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16905202 No.16905202 [Reply] [Original]

> are they any good ones

>> No.16905214

Bump. Please give some across the political spectrum

>> No.16905222


>> No.16905225

The hot new thing is Substack
No clue if it's good

>> No.16905237

Twitter happened.

>> No.16905238

>if I do it, it is good
Is there any refutation to this? I just want to use it as cope so I finally start moving.

>> No.16905241

People still keep blogs some have been going decades at this point. What are you looking for specifically?

>> No.16905251

>What happended to blogs
The last brain cell vanished from the earth.

>> No.16905253

the idea is beyond thought is wisdom

>> No.16905258
File: 3.48 MB, 400x332, mfwcivilization.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they go extinct or become YouTube channels.

>> No.16905316
File: 276 KB, 900x600, Pepe It has been a pleasure, gentlemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social media centralized everything, eliminating the need for blogs.

>> No.16905342

I'm guessing that the ad model doesn't pay as well as it used to

>> No.16905343

Blogs still exist but it's not their heyday anymore. Rich visual media like video and pictures are very strong at the moment. As is audio, like podcasts and audiobooks. There are excellent blogs out there but it depends what interests you.

>> No.16905355

> interest doesnt matter
Name one

>> No.16905366

who do you follow on substack

>> No.16905375

> centralized places for writing
why are they no good ones

>> No.16905416

There are a few long article sites too

>> No.16905492


>> No.16905561

Unqualified reservations

>> No.16905581

And then Reactionary Future

>> No.16905596

>that pic
wait. which greek philosopher is that supposed to be?
That is literally Nietsche's whole point so there is no way a greek unironically held this position on morality and didnt get his dick sucked off by Nietsche.
>inb4 Socrates, Plato, Aristoteles

>> No.16905627

The person who made the meme was not familiar with Greek philosophy and just used a generic philosopher pepe to show that opinion is supposed to be the smartest one within the context of the meme. That's the only explanation I can think of, because you are quite right, I don't know of a single Greek who held that position.

>> No.16905632

It's solipsist as fuck and a massive cope. If you're fine coming off as an ass go for it, but nobody is gonna respect you.
It's the sort of thing that falls into that category of unfalsifiable and super independent/solipsist which faggots on /lit/ will always call based.

>> No.16905641

wtf. i had no idea martin was able to post from jail. thanks anon, im a fan of his.

>> No.16905649

>if i do it, it’s good
Is this the epitome of based?

>> No.16905651

what does it mean anyway

>> No.16905654

>> are they any good ones

>> No.16905658

I have a few I don’t mind, this one’s pretty good https://theconvivialsociety.substack.com/

>> No.16905665

it literally says it in the meme. are you daft? there is not much to it (thats the whole point)

>> No.16905747

This is the blog of a guy who was killed by a polar bear


>> No.16905804

Paul skallas

>> No.16905920

i thought you'd have some nietsche quote to back it up

>> No.16905932


>> No.16905957

C'mon guys, no one posts Nick Szabo?

>> No.16905987

why the fuck would I have to back this up with a quote?
Basic understanding of Nietzsche would immediately make the connection of Will to Power, etc. to "if i do it, its good"

>> No.16905990

I miss blogs so fucking much. I used a blog when I was a teenager retard and I met cool people who changed my life through it. I had nothing intelligent to say but the simple fact I wrote these long form ramblings helped me get in touch with people so much more deeply and organically than social media will ever allow. Social media sucks so fucking much it hurts to be on it, I can't post on it. How are people OK with this retarded hyperspeed consumption of relationships and dialogue? How are these insectoids comfortable expressing themselves like this? How did everything go so wrong so fast?
The more I think about the development of media and economy the more I hate democracy and the more I think that the average person is utterly disgusting.

>> No.16906035

ah i get it that's all you have a basic understanding

>> No.16906057

jesus christ, you are a fucking retard.

>> No.16906069

well do you have a quote to back that up

>> No.16906103


>> No.16906121

Completely agree, people's attention spans are non-existant and social media is now about engineering people to consooooom.

The whole thing turned into a shitshow really fucking fast.