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16898346 No.16898346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why did so many of the modernists become fascists?

>> No.16898353

Modernists like science and progress a lot. So do Nazis.

>> No.16898365

That's not possible anon, modernists are disguised niggers

>> No.16898376

>Gertrude Stein
>Ezra Pound

Who else?

>> No.16898397


>> No.16898400

You didn't have to pretend to like negros as much

>> No.16898414

Because they read fucking everything.
Didn't know Stein was right-wing. Are you taking the piss?
>DH Lawrence
Obviously not all these guys were "fascists" in the strict sense, but right-adjacent.

>> No.16898418

>Her activities during World War II have been the subject of analysis and commentary. As a Jew living in Nazi-occupied France, Stein may have only been able to sustain her lifestyle as an art collector, and indeed to ensure her physical safety, through the protection of the powerful Vichy government official and Nazi collaborator Bernard Faÿ. After the war ended, Stein expressed admiration for another Nazi collaborator, Vichy leader Marshal Pétain.[5]

Good enough for me

>> No.16898430

Salvador Dali

>> No.16898438


>> No.16898466

Modernism is inherently elitist.

>> No.16898476

I don't think you know what modernist means lmfao

>> No.16898480


>> No.16898481

Joyce, king of the modernists, was a leftist.

>> No.16898490

>king of the modernists
That would be Pound. Joyce would be a literal who without Pound.

>> No.16898517

Kek. A literal who in Joyce's shadow

>> No.16898523

Kek. A literal who in Pound's shadow

>> No.16898533

Kek. A literal who in Joyce's shadow.

>> No.16898557

Kek. A literal who in Pound's shadow

>> No.16898559

I don't think you know what leftist means in that context.

>> No.16898564


Because the jews made life gay and boring.

>> No.16898571

Fascists made life more gay and less boring.

>> No.16898583

Lewis was the most anti-fascist of the Modernists.

>> No.16898596


>> No.16898611

Because modernism and fascism were obvious common sense conclusions to the path forward. The entire world viewed this to be the case. The only reason that didn't work out is because Hitler scared everyone into allying with gommies and coloring the worlds perception of certain first principles.

As a result you have the silly ideological clusterfuck of the contemporary world, guided by ancient fears and taboos and delicate sensibilities and sublimation of fact and common sense.

Our obvious future was robbed of us. Its not even that fascism and modernism were inherently war driven. If anything it was more ambitiously globalist than any other movement at the time.

Had fascists won, the world would sadly look very similar to the way it does today with global capital in charge, but the removal of taboos around race etc could be game changers.

>> No.16898616

Because liberalism took a turn towards the autistic, pragmatic and logical, while Marxism was always heavily autistic. Fascism is the most closely aligned with poetry.

>> No.16898620

Kek. A literal pound in Joyce's cake.

>> No.16898622

Are you thinking of the right Lewis? I figured anon meant Wyndham Lewis who was seriously anti-communist, so he wrote a lot of shit that portrays Hitler as the victim and said the Communists were responsible for the Spanish Civil War and shit like that. HD is probably the least fascist of the Vorticists.

>> No.16898632

In that case no, I assumed anon was talking about Sinclair Lewis. Funny how far apart from each other the two Lewis's of the modernists are.

>> No.16898641

I assumed (perhaps most reasonably of the three of us) that he was referring to the most famous Lewis, C. S. Lewis.

>> No.16898645

Oh lol, yeah Sinclair Lewis could have an Instagram account about his vegan journey he's so left wing. It's probably not him whoever anon meant.

>> No.16898652

CS Lewis wasnt fascist though, he was an actual intellectual.

>> No.16898659

>actual intellectual
Let's not go too far back in that closet, anon.

>> No.16898685

Carlo Emilio Gadda and Pirandello you absolute brainlet

>> No.16898743

What does this mean? A gay joke? I'm bisexual and married to a female. A real one anon, could you even imagine?

>> No.16899096

it's a fucking Narnia joke, you asssucking utter faggot

>> No.16899116


>> No.16899129

Does your wife peg you?

>> No.16899140
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>> No.16899164
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Is it interesting?

>> No.16899287

No, I never liked the sensation that much. Might let a dude do it though, just depends.

>> No.16899418

I take solace in knowing you are a broken freak. Get murdered.

>> No.16899461

That's only believed because he was the one modernist whose work could be used to support the post-war liberal order.

