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File: 392 KB, 1090x1127, sisyphus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16905863 No.16905863 [Reply] [Original]

Is this supposed to be irony, to show how humans will never be happy?

>> No.16905875



>> No.16905960

You can live an utterly meaningless existence and still find meaning.

>> No.16905982

Sisyphus is happy because he is not the stone. Even if he is compelled to roll the stone and never succeed he is still in a better place than the stone itself.

>> No.16906005

If you don't get why Sisyphus is happy you are, i'm afraid to say an NPC.

>> No.16906308
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>> No.16906963

Slavery is a mindset. It's a sheep thing.

Kinda ironic.

>> No.16908248

A man rolling a stone up a hill for all eternity was what the gods considered a cruel punishment.
Sisyphus takes comfort in the fact that he is alone in his world now. This world of the stone and the hill is all he'll ever know. He'll never have to deal with those cruel bothersome gods ever again. The stone and the hill is his world and his alone.
The gods thought it a particular cruel punishment. Sisyphus is happy proving them wrong one day at a time. Every day.

>> No.16908572
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Camus is the ultimate cope. Just accept that Sisyphus is unhappy, either accept it and continue to live, or accept it and an hero. There is nothing worse than some faggot telling you that something awful is actually good, optimists are disgusting and abhorrent. Makes me sick listening to them, there is nothing more normalfag than being an optimist. "Haha you might have lost your legs but turn that frown upside down!" -t. normalfag.

If every optimist died this second then we would finally be able to admit there is something wrong and be able to try to better it. Instead we are doomed to this eternal twilight existence where things arbitrary happen since no one can admit what it actually is.

>> No.16908595

> a jock dunks a nerd into the toilet
> the nerd, "Hah, jokes on you I just came."
> camus, "Hah, jokes on you I just came."

This thread.

>> No.16908601

No. SIsyphus' can choose whatever he wants to believe in relation towards his punishment therefore he's free.

>> No.16908689

> no, don't you see. He chose to cum.

>> No.16908697
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How fucking bored are you right now to be posting like this. Just go outside or read a book you complete faggot

>> No.16908710

I don't see Camus as advocating optimism but rather at looking at the problem from a new perspective.
People who looks at this myth of Sisyphus has arrived at this problem probably through years of study. Philosophy, science, religion. Camus does a good job of describing the problem. Man finds himself in an unforgiving world and longs for that principle that will unify man and the world, what Camus calls the nostalgia for unity. Realizing that logic is limited in solving the problem (Answering questions just raise more questions ad infinitum) one has to face the fact that there is no unifying principle, and realizes the absurdity of his existence.
The way I see it the searcher experiences a grief response. He's been looking for the "one truth" that would reconcile him with the world. That feeling that at last everything makes sense. Everything has it's reason. But now he realizes there is no truth. That holy grail that he was so sure was there. Everything seemed to point towards it. there were clues everywhere. It all turned to ash.
The reaction is the same as that of the man who loses a lover or a loved one, the man who lost his job. It's a man experiencing bereavement at losing something that was dear to him.
And the way towards moving past bereavement is by withdrawing emotional investment in the loss and reinvesting it in another aspect of life.
What Camus is suggesting is just that. Life may not have turned out to be what we had expected, what we hoped it to be, but we now have a clear view of what life is.
Now it's true that life is absurd but it's all we have and it's all we will ever have. Camus proposes that the best we can aspire towards experience. Now there are many kinds of experiences in life. There are many subjects and topics of study in life and I'm sure there is at least one thing in this world that every person finds interesting. The sane thing to do is to try and make your experience in this world as agreeable as possible. Take stock of what you still have and make the best of it so to speak. I mean you could kill yourself but since you're going to die anyway, what's the rush? In the end it's going to be irrelevant anyway BUT if you kill yourself you lose the only thing that you'll eve have: your life. Might as well check it out.

>> No.16908816

The only way to interpret "Imagine Sisyphus to be happy" is blind optimism. Camus and all the new age philosophers are a bunch of stupid rich faggots who didn't understand anything of life at all. They create a problem that doesn't exist "the one truth must exist without any kind of platonic forms", and then proclaim that a great evil has befallen us in its defeat "nihilism my man", to which their shitty excuse of a solution is? Blind optimism and magical creation of meaning. How fucking pathetic. Everything needed to be said was done so over a thousand years ago.

