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/lit/ - Literature

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16898458 No.16898458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>gf introduces me to her parents
>"you'll get along with my father, he reads a lot, just like you!!"
>meet her father
>"so sir, I've heard you're fond of literature, what kind of books do you like?"
>he says his favorite authors are John Grisham and Dan Brown

>> No.16898514 [DELETED] 
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>gf introduces me to her parents
>"mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga"

>> No.16898524

sounds like you desire to assert your dominance upon the man. ever thought of taking a middle-aged cock up your ass?

>> No.16898740

>Very good, sir. I'm a Clive Cussler fanatic myself. Something tells me you and I will get along just fine. :)

>> No.16898825

>John Grisham and Dan Brown
uh oh

>> No.16898874

Hmm, you are a more noble man who will assert your dominance over his daughter for chivlary is not dead after all.

>> No.16898914

>clive cussler
What a wally.

>> No.16898930

100% chance he has been incarcerated

>> No.16899090

Graham slaps tbqh desu

>> No.16899128
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>> No.16899313

this. he gets a bad rap as a stephen king-esque boomercore hack but he's a little better than that.

>> No.16899348

Yeah, and I get warned on /sp/ for racism when I can Wiz Khalifa the n word.

>> No.16899741

So are you gonna try reading some of those books to get to know your potential in-law better or just act like a smug prick and wonder why every encounter with him is gonna be awkward in the future?

>> No.16899803

While talking with my grandma this Thanksgiving she mentions she's impressed by all the books I read. Hemingway comes up in conversation. She said she hated the old man and the sea, I said I wouldn't expect a women to understand it.

>> No.16899855

I’ve found that I don’t have much to talk about to people with my interests because real time just isn’t the format. The riffing can be good but it’s far and few

>> No.16899886

please stop being racist.
Niggeranon was jsut greentexting his encounter with his qwan's parents (only mother present).
Respect other cultures, faggot

>> No.16900138

The Boomer starting kit
>Tom Clancy
>Stephen King
>John Grisham
>Robert Ludlum
>Dan Brown

>> No.16900141

That’s a total softball in terms of relating to normies. Wtf were you going to do if he was a really into hunting or NASCAR?

>> No.16900145

t.frenchman in the house

>> No.16900157

>John Grisham and Dan Brown

Wow OP got filtered hard by Grish and Brownerino

>> No.16900169


Seriously, its even worse if they're educated and they read this shit.

I remember going to a GFs cottage, and her dad and his college buddy were there, both with masters in Chem. I'm uneducated but like to read, they talk about bullshit like the new Dan Brown. Wtf?

>> No.16900170

>spend a lifetime reading the highest quality literature working and starting a family
>coast into middle age with a newfound appreciation of the small things in life and the common tastes of the common man
>while away evenings sipping whiskey reading Grisham and letting your decades of memories and associates delicately float over the easeful prose of a tightly told tale

>> No.16900176
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>gf introduces me to her parents
>wake up

>> No.16900183

I would an hero

>> No.16900204
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>gf introduces me to her parents
>they read
>she exists

>> No.16900224

That's my dad. He was a dentist, very intelligent man, and literally only reads the stuff on my list there. Some people just don't care about some things beyond surface level.

>> No.16900239
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iktf bro

>> No.16900244

Anything you can find used paperbacks of on the shelf of any house rented out for vacations. Patterson, Grisham, etc

>> No.16900253

What's the normiest thing on your shelf, /lit/
For me it's a full set of James Bond

>> No.16900269

Animal Farm

>> No.16900271

No Ken Follett? For some reason, most boomers here love him.

>> No.16900274


>> No.16900290

Is it possible to respect the father of your girlfriend/wife? Knowing that he spent so much of his life raising a girl just for her to be your cumsleeve. It's hard to look at him and feel anything other than pity and disdain.

>> No.16900309

Like you just think of how he's probably proud of her because of some shit like going to school. She's a stupid bitch that likes to get fucked in the ass, who cares if she went to school lol. It's just embarrassing.

>> No.16900317

back to r9k, cretins

>> No.16900325

Go spend some more money on your future prostitute daughter, you faggot cuck "dad".

>> No.16900341

I wonder what your parents think, knowing they raised such a careless degenerate.

>> No.16900347

They can at least take solace in the fact I am a man, which is more than some can say.

>> No.16900371


I don't understand it, these people don't think "fuck this language is awful, this plot is cliche, this is as bad as NCIS..." and so on. I guess not, I just don't understand how they don't.

>> No.16900389

LOL thats so true. Like every beach house in North Carolina.

Shit, at least they're reading, I went my friends parents home, and their bookshelf was filled with DVDs. They bought DVDs of every film, and not kino, like they were buying Mall Cop.

>> No.16900392

LOL...you're still quite a way from getting a gf.

>> No.16900401

James Bond DVDs...

>> No.16900407

>I am a woman and I will post the singular canned response that I have for every single conversation in which I have nothing of merit to say
This behavior only proves that you are nothing more than a set of holes, because your brain cannot even comprehend anything else.

>> No.16900416

People just value different things. I for instance don't really care how my food tastes. Good enough is good enough, and the meals are all simple. I have no doubt that people that really valued cooking would think I'm a lost cause

>> No.16900421

In cold blood

>> No.16900427

Some people just aren;t craaeesagga

>> No.16900429

>ywn have the Marquise de La Mole as your father-in-law

>> No.16900430

When you have an actually demanding job its nice to turn your brain off.

>> No.16900478


>> No.16900530

Do Americans really???

>> No.16900598

>warned for racism
Never thought this would happen on any board. I got a warning for posting rippen memes on /x/ last year.

>> No.16900629


>> No.16900641

>Dan Brown
Surely someone who likes him must have noticed by the third book that all his books are exactly the same?

>> No.16902086

I'm not American

>> No.16902094

yeah france is about ten times more homophobic than your anglo shithole kek

>> No.16902106

Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger

>> No.16902107

ken follett is actually good anon.

>> No.16902111

Don't be rude to your grandma you spoiled brat.

>> No.16902122

>hmm, so you like to read anon? ever heard of louie la' more ?
true story

>> No.16902124

i know right? think about it logically

>> No.16902153
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>> No.16902164

Graham Greene also

>> No.16902188

ITT: things that never happened at Thanksgiving

>> No.16902194
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by that logic you can't respect any man who fathered a daughter

>> No.16902196

Try fucking his daughter in his bed the day before you all go out for dinner.
Can barely look him in the eye

>> No.16902214

all Dan Brown
20+ Stephen King books
a lot of self help
graphic novels
Ready Player One
Richard Laymon
Edgar Cantero
wrestling books
Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Star Wars