>> No.16899519

This is an insane post

>> No.16899539

Weird, I can't say for sure, but Im probably living a better life than you, statistically speaking. Im deep enough into a wide variety of philosophy that I'm not bluepilled. I have a worldview, but it's rational and not overwhelmed by "redpills"(mostly fake and gay) or Liberal media(mostly fale and gay.)

I'm married, my wife and I never fight, we have a beautiful white daughter and son who are happy. My work is challenging but rewarding. I don't feel very broken anon.

One day though, I was reflecting on my most deeply held beliefs, and realized that I had often had transient homosexual thoughts. I was raised Christian, so I always just brushed them off and coped by saying everyone thinks what they arent supposed to. Its the same as staring into the void. Then I decided, well, lets explore those thoughts. It doesnt gross me out. It isntemorally repugnant. It harms no one else. I've always been very attracted to women, always and still have great sex with my wife. You know what I'm gonna tell her I'm bisexual. So I did, and she was happy. She's not, but she said she feels like bisexuality is natural for most people if they're truly honest with theirselves. She enjoys it as well. Overall anon, I'm pretty content, and honest with everyone in my life, even my deepest thoughts are rational and philosophically sound. I'm still learning of course, but you know man, I've been and seen worse.

Can you say the same?

>> No.16899747

Let me suck your cock

>> No.16899752

Nazis weren't fascists.
Fascists weren't right wing in any meaningful sense of the term.
>Had fascists won, the world would sadly look very similar to the way it does today with global capital in charge
I doubt it. Fascists wanted the people in control of the banks, if high finance did end up controlling fascism it would be overthrown via revolution because it goes against fascism's ideals.
Why write this longass post at someone just taking the shit on you? It's an anonymous board, just ignore people.

>> No.16899782
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>Nazis weren't fascists
Are you a fascist trying to kick them out of the party, or a Nazi trying to kick them out of the struggle?

>> No.16899804
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No, they weren't fascists. They never called themselves fascists and their relationship with Italian fascism and Mussolini was a rough one.
Philosophically national socialism takes from Schopenhauer while fascism from Hegel.

Also, pic related from Goebbels' diaries

>> No.16899812

>Why write this longass post
Did you not understand anon was a faggot when he announced he was a faggot in a thread that has nothing to do with him being a faggot? He could have talked about any of the fascists who were also modernists and faggots, but instead he needed us to know he was a faggot. He's currently two hours on discord away from being a tranny.

>> No.16899817

Do birthmarks have any meaning?

>> No.16899821
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>Nazis weren't fascists.

>> No.16899823

No, fascism takes from the Roman fascism. Mussolini is called a fascist because that bundle of sticks next to his face are fasces. Both of their governments were modelled on the Roman one of a supreme leader of the state being a necessary evil.

>> No.16899827

Faggotry truely is a lifestyle

>> No.16899838

You are bisexuality because you were molested. You will destroy every relationship in your life due to this, especially your child. You will absolutely ruin her life because you decided to embrace relishing your trauma instead of fixing it.

Thanks for putting another stripper on the dole.

>> No.16899854

Bernard Shaw

>> No.16899859

I thought he just hated everyone?

>> No.16899864

See >>16899804
Italian trade unions were called "fascio" fascists were a union of Sorelian syndicalists, Mazzinian risorgimento nationalists, and Italian idealists.
National Socialist conception of the state is as a means to an end while fascism's view of the state is entirely Hegelian in that the state is an end in itself. Everything is the state and nothing can exist outside of it, the individual cannot exist outside the group and it is the existence of their duality that allows the distinction to be made, like organs in a body.

Pls don't talk about things you don't know about

>> No.16899867

True, pretty sure he hated himself most of all. But he was a communist and fascist sympathizer. Like many intellectuals, he had a hard on for authoritarianism.

>> No.16899869

everyone agreed nazism is a form of faschism, BUT gerbel's diary shits on italian movies and some guy on 4chan is telling me otherwise. guess I'm convinced!

>> No.16899920

It's a pity that those ideas of the state were already present in Roman fascism, and that the first thing that Mussolini named Fascist was a battalion, long before he made it a union and had the idea about many more unions joining, but whether you're wrong by three years or two millennia, you're still wrong.

