

an apologist would say stuff like "the hadith is fake", "she was actually 16" or "people used to mature earlier"

>> No.16919589

Harsh truth for Christians to swallow is that the man they worship will come to judge them for this sin on the final day.

>> No.16919599

partaking of your lawful wife's cunny isn't a sin

>> No.16919603

Say that again, but in plain speech instead of a veiled, snide, womanly snipe.

>> No.16919608

>cunnyseur LARPing as an islamist online
So, when are you getting yourself circumcised?

>> No.16919610

he's saying you're going to hell christcuck

>> No.16919612

Look at how you address the way it's written oh so well, but wouldn't even dare to imagine an actual retort.

Where did Jesus pbuh say "I am God, worship me"?

>> No.16919623

abraham circumcised himself when he was 80 I still have time

>> No.16919637

Yes, in a snide and womanly way, citing no piece of scripture, neither Christian or Mohammedan.
>another retarded Ehrmanism
His divinity was declared from the Heavens, and He described Himself as the Son of God.

>> No.16919642

t. Deathbed confesser who never intended to convert or repent bound for Hell on a raft of slothful insincerity

>> No.16919650

Idolaters go to the fire.

[16:21] And those on whom they call beside Allah, create not anything, but they are themselves created.

‘Yet they have taken Gods beside Him; Gods who create nothing but are themselves created, and who have no power to harm or benefit themselves, nor have they any power over death or life or Resurrection.’ (25:4)

And when it is said to them, ‘What do you think of that which ‘your lord’ has sent down? They say, ‘O they are mere stories f the ancients.’ [16:24]

‘…Verily you have taken for yourselves idols beside Allah, out of love for each other in the present life. Then on the Day of Resurrection you will deny each other, and curse each other. And your abode will be the Fire; and you will have no helpers.’ [29:26]

>> No.16919661

stop bible thumping so hard I'm not a medieval peasant

>> No.16919662

>the Son of God
>an idol
Good Lord, I've never heard a hypothesis so wrong in my life. You may well be beyond God's grace.

>> No.16919703

Jesus is not God. The trinity is not real.

>> No.16919729

Watch them ignore this, it will be fun.

>> No.16919732

>posting 80IQ YouTube Christians vs muzzies content as an argument
Mohammed was not a prophet. Jesus was without flaw or sin- Mohammed changed his doctrines on the fly in the pursuit of worldly pleasure. It is not too late to turn from your sin.

>> No.16919745

>Jesus was without flaw
jesus was a virgin lmao, okay incel

>> No.16919747

Jesus: "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one" (Mark 12:29, Romans 3:29-30, James 2:19).

>> No.16919758

Yes, and?
He was the King of Kings, obviously volcel.

>> No.16919776

Look, you had your chance, you dismissed the YouTube video and everyone itt will see this as weakness, so think carefully before you decide to represent your religion like that.
How will they believe in your arguments if you don't believe yourself?

Jesus pbuh never said anything about the trinity, never.
The only reference of the trinity wasn't even made by Paul, and made by John it was expunged later so it is invalid.

>> No.16919783


a video with a length that fits your attention span:

>> No.16919808

John 14:28

“You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.

>> No.16919812

Read John 14 in its entirety before replying to this post.
When replying to this post, explain John 14.

>> No.16919830

You have had plenty of options friend, I have already shown you two videos, which you did not watch no you actually ignored them.
Very dangerous game we are playing here because it may lead people into evil, do you understand? If you are here to troll then go away and think about what you are doing first.

John has fabrications in it, Jesus pbuh only spoke the truth and nothing more. So be very careful twisting his words.

>> No.16919857

If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth.

Nowhere does it say this "spirit" is divine.

>> No.16919876

>Jesus the Christ, Son of God, is an idol
>the Holy Bible is largely fabricated
You insist upon spouting falsehoods and denouncing my arguments on the very basis that they do not accept your heretical falsehoods as truth.
I have spent long enough arguing with you, you insensate war-cultist.

