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File: 106 KB, 700x622, deleuze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16911374 No.16911374 [Reply] [Original]

So what did he do, what is his legacy? Car commercials that appeal to your sense of individuality? Come on.

Deleuze is the poster boy of the worst kind of hyper-affected urbanite trash philosophy. There was no warrior spirit in him

>> No.16911782
File: 31 KB, 855x606, gnon will win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Car commercials that appeal to your sense of individuality
Car commercials that appeal to your sense of pre-individuality maybe. Also, it's even worse than you describe. Pic related kek.

>> No.16911817

Read him and see(?)

>> No.16912054


>There was no warrior spirit in him
Lol, are you illiterate or some shit. Deleuze is one of the most masculine thinkers of all time. He was the guy who came up with the concept of The War-Machine. A pack of men, transgressing and producing the new, the force within human organization that goes and risks anything, even death to conquer what lies ahead of it. Be it a new form of making art or a fucking world war. This nigga is the only french philosopher that is certainly based(while sadly not being redpilled at the same time). He exposed Kant and alot of feminine thinkers before as bureaucratic faggots, that seek to govern reality via unchanging concepts, instead of affirming active struggle against the ever-changing problematic sphere that is reality.
This dood was a nietzschean and platonist at the same time, baka.
His philosophy is one of action and creation not faggy truth seeking. Fuck Derrida, Fuck Foucault and the Rest, but Deleuze was a Chad even tho he was a degenerate frenchie.

>> No.16912407

Yes, my friend, I understand that, I've read Delueze and intuitively get him. We can agree to disagree, but yes this is a based post and Delueze himself was indeed based as far as parisian blowhards go. Kant was an effete faggot. Fuck jannies world is a fuck

>> No.16912428

Kant is philosophy a ultimate janny. Nooo you can't just make uncritical truth claims about what lies outside our solipsistic boundaties of experience noo. I spit on Kunt and his brood of insect people

>> No.16912470

As true as this is, Deleuze's legacy appears to be trans leftist students studying sociology or literature. Where are the Deleuzo-Neitzchean aristocratic warrior poets? I'd like to speak with them.

>> No.16912490

Nah, kant is cool because he, much like me, was autistic.

>> No.16912505

>trans leftist students studying sociology or literature
get off the internet every once in a while.
And there really is no reason to take philology faculties seriously when they co-opt a philosopher.
> Where are the Deleuzo-Neitzchean aristocratic warrior
i think you have your oxymoron right here. How do you expect to find a fucking unicorn and then have the audacity to complain when you dont succeed?

>> No.16912510
File: 351 KB, 2518x1024, I laughed a lot at this-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol imagine being mad because kant exposed you as being a worthless FAGGOT who isn't right IN ALL POSSIBLE WORLDS.

BTFO'd faggot

>> No.16912519

Why be a warrior? To support a cucked nation?
Fuck off.

>> No.16912544

>Deleuze's legacy appears to be trans leftist students
I blame the accfags and the parts in Anti-Ödipus where they take Daniel Paul Schreber as some sort of model schizophrenic, who happens to be probable the first documented person with diagnosed genderdysmorphia.
Personally I think Dolce&Gabana turned that around in thousand plateaus when they attributed the lines of flight and "positive" schizophrenia to be purely active on the philosophical layer(speed of thought and all that)
The hardening of strata had quite the negative connotation throughout the work and I'd think that chopping of your balls to be girl is quite literally the opposite of what they think would be advisable.

>> No.16912560

Struck a nerve? Obviously it was an exaggeration but the amount of self described Deleuzians who are trans is astounding. Online and irl.
I'm looking for those who have the creative creative impulse to go beyond limits as Nietzsche and Deleuze did, but who don't then relapse into a boring leftist anti-capitalist stance and then just sit around complaining for the rest of their lives about capitalism.

>> No.16912575

I meant in spirit not literally, you were bloody quick on the draw to take the most surface level reading possible. What are you, some kind of rugged individualist? Anarchist?

>> No.16912613

I blame Deleuze, his writing style puts off a lot of people who don't already think they agree with him going in. It's a shame. I'm just annoyed that the self described Deleuzians are so boring in their thought, which is so antithetical to his thinking. To misquote Nietzsche, the only real Deleuzian defenestrated himself.

>> No.16912677

>the only real Deleuzian defenestrated himself.
is this a joke about his suicide?
>I'm looking for those who have the creative creative impulse to go beyond limits as Nietzsche and Deleuze did, but who don't then relapse into a boring leftist anti-capitalist stance and then just sit around complaining for the rest of their lives about capitalism.
you actually do not have to be a university professor or social activist emplyoed by some public facility, to be a deleuzian. Decoding the flux does not need to occur solely in intellectual (unproductive) masturbation.

>> No.16912703

I was suggesting none of the self described Deleuzians live up to Deleuze and his creative ethos.
I would agree and I'm asking where are they? Where are the Deleuzians? When I look for them I see depressed teenagers on twitter whining about capitalism. Who is decoding the flux? I'd like to speak with them.

