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16915823 No.16915823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Describe your worldview - whatever that means - how it influences your behavior.

>> No.16915834

Just be simple

>> No.16915836

Self aggrandisement at any cost.

>> No.16915843
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vanity of vanities all is vanity

>> No.16915850
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Spanish good, anglo bad

>> No.16915855

Personality is a social crutch, experience is everything. If you become someone, you're just just playing old roles to fulfill expectations. You should strive to live forever, be nobody, and experience everything.

>> No.16915856

I'd consider myself a realist, but in philosophical terms I'm what's called a pessimist. It means I'm bad at parties. I think human consciousness was a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself. We are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things laboring under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling. Programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody. When in fact everybody's nobody.

>> No.16915862

Do worldviews really affect your behavior? It seems like people with very different views act similar. What is a view anyhow. What is the nature of a view we must ask ourselves, and do these views direct our actions

>> No.16915866

My worldview is that anchoring one's worldview to some simple statement is a dead-end path towards obsolescence and destruction. One must be fluid in one's thinking, questioning and challenging every preconceived notion.
It should go without saying that I don't even hold this worldview too strongly and will easily abandon it when it becomes clear that I must.

>> No.16915867

I like licking buttholes more than clits

>> No.16915874

We live in a reproduction of history that's about as reliable as the self-reported memory of a con artist with brain damage. Therefore whenever I do or experience anything I don't like it's the future's fault for simulating me wrong.

>> No.16915875

i agree with what you said but all that shouldn’t make you “unfun”

>> No.16915877
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Rugged positive absurdism.
Rugged meaning it's being constantly battered and requires moment to moment reaffirmation
Absurd because any philosophy that requires constant active validation is probably an ineffective one
Positive because I have to be

Every time I come across a logic barrier the 'fuck you' punk quotient comes into effect and I basically side step it. As for how it applies to daily life it means focusing on my local community as it is plausible to see direct effects I cause and problems I can plausibly help solve. Its a denial of the larger world I suppose but I have a real sanity issue when I try to contemplate that so it's also pragmatic to focus on what I can do. I tend a garden and attend local shows and art displays. I have fetishised local village living where I visit the butcher and baker and pharmacy and library and get to know people and one day a few years ago I realised I could literally just go and do that so I did and now I am.

Feels good man?

>> No.16915884

Life is finite and I will only exist as myself so there’s nothing to the universe besides maximizing my personal pleasure and enjoyment. I guess that makes me a hedonist but I don’t give a fuck.

>> No.16915977

It's pasta from a scene with Rust in True Detective. Although, I do basically agree with it

>> No.16916210
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Energy and thermodynamics are the basis of growth, wealth (or flourishing), and decay in everything. Modern economics and political theories that treat energy as a product with a market price, and not as the one binding mercury to everything, are wrong; at best they are a quack science and at worst they are a religion with "high priests" or experts. All things within a thermodynamic world are in a constant, altering state of surplus and scarcity; a perceived harmony or equilibrium of the two is illusory because decay is the ultimate constant in our expanding universe; pockets of growth do occur but at no level remotely close to that of the crucible of our universe (the big bang), nor by comparison does such growth maintain itself for a long duration. All kingdoms and species of life are bound to the (often multi-layered, complex, and delicate) equilibria of surplus/scarcity as provided by their environment, and their total existence is mathematically deterministic because of this; whether an absence appears in something small yet vital to their existence which sets them to a degeneration and thus extinction or a sudden, outside factor beyond their control merely wipes them out catastrophically. That being said, there is a will to live and grow at the molecular (DNA) level and the only thing that a more complex organism guarantees itself by its existence is a greater need for energy, a greater dependency to its environment and the surplus/scarcity/equilibrium provided, and a greater risk of burning out as a species in comparison to simpler creations, to say nothing of luck and timing involved in growth and means of growing. The odds of an organism, beyond the basic chemicals that jiggle to life, ever traversing beyond the realm of its decaying pocket of the universe are horrifying slim once one understands just how much an organism requires to maintain its generational integrity and access the bare minimum resources of energy for its daily standard of living. Thus, I realize how brief and doomed is my existence and everything both now and generation-wise. And that's (partly) why I'm married and a father, why I smoke tobacco and drink gin (responsibly) almost daily, and why I work as butcher.