“Has someone made smoke in the house? If it is moderate, I’ll stay. If too much, I exit. For you must always remember and hold fast to this, that the door is open.”
Good and bad?
"man is the measure of all things"
Common simple pleasures that Camus spent his life only to realize they exist?
"We should remember that even Nature’s inadvertence has its own charm, its own attractiveness.The way loaves of bread split open on top in the oven; the ridges are just by- products of the baking, and yet pleasing, somehow: they rouse our appetite without our knowing why. Or how ripe figs begin to burst. And olives on the point of falling: the shadow of decay gives them a peculiar beauty. Stalks of wheat bending under their own weight. The furrowed brow of the lion. Flecks of foam on the boar’s mouth"
Death itself?
“the true philosophers practice dying, and death is less terrible to them than to any other men. Consider it in this way. They are in every way hostile to the body and they desire to have the soul apart by itself alone. Would it not be very foolish if they should be frightened and troubled when this very thing happens, and if they should not be glad to go to the place where there is hope of attaining"

Nu-philosophers are a fucking joke and should be ignored entirely.

>> No.16908822

I don't think he meant it ironically, he truly was trying that hard to pretend to cope.

>> No.16908824

No it's a literal cope

>> No.16908840

who are you quoting here?

>> No.16908841

Epictetus, Protagoras, Aurelius, and Plato/Socrates

>> No.16908884

nice, I gotta check those guys out.
desu I think the analogy between the myth of sisyphus and the absurdity of existence has some flaws. firstly Sisyphus's fate is eternal not so that of man. secondly man has a choice, Sisyphus doesn't. And imagining Sisyphus as happy doesn't really describe what Camus advocates in his book and reducing the entire book to that one line isn't exactly a fair representation of it. But I suppose Camus has himself to blame on that account.

>> No.16908916

just realize now that perhaps when humanity is considered as a whole that it becomes the myth of Sisyphus. It's absurd and eternal with no hope of escape and Sisyphus truly is happy because he is mostly ignorant of his situation.

>> No.16908917



>> No.16908924


Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you midwits.

Fuck this Gay Earth. Why do you have to be here?

>> No.16908931

not an argument

>> No.16908941

> not an argument

Rhetoric as worthless as the man you stole it from. What I posted wasn't a cheese sandwhich either you absolute brainlet.

>> No.16908964
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here's another

>> No.16908982

>you aint never heard of a nigga climbing a damn tree
You've heard of them hanging from one though.

>> No.16909047

It's a cope, doing the whole "I'm not owned, I'm not owned" bit on behalf of Sisyphus. He's literally a toy of the gods, trapped in a shit cycle until the end of eternity. Nothing about that is conducive to "happiness". Nietzsche proposed something similar, but the eternal return referred to living ONE life as if you would be willing to live it a thousand times. This, on the other hand, is pure cope from a depressed man.

>> No.16909091

how many of these pseudophilosophy peddling celebs lived a tough life? how many struggled? i'll tell you: none.

>> No.16909094
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>> No.16909110

But I thought the point of Sisyphus was that he didn't know his task was meaningless. He doesn't know he's trapped here forever rolling the stone but he has the urge to continue trying for who he is.
I think that's the point Camus was making. We don't know how all this will end nor what we'll accomplish but we should be happy rolling along regardless. If not we should kill ourselves.

>> No.16909120


If you're going to pull the "not an argument" card and never give an argument you're a hypocrite by your own standards.

>> No.16909143

You won't see me objecting to most of this, the Ubermensch ideology is obviously a counterfeit of God. Nietzsche never should have formulated it. Still, if you ignore the idea of the Ubermensch, his writings are very good as a diagnosis of the nihilistic disease.

>> No.16909144

>make a statement
>get called a midwit
>point out that name calling does not constitute an argument
>"no but where is your argument bro, you can't expect me to make an argument when I'm attacking your statement if you don't also make an argument"
lol what the fuck is this ? troll?

>> No.16909154

>And imagining Sisyphus as happy doesn't really describe what Camus advocates
That line is in fact Camus summarized. Life is meaningless, we are forced to continuously strive and force a boulder up each and every day, only to watch it fall down again. Yet one should act as if they are happy or enjoy such a thing, that there might be meaning or at least just enjoy the aspect of pushing the boulder. He is in essence a complete normalfag moron, which is why the French force their children to read him. He does not rock the boat, and his only message is that you should enjoy even awful things. I reject Camus and every single nu-philosopher, they are all the same underneath. Spineless optimists and useful idiots the lot of them. Marcus Aurelius and Epicurus dealt with the ideas of nihilism and godlessness far before any of these retards did.

