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1690210 No.1690210 [Reply] [Original]

Disregard the picture. Lately I've been pissed off (angst-ridden?) about everything lately. So I thought: What better way to express my thoughts than through typing them out? So, /lit/, tell me what you think.

The whole world is shit. How can you all go on knowing that you live in the most successful but worst country in the world? We are plagued by rude, senseless douchebags who don’t give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves. Now to clarify I believe I would be set in that category of people as well, and most things here apply to myself as well. Back on topic. We don’t give a shit about what anyone thinks of us. We don’t give a shit about what happens to anyone but ourselves. Some of us don’t give a shit what happens to our family members and friends.

>> No.1690211

/lit/ - your livejournal

>> No.1690214

Why is the world like this? Our country once comprised of people who cared. We wanted to know how our family and friends were doing. We had a genuine care about others. People would go to the mailbox and have a long conversation about their family, friends and others. People conversed with others and it was rarely an act to make yourself look good. But things look bleak today. I can track this change back to the US containment of communism in the 1960’s. In an effort to claim superiority we destroyed others just so foreign peoples could play by our rules. This obviously failed, just look at the Vietnam war. We were confident that our capitalist way of life was the greatest. And I believe that it was. But the thing is, it was the best way of life for Americans. Not the Vietnamese, the Koreans, the Eastern Bloc peoples or the Russians. They all had their own way of living. Their way of life was one of brutality and strangeness to the American eye but who were we to judge? Most people would say that we were the strongest country in the world and that we had a duty to tell other countries what to do. It was as though we were the alpha country who had to slap his stupid dick across these pathetic third world countries and impregnate them with capitalism, democracy and greed. In order to be the superior country we had to act the toughest and most powerful. Excuse me for the rant, but I felt like that was necessary. But how does this relate to my thesis?

>> No.1690217

I don’t have a fucking clue, do you? How will you interpret this? I won’t tell you how. But I’ll tell you one thing; if you are unable to formulate your own opinions in this day and age then you’re FUCKED. The voice with the strongest opinion will always travel the farthest. If you’re opinionated, good for you. But to those of you who are not, have no worries. I’m sure the ones in charge will look out for you. That was a joke. Now I believe that I can head this rant into three directions: the general shittiness of people, the malpractices of the American Government, and the importance of being opinionated. If you wanted me to talk about the government then you can fuck yourself because my rant is heading into cynicville. So where was I? Ah, yes people. The man usually tells us to be unbiased about people. Why? Why would you treat vastly different people the same? That’s a load of shit. I know that we’re not the same.

>> No.1690218

I assume you're talking about America, but people feel the same the world over.

You should spent less time on the internet; it's invariably full of 'douchebags', as you put it, and isn't a fair representation of people generally.

The world is a good place on the whole, we'd have killed each other well before now if it wasn't.


>> No.1690219

beta as fuck.

>> No.1690220

glad you didn't name that country, because it's all countries. enjoy your epihany. hope the acne clears up.

>> No.1690221

I know what you mean. But it's writing nonetheless. And that's what I feel this board is about.

>> No.1690226

Wow! You're such an intellectual. Can you help me with my chemistry homework, bro?

You're not the first person to think these thoughts, welcome to postmodernism!

>> No.1690228

I am a suburbanite teenager with endless opportunities to improve my life and the lives of others less fortunate than me. Instead of taking advantage of my very lucky situation, I will bitch and whine to a bunch of other suburbanite teenagers on an internet message board known primarily for Asian cartoons and tasteless pornography. Rather than seize my birthright as a member of the top 10% wealthiest people on the planet, I will cry late into the night because I find my classes boring and wish I could play video games instead.

I am a loser despite the fact I was born with all of the tools to make myself a winner. I have no one to blame but myself but will struggle desperately to blame everyone but me. I will blame my country, the "rude, senseless douchebags who don't give a flying fuck," instead of making something of my life.

I am a fuckup.

>> No.1690230

I'm British and I know we insult America a lot but I'd far rather live there than most nations in the world, maybe not the western world but in the most of the world, yes.

To say America is full of uncaring, selfish people is stupid. I've been to America and they're just as friendly and giving as every other nation I've been to. Not to mention America gives more donations to foreign aid than any other nation.

>> No.1690238

I never said I was original. What i wrote is just what I was feelin.

I feel like I should go outside and do something. but fuck i know you don't give a shit what I do. Guess I'll play video games tonight

>> No.1690245


So it is more important to be seen to care about your fellow man than to actually care?

>> No.1690248

Go volunteer somewhere. Buy a homeless man a sandwich. Help an old lady cross the street. Donate money to an aid organization. Become an expert in something that interests you. Exercise to gain/lose weight. Make a new friend. Call your grandparents just to say, "Hi." Learn something you didn't know about your siblings. Spend a couple hours with your pet, just letting it do whatever it wants. Read a book. Watch a movie. Do your homework.

All of these are better for you than spewing your teenage angst all over /lit/. You'll grow out of it. Until you do, try not to be a cunt.