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16900559 No.16900559 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Frantz Fanon continue to make so many people seethe almost 60 years after his death?

>> No.16900562

They can't handle Black Fascism.

>> No.16900569

because he's forced down our throats by latte-sipping femboys who think they're revolutionaries while their dad pays for their $2400/mo rent and their legal medicinal weed budget

>> No.16900609

Wish I could fuck a qt latte-sipping revolutionary femboy

>> No.16900610

An example of such shoving down our throats by femboys?

>> No.16900648


>> No.16900778

Never heard of.

>> No.16900843


>> No.16900846

it's not my dad it's my mom okay

>> No.16901581

Because his entire philosophy can be boiled down to
>I really hate white people but i also want to justify this hatred as something noble and not racist
It's build on a giant contradiction and therefore worthless

>> No.16901610

Cus he can't breathe

>> No.16901676

Nigger head.

>> No.16901969


>> No.16902020

Pretty much this. Fanon is just an "anti-colonial" fascist who hates white people and larps as a socialist.

>> No.16902022


>> No.16902032


>> No.16902047

Enlighten me anon, what am I filtered from? What are Fanon's unique insights? His unorthodox positions?

>> No.16902048


>> No.16902061

Fanon is cited constantly in academia. He's pretty mainstream now.

>> No.16902077

no one likes the CIA

>> No.16902081

I don't care retard, that's not my point. I am asking you to point out literally just one exceptional thing he does.

>> No.16902150

the femoid brain in action. seems like incels were right all along

Unrelated but do you guys remember when Whole Foods anti-union algorithm was uncovered? They make sure to have a "diverse" work force because it stops workers from unionizing. They have heat maps to identify stores that are at risk of unionizing, and they hire more/less blacks whites latinos or whatever to prevent unions from forming. How come people still believe in politics? We're under real subsumption, cybernetic society is almost entirely formalized. The right and the left form a dynamic, not a dichotomy.

>> No.16902168

Why cant diverse work forces unionize? Whats preventing them?

>> No.16902190

For a union to work people need to have trust in the other members. As trust is decreased by social distance, e.g. coming from different ethnic backgrounds, it gets harder to unionize.

>> No.16902201

Literal CIA puppet.

>> No.16902208

>Wish I could fuck a qt latte-sipping revolutionary femboy
This is our everyday conversation now, it was degenerate here five years ago but not that degenerate. Fucking zoomers! You're like a caricature of all the bad qualities in millennials.

>> No.16902258

That's the work of sociologists to know. Facts are that diverse workforces don't unionize. It's not that interesting either, if not studied from a radical perspective that is. Knowledge comes in two forms: formal and radical. Formal knowledge is the knowledge of cybernetics, it is the autist who produces the algorithm that prevents unions from forming because he empirically reaches this conclusion (by necessity). Radical knowledge is ontological, it is realizing the social and ontological implications of such algorithm.

In truth it is not a matter of having a diverse workforce, but having a submissive, alienated and politically unaware workforce. A diverse workforce happens to check these criterias.
The corporate right orchestrated mass migration after may '68 in France (even though most people believe migration to be caused by the left) because workers unions were gaining too much traction and paralyzed industry. We've also had huge unions and strike problems within our transport institutions(railways & airports) For the past 25 years, these institutions have only been recruiting muslims because they don't unionize. I mean, Islam literally translates to submission, a muslim migrant workforce is a gift compared to the class conscious radical european proletariat (that class consciousness is dead is a lie and false consciousness - it seems so because everything real has been subdued by its representation - bolshevism is not the proletariat, it is the representation of the proletariat. Read Debord he is extremely insightful)

One must remember that destruction of revolutionary potential takes precedence over short term economic gain. The lie that economy trumps all has pervaded every political and economical current of the 20th century; It's simply not true. As Kaczynski brilliantly proves, the system must pacify its assets before each restructuration, else revolutionary potential aggregates, actualizes and precipitates the collapse of the system.

>> No.16902281

>That's the work of sociologists to know

>> No.16902310

Source in that?

>> No.16902331

? You're deranged. I despise kikes as much as anyone who reads the early life section on wikipedia. Read Marx "on the jewish question" . Marx is the only one who predicted the rise of judaism in our times, fascists simply reacted to judaism like automatons.



there are hundreds of sources nigger.

>> No.16902912

What if Im a poor revolutionary chad that doesnt force Fanon on others but respect his insight

>> No.16903001

>fantasizes about other men forcing things down his throat without prompting

>> No.16903013

you’re a sissy femboi made to take large dicks in all of your holes, just accept it

>> No.16903016

for starters his position is the exact opposite of pretending the anticolonial fight is noble or good. for fanon it's just necessary violence. in fact, that's really what pisses everyone off about him is that he's not trying to gussy up revolutionary violence with post-christian moral pieties

>> No.16903031

there's a chicken and egg dimension to this, too. "diverse" workforces are a feature of capitalism post-1980 so they're only really implemented after the defeat of organized labor. entire sectors of the economy are now specifically designed to render the worker as powerless as possible (mcjobs, etc) so even an ethnically homogeneous workforce would find it difficult if not impossible to organize under those conditions

>> No.16903077

Was it necessary to use the n-word? It was a question.