"Hippocrates cured many illnesses—and then fell ill and died. The Chaldaeans predicted the deaths of many others; indue course their own hour arrived. Alexander, Pompey, Caesar who utterly destroyed so many cities, cut down so many thousand foot and horse in battle—they too departed this life. Heraclitus often told us the world would end in fire. But it was moisture that carried him off; he died smeared with cowshit. Democritus was killed by ordinary vermin, Socrates by the human kind. And? You boarded, you set sail, you’ve made the passage. Timeto disembark. If it’s for another life, well, there’s no where without gods on that side either. If to nothingness, then you no longer have to put up with pain and pleasure, or go on dancing attendance on this battered crate, your body" -Marcus Aurelius

"One way or another: atoms or unity. If it’s God, all is well. If it’s arbitrary, don’t imitate it" -Marcus Aurelius

"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist." - Epicurus

>> No.16909181

>camus is bad because other say his bad things before

>> No.16909201

No, Camus is bad because he is a spineless optimist hopped up on raw copium. It only made worse that the only useful topics he touches on were already done better by men thousands of years ago in times where living was far tougher than today. The men of the past had the guts to admit was is, and to say it as such. Camus would have us say was is, and then pretend it is not what is. He is a pathetic moron.

>> No.16909215

The sheer amount of pessimist COPIUM in this post is toxic. Please, pessi-bro, stop coping. It's not my fault you cannot imagine Sisyphus happy...maybe stop being a pussy ass faggot LOL?! Ill fucking kick your ass kid.

>> No.16909220
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>le shitpost
Ok faggot.

>> No.16909265

Man, this is a depressing thread.

>> No.16909273

yes, that is something I didn't consider.
well I do have a lot of respect for these ancient thinkers. but I do think these "nu-philosophers" as you like to call them has their place.
since ancient time a lot of progress in the field of the natural sciences was made and it seemed that this direction was going to give us the answers we so desperately wanted. I think it's important that contemporary philosophers also consider these new facts even though they may not take us anywhere new, if only just to confirm that fact.

>> No.16909281


>> No.16909299

>learn to love the lash
yeah, ummm, that's gonna be a pass for me, sweetie

>> No.16909318


Holding you to the standards you expect others to keep is not trolling.

Me correctly pointing out that you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose, is trolling. Faggot.

How dare you drag me out of the mud to make arguments. I don't like you.

>> No.16909334

not that guy but this made me chuckle. Sisyphus can definitely have a little fun along the way even if he can't be happy all the time.

>> No.16909338

You'll be whipped either way. Might aswell coom while getting hit.

>> No.16909363

Nah, you'd love me if you got to know me but hey, I don't blame you for getting the wrong impression.
Let's just say you win this one. Good job.

>> No.16909371

>"Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist."
how this is not some reddit tier twist to life?. you only say camus is bad because some other say the same before. but your point should be that he and the others are the same shit. the same bad. if not, you are only criticizing him because he is a poser, a nerdy cheater, but in the end you dont criticize his core ideas.
>this people suffer, camus dont suffer

>> No.16909960

"yes hello?", oh it's the based department for you

>> No.16909974


No it's really just an argument or more like a simple explanation for why everyone doesn't commit suicide despite being subject to constant suffering
The only explanation is that people like suffering

>> No.16910193

It's about movement, becoming and repetition as opposed to ennui, reflection and inactivity.

>> No.16910216

Rather, you have to learn to enjoy suffering, otherwise you might as well kill yourself.

>> No.16910231
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Imagine the gains. Sisyphus must be swole as fuck.

>> No.16910251

Existentialism was a mistake. The philosophy of the herd

>> No.16910363

It's not suffering. It's pleasant and satisfying.

But it's not enough, we need God.

>> No.16910415

>It's about movement, becoming and repetition

I can see movement and repetition but what exactly is 'becoming' of repeated fruitless and body-breaking monotony?

>> No.16910430

>you ain't never heard of a nigger climbing a damn tree
A nigger robbed me and when the police came after him he climbed a tree, ironically.

>> No.16910554
File: 94 KB, 580x344, DavidThewlis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything is meaningless just chill out bro
>Bruh just be happy lol

Literally the shittest of dogshit "philosophy"

>> No.16910578

Work makes you free

>> No.16910652

Everyone Ive ever known that has an opinion on existentialism (whether it's great or awful) seems like they're all just reacting to the same Phil 101 summary. I'm almost certain there is more to it than that.

>> No.16910713

Not at all. It's a commentary on the observable fact that human beings are only happy when striving.