>> No.16899946

>Why write this longass post
Because it's fun for me, and I wished to.
Effort put in. You care. L o l.
I have never been molested. Nye. I am unmolestable in thought and form. I am mankind resplendent. You tremble before me, a coward. My daughter is the most intelligent child at her school and denied Mensa membership because "IQ is childish and has nothing to do woth character." You've insulted her. Bad things will come for you. I pity you. Beware of black dogs.

>> No.16899959

Fascism was always a union, again "fascio" meant trade union. Mussolini was an anarchist before he was a nationalist. That idea of the state is entirely Hegelian and Gentile (the philosopher of Fascism) continued and corrected Hegelian logic with his Actualism.
Also, the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman empire were not the same thing.

Again, stop talking about things you don't know about.

>> No.16899967

Yeats and Wallace Stevens

>> No.16900057

No, fascio means that bundle of sticks, and fascio doesn't refer to any old union but a political faction. Mussolini and basically anyone who has looked at the symbol for fascism knows it refers to the bundle of sticks. It's an ancient Roman representation of political and state unity and power. The reason why earlier fascio carried this bundle is to indicate political affiliation (to signify a union in terms of a labour union or guild, obviously you don't use fascio), which is a political tradition also present in Roman times. Roman political union was also demonstrated by carrying the fasces in processions to symbolise state power.
>Also, the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman empire were not the same thing.
Where is this coming from? The Holy Roman Empire, which is around where modern Germany is now, is basically nothing to do with this argument. I am talking about 2000 years ago, Romans marched with fasces to show political union between the state and its supreme leader. Your timelines are all messed up already, you don't need to bring extra states into it for your own sake.

>> No.16900117

the nose...underrated anon.

>> No.16900130
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>I hate this modern world
>Clown world, burgerpunk man!

>> No.16900257

>No, fascio means that bundle of sticks, and fascio doesn't refer to any old union but a political faction. Mussolini and basically anyone who has looked at the symbol for fascism knows it refers to the bundle of sticks.
>Where is this coming from?
You, or whoever I was responding to said that both National Socialism and Italian Fascism draw from Rokan times, and I say that The Holy Roman Empire (Germany) and the Roman Empire (Italy) are not the same thing.

My timelines are not all messed up, the only reason some fascists LARPED as the Roman Empire was because that was when Italy was powerful, and Fascists wanted Italy to be powerful again.

Again, Fascism is a mix of National Syndicalism and Idealism. Stop talking about things you don't know about. Read a fascist book the fascists wrote.

>> No.16900452

Oh look the faggot is schizophrenic. Neat.

>> No.16900492

holy fucking based. /lit/ards BTFO

>> No.16900519
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Once you awaken to yourself as owner of your might, you realize that if the State has more might than yourself then there are a few ways to end that menace, depending on what suits you. You could confirm to society and gain power steadily, you could disregard the State and escape, you could seek the annihilation of the State, or... You can become the owner of the State. Mussolini realized this.

>> No.16900523

Oh look now its samefagging.

>> No.16900536

I AM the state. We are all the state.

>> No.16900545
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Spooked. I am I, the State is merely my property. Or, will be, eventually.

>> No.16900556

t. louis quatorze

>> No.16900606
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>> No.16900615

False. You are me and I bend you to my will, faggot.

>> No.16900617

>Most extreme Traditionalist ever


>> No.16900628

Eh he admired some aspects of modernism and was a Dada artist in his youth.

>> No.16900634

>he was a teenager once
Okay cool but what does that have to do with his ACTUAL works which are the most extreme form of traditionalism.

>> No.16900653


>> No.16900659

I don't know about traditionalism but traditionally the only thing that matters is power. If you have power, anything goes.

>> No.16900662

You're mean :(

>> No.16901319



Bataille was one of the biggest anti-fascists of his time and a hardcore stalinist.

>> No.16901338

>some fascists LARPED as the Roman Empire was because that was when Italy was powerful,
Except it's not, because the US also uses fasces because their supreme leader was also seen as a necessary evil, and their senate was modelled on Roman political structures precisely to avoid a parliament.
>Fascism is a mix of National Syndicalism and Idealism.
Weird how suddenly you drop the whole "union" thing as soon as you have to bring up syndicates- the actual cognate for "union" in Italian. It's very funny how you keep talking while advising those you think ignorant to shut up. You can keep talking but you'll keep finding history disagrees over hundreds and thousands of years.
In fact, the US seal still has fasces in it despite not being a very strong supporter of unions.