>> No.16916272

Freedom is being ok with not being liked

>> No.16916408

yeah you are that

>> No.16916420

Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population of this continent. For the first time in human history it will be done as a scientific, technical, engineering problem. There will be no place for Politics or Politicians, Finance or Financiers, Rackets or Racketeers. Technocracy states that this method of operating the social mechanism of the North American Continent is now mandatory because we have passed from a state of actual scarcity into the present status of potential abundance in which we are now held to an artificial scarcity forced upon us in order to continue a Price System which can distribute goods only by means of a medium of exchange. Technocracy states that price and abundance are incompatible; the greater the abundance the smaller the price. In a real abundance there can be no price at all. Only by abandoning the interfering price control and substituting a scientific method of production and distribution can an abundance be achieved. Technocracy will distribute by means of a certificate of distribution available to every citizen from birth to death. The Technate will encompass the entire American Continent from Panama to the North Pole because the natural resources and the natural boundary of this area make it an independent, self-sustaining geographical unit.[40]

>> No.16916422

Technocracy movement
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The technocracy movement is a non-political social movement which arose in the early 20th century. Technocracy was popular in the United States and Canada for a brief period in the early 1930s, before it was overshadowed by other proposals for dealing with the crisis of the Great Depression.[1] The technocracy movement proposed replacing politicians and businesspeople with scientists and engineers who had the technical expertise to manage the economy.[2]

The movement was committed to abstaining from all revolutionary and political activities. It gained strength in the 1930s but in 1940, due to an alleged initial opposition to the Second World War, was banned in Canada. The ban was lifted in 1943 when it was apparent that 'Technocracy Inc. was committed to the war effort, proposing a program of total conscription.'[3] The movement continued to expand during the remainder of the war and new sections were formed in Ontario and the Maritime Provinces.[4]

The Technocracy movement survives into the present day and as of 2013, was continuing to publish a newsletter, maintain a website, and hold member meetings.[5] Smaller groups included the Technical Alliance, The New Machine and the Utopian Society of America, though Edward Bellamy had the most success due to his nationalistic stances, and Thorstein Veblen's rhetoric, removing the current pricing system and his blueprint for a national directorate to reorganize all produced goods and supply, and ultimately to radically increase all industrial output.

>> No.16916425

At the core of Scott's vision was "an energy theory of value". Since the basic measure common to the production of all goods and services was energy, he reasoned "that the sole scientific foundation for the monetary system was also energy", and that by using an energy metric instead of a monetary metric (energy certificates or 'energy accounting') a more efficient design of society could be made.[29] Technocracy Inc. officials wore a uniform, consisting of a "well-tailored double-breasted suit, gray shirt, and blue necktie, with a monad insignia on the lapel", and its members saluted Scott in public.[6][30]
A Technocratic work schedule

The Technocratic movement planned to reform the work schedule, to achieve the goal of uninterrupted production, maximizing the efficiency and profitability of resources, transport and entertainment facilities, avoiding the "weekend effect".[41]

According to the movement's calculations, it would be enough that every citizen worked a cycle of four consecutive days, four hours a day, followed by three days off. By "tiling" the days and working hours of seven groups, industry and services could be operated 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This system would include holiday periods allocated to each citizen.[41]

In Germany before the Second World War, a technocratic movement based on the American model introduced by Technocracy Incorporated existed; it ran afoul of the political system there.[42]

A Russian movement existed based on similar beginnings from the North American movement also.[43] Alexander Bogdanov's concept of Tectology bears some semblance to technocratic ideas. Both Bogdanov's fiction and his political writings as presented by Zenovia Sochor,[44] imply that he expected a coming revolution against capitalism to lead to a technocratic society. The most important of the non-Leninist Bolsheviks may have been Alexander Bogdanov.[45]

>> No.16916447

i tihnk of a worldview as a set of judgments you consistently make for the same categories of thing

>> No.16916458

nature + racism.

>> No.16916484

>Do worldviews really affect your behavior?
No. All ideology is a post hoc justification of behaviour you already want to adopt.

>> No.16916501

Avoid work at all costs

>> No.16916509

The Golden Rule.

>> No.16916517

Individualist democratic republican.

For us all to remain free and without a monarch we must govern through a democracy that offers every man and woman the freedom to live without being hampered by an overbearing government or corporate oligarchy. Everyone should be heard more clearly, held to higher standards, and regard the sacred traditions of the Republic as a necessity to pursuing their own goals.

It makes me an annoying dinner guest.

>> No.16916558

materialist nihilist atheist
doesnt really affect my behaviour

>> No.16916635

Consciousness is the only thing that deserves sanctity—as it allows for limitless freedom within it. Justice is the most important concept—because it allows you to understand that the world is not just.

>> No.16916684

I think hentai is the ultimate purpose of our existence.

>> No.16916703

outgroups bad

>> No.16916743


>> No.16917000
File: 44 KB, 500x375, the anglosaxon mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anglo good, humanity bad

>> No.16917005

yea all western modern ideologies essentially share a worldview. doesn't mean there can't be more outside that.