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File: 287 KB, 831x1008, Ayn_Rand_(1943_Talbot_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16908415 No.16908415 [Reply] [Original]

So I want to read capitalist philosophers to challenge my views, what are some important capitalist philosophers I should read (besides pic related)?

>> No.16908421
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>Ayn Rand

>> No.16908433

You got baited

>> No.16908436

She's a bad philosopher yeah but the term doesn't carry an inherent level of intelligence with it, anyone who does philosophy is a philosopher

>> No.16908441

She's, objectively (lol), a philosopher. That being said I didn't like her very much.

>> No.16908448

Capitalism is more of a slander term created by Marx rather than something Rand advocates for (free enterprise) she's less of a bootlicker and more of a figure from a different time (when someone can actually create and maintain a small business successfully)
Before shit like Walmart and Amazon (monopolies she'd undoubtedly be against)

Most people who shit on her never actually read her, and in her books it's the working man who is depicted as the hero.

Nice woman, from a better time.

>> No.16908457

I would say they are pretty cringe but you could try these:
Capitalism and Freedom, Milton Freedman
The Road to Serfdom, Milton Friedman
Open Society and its Enemies, Karl Popper
Since marxists also happen to be cringe, I suggest getting into German historical school of economics instead, start with Max Weber.

>> No.16908464

*I meant The Road to Serfdom by Hayek

>> No.16908483

Take a look at Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard. Liberalism and Ehtics of Liberty or Power and Market are worth reading. Micheal Huemers Problem of Political Authority is highly rated by capitalists.

>> No.16908495

>monopolies she would be against
Source for these claims? Seems to me she would like them as sort of captains of industries and not taking much government assistance.
How are these monopolies in the first place if they don't harm consumers by restricting output or raising prices? Do they even have high market share in the relevant markets? Don't Walmart and Amazon compete against each other?

>> No.16908615

Every form of radical left wing state/economy proposal except for what they now call "market socialism" (which seems like a form of Capitalism really) are completely idiotic braindead ideologies. Left anarchism especially is just nuts, arguably even worse than right-anarchism.

>> No.16908655

In order to be rich you need a lots of poor people and there is no way around it . But in order to deceive, make usury less obvious you create paper based reality where everything is explained (suggested to imagine) and justified.
Degeneracy is promoted with purpose to justify new normal moral standard of usury grooming gradually everyone to total slavery.
So you create polarity of opinions by leading both sides as strongly as possible against each other and then you create conflict that you manage for own benefit.
Masonic Criminal "justice" system is taking advantage from peoples misery they pay and they get punished.

Humans Justice means readjust peoples activities in a life serving way with out punishing any one or even hate. Just because every ones needs can be met, by free giving from the heart and we know how to accomplish step by step.

You see difference between jew rats, gang of sinners, merchant hearts love in the red light district. and people family orientated guided by love and compassion to each other .

Jew rats pick from millions of different people only those, that coincidentally think, in a sinful way, promoting jew rat usury agenda.

Pay atention jew rats do not make movies showing to people how to relate to each other by humane side with compassion , how to solve conflict instead of manage for own benefit.

We never see produced by jew Hollywood Opposite of murder, opposite of lie , opposite of economically groomed and forced prostration in all aspects in human life.

Do you know that Greek word 'democracy' means rule of the people by people them self?
Those historical luxury coliseums was build for popular peoples congress and have life serving function meeting place to exchange vital information in order to serve life. Jew rats suggest you to imagine, that it was place to keep humans minds entertained, so that they do not exchange vital information to serve their own life , by free giving from the heart; but believe that small group of leaders will solve it for them . OK?

You should cry, not in the theater or church or in the front of TV or jumping up and down in the front of the stage with speakers.

All your human atention joy and tears, meant to be given to people around you. Family, neighbors and friends, need to feel your atention, your consideration, confirmation. Other people around you need to feel notice or perceive and register it as being significant by you . Love and hate is mutual so as friendship and mutual care; all goes by free human will and not coerced by money.
Just be honest about what is a life in you at the moment and what would make life more wonderful for you . Learn to love yourself in order to understand how to love other people.

Jew rats feel good in expanse of other peoples suffer. Humans can not. Money vs free will