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16901924 No.16901924 [Reply] [Original]

Do you skip pages when reading non-fiction?

>> No.16901937

Yesh, if I've covered it before and the overlap doesn't help. I skip a lot of the end pages if it's just bs.

>> No.16901951

Sure, I'll skim it if it's not worth the time.

>> No.16901956

Skimming is a jewish trick. There's always something important in those paragraphs.

>> No.16901958

Yes. I do this also when reading fiction. If something bores me, I skip it.

>> No.16901961

t. Jew

>> No.16902000

What jew would encourage more reading?

>> No.16902105

Jews encourage wasting your time

>> No.16902114

If it's a textbook or something, sure

>> No.16902206

If it is an essay?

>> No.16902359


>> No.16902368


>> No.16902375

Not sure why I'd skip pages on something as short as an essay.

>> No.16902382

Who the fuck skips over the parts they don't like unless they've already read the text? Do you fast forward through movie scenes or music choruses or enable noclip in games, too? Holy fuck, you guys are retarded.

>> No.16902734
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I skipped Socrates explaining geometry to the servant guy.

>> No.16902763

I fast forward through sex scenes in movies

>> No.16902840

>as short as an essay
t. brainlet anglo
An essay can be as long as an entire book, it doesn't matter if you call your ridiculous class papers "essays".

>> No.16902861

Anglo this, anglo that. It's all so fucking tiresome. Get an identity outside of your pointless and largely imagined "heritage"

>> No.16902871

Geometry is foundational to wizardry anon. Not saying you made the wrong choice, just that it may be worth it to revisit

>> No.16902904

Sounds like you got called out correctly and you're upset. Imagine thinking that calling upon your universal liberal humanism in reponse isn't
1. Extremely fucking gay
2. Anglo as fuck
3. A thousand times more tiresome than an ethnic joke

>> No.16902918

That's the result of your kind shitting all over everything.

>> No.16902958

i always skip the introduction and preface

>> No.16902967

I have an acceptable level of understanding. I was more interested in the "you don't learn, you rediscover" bit at the end.

>> No.16902984

Based, the geometry section was kind of retarded and didn't prove that knowledge is "already known".

>> No.16903018

Seemed to me more like he was begging the question.

>> No.16903109

I skipped the catalogue of ships in the illiad

>> No.16903140

Skipped all non-Raskolnikov parts in crime and punishment and read it as a thriller/crime novel

>> No.16903244

>universal liberal humanism
Where are you getting that?

>> No.16903276

Not typically.

>> No.16903303

>skipping Marmeladov

>> No.16903333

How do you call a critical book that is not philosophy? That's an essay.

>> No.16903408

I call my essays all the time

>> No.16904203

I don't know how to read

>> No.16905213

Fortunately reading a book I am not often accompanied by a referee, coach, or stopwatch.

>> No.16905891

Gonna be honest I was expecting a lot of (You)s for this one

>> No.16905900

Filtered, hard