>> No.16903091

Pathetic of you to get hung up on that, and yes of course it was necessary you homosexual

>> No.16903101

>? You're deranged.

Alright you're cool

>> No.16903139

People don’t like people who dress differently or have different skin colors than them

>> No.16903156

He was a based fascist third-worldist and both leftist and rightist whitoids hate the thought of that for different reasons

>> No.16903190

everybody knew this around 1900 too

before max weber wrote his famous sociology he wrote a major report on how the prussian aristocracy was letting its former serfs/farmers go, now that they were free and had to be paid fair wages, and replacing them with depressed polish wage labor from across the border, because the poles would work for peanuts and never complain because it's still better than living conditions in poland

the german farmers, with better education and living standards and thus better solidarity, were pushed into the cities where they became migrant labor working for subsistence wage.

can't believe we let things get this bad. red vienna would have been every country in europe by now if the natural course of unionization was allowed to happen, instead we have leftists fucking fixated on racemixing like a sexual fetish and oligarchs salivating over having a completely rootless, alienated labor force that doesn't even know its own neighbors.

the left thinks that you get more solidarity and neighborliness by making everyone into tranny faggots and letting people smoke weed and letting the state medicate you for "depression." the modern left is the biggest fucking joke in human history, it makes me physically sick to even think about how such a great and noble movement has been turned into a degenerate sex party for literal retards who can't see 5 inches in front of their own face.

ever talked to radical "back to marx" leftists? for all their critique of idpol and libleft shit they still can't ditch the fucking racemixing obsession, i can't get a single one of them to just acknowledge that immigration is capitalism's wet dream, they ALWAYS revert to "b-b-b-but workers movements are international so it's ok to let the capitalist import as many muhammads as he want focus on the big picture comrade"

>> No.16903202

useful idiot, you poisoned the left

>> No.16903232

Turns out, people are different and don't like being forced to live and work with foreigners. It's almost as if the Marxist platitude that the economic is the only thing that is real isn't actually true. Who knew?

>> No.16903237

Yeah for the original migrants the new conditions are always better than their original homes so revolution probably isnt something they care about and either their children become strivers because of muh immigrant parent roots or just permenant welfare participants. Its just mass lumpen importation. The actual leftists from these third world places probably stay home and the immies are just oppurtunists.

>> No.16903240

>i can't get a single one of them to just acknowledge that immigration is capitalism's wet dream, they ALWAYS revert to "b-b-b-but workers movements are international so it's ok to let the capitalist import as many muhammads as he want focus on the big picture comrade"

I'm confused by how someone can proclaim to be pro-worker, with regards to championing what benefits workers the most, but on the other hand are for ballooning the labor pool in the name of corporate interest. I think you should ask them who benefits most from an ever-expanding labor pool, and why the government, in clear crony fashion, is all for it -- because, clearly, the average worker is not benefitting from such an arrangement.

>> No.16903262

Nah bro conseula is scrubbing toilets which benefits everyone because someones gotta do it and the generations she spawns will be on our side bro just trust the plan

>> No.16903289


Found the minimum wage blue collar worker. Clean up my pee pee and poo poo, wagie

>> No.16903338

yep there are a lot of structural psychological factors involved in emigrating and they all favour capitalism. capitalism knows this, and uses a ratcheting effect to make a net gain in terms of depressing workers: move this laborer over here and this one over here, where they will respectively FEEL like they are having a better time but are actually long term (or intergenerationally if need be) sacrificing their potential for solidarity.

immigration also functions as a safety valve for shit countries. all the energetic people who don't like oppression/squalor leave, and redirect their energy at "safety and prosperity" abroad, but because they don't identify with any people they focus it on establishing their family (by participating in capitalist structures and becoming part of the problem - their dream is just to become "well off" in a broken system). all the retards are left in the home country, and there is now no more critical mass building up to overthrow even a weak corrupt government.

how did you interpret what i said as being in favor of ballooning the labor pool? i am saying it's what capitalism wants. pretty sure we agree?

like >>16903262 says, this fantasy that "worker is worker is worker therefore all workers are workers therefore don't be a meanie to abdul or consuela when they come here to wash white people's feet for a living the communist revolution will happen any day now bro" is at best a naive fantasy, at worst a malignant delusion that leftists KNOW on some level is nonsense but continue to promote because it literally causes them pain in their minds to think the following: it is necessary to stop and even reverse this kind of immigration if you want real socialism back.

>> No.16903384

To assert that something is necessary is to assign it value as truth, if not goodness, though.