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16895336 No.16895336 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Spinoza (PBUH) so overlooked?

>> No.16895348

The only chart where the midwits are in the right.

>> No.16895352

he isnt that overlooked. his writings and philosophy are so basic compared to Plato, Hegel or Nietzsche, and a lot others.

>> No.16895368

because philosophy is ruled by A*glos

>> No.16895373
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omnia praeclara tam difficilia quam rara sunt

>> No.16895379

t. life hating fag

>> No.16895388
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>> No.16895393

>spinoza over leibniz
a stag fur rular

>> No.16895397

the charges, rabbi?

>> No.16896131



>> No.16896189


>> No.16896204

t. midwit

>> No.16896523
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>> No.16896528
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just drop acid

>> No.16896558
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>> No.16896564

The only chart where everyone is right.

>> No.16896694

By decree of the angels and by the command of the holy men, we excommunicate, expel, curse and damn Baruch de Espinoza, with the consent of God, Blessed be He, and with the consent of the entire holy congregation, and in front of these holy scrolls with the 613 precepts which are written therein; cursing him with the excommunication with which Joshua banned Jericho and with the curse which Elisha cursed the boys and with all the castigations which are written in the Book of the Law. Cursed be he by day and cursed be he by night; cursed be he when he lies down and cursed be he when he rises up. Cursed be he when he goes out and cursed be he when he comes in. The Lord will not spare him, but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousy shall smoke against that man, and all the curses that are written in this book shall lie upon him, and the Lord shall blot out his name from under heaven. And the Lord shall separate him unto evil out of all the tribes of Israel, according to all the curses of the covenant that are written in this book of the law. But you that cleave unto the Lord your God are alive every one of you this day. That no one should communicate with him neither in writing nor accord him any favor nor stay with him under the same roof nor within four cubits in his vicinity; nor shall he read any treatise composed or written by him.

>> No.16896863

Spinoza presents matters as they actually are and almost no one wants to recognize this. That's why

>> No.16896867


>> No.16896914

Most based thread in the catalog

>> No.16896932

Because Spinoza is a disgusting faggot who preempted the whole fedora movement even when theism was still a widespread belief.

>> No.16896977

Butthurt christcuck faggot

>> No.16896995

Perfect. Thanks.

>> No.16897005

What is the point in calling the uniberse God? Does that view explain any actual phenomena? Does it help my thinking?

>> No.16897012

For the midwit atheists.

There are only two groups God wants in heaven.

The humble, who are too stupid to believe the lies you do.
And thise who seek the truth, and are too smart to fall for the lies you have.

Spinoza was a faggot.

>> No.16897084

I am a perennialist, the issue isn't anti-Christianity it's the fact that Spinoza was a fucking crypto-atheist.

>> No.16897132
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>> No.16897240

why is 4chan full of christfags now?

>> No.16897255
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>Jewish Theravada

>> No.16897380

It’s incredible how he makes abrahamists seethe so hard
“God is the Universe” isn’t actually what Spinoza said, his identification with God was not materialistic and neither was his philosophy, people would understand that if they read Ethica rather than Spinoza’s Wikipedia article

>> No.16897423

I havent read Spinoza yet, thats why I am asking. New agers call the universe God and I always think that they gain nothing from not just calling it universe. Does Spinoza arrive at any interesting conclusions with his viewpoint?

>> No.16897467

He arrived at the conclusion of being able to publish his books in 17th century Europe

>> No.16897517

It helped him arrive at getting his book published in 17th century Europe

>> No.16897657
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you son of a bitch now I don't know what to believe!?

>> No.16897675

This is the accurate graph

>> No.16897689

contrarianism is the only ideology i follow.

>> No.16898068

Because the universe in most peoples mind's means space, the cosmos, that black place. Not all of existence which is infinite potentiality, infinite intelligence, THAT is God.

>> No.16898104

As far as I understand Spinoza thinks God is the world soul (im happy to be corrected by an actual spinozaist)

>> No.16898236

Add Ibn Arabi and Paul Tillich to the high IQ side and that's a based pic

>> No.16898262

Oh and if Spinoza doesn't count for the Jewish one I guess Shneur Zalman of Liadi has similar ideas

>> No.16898284

I hope there is an anon good with pictures here

>> No.16898334

Kino image

>> No.16898344

>so based the heebs disown him

>> No.16898359

basado hermano

>> No.16898722

What happens to the liars, you know, like the ones who pretend to speak authoritatively about matters they know absolutely nothing about?

