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16912828 No.16912828 [Reply] [Original]

>wrote all that shit
>just to completely forget about human nature
Guess there's a reason this guy's always been a joke amongst academically minded people lol.

>> No.16912856

The underconsumptionist theory of human movements and revolutions is ridiculous.

People do things even stronger when they have MORE resources, not less. And they have the same amount of reason to.

>> No.16912859

This. Some people are so fucking dumb.

>> No.16912869

who is this bearded mason? He looks unkempt.

>> No.16912873


>> No.16912878

>hero of the left
>stinking anti-semite covered in pustulent carbuncles who lived off of gibs and hated. blacks

>> No.16912884

There is more intellectual merit in Marx's shit, piss, and cum than in all of rightism

>> No.16912887

"Being greedy is just human nature" is such a thought-terminating cliche. It's entirely vapid. Even for a troll this is just lazy. I'm embarrassed *for* you.

>> No.16912908

The cope of this lol. How do you explain the state of the world we live in? You think that in any other system the most greedy wouldn't also be the most powerful among us? Don't respond, gas huffing retard.

>> No.16912925

Attacking him for not keeping human nature in mind is kind of missing the forest for the trees. That aspect of his thought is just an aspect of him living in the era of peak positivism.

>> No.16912944

reminder that this is just stupid bait and that marx very much included human nature in his theory

>> No.16912949

The cheaper gas is, the higher the demand.

>> No.16912950

Is this the latest leftypol meme, spamming this human nature thing? Is it because you're butthurt that stupid people sometimes say it, or is it an attempt to provoke discussion of Marx with a stupid strawman?

Why not just make a productive Marx thread and stress that you want to talk about the texts, not about vague shit with people who haven't actually read them? Make a thread about the Grundrisse or something.

>> No.16912954

That has nothing to do with the underconsumptionist theory of civilization.

>> No.16912961

Shill here, not gonna lie we're all literally shidding and farding our pants, we know this is gonna be bad. The mood at shill hq is growing very dark indeed

>> No.16912962


>> No.16912967

I used to love Marxism. Even voted for Sanders for communist president in the democratic primaries. I knew democracy was the only true path to a communist utopia. Like Marx said:

>Killing people and destroying property solves nothing. Democracy is the only road to socialism.

Used to read Marx daily. I must have scrolled through brainyquote.com reading ALL his quotes. Oh, I don't know what "human labor in the abstract" means WHO THE FUCK CARES. I don't know what "commodity production" means? Fuck off, you purists. Revolution isn't made by armchair theorists like you, sitting around all smug in your mom's basement nickpicking every little detail anyone gets wrong. It's made by DEMOCRACY when the PEOPLE come together and realize they can create something BETTER. A society created in our own image, THAT's what Marx was really fighting for. Assholes.

I started going down the wrong path. I started getting real deep into Marx, far down the rabbit hole. I found some works written by Marx, the really dark stuff. I started getting into his Theory of White Genocide. Quoted:

The White Man is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor he sucks.

I realized that the white man must be destroyed if we were to create a communist utopia. At that point I realized it was too great a cost to humanity, and realized my own path down insanity.

Started reading Mises, Hayek, Rothbard. The good guys. Learned about the sanctity of property. Learned about how to DEBUNK the labor theory of value with the mudpie argument. But most important of all, I learned about INDIVIDUALISM and how Capitalism is really the best system for that.

I was like "Holy shit. When you get a job, you actually AGREED to sell your labor to him. Wild". Marx's arguments just fell apart.

But the nail in the coffin, for Marx? He forgot about human nature.

>> No.16912972


>> No.16912978

>How do you explain the state of the world we live in?
A result of industrialization. A handful of greedy people setting up a system where everyone has to work a 9-5 out of necessity. Over the generations turning into a fight for success, because the natural state was overturned and unable to be returned to.