>> No.16912707

They're out there, there's a circle of fringe prophets and avant garde schizos on the internet out there you just have to dig for and put the pieces together. Its not in whatever Zero Books is pumping out this Christmas I'll tell you that

>> No.16912716

accfag hasn't been off the net a single day since icq.

>> No.16912719

r/sorceryofthespecactle is the only place remotely interesting that I've found in this vein.

>> No.16912720

The mark of a great thinker might just be to what degree they're vulnerable to appropriation by kids and retards, kids latch on to nietzsche and deleuze because they give voice the propulsion of their youth but it's only after your metabolism slows down that you're capable of appreciating them, and all philosophy

>> No.16912725

Sots is entry-tier, one man's epiphanies ramified by reddit. There's deeper.

>> No.16912730

That's a good point

>> No.16912735

>id like to speak to the CEO of schizoanalysis

>> No.16912749

In that case I am genuinely asking you to point the way or at least give me a hint, where is this deeper?

>> No.16912753

>Car commercials that appeal to your sense of pre-individuality maybe.

Just buy a Volkswagen

>> No.16912852

Nice one

>> No.16912910

Based volkswagen shill

>> No.16913058
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, Hmmmmmmmnnnnnnnüüüüüüüüüüüüüü.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleuzian internet-culture could be cool nomadic warrior shit that wears wolf-shirts unironically.
Instead it's.... whatever gay shit is happening on twitter.

I'll be damned though if I don't at least try to change it to be better.

>> No.16913102

Yes! You get it. Take me with you on your lines of flight.

>> No.16913262



start here

>> No.16913413
File: 74 KB, 666x500, bral2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, based. Deleuze and Guattari fashion many tools that can be used for warlike, revolutionary, masculine endeavors, and they're also quite insistent on the affirmation of the good, and so much the better for it, nothing bad ever lasts. They would be huge critics of the bullshit liberalism mire we are currently wading in. That we haven't experienced any molecular revolutions in our time is the most bullshit of critiques, the same could be said of literally any writer.

Online right-wingers have such a dumbass attitude towards writers, if they see that they aren't virulently rejected by whatever aesthetic enemy that's been identified (tranners, jews, blacks), they just act like an inverted image of these people and reject said writer. It's like they got sent to a guidance counselor for drawing a swastika, and thought "oh, the adults scold me for this, that MUST make it revolutionary!" It's entirely oedipal, and appears like a controlled opposition to me.

>> No.16913457

Thank you anon

>> No.16913715

found your fucking deleuzian warrior poet

>> No.16913752

Yeah everyone interested in deleuze knows about this, thanks

>> No.16913777

Why are you taking the phrase warrior poet so literally? It's like you want to be upset

>> No.16913803

>This nigga is the only french philosopher that is certainly based
WRONG. That would be Girard (God bless him). The only French theorist to not only identify philosophy (metaphysics; the Platonic menace) as the font of all faggotry, but to extricate himself from it too. Deleuze utterly failed in respect to the latter. The fact that he didn't sign the pedo petition and wasn't taken up by university humanities departments should be telling enough.

>> No.16913814

Meant to reply to >>16912054

>> No.16913832

Well you read dark deleuze and Nick Land once and you do actually get somewhere thats not a gay anarcho-libertarian book club critique of capitalism.

Then again any philosophical idea tied to politics can be hermenuticaly interpreted as whatever you want it to be. Deleuze's main philosophical value in my opinion, lies not so much in the work he did with Guattari, but in his development of concepts like virtuality, immanence, multiplicity, deterritorialization, the affect and many others which are pure philosophical tool kit of brilliant proportions. Since these concepts are still used in continental philosophy to a massive degree I would say that's his main legacy and not the political economy stuff like Anti-Oedipus.

>> No.16913855

Are you familiar with Eric Hand and Generative anthropology? It's based on an interpretation of Girard's work from what I've heard. If so, what do you think of it?
I couldn't agree more with your bottom paragraph. Have you got any recommendations for anyone who takes those ideas and really runs with them?

>> No.16913874

Me, in three to five years.

>> No.16913879

I'll be waiting with bated breath anon

>> No.16913883

Girard is an incredibly based supplement to Deleuze/Nietzsche. After all, isn't the uncovering of Violence and the Sacred really a genealogical endeavor that ends in a rejection of social structures as being sacred artifices intimately connected to violence itself. Mimetic Desire bears a lot of commonalities with Deleuze's interpretations of Nietzschean Reaction/Reactive forces. The only major difference between the typological/post-structural theory of Girard and that of Deleuze is that Girard affirms Christianity as being something more than just the sacred, but as a function of uncovering the sacred and revolting against violence itself by inverting consciousness back on itself through the figure of Christ.

>> No.16913885


Publications and books on Deleuzian concepts and philosophy have been exploding for the past 20 years. There is literally everything. There are even two books on Deleuze and videogames out.

>> No.16913890


Bataille did it first and in a better and more poetic way.