>> No.16919887

>the gift of eternal truth, granted to man by God, and reviled by the world due to the world's sinful nature, is not divine
Christ, no wonder you're a Mohammedan. Simple deductions are beyond you.

>> No.16919897

Watch the YouTube videos I have linked, you will be very surprised but only if you stop closing your mind.

I have deduced enough, and quite frankly understand Christianity better than most Christians it seems. Show me unequivocal proof where Jesus pbuh says "I am God, worship me"?

>> No.16919916

Where are you running to?

>> No.16919917

John 14:11, you simpering heretic.

>> No.16919918

Based Muslimchads stomping on Christians

>> No.16919923

>Posters: 19
>your post
>Posters: 19
How many times will you try to astroturf support for your war-cult?

>> No.16919947

One thing is clear as day my friend: Muslims have no problems with their beliefs being challenged, unlike Christians who need to make up more and more texts as a defence against said challenges. The Qur'an and hadith are sufficient even to this day.

Where will Christianity be in 50 years?

>> No.16919962

>Muslims have no problem with their beliefs being challenged
Thousands of killings prove otherwise. Your path leads down only to death.

>> No.16919971

The brazier of Christendom will burn forever under the careful eyes of its keepers, and the uncontrolled wildfire of Islam will one day burn itself out for good.

>> No.16919980

Here is my servant, whom I uphold,
my chosen one in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,
and he will bring justice to the nations.
2 He will not shout or cry out,
or raise his voice in the streets.
3 A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
In faithfulness he will bring forth justice;
4 he will not falter or be discouraged
till he establishes justice on earth.
In his teaching the islands will put their hope.

In here it is clear that another servant of Allah was about to come (Muhammad swt).

What are the crusades? And I'm not only talking about the ones held in the Levant, but also the ones against your own European brethren, which you slaughtered for either being pagan or another denomination of Christianity. War war war, that is all there has been in Europe between Christians themselves, Islam was relatively peaceful considering the constant attempts from China, Mongols, Sassanids, Romans, ... to destroy it.

>> No.16920001

The Crusades are not happening today. Your endless jihad is.
>2 He will not shout or cry out,
or raise his voice in the streets.
>3 A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.
How, by any stretch of delusion, would your beloved warlord ever fit this description?

>> No.16920031

Which crusade? The one from the 90s where Bosnian and Kosovars were genocided? Ahh or the constant threats of Greeks to take "back" Istanbul.

Yes, the variety in humans is wide but all the same. Just because violence exists in one group does not mean it's exclusive to that group, you disingenuous liar.

>> No.16920037

And this disproves your cult's known propensity to go to war against adjacent landholders? That is to say, the unfaithful ones who do not pay Dhimmi.

>> No.16920049

I'm sorry, how did Christianity get to America? Pigeons?

>> No.16920060

>The Crusades are not happening today
They are just in another form. It's political/economical/sociological attack that is constantly undermining the Islamic world and it's values

>> No.16920066

Sailing ships full of men of faith.
Once again, you shift the light away from your kind's propensity for bloodshed- and unlike the Christian explorers, it is a bloodshed perpetrated always in the name of your misinterpretation of the Lord God.

>> No.16920077

The symptoms of unchecked capitalism are not the Crusades, you delusional Jihadi. Your people are simply not as stalwart in their faith as you wish them to be.

>> No.16920155

>Your people are simply not as stalwart in their faith as you wish them to be.
200 years of colonialism and imperialism says otherwise. The setback is just the processing of that trauma, but we will come out stronger for it

>> No.16920169

>doesn’t know the Bible stole stories from multiple different cultures

>> No.16920171

Colonialism and imperialism that did not assail your faith, for fear of creating uncontrollable colonies.
Capitalism, its only drives being the seven deadly sins, has no such qualms about opposing the very pillars of what you believe.
Even Christendom buckled, and still buckles, under its weight, so enabling it is of the layman's favorite sins.
When your kind feel its full brunt, you will not prevail.

