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16908727 No.16908727 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't the fellowship just cross the Misty Mountains east of Rivendell?
It's a path Gandalf is familiar with, as he traveled that way with Bilbo, and it would have avoided Moria, and the wolves of Hollin, and the mountain pass of Caradhras which nearly killed them.
Also, the east side of the mountains is terrain where Legolas is at home and he could have helped guide them and maybe even his people could have helped them find their way to Lorien.

The only threat in that mountain pass is orcs, which they could probably deal with since most orc forces were moving south by then. And Gandalf has dealt with the goblins and orcs in that pass before.

>> No.16908739
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Why didn't Gandalf just use the eagles to fly to Mordor?

>> No.16909252
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Kill yourself

>> No.16909347
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Y'all niggas know this was a story about Dragons and Elves and shit. Why you gotta ruin it by asking stupid questions.

>> No.16909351

Ask /tv/. You unironically have a better chance for decent LOTR discussions there.

>> No.16909359

>tfw will never travel through middle earth

fuck this gay ass existence

>> No.16909366

There were large hordes of orcs guarding those passes, Sauron attacked the North and Lorien with huge forces simultaneously when he attacked Gondor.

>> No.16909395

You must remember as well that they were being pursued by the Nazgul near constantly, and the path they chose was as much informed by the threat of discovery as it was by the way to their destination. The most likely path that Sauron would have guarded would have been this easier, more obvious path, and the way that the North suffers in the appendices seems to support the idea that it would have been even more dangerous to have followed it.

>> No.16909473

Middle earth is out world. You can do it

>> No.16909537

What happens in "Forodwaith"? Let me guess: vikings?

>> No.16910648

You're probably die due to orc brigands if you walk anywhere outside of our in-between the protection of Rangers, elves, Rohan, or Gondor.