>> No.16913898

Yeah but a lot of it is just throwing Deleuzian sounding words like rhizome onto otherwise standard critical theory analysis. What's the best of the best? Not lukewarm leftist analysis of pop culture but but something more

>> No.16913900

Read Girard's critique of Bataille, who misses the entire point of Mimesis and the integral link it holds to the formation of ritual and the sacred itself.

>> No.16913913

I enjoy Laruelle's takes on Deleuze, they are a pretty refreshing view on the Differential Metaphysics at the core of Deleuze's work.

>> No.16913927


John Protevi is currently the best explicator and the most accessible of deleuzes ideas right now. I met the guy in a conference a few years back, he explained to me how a scientific experiment happens in deleuzian terms of virtuality and he blew my mind.

>> No.16913929

Thats a weird way to say you sucked off his dick.

>> No.16913938

Thanks for the recommendations anons

>> No.16913977

funnily enough, Deleuze was a supporter of Palestinian resistance


>> No.16914037

>“If what is called history is a dynamic and open social reality, in a state of functional disequilibrium, or an oscillating equilibrium, unstable and always compensated, comprising not only institutionalized conflicts but conflicts that generate changes, revolts, ruptures, and scissions, then primitive societies are fully inside history, and far distant from the stability, or even from the harmony, attributed to them in the name of a primacy of a unanimous group. The presence of history in every social machine plainly appears in the disharmonies that, as Levi-Strauss says, "bear the unmistakable stamp of time elapsed." It is true that there are several ways to interpret such disharmonies: ideally, by the gap between the real institution and the assumed ideal model; morally, by invoking a structural bond between law and transgression; physically, as though it were a question of attrition that would cause the social machine to lose its capacity to wield its materials. But here too it seems that the correct interpretation would be, above all, actual and functional: it is in order to function that a social machine must not function well...[t]he social machine's limit is not attrition, but rather its misfirings; it can operate only by fits and starts, by grinding and breaking down, in spasms of minor explosions. The dysfunctions are an essential element of its very ability to function, which is not the least important aspect of the system of cruelty. The death of a social machine has never been heralded by a disharmony or a dysfunction; on the contrary, social machines make a habit of feeding on the contradictions they give rise to, on the crises they provoke, on the anxieties they engender, and on the infernal operations they regenerate. Capitalism has learned this, and has ceased doubting itself, while even socialists have abandoned belief in the possibility of capitalism's natural death by attrition. No one has ever died from contradictions. And the more it breaks down, the more it schizophrenizes, the better it works, the American way.”

>> No.16914049

>Deleuze was a supporter of Palestinian resistance
funnily enough, that doesn't matter at all

>> No.16914104

Did I touch a nerve?

I was pointing out the irony that the philosophy of a guy who supported Palestinian resistance is being used against Palestinians.

Now go fuck yourself schlomo

>> No.16914126

Yes, I'm familiar with Gans. I believe him to be Girard's true successor, despite the gripes Girard had with his hypothesis.
Au contraire, Deleuze/Nietzsche and every other bride of the metaphysical tradition will only ever be a supplement to Girard, insofar as the latter provides an account of the origin of the former and insofar as the former refuse to descend from their Platonic heaven.

>> No.16915385
File: 52 KB, 749x489, EkOPgwmWAAAp0Z3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally in the introduction Foucault urges you to step away from liberal individualism
More accurate

>> No.16915402
File: 3.58 MB, 4032x3024, 60EB2A2C-C6A3-43A8-B0AC-DB32920082BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender transition is some warrior spirit shit in many circumstances, I think you overestimate how "accepting" society is

>> No.16915592

Most of deleuzes influence is in the arts. Which just validates his chadness.
Justin murphy is a deleuzean who is undertaking a bunch of new endeavors like a new form of academia, encouraging intellectuals to be entrpreneurs, and hes probably gonna launch a new arranged marriage service.
You dont have to agree with him, but as a man you will agree that actions are the only thing that matters, and hes challenged alot of beasts.
The guy who invented buzfeed was a deleuzean iirc
Also one of israels top generals is a deleuzean and uses deleuze to plan battlefield strategy

>> No.16915702

Richard spencer is unironically a relatively dangerous right winger. Its only that he doesnt have much of a presence online or offline that he isnt bigger.
He understands deleuze relatively well and iirc in a video conceded that a deleuzean critique of the idea of a aryan nation is valid. But then went on to map out a whole other idea of aryan and white that had nothing to do with commonly accepted ideas of what white are.
Kind of fascinating and sort of worrying. I fear that if the actual anarchists and post anarchists dont fully adopt deleuze and let go of liberal sentimentalism, that people like spencer will. This will hand over the future to essentially really real really dangerous and a really interesting neo aryanism that neither the left or right have the tools or conceptual framework to compete against

>> No.16915762

What is the connection between the frankfurt school and Deleuze (and Foucault and such)?

>> No.16917171


>> No.16917230

haha wow what a fag

>> No.16917431


deleuze was a french careerist intellectual humanist. he has nothing to say on anything.

>> No.16917977

>There was no warrior spirit in him
You have your own /trash/ board over at /pol/
Go there now.