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16902905 No.16902905 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best post WW2 American book?
Pic very much related.

>> No.16903058

I like Blood Meridian and Cormac McCarthy but for fucks sake do we need to have a thread for BM up at all times?

>> No.16903079

There are tons of young men on this site. 18-22 is when people usually read BM.
They're just pseuds.

>> No.16903104

>They're just pseuds.
how does reading BM equate to being a pseud

>> No.16903119

>post WW2
It has yet to be written.

>> No.16903136


>> No.16903154
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On a potentially related note, has anyone here read The Gold Bug Variations by Richard Powers? I've heard it's great but I'm not sure how reliable my sources are.

>> No.16903255

Why is lit so obsessed with this book? It's just not that good lads

>> No.16903323

Which year was The Kid born?

>> No.16903341

probably one of GR (unironically), or a Morrison like Sula/Beloved/Song of Solomon. Ellison and McCarthy are next tier down for me of those commonly offered.

>> No.16903369

You like Toni? She doesn't get mentioned here much but she's good.

>> No.16903428

It is though
Pynchon? That would be M&D.

>> No.16903495

You can tell it’s an autist baitposting because he doesn’t use the name of the author or title

>> No.16903498

Nobody cares, faggot

>> No.16903526

Okay faggot.

>> No.16903717

Who gives le fuck

>> No.16903734

That's literally on the first page. Your critique will be disregarded as a brainlet take

>> No.16904765

Mason & Dixon
The Crossing
The Recognitions

>> No.16904788

If you havr to ask, you'll never know

>> No.16904826

Again who give le fuck when the kid was born shits overrated

>> No.16904847

I love the book but this is a shit argument. Why are Mccarthy bros so retarded?

>> No.16904871

>oh god please don't ask me why I said something please I actually have nothing to say

>> No.16904878

if you don't see why it's Gravity's Rainbow you don't deserve to

>> No.16904882

Can somebody actually provide an insightful critique of BM instead of vapid bullshit like pseuds and boring?

>> No.16904891

Why GR?

>> No.16904899

Said the poor pseud, drifting farther from the answer

>> No.16904911

Not that anon but you're answer is pretty much, uhhhh lmao you don't know the meaning. Its just much the same tale as NCFOM Mccarthys overrated rwddit garbage

>> No.16904933
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>> No.16904937

it IS the postwar period, everything we argue today in 2020, all conspiracies and power relations are present there 50 years ago, plus it's an aesthetically indomitable powerhouse, read it

>> No.16904954

We don't need to have you, however.

>> No.16904961

What conspiracy theories? Can i read it without other Pynchon?

>> No.16904974

The value of the book is very much in its aesthetics; the powerful imagery, the language and style of the writing, specific scenes, etc. When looked at as a whole, a lot of people seem to miss the point: the overarching plot-line seems pointless and doesn't go anywhere or have any purpose, and a lot of the themes of the novel are either really blatant (i.e. The Judge's speeches about the nature of war and violence), or so vague that they go over peoples' heads (i.e. the themes of racism and lineage, 'the boy the father of the man').

In all, McCarthy is a very, ~very~ decisive writer; people either absolutely love him, or hate him with a passion.

>> No.16905016

mccarthy is kind of like tarantino in that he's autistically good at making a very particular type of book/movie, but there's not a lot of true substance behind it. it makes both of them very appealing to people new to the mediums, since they're technically very strong and so unique, especially in their best works, but when you expose yourself to more you start to see why they are controversial. i think mccarthy's big weakness is it never feels like he's writing from his own experiences, where you really feel that with faulkner or melville or whoever you want to call his influences. mccarthy always feels a bit of a LARP for a world that he wishes he could have been in

mccarthy is kind of a weird author in the overall canon. i remember reading a quote from mccarthy that he doesn't get authors like proust and henry james because they "don't deal with the issue of death" which is just such a strange thing to say.

>> No.16905034

Yeah I agree every Mccarthy book is pretty much wearing the samw makeup

>> No.16905144

East of Eden

>> No.16905205

Suttree is his own experience no? I also think that McCarthy has things to say, present certain notions etc. Tarantino does nothing of that.

>> No.16905207

unironically a pseud answer, no matter the question

>> No.16905371

Kind of agree but Mccarthy says the same thing over and over again

>> No.16905412

>omg bro you don't like The Brother Karamazov well what was Ivans eye colour?
Nice argument there retard. BM is probably the best post ww2 book we agree there but thats it

>> No.16905608
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Suttree speaks far more honestly to the life of the American male than any character in Blood Meridian.
>Somewhere in the gray wood by the river is the huntsman and in the brooming corn and in the castellated press of cities. His work lies all wheres and his hounds tire not. I have seen them in a dream, slaverous and wild and their eyes crazed with ravening for souls in this world. Fly them.