>You think that in any other system the most greedy wouldn't also be the most powerful among us?
Yes feudal lords were greedy but the average person wasn't :^)
Young girls are selling nudes on onlyfans because of the greed that centuries of capitalism has engineered into the human psyche :^)
Its not natural, its unnatural :^)

>> No.16912985

way to out yourself as a pseud. I'm not even a Marxist but seriously - read Marx

>> No.16912996

>But the nail in the coffin, for Marx? He forgot about human nature.
This but unironically. Imagine thinking human nature is infinitely malleable and that our natural proclivities won't just manifest themselves in a communist society albeit in a more subtle way

>> No.16912997

>Young girls are selling nudes on onlyfans because of the greed that centuries of capitalism has engineered into the human psyche :^)
Could've just started with the fact that you're an incel.

>> No.16913007

It's a meme post you moron lmao

>> No.16913012

Wait. Marx loved Darwin and talks about human nature extensively in his works.
Here he is in volume 3 of Capital.

In fact, the realm of freedom actually begins only where labor which is determined by necessity and mundane considerations ceases; thus in the very nature of things it lies beyond the sphere of actual material production. Just as the savage must wrestle with Nature to satisfy his wants, to maintain and reproduce life, so must civilized man, and he must do so in all social formations and under all possible modes of production. With his development this realm of physical necessity expands as a result of his wants; but at the same time, the forces of production which satisfy these wants also increase.

Freedom in this field can only consist in socialized man, the associated producers, rationally regulating their interchange with Nature, bringing it under their common control, instead of being ruled by it as by the blind forces of Nature; and achieving this with the least expenditure of energy and under conditions most favorable to, and worthy of, their human nature.

>> No.16913024

I included that to appeal to the incel "capitalism is human nature" polcunt.

>> No.16913033

Don't read g*rms, they're autistic af and have no sense of humor or human understanding.

>> No.16913044

Not that anon, but that's why he said, "but unironically." He clearly knew it was ironic.

>> No.16913048

Marx had a sense of humor and is the only German worth reading. But other than that I agree. Fuck Germans.

>> No.16913061

"Human nature", such that it exists, is cooperative. There are several books written on this.

>> No.16913088
File: 66 KB, 700x1058, A14BF6FE-A0F9-4520-927B-DF1E5B162599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you aren’t even going to pretend to try, please stop posting

>> No.16913091

Marxism is unironically about return to our human nature, if anything (sans the inter-tribal violence of course). But for amerimutts the only valid source on prehistory are apparently the Flintstones.

>> No.16913214

>thought-terminating cliche
How did you learn that word?

>> No.16913223

>Historical philosophy is just a perversion of Christianity without the good part

>> No.16913250

Marx was such a little bitch. Everyone that knew him said that he smelled like ammonia and the stale scent of piss.

>> No.16913256
File: 11 KB, 227x222, 1534828781947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sincere question: how do you even define "human nature"? is it a real thing? how can anyone dictate parameters for how or what a person should be?

>> No.16913285

>human nature not real
>ackshually capitialism destroyed real human nachurr

Which is is marxoids

>> No.16913309

everything has a nature. humans aren't beyond nature. but that is not a critique of marx.

>> No.16913450

Neither does the price of tea in China. It's no less useful than this meme tier thread. Thanks for wanking like you know, but not actually saying why. Wanktard. Thread hidden.

>> No.16913454

>Leftism is a joke

Yes we know.

>> No.16913667

Everything regarding Marx, but PARTICULARLY his absurd theories of value, were completely useless at the time and are even more useless now.

Right Wing ideological thought exists with a minimal amount of theory because most of it is apodictic.

>> No.16913687

dont make fun of my daddy ;(

>> No.16913866


I read books

>> No.16913961

Except he wrote a shit load on human nature.

>> No.16913973

However, in the sixth Theses on Feuerbach (1845), Marx criticizes the traditional conception of human nature as a species which incarnates itself in each individual, instead arguing that human nature is formed by the totality of social relations. Thus, the whole of human nature is not understood, as in classical idealist philosophy, as permanent and universal: the species-being is always determined in a specific social and historical formation, with some aspects being biological.
And that's where he went wrong.

>> No.16913979

Except its not because all historical and social evidence points to this.

>> No.16913985

>historical and social evidence points towards class consciousness being remotely possible in the extremely tribal organism that is the human species

>> No.16913988

Are you a peasant?

>> No.16913995

do you guys ever look at your behaviour and question it?