>> No.16910807

I'm sitting in a sweltering hot and humid room with no power, the smell of sweat, tinnitus, and a headache.
This is a good day.
Many days aren't this good.
I've had my therapists blessing to justifiably an hero.
But the Boulder is there.
I'm not sure why I need to push it
I'm fairly sure I don't even WANT to push it.
But I've been to the bottom so many times I have reserved seating.
I'm never going to see that mountain top.
I'm never going to find happiness along the way.
Somewhere in pushing that infernal thing I'll die alone and forgotten.
But I'm still going to push it.
Its how I know I'm alive
My boulder
And my mountain
I push it
It pushes me
There are no smiles
No grander purpose
But at least I know I'm alive

>> No.16910946

how many philosophers are there really that aren't just flabby aristocrats? i can only think of socrates. imagine how intimidating it would be to have this swole stonemason/soldier swagger up to you in the marketplace and start dismantling your beliefs until you cry

>> No.16910981

It's to show how hopeless the task of enlighening people is.
That you may try to roll that rock up that hill in many different ways but people love being stupid.
The rock is happy not the guy rolling it up the hill of understanding and knowlage.
You are that rock, ignorant, suborn and just will not move out of your ignorance unless forced.
Look to the words you use aganst the wise, know-it-all, nerd, loser, geek, onions-boy, and a host of the not so printable feminized flavers of unfit.
This is that sysyphusian task of bringing knowlage to savages.
Its not about some personal work or achivement its about uplifting stupid animals into a better world by force, rather then by wisdom.
As savages will not suffer wisdom only violence, brutality and force.
If words worked men would use pens instead of knives to fight.
Sooner or later sysyphus will smash the rock and haul its bits to the top and toss them over and be done.
So that is the history that has happend.
Violence as debate, continued to this day as men would rather be smashed to bits then learn of wisdom, reason, contract and God.
So no sysyphus is not happy, only driven for the moment to educate rather then destroy.

>> No.16910988

>>16905863 will never be happy

>> No.16911062
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>In the end it's going to be irrelevant anyway BUT if you kill yourself you lose the only thing that you'll eve have: your life. Might as well check it out.

the issue is that in this world so many people are not living life. I'm young so i've still hope, but in a couple hours I have to go to my 9-5 job where I make some multiple time casino owner even more money. There's nothing to check out. Life isn't some mystical interesting experience that is worthwhile anymore. It's a fucking joke. Like a waking banal nightmare. Modern existence for most humans is hell. I don't know where we went wrong. Sometimes it seems old Ted was right. Even posting to you right now, this isn't life. Life is supposed to be something experienced, not something slept through. I've seen life for most people. Horrible. I've got to find the motivation to break out of this modal of being and If I can not I will kill myself as I really refuse to take part in this, the most dull and unfulfilling and unconnected time and version of life imaginable. Really I don't know how so many people are so calm when it's clear the individual is getting fucked so hard for the sake of the system.

>> No.16911608

>Bitches about the system
>Remains content to do fuck-all about it
You said it yourself, you're not living life.
Try living sometime.
I don't know if Supramax prisons accept pen-pals, but they let Uncle Ted write books so it might not hurt to ask him for advice.

>> No.16911620


Not at all. That performing the act of suicide will end me is an idea of the very world and life I hate, if I truly hate them then I should be skeptical.

>> No.16911621

Don't use your violence to break the boulder you wish to push, gather your strength and break the mountain that stands in your way.

>> No.16911628

ted was an agp tranny thats why he was so mad at the world.

>> No.16911861

>are only happy when striving.

There is a key difference you ignore that being one knows his destination and outcome already, the other does not.

>> No.16911869

>Life isn't some mystical interesting experience that is worthwhile anymore.

When was it ever?

>> No.16911972
File: 56 KB, 595x696, 1606748878618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you take it as axiomatic that life is awful not good but don't kill yourself, like most people, is proof that Camus is correct.

>> No.16911997

>that life is awful not good but don't kill yourself, like most people, is proof that Camus is correct.

People live on for reasons beyond Camus's find life in senseless purpose philosophy.

>> No.16912039

No they don't.

>> No.16912590

this is pretty fucking based

>> No.16912779

No, he sis happy because despite his shit circumstances, he is rising above the bullshit and flipping off the world when he decides to be happy.

Moral of the story is to stop being a pussy and be happy with your life, you lose the moment that you accept that your happiness is out of your control and in the control them (the jews, the pigs, the capitalists, the communists, the man, the deep state, Q, Donald Trump, the media, the corporations, Soros).

Read stirner, unironically.

>> No.16913071
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Where the fuck is the mountain tho? There is no mountain left.
If there's a mountain you need a license to climb it, you need tons of money and insurance.
You need so much stupid shit and at the end you'll get a lousy t-shirt and a selfie.
Where is the meaning in this life?
What if Sisyphus weren't rolling a boulder up the mountain as his punishment but were simply locked in a cell with nothing to do because Hades didn't care?
I have to figure out a way out of the crushing meaninglessness.

>> No.16913498