>> No.16920182

Why does your Quran say your God sent forth the Beast of the Earth for signs to the people, and why does your Hadith say that your God will give the baetylus image at Mecca a mouth with which to bear witness for those who kissed it and against the infidels who didn't, when the Bible says it's the devil who will raise forth a Beast of the Earth (second beast, later called the False Prophet) to work signs for his false religion, and then enchant the image of the Beast of the Sea (first beast) so that it talks and condemns those who refuse to venerate it or the first beast?

>> No.16920184

>The scribes of the manuscripts literally deleted and added what they wanted.
You have to be a retard to believe this

>> No.16920195

Well what it actually implies is that these stories go back way farther than most think and they are fundamentally connected to humanity in ways no other tradition is. If you studied these stories you might understand why

>> No.16920197

He is a Muslim.

>> No.16920222

>using Nobel prize winners as evidence for something
Lmao yeah super reputable award bro. Bob Dylan is a better writer than Kafka, Proust, Joyce, Borges, Nabokov, Tolstoy, Pound etc. And Obama is a peace-maker!

>> No.16920236

Back to r/atheism

>> No.16920251

Read Ehrman

>> No.16920435

What is the council of Nicaea? Can you tell me friend?

>> No.16920511

Seeing that the people ITT haven't found a single fault, I am rather embarassed in their place.

>> No.16920585

They should start to worry a little bit now, no internal errors or contradictions, no inaccurate facts, etc
I hope they see on time.

>> No.16920592

It's an incoherent mess that reads like the schizophrenic ramblings of a mad arab whose brain has been boiled by the desert heat. Which it is.
>But it's perfect, has no contradictions!
The fact that it even needs the concept of abrogation just goes to show how imperfect it is.

>> No.16920642

Funnily enough the Qur'an predicted people like you (and so did the rest of the people posting here): mocking, attacking the context, looking at it from a highbrow western pov, etc..

>> No.16920676

>The Quran predicted that people would call Muhammad out on his giant pile of contradictory bullshit
Oh man, what great prophetic power. Here, i prophesize that youre going to reply to this post, as i too am a messenger of God.
Im not mocking the context, by the way, im talking about glaring contradictions that are then explained away by how supposedly the context has changed (nevermind that this shouldn't be an issue with an omniscient God). It's you who whine about context.

>> No.16920683

>It's an incoherent mess
The Quran makes perfect sense once you believe in Allah.

>> No.16920710

>It makes perfect sense once you're lobotomized
not a cult btw

>> No.16920745

Which contradictions? It has been explained multiple times already that the contradictions are due to scribes twisting words and meanings, something you would have noticed if you took the time to read the responses here.

>> No.16920747

How quaint. Your puny mind can't comprehend the grandeur of Allah, that you have to resort to such words.

"And if all the trees on the earth were pens and the sea (were ink wherewith to write), with seven seas behind it to add to its (supply), yet the Words of Allah would not be exhausted. Verily, Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise."

>> No.16920759

The Quran isnt the word of God. It's an endless rambling, partially plagiarized, partially made up by some schizo.
As i said before, it only really makes sense if youre indoctrinated from birth, because it doesnt appeal all that much to outsiders. Which is why historically, Islam never managed to rely on proselyzation as much as, for example, Christianity or Buddhism, which dont rely on the infallibility of a clearly fallible text.

>> No.16920773

>Islam never managed to rely on proselyzation as much as
Islam didn't need to rely on proselyzation. Allah is there for those that seek to find him, whether intentionally or not.

>> No.16920775
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>"Though Luther saw the Muslim faith as a tool of the devil, he was indifferent to its practice: "Let the Turk believe and live as he will, just as one lets the papacy and other false Christians live."[195] He opposed banning the publication of the Qur'an, wanting it exposed to scrutiny.[196]"

>> No.16920778

So scribes have altered the supposedly unalterable word of God? Is the Quran that easy to corrupt?

