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16917514 No.16917514 [Reply] [Original]

I never see it posted on here, I was wondering what does /lit/ think about Discord series and Terry Pratchett?

>> No.16917517

Screw you autocorrect, you embarrassed me in front of all these Anons

>> No.16917781

Ive only read the 1st one and all the Lipwig ones. I like them, they can be chuckleworthy and seeing society develop in front of your eyes is pretty sick

>> No.16917794

It gets brought up but sometimes it's derided as 'Reddit literature' the same way as Hitchiker's Guide.

>> No.16917801

>Reddit literature
Never visit that site. What is exactly meant as Reddit literature?

>> No.16917917

based but bluepilled
Also Guards! Guards! is the funniest book ive read

>> No.16917922

Reddit garbage

>> No.16917927

wth, I like Pratchett. I thought everyone thought he was comfy British fantasy lit

>> No.16917940


there are a lot of discworld books and some are god tier some are meh

Guards! Guards! is my favorite as well

>> No.16917957

He's lots of fun and generally ideologically sound, in a good-natured homespun G. K. Chesterton sort of way.

The middle-period City Watch ones -
>Guards, Guards
>Men At Arms
>Feet Of Clay
- are best for me. Some great characters (Vimes, Carrot, Nobby, The Patrician) and a nice satisfying multi-book progress arc.

Many people rate
>Small Gods
very highly. It does have a good villain and lots of wacky antics with Greek philosophers.

has the single best sequence in his whole oevre (Death going to a department store as Father Christmas and giving all the children awesome free stuff).

>> No.16917963

they are absolutely redditcore

>> No.16917975

I have friends who tell me about it, and from what I've heard I think they get more excited by the world building than the actual story - which is totally ok. It does sound like a fascinating universe with a variety of tonal depth to scratch most fantasy itches, but none of them have been quick to praise the writing as anything but fanciful.

Where is a good place to start with the series?

>> No.16918018

Mort then Guards! Guards!
The firs two books are alright but honestly dont need it, he only got funny from Mort onwards

>> No.16918046

Weren't both Pratchett and Adams active DECADES before Reddit was created?

>> No.16918110

yeah, it's generally good fun stuff although i've read less than half of the series. they do get a bit samey after a while but if you just read one every now and again they're fun. i prefer the older ones, the colour of magic up to sourcery.
i also like some of pratchett's other non discworld books. strata is good (obviously an influence on discworld). the two compilations of his short work, a slip of the keyboard and a blink of the screen, are pretty interesting. the nome trilogy (truckers/diggers/wings) are good stuff for kids.
>I thought everyone thought he was comfy British fantasy lit
he is. fuck all these shrieking retards bitching about reddit, they only do that because they haven't learned to think for themselves.

>> No.16918135

yes but they are hideously popular on reddit and with that demo

>> No.16918233

I think it's too much sometimes. I don't know what it is, but I've bought a number of his books, and never really felt compelled to finish them.
I do like Sam Vimes as a protagonist though, and after having read THUD! I'm starting the Nightwatch series from the beginning.
But like I said. Pratchett is just too "british humor" for me sometimes.

>> No.16919088
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"Reddit" in this case means accessible, humorous, irreverent, somewhat smug/pretentious, built on references to existing genres, easy to reference in turn. This makes it something nerds can easily bond over. See also: Rick and Morty.
None of this is necessarily bad, but liking it is low-status. You wouldn't want to be like the cringy people over on Reddit, would you?

>> No.16919178

>All this talk of reddit
imagine not liking something just because people you don't like enjoy it, it's almost as cringe at not liking something just because it's popular.

>> No.16919188

They are good, only newfags call it Reddit.
Pratchet is actually good.

>> No.16919211

Pratchetts not bad. Le reddit meme is just latest in a series of anti-intellectual non-conforming conformists attacks on what people genuinely enjoy.

>> No.16919224

It does feel like reddit, but I don't mind

>> No.16919249

He got too far up his ass with later Guards books

>> No.16919299

Either that or the fact he was dying.

>> No.16919405
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>> No.16919427

it's comfy before-Christmas reading, whats not to like?

>> No.16919483

A lot of his books have themes of not being an autistic turbo-sperg racist, so bringing it up brings out the gremlins bored from shitposting on their containment board.

They're good, so there's not a lot to talk about them.

>> No.16919671

They are reddit, only newfags call it good.
Pratchett is actually reddit.

>> No.16919691

I like them a lot. They're funny but also heartfelt with good character writing. Really comfy and really British

>> No.16919693

i read the colour of magic and it was decent. seemed a bit dated but still fun read. nothing to write home about though

>> No.16919738

The first 3 are... Well they're not his best. Read Mort, if you don't like that then you probably wont like the rest.

>> No.16919803

Good light hearted fantasy with solid character writing, along with some great 80s era british lefty satire that gets a lot more pointed as the series goes on

>> No.16919985

>based but bluepilled
The correct understanding of these books indeed.
It absolutely is reddit, but it’s not as but as hitchhikers, which is two decent books followed by abject trash. Also the radio show of hitchhikers was better and less bloated than the books

>> No.16920287

It's based. The board you want is /tg/, though.

>> No.16920372

The City Watch books are the best

>> No.16920394

>thimble theater
Weird choice but deep cut.

>> No.16920465

are they plot driven or is it mostly just satire?

>> No.16920716
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I've read nearly all of them, and also nearly all of his non discworld novels too, like 50 or so books total since I was 12. I haven't read all the side material, he has a lot of stuff like maps and guides to certain countries from the discworld.
Yeah he's a great writer, very funny, very creative. His first 2 discworld books with Rincewind and Twoflower were kind of frantic and random, but he improves dramatically after that. It's like he didn't realise he was going to make so many and it had a more kooky vibe, but then he struck gold and shaped it up.
It's very cool to see reccuring protagonists that come back in multiple books. Death, Rincewind, the City Gaurd, the Wizards, the barbarian heroes, and theres a lot of side characters that make regular cameos. Death appears in every single book, even if it's just to reap one random guy who dies suddenly. It's probably got the best character roster outside of the simpsons.

If you want to read a couple of based non discworld books then get Strata and The Dark Side of the Sun. Both are sci fi space exploration.
Strata is where he first created the discworld idea, where 3 space explorers land on an unknown disk shaped planet inhabited by medieval level humans. The people have rare magical artifacts and are occasionally attacked by legendary monsters, which the crew realise are just technology that is even more advanced than what the crew are used to. They figure out the whole planet is artificial and have to figure out how to leave, it's a very cool concept.
Dark Side of the Sun is also very good, it's just a display of Pratchetts creativity. It's surprising how strong his sci fi concepts were and how well he could write years before he even started discworld.

>> No.16920779

The Unseen University set are also top tier now that I think about it.

>> No.16920791

It helps to read Strata with the knowledge that it's a Ringworld parody, though you can read it without that.

>> No.16921170

Plot driven.
The first 2 are basically just kooky satire lol so random let's visit 100 new locations where whacky things happen with a loose plot. But then he changes the tone for the better and it stays that way.

His pre discworld books are much better written than his first 2 discworlds, perhaps he intended it to be a one time fun satire thing.

>> No.16922009

Your pic related is pretty fun, I had a good time reading it. Some other books in the series arent so funny, it's sometimes too much, and the humor does get repetitive. Still a good and pretty unique take on fantasy.