>> No.16899109

Everyone on the chart has the same opinion?

>> No.16899459


>> No.16899547

Pantheism is atheism

>> No.16900543
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Here's the real chart bro

>> No.16900561
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I fixed the typo here

>> No.16900566


>> No.16900586

you are wrong, people who believe in god doesn't know how to language

>> No.16900592

Me on the right

>> No.16900720


>> No.16901153

For Spinoza, all things are expressions and affections of one being (God) that is absolutely infinite. Thus, nature (and everything) can on only be conceived through and in God, as a manifestation of its own essence, according to its own mind, in the same connection and the same order. In the case of singular/particular things, they are modifications of said expressions and affects.
> Does Spinoza arrive at any interesting conclusions with his viewpoint?
Yes, the conatus:
>“Everything, in so far as it is in itself, endeavours to persist in its own being.” (ethics part 3 prop 6)
And the intellectual love of God:
> “He who clearly and distinctly understands himself and his emotions loves God, and so much the more in proportion as he understands himself and his emotions.” (part 5 prop 15)
>” Whatsoever the mind understands under the form of eternity, it does not understand by virtue of conceiving the present actual existence of the body, but by virtue of conceiving the essence of the body under the form of eternity.” (part 5 prop 29)
Since life and existence are expressions of God, our actions seek to manifest themselves through thought and extension i.e affirmation of being through the reflection of same being. If singular beings experience reality through relations (space-time), the whole of the relations must be above them and be eternal, thus the highest degree of knowledge should consider things as an unified eternity (temporal beings included) that expresses unlimited act.
All of this highly influenced his moral and political philosophy, mainly the conatus, since the natural state would be analogous to the one proposed by Hobbes. Nevertheless, he completely rejected absolutism and proposed a system that was about pluralist, tolerant and cooperative communities that guide themselves through reason.

If I got something wrong feel free to correct me.

>> No.16901172

because he confused the world soul/spirit with God

>> No.16901183

I should also add, by “whole of the relations” I’m not implying God/substance has parts, as that would be impossible since substance is necessarily indivisible. (by part 1 prop 13)
Also, the intellectual love of God and conatus imply that the natural order of things is to progressively resemble God ie. becoming eternal and “one” with it (yes, it).

>> No.16901210

Which God would that be?

>> No.16901237

It's one thing to follow religious doctrine and find value in it, but I don't see how anyone who seriously believes religious stories and people like they were actually real or thinks that their personal God has any real chance of existing is anything other than the lowest intelligence.

>> No.16901245

So why does the distinction exist?

>> No.16901246

So the difference between Low and High IQ is a lifetime of confirmation bias spent in academia?

>> No.16901274

Spinoza was so popular that there was whole controversy in German intellectual circles about him.

This was a guy that btfo the whole of thomistic system of thought. Without Spinoza there wouldn't have been a a German idealist movement, because there wouldn't have been a Boehme , and without Booemhe there wouldn't have been a Kant. Then again there was also Hume who also caused shockwaves, but if you look closely the Germans clearly more aligned with Spinoza's rationalism , rather than Hume's empiricism. Spinoza isn't overlooked its that his influence was so big, it was overshadowed by newer philosophical movements that sought to answers to his system. But the essence/existence debate was mute after Spinoza.

>> No.16901398

i would guess its because people with "mainstream" beliefs tend to use sites like fb, twitter, reddit while people who are contrarian or counter culture use sites like 4chan because of its anonymity and lack (relatively) of moderation

>> No.16903028

>without Spinoza there wouldn't have been a Boehme
Boehme was born like half a century before Spinoza, and there is little connection between Boehmian Theosophy (more influential to Hegel than Kant) and Spinozism. Spinoza was NOT more influential than Hume or Leibniz when it comes to Kant himself, he was in regards to Hegel.

>> No.16903965

Low IQ will doesn't really know what he believes in.

>> No.16904482

Spinoza is one of 6 or so philosophers that every undergraduate in the country is forced to study in some detail. He isn't overlooked at all