>> No.16920805

True, it just came with force and then extorted people into giving them financial incentive to convert through the Jizya, as it seems that greed is the main attraction towards Islam.

>> No.16920823

why are christcucks so annoyingly whiny? they're like women

>> No.16920827

The Qur'an has been preserved. The first Qur'an and most recent Arabic Qur'an are identical to the letter.

>> No.16920843

Im not a christcuck, i just get tired whenever a mudslime thinks the Quran has any value whatsoever, besides as toilet paper. It's not spiritually profound, it's not original, it's not beautiful. It's below mediocre.
As a message, Islam isnt worthwhile either, which is why it could only grow by bribing people.

>> No.16920857

The first Quran was burned by Uthman because too much had been lost or changed, and he then pretended that was the original one all along. There are sahih ahadith describing the loss of parts of certain Surahs.

>> No.16920875

>It's not spiritually profound, it's not original, it's not beautiful. It's below mediocre.
It's really amazing how people that don't see just don't see

"Thus does Allah seal up the hearts of those who understand not" - 30:59

>> No.16920880

There is 90% probability you're a christcuck and 10% some meme shit like hinpooism, stop playing coy

Uthman burned the right qurans and you can't prove otherwise

>> No.16920895

>For lord Anon has sealed the hearts of muslims with manure, their eyes are covered and hearts are hardened, for they do not know the truth of Anon. - Poopoopeepee 3:9
It's really easy to make a Quranic verse once you get the hang of the mindnumbing repetition and meter.

>> No.16920898

>It's really easy to make a Quranic verse once you get the hang of the mindnumbing repetition and meter.
I dare you to make one

>> No.16920907

I just did. In fact, it's even better than your average Surah, because it didnt repeat a sentence five times.

>> No.16920908

He didn't pretend anything, he burned the versions that were false. Allah wouldn't have allowed otherwise.

Exactly. More and more people are finding Islam, and thankfully the lions of the ummah are loud enough to shoo the "critics" (soys) away.

>> No.16920924

>I just did
Make one that matches the beauty of Quran. Or is your impure heart unable to speak unironically?

>> No.16920984

>read some former protestant now atheist kike’s takes on your religion

>he doesn’t know tradition comes before (and shapes) the bible
wew lad

>> No.16920994

The Quran has no beauty.
This is like me taking a shit, then declaring it God's shit, and daring anyone to make a shit as good as mine. When people offer me their own turds, i can just say "nuh uh, mine is better!". The same goes with the Quran, which has no objective measurement for beauty, so it can just say that any (superior) verse isnt as good.
This kind of circular reasoning is typical for cults, by the way. Same with harsh punishment for apostasy.

>> No.16921002

>He didn't pretend anything, he burned the versions that were false. Allah wouldn't have allowed otherwise.

>> No.16921007

Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you
Is someone getting the best, the best, the best, the best of you

Here. And before you say "looool that's not more beautiful" - beauty is subjective and so is your worldview.

>> No.16921010

>tradition shapes the bible
you just disproved christianity good job retard kek

>> No.16921019

>beauty is subjective
is a subjective notion

>> No.16921029

So you're saying you can't do it?

>> No.16921043

lmao you stupid mothefucker, no wonder you’re a mohameddan

>> No.16921048

Im saying i just did it. If you think my verse is inferior to a Quran surah, then you are incorrect. here, i can make another:
>Oh followers of Anon, do not listen to them (filthy Muslims) who believe not in the word of >>16920895 , for Anon has blinded them. If only they knew, but indeed, Anon knows best!
Anon already predicted that you could not recreate His verse. I dare you to create a verse better than His.

>> No.16921052

>So why scrutinize a book that has no calls to aggression in it,

islam built with the sword.

>> No.16921067

A few thousand years in the Near East is not the story of humanity, and I see no reason to elevate these traditions stemming from bronze age pantheons over others. Of course they are interesting, but if you ignore some and concentrate on a few solely because you are trying to justify an abrahamic religion then you are hard to take seriously.

>> No.16921071

Explain why?

>> No.16921078

>filthy Muslims
You're still unable so string one ''verse'' without resorting to insults and name calling. Your heart is still too impure in order to do it.

>> No.16921090

No, the backhanded seethe insult towards out-group people actually made it more quran-like

>> No.16921103

That kind of vitriol is very Quran like, especially compared to the later Surahs. It would fit perfectly in Surah 9, and the average Muslim would be none the wiser.

>> No.16921106

If everything is subjective then so is your notion that everything is subjective subjective and is therefore null and void

>> No.16921110

I see, your superior wisdom has convinced me

>> No.16921120

Great argument.

>> No.16921121

what point do the hadiths serve then?

>> No.16921124

>and the average Muslim would be none the wiser.
I don't disagree. Most Muslims haven't even read the Quran fully, let alone dedicated their time to understanding it. Which is where a Hafiz of Quran comes in.

>> No.16921128

I never said everything is subjective, you have filled that in yourself, rather strange that one would feel the need to tell me I'm wrong and then misconstrue what I said.

Can you please try again? With honesty this time? I would like to know why you disagree.

>> No.16921169

You create something x and say it's more beautiful than y. Then you say you can't say y is more beautiful than x and beauty is subjective as well as my worldview. But if beauty is subjective as well as my worldview then according to my subjective worldview I can say y is more beautiful than x and I therefore do say that.

>> No.16921193

Okay, but I find >>16921007
more beautiful than any Qur'anic verse, and I am sure many Foo Fighters fans, despite Dave Grohl's other works, would agree with that.

Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people are fans of FF, surely Dave Grohl knows best, for he is the best of knowers.

>> No.16921205

The collection known as quran, is fine.
Strong as muscle.

Further, please stay in the topic and stop spewing out hatred against Islam.

>> No.16921207

>Hundreds of thousands
argumentum ad numeram is not an argument

>> No.16921217

People always do that when talking about how the Quran is inspiring or whatever.
It's Argumentum ad Populum btw

>> No.16921224

If you are willing, could you please also address the main point in my post? Thank you.

>> No.16921254

washing cum stained robes

>> No.16921304

Should I read the Quran? I was born Muslim but lived a life of fucking bitches and being Westernized. Don't even know Arabic.

Is there a book for Muslim theology?

>> No.16921318

nah fuck it mate, just keep having fun

>> No.16921338

Nah this thread unironically convinced me to learn more about my religion. You can tell the Christians (not the atheists, no qualms with them) in this thread were emotionally charged and butthurt the whole time, even dumping /pol/ infographics instead of addressing the arguments.

I'm not trying to become a religious or acquire faith, I just want to understand my faith better.

>> No.16921389

I am one of the "Christcucks" from this thread, and yes please do read the book. Don't fall into the trap of getting your information from youtubers though, they nearly always get it wrong.

Also read the OT and NT if you really want the Qur'an to mean something, In past discourses with Muslims I always heard the word "context" but only a small fraction of them actually knew the texts from before Islamic times.
That being said don't let people guilt you into Islam because of a possible guilty conscience and desire to get into heaven which is what a lot of my Muslim former friends have in common (degenerates by Western standards that completely turn around their lives - and not really for better if you catch my hint).

Know that there's always going to be some sort of "truth" in those texts (despite being largely incoherent and contradictory at times), but Daddy Peterson gave us most of that already.

>> No.16921394

how can it be "your" faith if you know nothing about it. you call yourself a muslim without knowing the first thing about being one? i'm a buddhist becuase i like the colour orange....

>> No.16921449

I hear U-Haul is having a deal on rentals. Might wanna check it out

>> No.16921520

Thanks I appreciate it.

I do know the basics. I'm don't have knowledge on Muslim theology past basic concepts.


>> No.16922637

>hylic behaviour
based gnostic

>> No.16923016
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